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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Oh, I didn't realize this thread existed...

Look what came into effect the other day.


I've been pretty disgusted over this all day. It's offensive. Pretty sure this makes most of my extended family, plus maybe my dad, second class citizens.

Vancouver is such a boiling pot, I bet almost half of the city are now second class citizens.

Disgusting. :/

Apparently this was put into legislation a year ago? I haven't been home for maybe at least less than two weeks last year, ugh.

i am at a loss for words right now.


I doubt it would stand up to any real legal challenge. It's like Harper and Co draft troll legislation at this point specifically to call out the judiciary and rile up that weird segment of their base.

Fingers crossed that SCC gets to it.

Apparently this was put into legislation a year ago? I haven't been home for maybe at least less than two weeks last year, ugh.

i am at a loss for words right now.

The bill had its royal ascent a year ago, but went into effect last week.

Thinking about that though, wasn't the time for the SCC to strike it down in the year between its royal ascent and in effect date? :(
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure someone has to bring the case before them. They can't just proactively strike down bills. That's why the SCC justices have been a little more vocal lately -- they're probably getting tired of the government passing legislation designed to fail once it hits the courts.


Fingers crossed that SCC gets to it.

The bill had its royal ascent a year ago, but went into effect last week.

Thinking about that though, wasn't the time for the SCC to strike it down in the year between its royal ascent and in effect date? :(

The SCC doesn't have the power to strike down laws before a legal challenge is brought against that law, if I remember my separations correctly. Would be a huge upheaval if judges started actively striking down legislation before it becomes actual law (ie what Harper likes to imply they do by striking down his bs all the time)


That Bill C-24 fuckery deserves it's own topic.

I didn't even know I was a dual citizen, but my parent's country grants citizenship to the first generation born outside the county.

Cake Boss

Oh fuck I am gonna get deported for farting on a white person I am sure of it.

For fucks sakes white people stop voting this mother fucker in.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Oh fuck I am gonna get deported for farting on a white person I am sure of it.

For fucks sakes white people stop voting this mother fucker in.
My 2 y/o niece is gonna get deported some time in the future because my parents came to Canada almost 50 years ago.


Well it's been three years and those years have gone... badly... for both the BQ and the PQ. He probably sighed wearily and thought to himself that he's the only one left in the movement that has any hope of running the shitshow


He came back from his self-inflicted torpor and looked around at the current state of the Bloc.

Gilles Duceppe is back as the chief of the Bloc.

Good job helping Stevie's reelection! (obviously part of the plan)

Does it really help Harper? Even assuming Duceppe pulls away NDP support -- which is a pretty big assumption, since 1) there's nothing to suggest separatist-leaning voters aren't perfectly happy with the NDP and 2) the BQ got destroyed last election -- the Conservatives are still a distant third in the province, with support in the teens according to the latest Forum poll. A resurgent Bloc could drop them to fourth, and might even put them in single digits. It might lead to fewer NDP seats, but even then, the seats either go Bloc (who would, presumably, support the idea of an NDP government) or Liberal.


Does it really help Harper? Even assuming Duceppe pulls away NDP support -- which is a pretty big assumption, since 1) there's nothing to suggest separatist-leaning voters aren't perfectly happy with the NDP and 2) the BQ got destroyed last election -- the Conservatives are still a distant third in the province, with support in the teens according to the latest Forum poll. A resurgent Bloc could drop them to fourth, and might even put them in single digits. It might lead to fewer NDP seats, but even then, the seats either go Bloc (who would, presumably, support the idea of an NDP government) or Liberal.

I think it's safe to say that Bloc gains would be at the expense of the NDP, mostly in the Montreal suburbs, Gaspésie and Saguenay-Lac St-Jean. It doesn't affect the Conservatives who's vote is concentrated around Quebec City.

But it still remains to be seen if Duceppe will be able to resurect the party. If Mulcair does poorly during the campaign, I can see the Bloc winning 10-12 seats.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread for this, but all Blacks locations are shutting down August 8th :(

Sad because the retail landscape for photography enthusiasts was already pretty bare with Blacks, now it's going to be almost nonexistent.

Henry's is pretty much the only one left I think.
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread for this, but all Blacks locations are shutting down August 8th :(

Sad because the retail landscape for photography enthusiasts was already pretty bare with Blacks, now it's going to be almost nonexistent.

Henry's is pretty much the only one left I think.

Ottawa locations?


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ugh, go away Duceppe. I hope he won't come back in the same county (which is my county). He didn't even keep his seat last time. I'm happy with Mrs. Laverdière of the NDP, thank you very much.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
The Senate had a chance to prove their usefulness, they failed miserably. I see no reason for that useless post, it needs to be abolished.

On a related note, Trudeau was answering some questions by protestors in Edmonton regarding C-51: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=404&v=wmLwjjcvIeQ

Needless to say, he was pretty unconvincing.


CBC host Evan Solomon fired

CBC journalist facilitated sales of art to wealthy Canadians he dealt with in his job — including one buyer who had no idea Solomon was collecting a commission.

CBC has fired marquee host Evan Solomon after the Star reported that he was taking secret commission payments related to art sales involving people he dealt with as a host.

“I regret to inform you that CBC News has ended its relationship with Evan Solomon,” executive Jennifer McGuire said in a brief statement issued late Tuesday, a day after the Star presented the findings of its investigation to the network.

The Star found Solomon has been brokering the sale of paintings and masks owned by a flamboyant Toronto-area art collector to rich and famous buyers. Solomon, in at least one case, took commissions in excess of $300,000 for several pieces of art and did not disclose to the buyer that he was being paid fees for introducing buyer and seller.


The Canadian Patriot Act is awful but my greater concern is C-24, to the point that it gets to me from time to time now that it is in effect.

Even though I am a Liberal and don't see eye to eye with the NDP, I just want Harper and the cons out regardless.

It angered me to a great deal both prior elections and I can't fathom another term of Tory rule. And yes I am currently an expat but it just infuriates me as to where the country is heading right now.


Subete no aware
CBC host Evan Solomon fired

CBC journalist facilitated sales of art to wealthy Canadians he dealt with in his job — including one buyer who had no idea Solomon was collecting a commission.
Holy fucking shit. What an idiot.

The Canadian Patriot Act is awful but my greater concern is C-24, to the point that it gets to me from time to time now that it is in effect.

Even though I am a Liberal and don't see eye to eye with the NDP, I just want Harper and the cons out regardless.

It angered me to a great deal both prior elections and I can't fathom another term of Tory rule. And yes I am currently an expat but it just infuriates me as to where the country is heading right now.
Honestly it looks like a Harper minority this time around. The Liberals and the NDP are going to cannibalize each other in Ontario and Quebec and it seems like the Cons will just hold their base - short of the Alberta NDP being some kind of major factor anyway.

Gilles Duceppe is back.

He will no doubtly return to the leftmost riding in Canada : Laurier-Ste-Marie.

Hélène Laverdierre of the NDP defeated Gilles himself (and my vote finally counted for ounce)

I'm a Federaliat 1st and a Liberal 2nd.

My allegiance to Canadian Unity comes before traditional party lines.

I will be voting NDP again for a 3rd time in Laurier-Ste-Marie to Block the Bloc.

Sorry Justin. Canadian Unity is my priority before your aspirations for PM.

*I have lived in Bloc controlled ridings from 1991-2011.

2011 was the first relief i got from the Bloc heads.

To me, the Bloc and the PQ are worse than any Conservative


Welcome back gutter. You know.. if you had PR you could vote for whoever you want and not have to worry about splitting the federalist vote. :O.

And lol at hustler Evan Solomon. Just such downmarket sleaziness.


A lot of things can happen, but at this point it would take either the Liberals or the NDP to collapse and I don't know how that happens. Maybe another giant economic downturn?

My only point is that people are planting flags before the battle has even been declared.

People are talking about voting strategy before we even know how the landscape is even going to look 3-4 months from now. I mean, I don't care how people will ultimately vote but a lot of you are making some bold claims based on some pretty volatile polling.
Yep. This is going to be the longest campaign we've ever had. There's a whole summer ahead of us, and there's more than enough time for all kinds of crazy shifts to take place. The economy could crash, there could be a terrorist attack, Canadian soldiers could get killed by ISIS, someone could suddenly catch fire with the electorate. The Conservatives could even drop the writ early, if they wanted to take advantage of their overwhelming financial advantage and try to force the Liberals and the NDP to either burn through their cash early or cede the airwaves. The polls are all over the place, we still don't know how many debates there are going to be (or even who's going to be a part of them)...there's a long, long, long time until the election.

The Senate had a chance to prove their usefulness, they failed miserably. I see no reason for that useless post, it needs to be abolished.

On a related note, Trudeau was answering some questions by protestors in Edmonton regarding C-51: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=404&v=wmLwjjcvIeQ

Needless to say, he was pretty unconvincing.

It's just that easy to abolish the Senate, eh? I know there are all kinds of reasons why it seems like an out-of-touch institution, but the fact is it's not going anywhere any time soon. The SCC has ruled that abolishing the Senate requires opening up the Constitution -- and not-too-distant history has shown that amending the Constitution is incredibly difficult at best, and a massive threat to Canadian unity at worst. The fact that Mulcair constantly uses that kind of rhetoric shows he's either taking his supporters for gullible fools, or that he's that reckless and ignorant.

Oh, and Trudeau -- who leads the party that actually supported adding a sunset clause to C-51, unlike the Official Opposition, who voted against adding one -- seemed pretty reasonable to me.

CBC host Evan Solomon fired

CBC journalist facilitated sales of art to wealthy Canadians he dealt with in his job — including one buyer who had no idea Solomon was collecting a commission.

Do people outside of Ottawa care about this? I work in a pretty political environment, so everyone here is freaking out about it, but anyone I know who's not as politically-obsessed either doesn't know who Evan Solomon is or doesn't understand why it's so sketchy.


Do people outside of Ottawa care about this? I work in a pretty political environment, so everyone here is freaking out about it, but anyone I know who's not as politically-obsessed either doesn't know who Evan Solomon is or doesn't understand why it's so sketchy.

A journalist using his credentials to broker deals where he personally profits is unethical as all hell. However, what most surprises me is the calls for Mark Carney to be scrutinized because he bought some of those paintings. That's just nonsensical hand-wranging.


Do people outside of Ottawa care about this?
Just like Conrad Black, only politicios and, more importantly, journalists care about this. Which means we're going to be hearing about it non stop for a while.

Honestly I wanted to call up every news outlet and scream "I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT CONRAD BLACK!" when that dude did his slow motion implode.

Cake Boss

Lmaoo I can't believe this is real.




What a fucking lamo.


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
It's just that easy to abolish the Senate, eh? I know there are all kinds of reasons why it seems like an out-of-touch institution, but the fact is it's not going anywhere any time soon. The SCC has ruled that abolishing the Senate requires opening up the Constitution -- and not-too-distant history has shown that amending the Constitution is incredibly difficult at best, and a massive threat to Canadian unity at worst. The fact that Mulcair constantly uses that kind of rhetoric shows he's either taking his supporters for gullible fools, or that he's that reckless and ignorant.

Oh, and Trudeau -- who leads the party that actually supported adding a sunset clause to C-51, unlike the Official Opposition, who voted against adding one -- seemed pretty reasonable to me.

I never said that it would be easy to abolish it, but the process should be started.

The Senate is supposed to be a check and balance against reckless bills like C-24 and C-51, but time and time again Senators have shown that they will vote with their party regardless of the content of the bill. Obvious they aren't doing their job. Along with the recent scandals, the list of reasons to keep the Senate is becoming fairly short.

My position on the Senate has nothing to do with Mulcair's position, I wanted the Senate abolished even when I was in the Liberal camp.

Oh and the NDP have publicly said that an NDP government will repeal bill C-51, they even have a petition on their page: http://www.ndp.ca/repeal-c-51

Lmaoo I can't believe this is real.




What a fucking lamo.


Harper has literally become a cartoon character.
Welcome back gutter. You know.. if you had PR you could vote for whoever you want and not have to worry about splitting the federalist vote. :O.

And lol at hustler Evan Solomon. Just such downmarket sleaziness.
hehe it's good to be back.
Polling order from my riding goes like this:
1) NDP
2) Bloc heads
3) Liberals
4) Green
5) Conservative

So yeah, can't split the federalist vote,fuck Bloc. Going NDP
Lmaoo I can't believe this is real.




What a fucking lamo.

Insert Captain Hadoc cartoon.

The Senate will never be abolished because NB, PEI, NS, NL and QC won't want to give up their representatives
I never said that it would be easy to abolish it, but the process should be started.

The Senate is supposed to be a check and balance against reckless bills like C-24 and C-51, but time and time again Senators have shown that they will vote with their party regardless of the content of the bill. Obvious they aren't doing their job. Along with the recent scandals, the list of reasons to keep the Senate is becoming fairly short.

My position on the Senate has nothing to do with Mulcair's position, I wanted the Senate abolished even when I was in the Liberal camp.

Oh and the NDP have publicly said that an NDP government will repeal bill C-51, they even have a petition on their page: http://www.ndp.ca/repeal-c-51

And that process would be...? You can't amend the Constitution without it passing it through the House and the Senate, then getting unanimous consent from every provincial legislature in the country, and then submitting it to a public referendum. Again, in the very best case scenario, it's a massive waste of time and energy, since even if such a bill somehow got through the Senate -- which it almost certainly wouldn't (though it might be possible, I guess, since an NDP Government would have to appoint 100 or so new Senators for the express purpose of pushing through their legislation anyway) -- it's not getting assent from all the provinces, too. There'd be no reason for non-NDP provincial governments to waste that kind of political capital, plus the issue is a total non-starter in Atlantic Canada and Quebec.

And in the worst-case scenario, we get a replay of Meech, Charlottetown, and all that other nonsense that almost broke up the country. I know that the NDP is big on recreating Mulroney's coalition of soft separatists and Western Canadian populists, with an added dollop of Toronto, but that seems like a pretty high price to pay for Mulcair & co. to make loud, angry noises about getting rid of an institution that's not going away any time soon.

(Though that love of loud, angry noises explains why the NDP opted for an anti-C51 petition on their site instead of doing anything to limit its powers in Parliament.)


I want the House of Commons to do whatever it can to end the farce of the Senate not make sad "Oh well, nothing you can do" sounds. At the very least cutting its budget to the bone would be a grand start.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
(Though that love of loud, angry noises explains why the NDP opted for an anti-C51 petition on their site instead of doing anything to limit its powers in Parliament.)

Abolishing the Senate aside(because it's not a topic I have strong enough feelings about to debate you on), what exactly could the NDP have done outside of voting against the bill?

Their public statement stating that an NDP government will repeal the bill alone is stronger than anything Trudeau and the Liberals have said about it. I'm sorry but the the whole "We hate the bill... But we're gonna vote for it anyways" doesn't quite cut it with me.


Matthewwhatever is right. Abolishing the Senate is simply not going to happen and people need to accept that. Mulcair's stance is pure populism.

At best, we could enact some legislative reform to the Senate which is what Trudeau is actually proposing. It's not flashy and I doubt he'll win any points for it, but he's the most sensible and realistic on this issue compared to Mulcair's fantasy promise and Harper's status quo.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

Gilles Duceppe is back.

He will no doubtly return to the leftmost riding in Canada : Laurier-Ste-Marie.

Hélène Laverdierre of the NDP defeated Gilles himself (and my vote finally counted for ounce)

I'm a Federaliat 1st and a Liberal 2nd.

My allegiance to Canadian Unity comes before traditional party lines.

I will be voting NDP again for a 3rd time in Laurier-Ste-Marie to Block the Bloc.

Sorry Justin. Canadian Unity is my priority before your aspirations for PM.

*I have lived in Bloc controlled ridings from 1991-2011.

2011 was the first relief i got from the Bloc heads.

To me, the Bloc and the PQ are worse than any Conservative
Yeah, I live in the same riding, and I agree. NDP all the way, fuck the Bloc. I laughed so hard when Duceppe was defeated last time, I wasn't actually expecting it. I'm a little irritated that he's back.


Yeah, I live in the same riding, and I agree. NDP all the way, fuck the Bloc. I laughed so hard when Duceppe was defeated last time, I wasn't actually expecting it. I'm a little irritated that he's back.

What's the feeling in the riding about Duceppe coming back?


Matthewwhatever's opinion on the Senate, despite how horrible it is, is true. The Senate will probably never be abolished. It's too full of Liberal and Conservative goons, and the Premiers know that, so they'll never act on it. At least Brad Wall has some sense. I know the Senate to be useless, full of horrible people who believe themselves to be above the law, and a huge waste of taxpayer money, and I want it abolished, so I will support Mulcair on this, because I would rather a discussion happen than some half-baked "reforms" be enacted that change nothing anyway and we call it a day, which would happen if Harper or Trudeau win the election.
Senate reform requires support from 7 out of the 10 provinces + some percentage of the population or something under the constitution.

Quebec + all of the maritimes = 5 provinces that won't let go of their representatives in the Senate.

So Senate reform now is impossible


Abolishing the Senate aside(because it's not a topic I have strong enough feelings about to debate you on), what exactly could the NDP have done outside of voting against the bill?

Their public statement stating that an NDP government will repeal the bill alone is stronger than anything Trudeau and the Liberals have said about it. I'm sorry but the the whole "We hate the bill... But we're gonna vote for it anyways" doesn't quite cut it with me.

According to matthew, the NDP position is a lie because reasons. And the Liberal position is justified because they couldn't kill the bill anyways, so they may as well play along for reasons. It's apparently impossible for any party to make a principled stand, so any that appear to be are just being opportunistic. Personally, I'm all for opportunistic principled stands, so I don't get what the big deal is. The alternative appears to be opportunistic centrist appeals to reactionaries.

Trying to frame the NDP as pro-C51 right now is bizarre, but there sure is an attempt being made.
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