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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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What you certainly don't hear about is the tunnels and suicide squads that Hamas are sending all the time, that Israel's army manages to stop.

If Israel wasn't able to stop them, it would be the same as in the second Intifada, where more than 800 civilians were murdered by Hamas operatives.

They have a ton of these Qassam junkers up to the 4 and a M75 can they build. But they are also using a M302 Syrian/Chinese missile to hit further. Its range is about 110km or so if I remember correctly. Got them from the Iranians.


Anyone who believes airstrikes are that precise are fools. That's why I personally condemn them. Gaza is way too small and the effects of a rocket resonate simply too much throughout such a small region.

On-foot manpower is more precise. They go exactly where they have to. Fire on exactly whom they have to. Dismantle what they find firing on them. It's really that simple.

Israel sent troops in the 2006 Hezbollah war. More than 100 IDF personnel died and more than a 1000 civilians died on the Lebanese side.

If Israel really want to dismantle Hamas they may need to invade Gaza, but it in no way will it lessen civilian deaths.


None. They posed no thread. Has the IDF responded to why they were targeted?

It is not uncommon for mistakes to occur in war.

Pic i took after first strike appears to show 4 boys running away #gaza port then there was a second hit



This occurred in broad daylight...if anyone believes this was a mistake then you're lying to yourself.




This occurred in broad daylight...if anyone believes this was a mistake then you're lying to yourself.

What benefit would the IDF/Israel have to killing 4 boys in an open field?

We could argue if they were playing near a rocket launching site, or near a Hamas stronghold, but i can't imagine any reason other than a mistake for this.


Anyone who believes airstrikes are that precise are fools. That's why I personally condemn them. Gaza is way too small and the effects of a rocket resonate simply too much throughout such a small region.

On-foot manpower is more precise. They go exactly where they have to. Fire on exactly whom they have to. Dismantle what they find firing on them. It's really that simple.
Ues, but you are ignoring the fact that many of the Israeli soldiers would die from traps and by ambushes and Israel does not wish to pay that price


What benefit would the IDF/Israel have to killing 4 boys in an open field?

I didn't order those strikes. Ask the people behind it, but if you believe that was a mistake you're lying to yourself, especially since some of you consider these to be "precision" strikes. Precision my ass.

We could argue if they were playing near a rocket launching site, or near a Hamas stronghold, but i can't imagine any reason other than a mistake for this.
This occurred in front of multiple journalists. If Hamas used the area to launch anything they would have made a note of that. It was an open field.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Israel sent troops in the 2006 Hezbollah war. More than 100 IDF personnel died and more than a 1000 civilians died on the Lebanese side.

If Israel really want to dismantle Hamas they may need to invade Gaza, but it in no way will it lessen civilian deaths.

Hezbollah was armed far more than Hamas is, and financed heavier, as well. Hamas weapons grade, organization, leadership, etc is child's play compared to what Hezbollah was in 2006. Hezbollah was immensely more organized with bigger firepower overall. Furthermore, fighting with Hezbollah happened largely on foreign soil where the IDF is at a disadvantage. Not the case here.

Also, by dismantle I didn't mean dismantle Hamas. I literally meant dismantling of the munitions and launchers.


I didn't order those strikes. Ask the people behind it, but if you believe that was a mistake you're lying to yourself, especially since some of you consider these to be "precision" strikes. Precision my ass.

At this point it doesn't matter if they were mistaken or not. The full culpability for the deaths of these civilians lies on the IDF. Hamas is clearly not launching rockets from a small fishing village.


At this point it doesn't matter if they were mistaken or not. The full culpability for the deaths of these civilians lies on the IDF. Hamas is clearly not launching rockets from a small fishing village.

I definitely agree with this sentiment. I'm surprised at people defending those "mistakes".


I didn't order those strikes. Ask the people behind it, but if you believe that was a mistake you're lying to yourself, especially since some of you consider these to be "precision" strikes. Precision my ass.

This occurred in front of multiple journalists. If Hamas used the area to launch anything they would have made a note of that. It was an open field.

Frankly we're only really getting the detail about this because of those journalists happened to be there today. Makes you wonder if every geriatric hospital or disabled persons rehab centre the Israeli's bomb actually have rockets launching anywhere near them which is the typical Israeli excuse for absolutely everything.


I definitely agree with this sentiment. I'm surprised at people defending those "mistakes".

I didn't intend to come off as defending this "mistake". It is a travesty and the IDF needs to explain why they were targeted and take the appropriate actions to never let this happen again.


Frankly we're only really getting the detail about this because of those journalists happened to be there today. Makes you wonder if every geriatric hospital or disabled persons rehab centre the Israeli's bomb actually have rockets launching anywhere near them which is the typical Israeli excuse for absolutely everything.

As someone who has tried for years to sympathize with the Israeli position... (Half Jewish family) I'm finding it very hard to believe that any of this was necessary for the protection of Israel. BiBi has seriously destroyed any sympathies I may have had towards the government there and it seems they're only further harming any chance of a peaceful existence for the Israeli people now and in the future.

A fucking shame.
With regards to the supposed Palestinian demonstrations turned violent in France. Turns out it wasn't really correct after all.

Shocking scenes as gang of Jewish vigilantes goes on rampage in Paris during pro-Palestine demo

Jewish vigilantes brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray took to the streets of Paris to attack pro-Palestinian demonstrators, it emerged today. (Tuesday)
Shocking images shot in the French capital at the weekend show around 150 mainly young men chanting racist slogans as they went on the rampage.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see 'the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France.'
French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.
But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, suggests that the pro-Israel groups are in fact taking the law into their own hands.
It will cause concern in moderate Jewish communities around Europe, especially in Britain, where the Israeli bombardments of Palestinians in Gaza have come in for huge criticism.
While security guards are regularly used to defend synagogues and other Jewish sites in cities like London, vigilante groups would be banned.
In Paris, CRS riot police do not make a single arrest among the Jewish gang, thought to be linked to the extremist Jewish Defence League (LDJ), despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.
Members can be heard chanting '****-you Palestine' as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles.
Gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks are used by the vigilantes, some of whom are wearing crash helmets.
They run through the streets towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, and skirmishes break out while the police stand by.
When the gang runs back towards police lines, there is no attempt to arrest any of them.
In contrast, pro-Palestinian demonstrators were later accused of trying to break into synagogues, and six of them were arrested.

Alexis Bachelay, a Paris MP for the ruling Socialist party, said: 'There has evidently been a media manipulation about who really got assaulted.
'These are extremely serious facts that need to be investigated thoroughly by the police. It is not the first time that young French people of Muslim origin are stigmatised by the media.
'French people of Muslim origin should be protected by the law when demonstrating. They should not be attacked by radical groups like the LDJ'.
In turn, local Jewish community leader Joel Mergei, accused anti-Israel protestors of reaching a 'new low'.
An LDJ source insisted that the gang members pictured were 'defending' the Jewish community in Paris
- See more at: http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ne...uring-pro-palestine-demo#sthash.Uup6nDI4.dpuf


Isn't Canada an occupied country though? Like the land was stolen from the First Nations and settled and the dispossessed First Nations people now live in squalor, denied sovereignty. Canadians have more in common with the Israelis than the Palestinians.

Canada is a colonial construct, and is definitely built on land taken from the indigenous population, and Canadian history in terms of its dealings with them has been an utter, unmitigated, travesty. Canada does share a lot in common with the Israelis, it's true.

But this is not the same as an occupation. While First Nations experience all sorts of systemic biases and racism (and this is terrible), they are provided the most basic human rights: They can vote, own property, move freely, and participate in the economy. They are Canadian citizens and are eligible to obtain a Canadian passport to leave and re-enter the country. They have access to the same medical care system as other Canadians.

There is no part of Canada in which these fundamental rights are refused to them by the government.

All that said, Canada is a low bar to be reaching for on this, and Israel does not even come close to that bar. If Israel properly annexed the remainder of Palestine and gave full citizenship to all Palestinians, the comparison would start to look reasonable.


The UN estimates 75% of Palestinian fatalities are civilians and more than 1,300 residential structures have been "rendered uninhabitable", by Israeli strikes, with 710 destroyed and an additional 660 severely damaged.


Also 79 schools, and 23 health facilities have been hit.


UNRWA is also reporting 22,000 refugees in 24 shelters far beyond their capacity. But don't worry the IDF are telling 100,000 to evacuate their homes, I do wonder exactly where they are meant to go in the one of the most densely populated urban areas on Earth, nevermind the Hospital they've also told to evacuate.

The UN estimates 75% of Palestinian fatalities are civilians and more than 1,300 residential structures have been "rendered uninhabitable", by Israeli strikes, with 710 destroyed and an additional 660 severely damaged.


Also 79 schools, and 23 health facilities have been hit.


UNRWA is also reporting 22,000 refugees in 24 shelters far beyond their capacity. But don't worry the IDF are telling 100,000 to evacuate their homes, I do wonder exactly where they are meant to go in the one of the most densely populated urban areas on Earth, nevermind the Hospital they've also told to evacuate.

"Mistakes happen"


Woke up to see posts about the murder of those 4 children playing soccer by the IDF. So awful. Journalists were actually there to witness it. Clearly Hamas was using these kids as human shields.. o wait. I mean what the hell were these assholes even aiming at? It was an open field with 4 kids!


Absolutely disgusting
Foreign Journalists are staying in a hotel overlooking the beach and gave the children first aid. They're pretty equivocal about what happened.


Basically for the Israeli apologists. Children targetted killed with first shot (no warning) then the survivors and aidgivers bracketed with additional fire.

Hay guise it's not IDFs fault hummus was using these kids on the beach as human shieldz


Really? Because so far it appears you haven't condemned Hamas even a single time in all your arguments. You ignored the quotes I gave you, of Hamas leaders, saying that they do not wish to have peace with Israel.

You changed the subject because you know Hamas are terrorists, you know they don't want peace, and yet you never mention it.

You keep going back to killing civilians, but we already had that discussion. I admitted the death of civilians is something terrible, but I explained that Israel is trying its best to avoid casualties. More than a few times IDF canceled a bombing of a building when they saw children or innocents crowded on the roof or in nearby areas.

You keep ignoring these facts, and yet you call me shortsighted? You won't believe sources some of us will give you, yet you believe sources that fit your opinion.

The quotes you shared here were refuted by others in this thread that posted statements about Hamas saying they do want peace.

We keep going back to killing civilians you say, ofcourse I do. I don't care about anything else in this conflict other than the civilian casualties in this conflict. I don't care about Hamas and I don't care about the IDF, only about the innocent lives that are being killed.
The UN estimates 75% of Palestinian fatalities are civilians and more than 1,300 residential structures have been "rendered uninhabitable", by Israeli strikes, with 710 destroyed and an additional 660 severely damaged.


Also 79 schools, and 23 health facilities have been hit.


UNRWA is also reporting 22,000 refugees in 24 shelters far beyond their capacity. But don't worry the IDF are telling 100,000 to evacuate their homes, I do wonder exactly where they are meant to go in the one of the most densely populated urban areas on Earth, nevermind the Hospital they've also told to evacuate.


IDF apologists would have you believe every square inch of Gaza houses rockets.

The real answer is much simpler. Israel is systematically destroying infrastructure. All of the buildings that are blown up, they can never be reconstructed because Gaza has no bulldozers or heavy machinery. And concrete isnt allowed in either. That's Israeli justice for you though. I mean, after those three teenagers were killed they arrested 400 people and demolished the homes of the accused's families. Grade A justice right there.


aka iby.h
The video of the mother of one of the four boys that were murdered by the IDF today was too much to watch, that poor lady and those poor boys.

edit - their ages (9,10,10,11)

the video
Then tell them you disagree and that they are in denial. Instead your sentence, and intentional misspelling, was derisive towards that person's opinion.

I didnt direct it to any one person. It was intended as satire of IDF apologists. Not sure why you're focusing so much on simple satire.


IDF apologists would have you believe every square inch of Gaza houses rockets.

The real answer is much simpler. Israel is systematically destroying infrastructure. All of the buildings that are blown up, they can never be reconstructed because Gaza has no bulldozers or heavy machinery. And concrete isnt allowed in either. That's Israeli justice for you though. I mean, after those three teenagers were killed they arrested 400 people and demolished the homes of the accused's families. Grade A justice right there.

The UN OCHA daily report makes that relatively clear, although I'm sure the IDF will be supplying their apologist drones with suitable chaff to explain why water pumping stations and waste treatment centres are legitimate targets.

Damage to health, education, water and sanitation facilities, and electricity infrastructure make it increasingly difficult to provide even the most basic services for the civilian population, with hundreds of thousands of Gazans without water. The current crisis is exacerbated by the high degree of pre-existing vulnerability in the Gaza Strip, with high unemployment and the lack of a viable economy as a result of years of Israeli occupation, strict movement and access restrictions, internal division and sporadic conflict, which have exhausted people’s coping mechanisms.

Two out of three sewage internal pipelines of the Gaza sewage treatment plant in Ash Sheikh Ijleen area were destroyed from air strikes. Seeping wastewater covers more than 20 dunums of agricultural land surrounding the plant.
• Partial destruction of pressure lines draining sewage from Abu Rashed Pumping Station in north Gaza to the wastewater treatment plant as a result of airstrikes. Raw wastewater now flows in an open channel to the plant. Beit Lahiya Municipality decided to close a water pipeline to avoid contamination of supply.
• Water supply was cut or disrupted due to damage sustained by a number of water pipelines and waste water treatment
plant and the main feeder line to Ash Shouka in Rafah and another water pipeline in the Middle area (20,000 persons affected).
• Drinking water is still an issue in Bani Suhaila (Rafah), people continue to cope with alternative water sources of questionable quality.
• Electricity line powering groundwater well in the industrial area of Gaza city cutoff, and well does not operate.


Woke up to see posts about the murder of those 4 children playing soccer by the IDF. So awful. Journalists were actually there to witness it. Clearly Hamas was using these kids as human shields.. o wait. I mean what the hell were these assholes even aiming at? It was an open field with 4 kids!


Those 2 pictures don't line up. The kids aren't in the same place where the smoke is coming from. It could have still happened... just those pics are odd.

Or maybe they walked into the blast further down? Sad regardless.


Those 2 pictures don't line up. The kids aren't in the same place where the smoke is coming from. It could have still happened... just those pics are odd.

Or maybe they walked into the blast further down? Sad regardless.

It looks like they are walking to the location/direction where the blast eventually occurs.


Fuck Cancer
Woke up to see posts about the murder of those 4 children playing soccer by the IDF. So awful. Journalists were actually there to witness it. Clearly Hamas was using these kids as human shields.. o wait. I mean what the hell were these assholes even aiming at? It was an open field with 4 kids!

Damn ;(
I better don't comment on this.



I only watched 15 seconds randomly in the first half, i wasn't very convinced with the narrators explanation of the man being dragged - the ambulance may have stopped short to prevent being fired on, and the people evacuating the man look to be doing it under gun fire - I'm not surprised they dragged him to the ambulance.

I don't disagree about the existence of faked deaths or injuries but what i very briefly saw in that video doesn't match that narrative.


So are you implying that the mother's grief was faked? The deaths?

Or that cameras capturing that grief serve only propaganda purposes?

Do you think the target was known in advance and children were old to play there?

What are you saying?

During the 2006 Lebanon war, a Jewish media organisation, had discovered the same woman in photos and videos crying at different bombing sites across the country over her dead family, sometimes within hours of each boming. Now, I am in no way suggesting that this video is fake, but that may be what Pilgor is suggesting. Though i would suggest we only reference videos/articles that come from known news agencies, or are being sourced from them. Regardless that is devastating to see that mother morn the loss of her children. No mother should ever have to endure that.


Here, more PALLYWOOD for you, this time courtesy of bigboss370

These are from a conflict in Syria, not Gaza.



So are you implying that the mother's grief was faked? The deaths?

Or that cameras capturing that grief serve only propaganda purposes?

Do you think the target was known in advance and children were old to play there?

What are you saying?

I'm saying Palestinian media is known to show pictures and video that are not contextually accurate. See above.
Woke up to see posts about the murder of those 4 children playing soccer by the IDF. So awful. Journalists were actually there to witness it. Clearly Hamas was using these kids as human shields.. o wait. I mean what the hell were these assholes even aiming at? It was an open field with 4 kids!


Heart breaking :(


I'm saying Palestinian media is known to show pictures and video that are not contextually accurate. See above.
The death of these boys happened in front of various international journalists. Given that fact, why are you posting this stuff in response to this event?
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