They are on a roll this week...
Since Canada does not have a very large coastline anyway... Harper decides to go ahead and make cuts to the Canadian Coast Guard:
Since Canada no longer has any use for scientific research... Harper decides to go ahead and cut the freshwater research station that has been operational and gathering data since 1968! A 40 year ongoing experiment... pffft, shut that nonsense down:
Despite limiting the debate on the Omnibus Budget bill C-38 anyway... Harper decides to send three ministerial flunkies to the committee meeting reviewing the environmental legislation contained in the bill, and after each reading pre-scripted speeches, chewed up enough of the clock to ensure there was basically no time left for analysis of the proposed legislation by the committee members:
Despite an annual $5million investment into a Canadian studies program abroad that was established in the 1970's, and yields an annual return on that $5milllion investment of $70million into Canada's economy, a 14 fold return... Harper decides that because the program was setup for academics and scholars, the program was deemed to be bureaucratic and burdensome with dubious results... and is no longer affordable. Nice fiscal decision on that one. :\
Blah... could copy and paste this shit all day. :\