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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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There are better way of dealing with a group that is considered a terrorist threat than launching a full scale aerial and marine attacks on such a small strip especially a country such as Israel that is supported by many. This act has one definition for me cowardness

Please enlighten me. What would be a better way to deal with rocket launchers in urban areas than using single precision shots to take them out? Of course the building hosting the launcher gets destroyed. The guy who put the launcher there and shot the rocket knew this - he even counted on it. It´s not like he was surprised by the retaliation. A full scale aerial and marine attack? I don´t think you know what this is - let´s hope it never happens.


So, are you okay with denying millions of people their human rights based off what might happen? And how does the continuous building of settlements help their security??

Israelis also have the right the right for security. Is the situation for Gazans now better or worse than before the withdrawal?

The settlements don't help anything. They might help the Palestinians that will end up getting them eventually.


aka iby.h
Israelis also have the right the right for security. Is the situation for Gazans now better or worse than before the withdrawal?

The settlements don't help anything. They might help the Palestinians that will end up getting them eventually.

So Israeli right to security makes it OK to deny a people of their human rights? Israeli lives are not better or worse than Palestinians, they both are equal. The continuous building of the settlements confirm that Israels main goal is not security.


So Israeli right to security makes it OK to deny a people of their human rights? Israeli lives are not better or worse than Palestinians, they both are equal. The continuous building of the settlements confirm that Israels main goal is not security.

It's not about better or worse, it's about winners and losers. You start a War and this is the aftermath. Instilling Hamas in their government isn't a way to convince Israel that if they were a nation of their own with a military and such that Israel would be safe.


aka iby.h
It's not about better or worse, it's about winners and losers. You start a War and this is the aftermath. Instilling Hamas in their government isn't a way to convince Israel that if they were a nation of their own with a military and such that Israel would be safe.
That's the thing, you don't need to convince anyone, it's their human right. See the west bank, are there rockets coming from there? No, there aren't. Yet it's still occupied.


Yeah, what is this delusion about Israel's leaders caring about peace and security? They've marginalized or outright killed any moderate Palestinian leader that could have facilitated real peace talks. They've rejected any offer of a 2-state solution that includes equitable and fair borders. They've continued building settlements in the West Bank and along the Gaza border despite the obvious harm it does to any peace talks. What's going on here, and what has been going on for a while, is the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people from their land. That's plainly obvious to anyone who's familiar with Israel's racist laws, the extremist views and quotes from their politicians, and the inhumane treatment of Palestinians by the IDF. Hell, just look at a map of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, it's clear what their goal is. They want to do the same thing in Gaza eventually, and keeping up the pretense of a "terrorist" threat is their ticket to doing so.



- Gaza death toll tops 40. Over 130 people injured.

- Israel Air Force dropped 400 tons of explosives on Gaza since Monday night. They attacked over 400 targets.

- Iron Dome racks up 90% success rate so far.

- Still 0 dead Israelis and 0 injured Israelis.

This is a textbook example of state terrorism. I guess now it's only a matter of time until the start of a third Intifada.


Gemüsepizza;120200044 said:



- Gaza death toll tops 40. Over 130 people injured.

- Israel Air Force dropped 400 tons of explosives on Gaza since Monday night. They attacked over 400 targets.

- Iron Dome racks up 90% success rate so far.

- Still 0 dead Israelis and 0 injured Israelis.

This is a textbook example of state terrorism. I guess now it's only a matter of time until the start of a third Intifada.

If Rabin hadn't been killed by those Palestinians there could have been a chance for peace, oh wait...
Didn't they find traces of Polonium in Arafat's exhumed body as well? Wouldn't be surprised if the Great Democracy engaged in clandestine operations, just like their big brother US.
German media outlet "Spiegel Online" reports 43 dead Palestinians, 370 injured Palestinians and 550 attacked targets. There are also reports of 15 Israeli rockets which went down closely to a "SOS Children Village". A spokesman of the organisation said the kids are traumatized from the attack. I assume they don't have access to high-tech bunkers like in Israel.
Well it seems I'm completely out of touch with my ideas. Guess everyones current idea of continued violence and hatred might work ... I mean what is this now? Millionth time lucky right?

See you in the next 'Israel did blah blah blah' thread. And the next. And the next. And the next. In fact without the Palestinians conceding anything, I guess I look forward to watching the same old shit in VR on Mars in another 60 years with the same old arguments.

Israel isn't going anywhere, this might upset some of you more radical believers, but I'm afraid it's true. Nothing the Palestinians can throw at then will change that. Good night folks, keep on discussing how throwing rocks and rockets is such a great idea. It is impossible to believe you really give a shit when their blood gets shed onto the already blood stained Gazan sand.


... Haha!

That's funny. That really is. Considering Israel has done exactly what you just said it would never do about 40 years ago with Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

They withdrew from hard earned land in exchange for peace. Last time I checked Israel hasn't been kicking off (bar the Hezbollah attacks from Lebanon) with these guys and in fact they have mostly have quite stable peace treaties.

There was one group that refused to partake in these negotiations... Surprise surprise who they are ...

Hard earned? This has to be the worst joke ever.
Well it seems I'm completely out of touch with my ideas. Guess everyones current idea of continued violence and hatred might work ... I mean what is this now? Millionth time lucky right?

See you in the next 'Israel did blah blah blah' thread. And the next. And the next. And the next. In fact without the Palestinians conceding anything, I guess I look forward to watching the same old shit in VR on Mars in another 60 years with the same old arguments.

Israel isn't going anywhere, this might upset some of you more radical believers, but I'm afraid it's true. Nothing the Palestinians can throw at then will change that. Good night folks, keep on discussing how throwing rocks and rockets is such a great idea. It is impossible to believe you really give a shit when their blood gets shed onto the already blood stained Gazan sand.
You are a sad zealot.
You are insane. The Palestinians already made a major concession: Pal negotiators in Ramallah have given up on the pre-67 borders and accept that major settlement blocs will be annexed to Israel in any kind of peace deal.


Well it seems I'm completely out of touch with my ideas. Guess everyones current idea of continued violence and hatred might work ... I mean what is this now? Millionth time lucky right?

See you in the next 'Israel did blah blah blah' thread. And the next. And the next. And the next. In fact without the Palestinians conceding anything, I guess I look forward to watching the same old shit in VR on Mars in another 60 years with the same old arguments.

Israel isn't going anywhere, this might upset some of you more radical believers, but I'm afraid it's true. Nothing the Palestinians can throw at then will change that. Good night folks, keep on discussing how throwing rocks and rockets is such a great idea. It is impossible to believe you really give a shit when their blood gets shed onto the already blood stained Gazan sand.

No one is saying the rockets are going to work. People are saying that is a more understandable response than laying down and hoping that maybe the Zionists will stop building illegal occupations on their land and recognize their right to self-determination.


Gemüsepizza;120200044 said:



- Gaza death toll tops 40. Over 130 people injured.

- Israel Air Force dropped 400 tons of explosives on Gaza since Monday night. They attacked over 400 targets.

- Iron Dome racks up 90% success rate so far.

- Still 0 dead Israelis and 0 injured Israelis.

This is a textbook example of state terrorism. I guess now it's only a matter of time until the start of a third Intifada.

do we know how many are civilians?
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are terrorists who use their own civilians as human shield. If they don't care, why should Israel? Would you suffer rockets on your capital because your enemy hides behind their civilians?

Here, watch this video from Islamic Jihad. They are proud of themselves.

Meanwhile, in Israel, we avoid hurting civilians as much as we can, although they are dumb as shit by going up there.

So has the IDF:



so there's that....


Hamas and Islamic Jihad are terrorists who use their own civilians as human shield. If they don't care, why should Israel? Would you suffer rockets on your capital because your enemy hides behind their civilians?

Here, watch this video from Islamic Jihad. They are proud of themselves.

Meanwhile, in Israel, we avoid hurting civilians as much as we can, although they are dumb as shit by going up there.


Nobody on planet Earth that doesn't subscribe to the IDF's youtube murder-porn channel believes Israel cares about collateral damage at this point.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are terrorists who use their own civilians as human shield. If they don't care, why should Israel? Would you suffer rockets on your capital because your enemy hides behind their civilians?
the classic false dichotomy
Israel can take measures to end the rocket fire indefinitely. Stop trying to sabotage the Fatah/Hamas reconciliation and stop cross border raids into Gaza.


This brought tears to my eyes.

Palestinian father blown clean from his house after direct hit kills his wife and son as bombing intensifies

A Palestinian father was blasted yards from his house in the Gaza Strip after a direct missile strike that killed his wife and son.

Shocking photos of Mustafa Malaka sprawled in the rubble emerged this evening as Israeli bombing of the Hamas-controlled region instesified.

Today the Israeli army stepped up its offensive, killing 17 Palestinians including 11 women and children in strikes, hiking the overall death toll to 38 in two days, the emergency services said. More than 300 people have been wounded.

Photos are available on the site.
Gemüsepizza;120200044 said:



- Gaza death toll tops 40. Over 130 people injured.

- Israel Air Force dropped 400 tons of explosives on Gaza since Monday night. They attacked over 400 targets.

- Iron Dome racks up 90% success rate so far.

- Still 0 dead Israelis and 0 injured Israelis.

This is a textbook example of state terrorism. I guess now it's only a matter of time until the start of a third Intifada.

So unless Israelis die its not self defense? You're "still no dead israelis" reads really nasty (and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt)
Sadly, there are a lot of uninvolved casualties. Terrorists, civilians, men, women and children. As intended by the Hamas. They called for the airstrikes. They begged for them. They even pointed them to the civilians.

But on top of that there is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL8ANySuSuk
Which, unfortunately, actually exists.

It's mindboggling how right-wingers like you want to shift the blame for the death of over 50 people away from the IDF. But they are responsible. The whole world sees how the IDF killed those people. Every single one of them. This is terrorism. They are not a single inch better than the Hamas.

So unless Israelis die its not self defense? You're "still no dead israelis" reads really nasty (and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt)

Oh you are giving me the benefit of doubt? How generous of you. It's fucking obvious that I am criticising the proportionality of their response. When zero Israelis have been killed or injured, is it right to drop 400 tons of explosives on a densely populated city and kill over 50 people, among them innocent children? Is it justified? Probably only if you are an evil right-winger. Nobody denies that Israel has a right for self-defense. But not like this. Not by butchering those people.
Gemüsepizza;120245041 said:
It's mindboggling how right-wingers like you want to shift the blame for the death of over 50 people away from the IDF. But they are responsible. The whole world sees how the IDF killed those people. Every single one of them. This is terrorism. They are not a single inch better than the Hamas.

Oh you are giving me the benefit of doubt? How generous of you. It's fucking obvious that I am criticising the proportionality of their response. When zero Israelis have been killed or injured, is it right to drop 400 tons of explosives on a densely populated city and kill over 50 people, among them innocent children? Is it justified? Probably only if you are an evil right-winger. Nobody denies that Israel has a right for self-defense. But not like this. Not by butchering those people.

Oh now I am a rightwing. ^^ Good to know. I can't put a rocket launcher in a kindergarden, shoot 200+ rockets per night unguided into a civil urban area and scream for the poor children if someone decides to blow up my rocket launcher. That's not how it works.

Well unfortunately that's exactly how it works.
I don't think anyone thinks that it's right for Hamas to shoot rockets. My question is what should they do? Because no one in the West Bank is shooting rockets and it's not going so well for them. Israel got pissed even when the PA went to get voting rights from the UN, as if they were a disobedient child...

So I ask again, using the West Bank as an example, whose responsibility is it for peace on that front? Because they are not in any position to bargain...


Alexander Marquardt from ABC news reporting Gaza deaths are now up to 61 with 51 civilian deaths.

Keep spreading that peace Israel. Will work out great for you in the long run


Don't these rocket guys use civilians as humanshields? If so civilian deaths are to be expected sadly. At this point the only way i see this conflict ending is one of the sides to be annexed by the other and Israel is the only one capable of that.


Israel will never annex anything. They cant afford to give rights to the people they have treated like shit for so long. Israel's only option is to continue being shitheads until they wipe out the Palestinians


Oh now I am a rightwing. ^^ Good to know. I can't put a rocket launcher in a kindergarden, shoot 200+ rockets per night unguided into a civil urban area and scream for the poor children if someone decides to blow up my rocket launcher. That's not how it works.

Well unfortunately that's exactly how it works.
You shouln't let out the part where Israel is bullying palistinensi and christians and taking their land with force.
Its a guy poking a dog until he bites back and then tries to shoot the dog because he's bitten him.
Don't these rocket guys use civilians as humanshields? If so civilian deaths are to be expected sadly. At this point the only way i see this conflict ending is one of the sides to be annexed by the other and Israel is the only one capable of that.

There was only one case of "human shield" reported: The Israel Air Force targeted the apartment building of a high-ranking hamas member. His family and neighbours decided to get on the roof to prevent an attack (which I wouldn't even call a traditional human shield, because they did this voluntarily). The Air Force ignored them and dropped a bomb on the house. 7 people died, 21 were injured. The other victims are probably just the usual collateral damage which occurs when you drop a 500kg bomb on any target in such a densely populated area. But of course for the IDF, every dead civilian was a "human shield".

Oh now I am a rightwing. ^^ Good to know. I can't put a rocket launcher in a kindergarden, shoot 200+ rockets per night unguided into a civil urban area and scream for the poor children if someone decides to blow up my rocket launcher. That's not how it works.

Well unfortunately that's exactly how it works.

I doubt so many rockets would have been fired if the Israeli government hadn't resorted to such brutal methods during their search.
Don't these rocket guys use civilians as humanshields? If so civilian deaths are to be expected sadly. At this point the only way i see this conflict ending is one of the sides to be annexed by the other and Israel is the only one capable of that.

What is it you think annexation means?
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