We won't hear about a lot of the bigger topics that have come down the pipe in the last few months over the summer (Del Mastro breaking election laws perhaps). Unless they're brought to some sort of conclusion, I would expect the NDP and Liberals to keep hammering on them specifically so people don't forget.
This is something the NDP have so far proven far better at than the liberals, actually. It helps that they have decades of built-up credibility as a third party to work with and the Liberals have decades of scandal and an assumption in everyone's mind that they seek nothing but a return to glory. This is one of the many reasons I'm against merger at the federal level, incidentally. The NDP have a *better* chance alone than they do with all that Liberal baggage weighing them down.
The stuff coming down the pipe now is stuff the CPC gets to own in full (majority government), and is in a lot of cases not merely procedural stuff. Raising the retirement age, increased police state nonsense, being belligerent in parliament when they have no reason to be, etc. These things *are* resonating in ways previous 'scandals' haven't at all.
Basically, they spent 7 years saying that given the full reigns of power they wouldn't go crazy and turn everything people care about around, and now one year in they're basically the LPC2.0, except out of tune with about 60% of the population (where 60% of the population at least didn't mind the LPC). It won't play well, imo. And then when Harper resigns, oh god the gong show that'll be. His front bench is so filled with scandal it'll make the Rae/Ignatieff/Martin/Chretien/Dion feud fest look like heaven.