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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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Looks like even Israel can identify how the optics of killings four kids playing on the beach will play out internationally.

Sad when the people here can't even do the same.

Look at this thread for a cross-section of the apologists that can justify any military operation in Palestine, no matter how unrelenting and brutal.


Remember: you are NOT allowed to draw ANY comparisons between the siege of Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto. Why? No one knows. But all observe.


Generally when someone describes an action as "evil" they are dealing with "absolutes." Your problem seems to be with language itself.

True, you have a point there. Like I said, I was of the mind that most people considered people's actions with full context of the situation before calling something they did evil.

I guess that is where the statement "necessary evil" comes to play.

Nevertheless, I do agree that this was a tragic incident that Israel needs to be held responsible, as well with all other incompetent actions.

Generally speaking:

I deem following rules of engagement to the letter to not be beneficial to one's war goals, but it can be argued that is why we have such rules. To not only protect innocents, but to make it so costly to the belligerents, that it would only be used as a last resort.

Reading this thread though, show how indecisive this conflict is. Everyone has a different outlook on it, ranging from Palestinians should do this and Israel should do that and plays into blame games.

Neither side will back down if each side believes the other to be in the wrong and should make the first step.


Like the Goldstone Report?

From Goldstone:

This references the Dahiya Doctrine.

Senior Israeli army General Gadi Eisenkot told Haaretz

So, there is knowledge of the situation. There is policy with specific intent. Is it evil, in your view? If not, why not?

Richard Goldstone himself retracted that section of the report.

Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes

The allegations of intentionality by Israel were based on the deaths of and injuries to civilians in situations where our fact-finding mission had no evidence on which to draw any other reasonable conclusion. While the investigations published by the Israeli military and recognized in the U.N. committee’s report have established the validity of some incidents that we investigated in cases involving individual soldiers, they also indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy.


Like the Goldstone Report?

So, there is knowledge of the situation. There is policy with specific intent. Is it evil, in your view? If not, why not?

As I said before in earlier postings, I wasn't specifically responding to him based on this conflict.

It is immoral, yes. I am not on Israel's side when it comes to the conflict as a whole. I am against people claiming Israel does nothing to lower civilian casualties or even aim to increase it.

I do believe U.S should pressure Israel into serious negotiations and even working with U.N to force this change, I do believe Israel should go back to the 1967 borders (with creation of Palestinian state) and all settlements are illegal and should be dismantled, and I do believe Israel isn't trying to negotiate on serious terms.

There are enough people arguing this in this thread against Israel, I don't need to do so.

However I am also putting responsibility for those in power in Palestine as well. There are other methods besides U.N and U.S to get closer to their goal of a Palestinian state. Economic cooperation and social advancements is one of them. Violence do nothing to aide them. Those who claim that my suggestions are impossible, are not thinking about it honestly.

Economic cooperation between West Bank and Israel has only just been increasing. It isn't like it has been worked on for a long period. Sure it is a long term goal, but it is one that can work.



For the ones that keep bringing up the point that Israel agreed to the cease fire.

Kind of hard to accept a peace offer that you had no part in forming and one that does not help the occupation.

Wasn't the point of the ceasefire to you know... actually stop firing? IIRC the terms of the agreement were to be discussed in Egypt after the two sides stop attacking each other; the initial stage was a draft.

Whoever initially rejected the ceasefire seems to have done a u-turn, likely for this very reason.


Why are Hamas shooting rockets into Israel? Well, what else are they going to do? They're blocked off by land and sea - trapped. It's a desperate act, they know full well there won't be a military victory against Israel, they're not stupid. They're just desperate.
Gaza shares a border with Egypt. Nobody ever talks about that.
Israel also lets Gazans cross their border everyday but that puts Israel at risk of terror attacks.

And trying to justify terrorists from launching rockets at civilians? That's not desperate. Nobody has to put a rocket in Hamas hands and fire them at innocents.
I thought I had heard every single Israeli excuse. Until now.

It's not an Israeli excuse, it's an observation from an outside observer. But you can't seem to address the actual point, the reality of the situation. Posting pictures of dead kids isn't going to change anything. Hamas agreeing to a ceasefire would.


Ex-Prime minister of the Netherlands, Dries van Acht, has written an open letter to the current Prime minister Mark Rutte following the interview he gave on national TV about this conflict.

First of all, he calls the interview he gave a "horreur". He criticizes Rutte for "Not having any empathy for the immense suffering of the defenseless Palestinians". He further questions Rutte's remark about Hamas using people as human shields by shooting from schools and hospitals, according to him he has no proof of that.
"Does that claims come from independant sources or from what the Israeli functionaries tell you?"

The interviewer asked Rutte if the difference in deaths in Israel and Palestina was proportional
"It is shocking that you answered that question by confirming it is NOT disproportional."

"No misunderstanding, I condem the shootings from within Gaza. Those are not according to international law and must stop. But don't lose sight of the proportions. The number of Palestinian deads has currently rised to 204." "Does Israel not cary any responsibility for that?"

"You talk about Israel's right for self defense, but you fail to recognize that this right has to be exercised within the borders of the international law. Israel bombarded 1.750 targets in the past days in Gaza."

Here is the letter if anyone is interested in Google translating it for themselves: http://rightsforum.org/open-brief-dries-van-agt-aan-mark-rutte

He could have written this letter to any of the western world leaders that support Israel in this matter.


Proportionality of a response is one thing; proportionality in the death toll is another.

Wars are not fought between equal sides. Israel's deaths have been relatively low in part due to the Iron Dome system, but mostly due to the system of shelters in Israeli cities. It can also be argued that since HAMAS's rockets are unguided, they are less likely to hit an area of greater population density. Gaza is very densely populated, which partially explains the higher death toll of Israeli airstrikes. (IIRC the rocket attacks could be considered to be warcrimes since they are unguided and launched towards cities, which are civilian targets. (In terms of function I get the impression that they share similarities to V1's and V2s, and no this is not a comparison to the Nazis' policies. )

(I also haven't attributed to this to HAMAS's tactics involving human shields, although there are issues with the Israelis targeting HAMAS leaders knowing full well that civilians are present).


Proportionality of a response is one thing; proportionality in the death toll is another.

Wars are not fought between equal sides. Israel's deaths have been relatively low in part due to the Iron Dome system, but mostly due to the system of shelters in Israeli cities. It can also be argued that since HAMAS's rockets are unguided, they are less likely to hit an area of greater population density. (Gaza is very densely populated, which partially explains the higher death toll).

Of the 1,000 launched from Gaza since July 7th, around 20% have been intercepted by Israel's defence shield, Iron Dome, which is designed to defend more heavily populated areas. The vast majority of the rest have fallen on Israel, mainly away from population centres.



What I said:
It can also be argued that since HAMAS's rockets are unguided, they are less likely to hit an area of greater population density.

These rockets are perfectly capable of killing many people, it's just that
A. They aren't very accurate.
B. Israel is prepared.

I stick with my statement that "Proportionality of a response is one thing; proportionality in the death toll is another."


The quotes you shared here were refuted by others in this thread that posted statements about Hamas saying they do want peace.

We keep going back to killing civilians you say, ofcourse I do. I don't care about anything else in this conflict other than the civilian casualties in this conflict. I don't care about Hamas and I don't care about the IDF, only about the innocent lives that are being killed.
When did Hamas say they want peace?
Perhaps they want a ceasefire, on their terms of course, but not peace.

They are Islamic extremistd. They don't even pretend to want democracy, nor do they show mercy for their own people(See Hamas' slaughter of Fatah members in Gaza)

Sorry, but I don't trust them, and neither should anyone else.


Senior Israeli military figure says likelihood of Gaza ground invasion is "very high," according to the New York Times.

And this is the worst case scenario that may come into fruition. A ground invasion would be costly to both sides; although I wonder if HAMAS can even take a beating like that when you consider their current condition.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
First time popping in this thread, but damn. This Pilgor guy is infuriating.

Desperate attempts at damage control in light of a group of kids being straight up fucking murdered for trying to run away.


When did Hamas say they want peace?
Perhaps they want a ceasefire, on their terms of course, but not peace.

They are Islamic extremistd. They don't even pretend to want democracy, nor do they show mercy for their own people(See Hamas' slaughter of Fatah members in Gaza)

Sorry, but I don't trust them, and neither should anyone else.

10 year truce, 10 year peace, call it what you want.

I'll quote Chichikov's earlier post for you again.

I responded to the assertion that most Israelis care about Palestinians casualties.
They don't.
This is not a hate-off.

Hamas is on the record right now that it is willing for a 10 years truce in exchange for "release of re-arrested Palestinian prisoners who were let go in the Schalit deal, the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings in order to allow citizens and goods to pass through, and international supervision of the Gazan seaport in place of the current Israeli blockade."
Seem pretty reasonable to me.
But Israel is refusing to even enter talks with Hamas, which has always been its policy.


10 year truce, 10 year peace, call it what you want.

I'll quote Chichikov's earlier post for you again.

"Hamas is on the record right now that it is willing for a 10 years truce in exchange for "release of re-arrested Palestinian prisoners who were let go in the Schalit deal, the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings in order to allow citizens and goods to pass through, and international supervision of the Gazan seaport in place of the current Israeli blockade.""

The reopening of the borders is unlikely to happen in the current situation; especially because Egypt has blocked most of the smuggling tunnels between Gaza and its border. Israel doesn't want HAMAS gaining their hands on any more rockets, which is part of the reason for why the border blockade was put in the first place.

And frankly, this implies that HAMAS would actually follow the deal. They don't exactly have a reputation for being trustworthy in that regard, but I'll be fair and say Israel isn't much better, if not worse.
Hamas is on the record right now that it is willing for a 10 years truce in exchange for "release of re-arrested Palestinian prisoners who were let go in the Schalit deal, the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings in order to allow citizens and goods to pass through, and international supervision of the Gazan seaport in place of the current Israeli blockade."
Seem pretty reasonable to me.
But Israel is refusing to even enter talks with Hamas, which has always been its policy.
Reasonable? "Open the borders up so we can rearm fully, meaning more deaths and carnage when we inevitably break this truce at some point down the line" is not reasonable! Of course the blockade should end, but only after Hamas is either overthrown or gives up on their terrorist ways.

Israel is only targeting rockets right?

Oh. These kids were human shields then?

Indeed, the Israeli position apparently seems to be that the children were encouraged to play near a rocket-launching site. This sounds quite plausible to me, given how often Hamas is known to use human shields (ie, all the time).
Reasonable? "Open the borders up so we can rearm fully, meaning more deaths and carnage when we inevitably break this truce at some point down the line" is not reasonable! Of course the blockade should end, but only after Hamas is either overthrown or gives up on their terrorist ways.

Indeed, the Israeli position apparently is that the children were encouraged to play near a rocket-launching site. Sounds quite plausible to me, given how often Hamas is known to use human shields (ie, all the time).

So because Hamas has used human shields in the past, it's OK to bomb 4 kids who were very clearly not close to any other people or weapons. Stop being an apologist. This was murder.


I'm sure Israel's citizens can sleep soundly tonight knowing they are being protected from young children.
They can sleep soundly tonight knowing that they are less likely to die of a rocket attack than a car accident.

But for real, what the fuck do you want them to do?
If you want to have a discussion about whether or not they have the right for an armed struggle against Israel, that's fine, we can have this discussion (not being sarcastic here, it's a serious and important discussion).

But as far as tactics, they're fighting Israel the only way they can, if they march themselves in the open they'll get killed, immediately.


Reasonable? "Open the borders up so we can rearm fully, meaning more deaths and carnage when we inevitably break this truce at some point down the line" is not reasonable! Of course the blockade should end, but only after Hamas is either overthrown or gives up on their terrorist ways.

Indeed, the Israeli position apparently seems to be that the children were encouraged to play near a rocket-launching site. This sounds quite plausible to me, given how often Hamas is known to use human shields (ie, all the time).



Reasonable? "Open the borders up so we can rearm fully, meaning more deaths and carnage when we inevitably break this truce at some point down the line" is not reasonable! Of course the blockade should end, but only after Hamas is either overthrown or gives up on their terrorist ways.
"Rearm fully".
You think they can build a military force that would rival Israel?
That's ridiculous.

Also, Israel is surrounded by "fully armed" countries that really don't like it, but they don't attack it, you know why? because they got a whole lot to lose.
There's very little to lose in Gaza right now.

And for real, you think you can bomb people into not hating you?
The only thing you'll get is more radicalization, you couldn't strike a deal with the PLO and you got Hamas. You won't strike a deal with Hamas and you'll get ISIS.


I had commented earlier (many pages back ), that the Palestinians are stuck between a rock and very hard place.

This New York Times article gives a fairly balanced view of the current situation while discussing the tragic death of the 4 boys on the beach earlier today.


The killings also crystallized the conundrum for the 1.7 million Gazans trapped between Israel’s powerful military machine and the militants of Hamas and its affiliates, who fire rockets into Israel with little regard for how the deadly response affects Gazans. Virtually imprisoned by the tight border controls of Israel and Egypt, most Gazans have nothing to do with the perennial conflict, but cannot escape it.

At the Bakr family house on Wednesday afternoon, women wept and wailed. One cursed both Israel and Hamas. Another, Nasreen al-Bakr, noted quietly that Hamas had killed 10 of her family members in factional fighting.

This one family has suffered so much at the hands of Hamas and Israel.


Since you seem so invested in this thread, I'm really curious about something.
Where are you from and what is your religion?
Sorry for going off topic but I really want to know.

I don't see how that is related to anything, but the flag in my avatar should give you an indication of where i'm from.


They can sleep soundly tonight knowing that they are less likely to die of a rocket attack than a car accident.

But for real, what the fuck do you want them to do?
If you want to have a discussion about whether or not they have the right for an armed struggle against Israel, that's fine, we can have this discussion (not being sarcastic here, it's a serious and important discussion).

But as far as tactics, they're fighting Israel the only way they can, if they march themselves in the open they'll get killed, immediately.

Not sure if you read my post clearly or not. I'm critical of Israel here for killing kids. Euphemisms like collateral damage disgust me.

Civilian deaths are unacceptable anywhere.


"Rearm fully".
You think they can build a military force that would rival Israel?
That's ridiculous.
That's not what he said at all. They don't need to rival Israel militarily, especially not in an conventional war, but if HAMAS returned to full strength they would be more effective in their attacks against Israel. Which would lead to more deaths on the Israeli side, and then lead to a even greater Israeli response.

Also, Israel is surrounded with "fully armed" countries that really don't like it, but they don't attack it, you know why? because they got a whole lot to lose.
There's very little to lose in Gaza right now.
Or maybe because these countries haven't seriously tried attacking Israel directly in years? And that Israel isn't exactly trying to pick a fight with its immediate neighbors (i.e. not Iran, that shit was silly) due to a slight improvement in relations, especially Egypt?

And for real, you think you can bomb people into not hating you?
This is not Iraq, and we are not dealing with a common American conservative thought. Israel has spent the last few years trying hard to wear down HAMAS to the point at which they are no longer a threat to Israeli cities. They aren't bombing to give these guys freedom or to somehow gain a PR victory. They are claiming to act in self defense, not the twisted form of humanitarianism and WMDs that was used to justify Iraq 11 years back.


The more I read this thread the more infuriated I get. Not to mention the bullshit on my facebook newsfeed.

Israel apologists are pure scum.


Since you seem so invested in this thread, I'm really curious about something.
Where are you from and what is your religion?
Sorry for going off topic but I really want to know.
90% of all the posts you've ever made on GAF are in this thread.
Just saying...
And your religion?
Dude, stop.
Don't make pull the JIDF badge, it makes APKMetsfan sad.

That's not what he said at all. They don't need to rival Israel militarily, especially not in an conventional war, but if HAMAS returned to full strength they would be more effective in their attacks against Israel. Which would lead to more deaths on the Israeli side, and then lead to a even greater Israeli response.

Or maybe because these countries haven't seriously tried attacking Israel directly in years? And that Israel isn't exactly trying to pick a fight with its immediate neighbors (i.e. not Iran, that shit was silly) due to a slight improvement in relations, especially Egypt?

This is not Iraq, and we are not dealing with a common American conservative thought. Israel has spent the last few years trying hard to wear down HAMAS to the point at which they are no longer a threat to Israeli cities. They aren't bombing to give these guys freedom or to somehow gain a PR victory. They are claiming to act in self defense, not the twisted form of humanitarianism and WMDs that was used to justify Iraq 11 years back.
You really think that if you rebuild Gaza, give them a half decent living they'll just go and say "fuck it, we can't really harm Israel, but we might get a few civilian casualties, yep, totally worth it"?
Again, we're not talking about a situation where they can get jets and tanks, and it's not like the blockade stop them from getting rockets.

But you know what, even if you think those are the level of hatred you're dealing with, you think bombings and blockades are going to make them hate you less?

Not sure I get your argument about Israel's neighbors, like, why do you think Syria hadn't attacked Israel in years?
Why doesn't Iran shoot rockets on Israel?
They got nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose.
The Palestinians has nothing to lose and whole lot to gain.


Indeed, the Israeli position apparently seems to be that the children were encouraged to play near a rocket-launching site. This sounds quite plausible to me, given how often Hamas is known to use human shields (ie, all the time).
Probably the dumbest post I read in this thread. How could you believe that?


This is not Iraq, and we are not dealing with a common American conservative thought. Israel has spent the last few years trying hard to wear down HAMAS to the point at which they are no longer a threat to Israeli cities. They aren't bombing to give these guys freedom or to somehow gain a PR victory. They are claiming to act in self defense, not the twisted form of humanitarianism and WMDs that was used to justify Iraq 11 years back.

But there's no such thing as self-defence when you're the aggressor. I'm so sick of hearing that justification taken seriously - as if Israel is just trying to go about its day. Until they stop lying to themselves, how can they expect Hamas to genuinely end their resistance?

And your religion?
What has his religion got to do with anything? You're playing a dangerous game, junior.


This is getting a little too personal for many of you. May i suggest we argue the points, and not fling insults or pigeon people on their religion or background.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I can't believe people in this thread are actually trying to justify four innocent kids getting murdered while playing. Wtf, I mean how low can you go?


I can't believe people in this thread are actually trying to justify four innocent kids getting murdered while playing. Wtf, I mean how low can you go?

I really don't think anyone justified the killings of the boys.

EDIT: Unless folks were. I haven't followed every post.


What has his religion got to do with anything? You're playing a dangerous game, junior.
Why? I was just curious.
What is the reason you want to know, because I think you are looking into playing the religion card in association to my posts.
Nah, im tired of arguements.
Really? You want to stoop that low? What difference would it make?
Zero difference. Like I said, I was just curious.


You really think that if you rebuild Gaza, give them a half decent living they'll just go and say "fuck it, we can't really harm Israel, but we might get a few civilian casualties, yep, totally worth it"?
Again, we're not talking about a situation where they can get jets and tanks, and it's not like the blockade stop them from getting rockets.

But you know what, even if you think those are the level of hatred you're dealing with, you think bombings and blockades are going to make them hate you less?
1. I'm not Israeli or pro-Israeli.
2. I haven't advocated any solutions or ideas to "fix the crisis", don't put words in my mouth figuratively.
3. Don't underestimate these rockets. Some of them are 1500kg monsters longer than some bigger cars. They are absolutely lethal; but they aren't very accurate.

Not sure I get your argument about Israel's neighbors, like, why do you think Syria hadn't attacked Israel in years?
Because Syria, even if you ignore the Civil War, has never been able to match Israel militarily? That's why they haven't gone to war in 30 years; just the occasional border skirmish.

Why doesn't Iran shoot rockets on Israel?
Because they would fly over a few countries like Iraq, Jordan, Syria or Saudi Arabia. Iran didn't have the best of relations with these countries, especially before Saddam was removed from power. And because until recently, they didn't have the capability to do so.

They got nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose.
The Palestinians has nothing to lose and whole lot to gain.
They've got a whole lot to lose. Sanctions hurt, thousands of people die due to them indirectly due to faltering economies. Iran is not a warmongering nation, and they haven't been directly attacked by Israel in force.

But there's no such thing as self-defence when you're the aggressor. I'm so sick of hearing that justification taken seriously - as if Israel is just trying to go about its day. Until they stop lying to themselves, how can they expect Hamas to genuinely end their resistance?

Prove that Israel is the aggressor. This incident escalated with the Israeli teenagers being kidnapped, and the whole war has been a general back and forth eye for an eye tragedy. To pin this on Israel as the aggressor is a bit much don't you think? You could otherwise argue that they have been disproportionate and/or more effective in their attacks, but I fail to see how they are single-handedly the aggressor as you are implying.


1. I'm not Israeli or pro-Israeli.
2. I haven't advocated any solutions or ideas to "fix the crisis", don't put words in my mouth figuratively.
3. Don't underestimate these rockets. Some of them are 1500kg monsters longer than some bigger cars. They are absolutely lethal; but they aren't very accurate.

Because Syria, even if you ignore the Civil War, has never been able to match Israel militarily? That's why they haven't gone to war in 30 years; just the occasional border skirmish.

Because they would fly over a few countries like Iraq, Jordan, Syria or Saudi Arabia. Iran didn't have the best of relations with these countries, especially before Saddam was removed from power. And because until recently, they didn't have the capability to do so.

They've got a whole lot to lose. Sanctions hurt, thousands of people die due to them indirectly due to faltering economies. Iran is not a warmongering nation, and they haven't been directly attacked by Israel in force.
I don't underestimate those missiles, but I think you're overestimating the risk they post to Israel.
Just look at what's going on right now.

And of course Syria don't attack Israel because it can't compete with military, you think that in 10 years of open a and internationally inspected borders Hamas would be able to?
That's ridiculous.
Hamas can't beat Israel, they know that, that's not going to change in 10 years.


Wow what the fuck dude.

Ya.. We can leave the personal stuff out of debates. Were all (mostly) level headed people who can hear a side and another side and debate that.

Shouldn't Gaza's beef be with Egypt? Since they clossed the Rataf (sp?) border down.


I don't underestimate those missiles, but I think you're overestimating the risk they post to Israel.
Just look at what's going on right now.
So because Israel has been defensively effective and/or lucky that a rocket didn't kill 10-20 of its citizens, they are automatically in the wrong? (In the wrong more than usual) That they should not retaliate? When rockets are launched cities are effectively shut down as everyone takes cover in buildings/shelters. This is not something you can exactly ignore.

And of course Syria don't attack Israel because it can't compete with military, you think that in 10 years of open a and internationally inspected borders Hamas would be able to?
That's ridiculous.
Hamas can't beat Israel, they know that, that's not going to change in 10 years.
This is the 2nd time on this page that you have completely misinterpreted the argument.

HAMAS, under no circumstances, would ever think of engaging Israel on a large scale conventional level like Syria or Egypt did in the past.

However, they can be quite effective in an insurgency/asymmetric warfare. At the moment they are not, due to better Israeli defenses and their own looming bankruptcy.
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