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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Well the line makes it sound like they currently do have different merchant fees even if they shouldn't, and I guess retailers can't refuse them without giving up other Mastercards/Visas? I use the RICH DUDE Capital One travel card ($120 annual fee, 2% cashback on everything with no cap, price protection, automatic warranty doubling, etc) so I'm guessing I'm really putting the screws to merchants.

Kind of off topic, but was it difficult to qualify for this card? That's way better than AMEX...


Well the line makes it sound like they currently do have different merchant fees even if they shouldn't, and I guess retailers can't refuse them without giving up other Mastercards/Visas? I use the RICH DUDE Capital One travel card ($120 annual fee, 2% cashback on everything with no cap, price protection, automatic warranty doubling, etc) so I'm guessing I'm really putting the screws to merchants.

I like my TD Gold Elite 99 $ fee, only 1% cashback but I get the Td Auto Club which is basically a CAA replacement, so it pays for itself. Hope it's not causing merchants problems.


Cool Smoke Luke
You realize that once you take another job the clock resets on your EI, right? As does your maximum premium amount. Also it's a bit hard to look for comparable work when you're working two jobs at a 7-11 and a grocery store.
So what if it resets?

The max per year is 45k,about 22bucks/hr, 55% of your insurable income ..thats the max.

Anyone can take a 7-11 type nightshift job and another part time waiting job(hell a good waiting job will net you over 45k a year with tips) at restaurant or bar and make more then that and still have time to job hunt.

Anyone that thinks EI should let you coast till you get a job you like, is abusing the system.
Using it till you get another job your qualified to do,even if that's in the service industry, is all it should be..even if the individual feels its beneath them.

I'm not saying if you can't find work you can do, you should lose it..I'm just saying I agree if they can find work you can do..even if you don't like it..you shouldn't be able to keep collecting.


If you believe EI should be a funnel to lower income work, you basically believe EI shouldn't exist. Its entire purpose is to help ensure that people being laid off (not fired) don't take a step down in their career because their company is failing or downsizing.

And you aren't allowed to refuse work that you're qualified for while you're on EI. You also aren't (or at least weren't) required to take work that you're overqualified for (which, incidentally, is something companies like 7-11 consider a negative for hiring anyways -- they know you'll be out the door the moment something better comes along) because keeping you from having to do that is the point.


Cool Smoke Luke
If you believe EI should be a funnel to lower income work, you basically believe EI shouldn't exist. Its entire purpose is to help ensure that people being laid off (not fired) don't take a step down in their career because their company is failing or downsizing.

Your talking about what people use it as..not what its intent is.

I don't think EI should exist a a premium rate Welfare 1st year program..no

Now the language is clear and the holes in the language are being filled in.

It should get you back up and in the workforce as quick as possible..then its up to you to get back to where you were in your career

And you aren't allowed to refuse work that you're qualified for while you're on EI.

Thats mostly used when refusing to take work in the same field you just got laidoff from in my experiance.

For example a bricklayer gets laid off ...Pogey says they have another Bricklaying job..but he doesn't want to apply because he doesn't like the owner so he just sits back and waits for something better.

the quote I was responding to was

For instance, one part of the budget bill replaces “subsections 27(2) and (3)” of the Employment Insurance Act. As a result, the act would no longer include lines that allow EI recipients to turn down an available job if it is not in the claimant’s usual occupation, is at a lower rate of pay or involves “conditions less favourable than those... recognized by good employers.”

I agree with every one of those things..if your qualified, and capable you shouldn't get to ride out your 45weeks for something better simply because you would take a a paycut, have to do other work then what you were doing, or its not as nice a place as where you were.

For example If I lose my Computer Tech job.. and Pogey could offer a a job as a machinist(which Im qualified for) I would have to take it or Lose EI..even if its
less pay, different from my current job, and is in a dirty factory vs my nice clean office.


No, that is in fact the original point of EI. People have always been able to find shittier work than they had before, they don't need EI to do that. EI was very definitely meant to ensure people's careers weren't fucked by things out of their control. That's what insurance is. They didn't fill in language to clarify or eliminate loopholes (wtf?), they *removed* language.

That you don't *like* what it was, or think there's some kind of widespread abuse of it, doesn't mean that wasn't its purpose or that it wasn't serving that purpose.


Cool Smoke Luke
No, that is in fact the original point of EI. People have always been able to find shittier work than they had before, they don't need EI to do that. EI was very definitely meant to ensure people's careers weren't fucked by things out of their control. That's what insurance is. They didn't fill in language to clarify or eliminate loopholes (wtf?), they *removed* language.

That you don't *like* what it was, or think there's some kind of widespread abuse of it, doesn't mean that wasn't its purpose or that it wasn't serving that purpose.

I don't agree.
look at the actual definition on the EI webpage

What is Employment Insurance?

The Employment Insurance (EI) program offers temporary financial assistance to Canadians. One type of benefits that the EI program offers is regular benefits. EI regular benefits are offered to people who have lost their employment through no fault of their own (for example, because of a shortage of work or because they were employed in seasonal work) and who are ready, willing, and capable of working each day but unable to find work.

There is a difference from taking a job your qualified for and delivering flyers for minimum wage.

Life screws up peoples careers all the time..they gotta move on to something new..that's life.

In my little blue collar world 90% of the people I knew growing up are/were tradesmen or laborers. Manufacturing jobs are gone or going..Everyone's retraining for something new.

Riding out your 45weeks is a way of life for alot of people. Riding Pogey in the off season cuz you don't want to look for other work is a way of life.
Thats a real loophole in the system.

Thats not what EI was for..its been abused.

I like the change, I think its justified, I think it brings it back to the intent where you would only stay on EI for as little time as you needed to get back on your feet.


Are you seriously using a fluffy description of EI from a webpage over the actual wording of the legislation to define what EI is or isn't? If the EI legislation didn't require you to turn down work that you were overqualified for, that goes straight to its purpose whether you like it or not.

Again, if you just left it at "I don't like what EI was and I like what they're making it" that'd be fine. But to try to frame it as no change at all, just a way to boot out some slackers, is just plain wrong.

Also, EI includes provisions for retraining.


Cool Smoke Luke
Are you seriously using a fluffy description of EI from a webpage over the actual wording of the legislation to define what EI is or isn't? If the EI legislation didn't require you to turn down work that you were overqualified for, that goes straight to its purpose whether you like it or not.

Its just the plain lay description from the gov page. I don't' think I'm saying a lawyer should have to take the flyer job or do work such as cutting lawns..but doing something he is qualified for is fair.

Again, if you just left it at "I don't like what EI was and I like what they're making it" that'd be fine. But to try to frame it as no change at all, just a way to boot out some slackers, is just plain wrong.
Maybe I should put it as" I don't like What IE has become..I don't like how its been abused,I agree with those that think that wasn't its Intent, and I like and agree with what they're they're doing to change it."

Also, EI includes provisions for retraining.
Of course it does...never meant to imply it doesn't..
Thought this was pretty profound. I think everyone should watch the video.

War artist destroys works as protest against Tories


A renowned Canadian war artist is destroying five pieces of his own artwork — including one he shredded live on CBC’s Power & Politics — to protest the federal government's treatment of veterans and aboriginals, as well as for what he calls an "abuse" of parliamentary power.


Thought this was pretty profound. I think everyone should watch the video.

War artist destroys works as protest against Tories


Saw him rip up the painting on PnP earlier, it left Soloman pretty speechless. I understand what he's doing, and why and would go so far as to say I support it, but I don't think it'll have much of an impact. Now if he were to destroy the other four works on the House floor in the middle of Question Period draped in a flag, then he'd get some more eyeballs on these issues.


listen to the mad man
Kind of off topic, but was it difficult to qualify for this card? That's way better than AMEX...

Just saw this post now. My credit is fine, I'm in the back half of my 20s. My household income is above the current requirement but below what the requirement was when I got it. I have 0 debt and a few other credit cards / lines of credit. I was approved instantly. So I didn't find it difficult.


Just saw this post now. My credit is fine, I'm in the back half of my 20s. My household income is above the current requirement but below what the requirement was when I got it. I have 0 debt and a few other credit cards / lines of credit. I was approved instantly. So I didn't find it difficult.

The annual fee is double my Costco AMEX but 2% on everything is tempting.

edit: On Topic, apparently the copyright bill is going through third reading this week? Has it passed yet?


The annual fee is double my Costco AMEX but 2% on everything is tempting.

edit: On Topic, apparently the copyright bill is going through third reading this week? Has it passed yet?

If it's part of the ridiculous Omnibus Budget, not yet.




No one posting about the Heritage Minister and 'Mean' Dean Del Mastro calling a science exhibit on reproduction "pornography"?


They are on a roll this week...

Since Canada does not have a very large coastline anyway... Harper decides to go ahead and make cuts to the Canadian Coast Guard:


Since Canada no longer has any use for scientific research... Harper decides to go ahead and cut the freshwater research station that has been operational and gathering data since 1968! A 40 year ongoing experiment... pffft, shut that nonsense down:


Despite limiting the debate on the Omnibus Budget bill C-38 anyway... Harper decides to send three ministerial flunkies to the committee meeting reviewing the environmental legislation contained in the bill, and after each reading pre-scripted speeches, chewed up enough of the clock to ensure there was basically no time left for analysis of the proposed legislation by the committee members:


Despite an annual $5million investment into a Canadian studies program abroad that was established in the 1970's, and yields an annual return on that $5milllion investment of $70million into Canada's economy, a 14 fold return... Harper decides that because the program was setup for academics and scholars, the program was deemed to be ‘bureaucratic’ and ‘burdensome’ with dubious results... and is no longer affordable. Nice fiscal decision on that one. :\


Blah... could copy and paste this shit all day. :\


They are on a roll this week...

Since Canada does not have a very large coastline anyway... Harper decides to go ahead and make cuts to the Canadian Coast Guard:


Since Canada no longer has any use for scientific research... Harper decides to go ahead and cut the freshwater research station that has been operational and gathering data since 1968! A 40 year ongoing experiment... pffft, shut that nonsense down:


Despite limiting the debate on the Omnibus Budget bill C-38 anyway... Harper decides to send three ministerial flunkies to the committee meeting reviewing the environmental legislation contained in the bill, and after each reading pre-scripted speeches, chewed up enough of the clock to ensure there was basically no time left for analysis of the proposed legislation by the committee members:


Despite an annual $5million investment into a Canadian studies program abroad that was established in the 1970's, and yields an annual return on that $5milllion investment of $70million into Canada's economy, a 14 fold return... Harper decides that because the program was setup for academics and scholars, the program was deemed to be ‘bureaucratic’ and ‘burdensome’ with dubious results... and is no longer affordable. Nice fiscal decision on that one. :\


Blah... could copy and paste this shit all day. :\

Rules with an iron fist and a terrible hair cut/piece.
Slightly good news, Conservatives lose a seat: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sto...t-etobicoke-centre-election-wrzesnewskyj.html

Conservative MP Ted Opitz's 2011 federal election win last year in Etobicoke Centre was declared null and void today in a challenge by former Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj.

Opitz won the May 2011 election by 26 votes, but Wrzesnewskyj challenged the results over voting irregularities. The case required more than 26 votes be thrown out for it to be declared void.

Conservative Party spokesman Fred Delorey said they're disappointed with the court decision after 52,000 people in Etobicoke Centre "followed the rules, cast their ballots and today had their democratic decision thrown into doubt."

"The judge has found problems with the way that Elections Canada ran the election in this riding," he said in an emailed statement.

"As the judge took care to point out in the decision, Ted Opitz and the Conservative campaign team followed the rules.

Wrzesnewskyj told CBC News that the riding needs a by-election to restore democracy.

"Something broke in the last federal election," he said. "It's a terrible thought not to know whether or not someone who is in the House of Commons, voting on laws by which we govern ourselves, whether those individuals are actually an expression of the will of the people."

He and the Conservatives seem to agree there's a need for more training for the volunteers and temporary workers the election agency takes on in advance of voting day.

"Elections Canada has to have the resources to properly train their officials, to make sure that people who vote are — it's as basic as making sure that they actually are Canadian citizens."
They are right about the lack of training for people who work at the polls, I've scrutineered enough to know that a lot of the poll workers do not follow the rules and do make mistakes =/


They are right about the lack of training for people who work at the polls, I've scrutineered enough to know that a lot of the poll workers do not follow the rules and do make mistakes =/

Yup, my dad likes taking the job during election time and was frustrated by the poll district manager not answering his questions about how to do certain things. A lot of them don't give a shit.
Oddly enough there are some employers out there who are lobbying the government to do something about a skilled labour shortage.

I'm not entirely convinced that the people on EI are the right workers to fill those needs, but admittedly, haven't really looked in-depth into who's on EI right now (I'm about 10 years out of date).

All of this being said, it's my understanding that the bill is intended to primarily target seasonal workers who sit on EI when they're not "in season".

Law of unintended consequences being what it is, the bill will also end up targeting highly-skilled workers who cannot find a job in their field, but who could find an entry-level job selling shoes.

Making the problem of underemployment in Canada even worse than it already is. And around, around, around we go.


Oddly enough there are some employers out there who are lobbying the government to do something about a skilled labour shortage.

I'm not entirely convinced that the people on EI are the right workers to fill those needs, but admittedly, haven't really looked in-depth into who's on EI right now (I'm about 10 years out of date).

All of this being said, it's my understanding that the bill is intended to primarily target seasonal workers who sit on EI when they're not "in season".

Law of unintended consequences being what it is, the bill will also end up targeting highly-skilled workers who cannot find a job in their field, but who could find an entry-level job selling shoes.

Making the problem of underemployment in Canada even worse than it already is. And around, around, around we go.

I'm sure we'll also see a spike in offshore labour in certain seasonal industries as an ironic result of this.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Reading through this thread is seriously making me depressed. How the hell is the Harper Government getting away with this shit?
Fuck the environment, let's study video games!

WATERLOO — A University of Waterloo professor of English will lead a $5.8-million study of computer gaming over the next seven years.

Neil Randall was all smiles Friday afternoon when it was formally announced the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council will provide $2.55 million in cash and $3.3 million for in-kind services.

It is among the biggest research grants ever received by the Department of Humanities at the University of Waterloo. It will fund research projects for the next seven years in collaboration with six other post-secondary institutions in Canada and the U.S. and several companies.

It is called IMMERSe — The Interactive and Multi-Modal Experience Research Syndicate.

Randall said the research will focus on three areas of gaming — the immersion experience, the relationship among gamers and addiction.



Does anybody here listen to am 640 in Toronto. Some of the things they talk about and some of the callers views are downright ignorant.
Does anybody here listen to am 640 in Toronto. Some of the things they talk about and some of the callers views are downright ignorant.

You must be new to talk radio in general. The people who call into talk radio are generally among the lower rung of Sun readers.
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