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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Does anybody here listen to am 640 in Toronto. Some of the things they talk about and some of the callers views are downright ignorant.

My cousin had that nonsense on all the time when i would get rides with him in to work back in University. He loved it, I absolutely abhorred the comments and views of everyone on the air or calling in. Thankfully it was a short trip. I honestly had never listened to talk radio before and won't unless forced to do so.
Looks like Magnotta is our Breivik Jr.

A year before he became the target of an international manhunt for an alleged killing and dismemberment, Luka Rocco Magnotta was being hailed as a hero of free speech on a U.S. white nationalist website.

A May 27, 2011 post on Stormfront.org refers to Mr. Magnotta as “an open white supremacist” and claims he was being forced to flee Canada and return to Russia because of “his views on white supremacy.”
Accused killer Luka Rocco Magnotta linked to far-right U.S. white supremacists in message board posts


Check out this committee meeting where a CPC MP not only denies the credibility of a witness on the basis of his membership in the NDP (a union member who likes the NDP? Say it ain't so!), but even phrases his questions about it like they're right out of Joe McCarthy's lips.


Such strange times we live in.
Wow. That guy must be afraid out of his mind if he's willing to resort to such perverse logic.

Edit: And the response on CPAC. Good to see the Conservative commenter agreeing that it was in poor form.


I'm suprised this thread has stopped talking about that awful bill C-38. It seems they will be voting for like 14hours on a list of changes that the conservatives will easily able to ignore since they have a majority.
I'm suprised this thread has stopped talking about that awful bill C-38. It seems they will be voting for like 14hours on a list of changes that the conservatives will easily able to ignore since they have a majority.

With so much to talk about on C-38, I'm it's impossible to pick just one or two things to whine about.

That said, a plurality of voters put these guys in government, and now they're just doing what they basically said they were gonna do. Why whine? It's not like we didn't know this was coming.

And, with five years of minority governments, it's not like the opposition parties didn't have enough time to put legislation together that would restrict or regulate the usage of omnibus bills. Hindsight is 20/20, yadda yadda.

Of course, with omnibus legislation being inherently less well-thought-out than legislation that gets scoped and drafted and re-drafted even before it hits the floor on first reading, there may well be a great deal more Charter or other court challenges that the omni components will face, should it get through the House.


What the hell is this about?


Haven't heard about it anywhere. No one complained about this? I mean it's a fairly big thing to start to fiddle with. Please tell me this MP doesn't have one of "those" websites.

People are so caught up with the Omnibus Budget Bill that smaller things like this apparently sneak through. Hopefully our courts get a really good work out over this non-sense.
People are so caught up with the Omnibus Budget Bill that smaller things like this apparently sneak through. Hopefully our courts get a really good work out over this non-sense.

Hate speech is still covered under the Criminal Code, as well it should be. This is intended to keep people who are belligerent and contrarian, but not criminal, from facing legal proceedings any time someone disagrees with them (but in so disagreeing, don't have enough cause or evidence to have criminal charges brought against the alleged "perpetrators").

S.318 thru 320, for those who care to look it up...


Got ourselves a filibuster on C-38 now. NDP, Liberals, and Elizabeth May moved 800-odd amendments to it. They're voting on them in batches right now but the NDP are voting very slowly. There's about 159 batches and they're taking about 8-12minutes to vote on each one. Currently 5 hours in and they've done 27.

Can keep up with it on this twitter feed: https://twitter.com/#!/PLDusseault (it's french, but I don't imagine it's hard to figure out if you don't understand french).


It'll probably be done about midnight tonight or so, I think. Apparently the NDP slowvoting was only for the environmental amendments (mostly introduced by Elizabeth May). And the Liberals were only slowvoting for a little while as a protest against not being recognized as requesting a recorded division.
Breaking: Supreme Court will hear Opitz/CPC case appealing judge's overturning Etobicoke election results.

One-day hearing scheduled for July.


Tagged as I see fit
Looks like the tide is turning on Harper's Conservatives if the polls are to be believed. I can't link the article for some reason, Ontario is polling fairly strongly in favour of the NDP, following in Quebec's lead. I guess Ether Snake was right, Quebec was ahead of the curve and it looks like the sentiment is spreading across Canada as people are realizing the Liberals are just not a viable party right now. My guess is once the momentum swings a little more to the left, there will be some serious talk of uniting.


Trudeau has been mentioned a couple of times since Bob said he wouldn't remain as chief. I don't think it will be possible for the Liberals and NDP to merge. I think Harper is there to stay for another eight years.
I would not like to see a merger. I don't want a two party system in the end like the Americans.

give me some proportional representation please.


Merging isn't necessary to win. No more so now than it was in the 1980s. The problem has been a lack of an option the left can agree to get behind, not that there are too many parties on the left. The CPC have been hovering around a ceiling that's not nearly enough to ensure dominance in the face of the rising NDP.

That said, the Liberals make a shitty third party. They don't actually stand for anything. They still want to be a big tent party but it's a big tent with almost no one in it. I'd like to see them fall even further and be replaced by the Greens as 3rd.

Also, I really don't think Trudeau will do much for the liberals. Too much baggage, and he's his father's son in pretty much name only.


Subete no aware
I can't imagine the Greens breaking out though. May would have to work miracles to get people to even remember her in 4 years time.


I think she's punching pretty far above her weight in terms of media coverage and relevance in parliament so far. I don't think it'll happen next election, but maybe the one after unless something comes along to really reverse the Liberals' fortunes. And I don't think another attempted messiah crowning will cut it.


Merging isn't necessary to win. No more so now than it was in the 1980s. The problem has been a lack of an option the left can agree to get behind, not that there are too many parties on the left. The CPC have been hovering around a ceiling that's not nearly enough to ensure dominance in the face of the rising NDP.

That said, the Liberals make a shitty third party. They don't actually stand for anything. They still want to be a big tent party but it's a big tent with almost no one in it. I'd like to see them fall even further and be replaced by the Greens as 3rd.

Also, I really don't think Trudeau will do much for the liberals. Too much baggage, and he's his father's son in pretty much name only.

Not to mention that any senior Liberals with any sort of experience have left the party already! Trudeau is good in name only; he's a neophyte in the shadow of his father.


Subete no aware
So an NDP minority is not out of the question...?
They would need to get all the Liberal seats and then some of the Conservative seats as well to do that though. As long as there are (for the laymen anyway) two left of centre options, that side of the vote will get split.
Coalition government? Maybe that would work... but as we see in the UK, maybe it doesn't. :p

I think she's punching pretty far above her weight in terms of media coverage and relevance in parliament so far. I don't think it'll happen next election, but maybe the one after unless something comes along to really reverse the Liberals' fortunes. And I don't think another attempted messiah crowning will cut it.
She should be working hard to get the Greens elected provincially and build a base in BC at this point.

I haven't been paying attention, but does she caucus with any other party, or is she basically shut out of everything?


They would need to get all the Liberal seats and then some of the Conservative seats as well to do that though. As long as there are (for the laymen anyway) two left of centre options, that side of the vote will get split.
Coalition government? Maybe that would work... but as we see in the UK, maybe it doesn't. :p

Ehhhh no they really wouldn't need to get 'all the liberal seats'. What you're talking about would result in a majority, not a minority. The CPC have a lot of vulnerable seats to both the liberals and the NDP. Especially in Ontario and even the prairies (outside Alberta). Seat gains by both the liberals and the NDP could definitely result in an NDP minority government.
She should be working hard to get the Greens elected provincially and build a base in BC at this point.

I haven't been paying attention, but does she caucus with any other party, or is she basically shut out of everything?

She sits as an independent. Last seat in the commons even,, after the Bloc members who are also considered independents. But she does take part in a lot of opposition shenanigans. Many of the amendments to C-38 were hers. But I don't think she gets to sit in any committees.


A lot of you here seriously don't seem to know Trudeau at all.


Subete no aware
Ehhhh no they really wouldn't need to get 'all the liberal seats'. What you're talking about would result in a majority, not a minority. The CPC have a lot of vulnerable seats to both the liberals and the NDP. Especially in Ontario and even the prairies (outside Alberta). Seat gains by both the liberals and the NDP could definitely result in an NDP minority government.
Doesn't that basically assume that the Liberals and NDP will eat into Conservative votes and not into each other? The only way this plays out well for either party is if the other party blinks and self-destructs. I think the Conservatives just have to rush out a bunch of new spending on election year and people will forget about everything that has happened.

Hell, I don't think anyone even remembers the F-22 stuff *now*, let alone this obtuse omnibus bill stuff.

She sits as an independent. Last seat in the commons even,, after the Bloc members who are also considered independents. But she does take part in a lot of opposition shenanigans. Many of the amendments to C-38 were hers. But I don't think she gets to sit in any committees.
Well, I guess it's up to her to stay relevant. I still think the smart play would be to go regional though.
What the hell is this about?


Haven't heard about it anywhere. No one complained about this? I mean it's a fairly big thing to start to fiddle with. Please tell me this MP doesn't have one of "those" websites.

I actually agree with thier move on this issue. I dont think websites should be taken down because they promote hate speech, just like I wouldn't support religious websites to be taken down because they promote hate speech.

Plus, I'm sure the conservatives being supported by white supremeist groups can't be all that beneficial to their campaign.


Doesn't that basically assume that the Liberals and NDP will eat into Conservative votes and not into each other? The only way this plays out well for either party is if the other party blinks and self-destructs. I think the Conservatives just have to rush out a bunch of new spending on election year and people will forget about everything that has happened.

Hell, I don't think anyone even remembers the F-22 stuff *now*, let alone this obtuse omnibus bill stuff.

Believe it or not, every conservative voter is not someone who will vote conservative to their dying breath.

And F-35, btw.


Doesn't that basically assume that the Liberals and NDP will eat into Conservative votes and not into each other? The only way this plays out well for either party is if the other party blinks and self-destructs. I think the Conservatives just have to rush out a bunch of new spending on election year and people will forget about everything that has happened.

Hell, I don't think anyone even remembers the F-22 stuff *now*, let alone this obtuse omnibus bill stuff.

Well, I guess it's up to her to stay relevant. I still think the smart play would be to go regional though.

We won't hear about a lot of the bigger topics that have come down the pipe in the last few months over the summer (Del Mastro breaking election laws perhaps). Unless they're brought to some sort of conclusion, I would expect the NDP and Liberals to keep hammering on them specifically so people don't forget.


Subete no aware
Believe it or not, every conservative voter is not someone who will vote conservative to their dying breath.

And F-35, btw.
See, I don't even remember what they're called! lol

It's my impression that most people would rather not vote than vote for an opposition party out of some kind of spite.

Certainly if it turns out Mulcair is crazy, I'm not going to suddenly vote Liberal or Conservative next time around.

We won't hear about a lot of the bigger topics that have come down the pipe in the last few months over the summer (Del Mastro breaking election laws perhaps). Unless they're brought to some sort of conclusion, I would expect the NDP and Liberals to keep hammering on them specifically so people don't forget.
I think it will take some drastic scandal on the scale of the sponsorship scandal to stick in the minds of people. The Conservatives will have had around 10 years of failures for the opposition to bring up by the time he next election happens - my assumption is that nothing will stick.
Killing the census, killing the long gun registry, pulling out of Kyoto... yeah. No one cares.

They dont wanna remember the F-35 stuff. Its the Seaking Replacment Program all over again.
Or the broken submarines. Although I guess that was Martin's fault, wasn't it? lol


We won't hear about a lot of the bigger topics that have come down the pipe in the last few months over the summer (Del Mastro breaking election laws perhaps). Unless they're brought to some sort of conclusion, I would expect the NDP and Liberals to keep hammering on them specifically so people don't forget.

This is something the NDP have so far proven far better at than the liberals, actually. It helps that they have decades of built-up credibility as a third party to work with and the Liberals have decades of scandal and an assumption in everyone's mind that they seek nothing but a return to glory. This is one of the many reasons I'm against merger at the federal level, incidentally. The NDP have a *better* chance alone than they do with all that Liberal baggage weighing them down.

The stuff coming down the pipe now is stuff the CPC gets to own in full (majority government), and is in a lot of cases not merely procedural stuff. Raising the retirement age, increased police state nonsense, being belligerent in parliament when they have no reason to be, etc. These things *are* resonating in ways previous 'scandals' haven't at all.

Basically, they spent 7 years saying that given the full reigns of power they wouldn't go crazy and turn everything people care about around, and now one year in they're basically the LPC2.0, except out of tune with about 60% of the population (where 60% of the population at least didn't mind the LPC). It won't play well, imo. And then when Harper resigns, oh god the gong show that'll be. His front bench is so filled with scandal it'll make the Rae/Ignatieff/Martin/Chretien/Dion feud fest look like heaven.


I think it will take some drastic scandal on the scale of the sponsorship scandal to stick in the minds of people. The Conservatives will have had around 10 years of failures for the opposition to bring up by the time he next election happens - my assumption is that nothing will stick.
Killing the census, killing the long gun registry, pulling out of Kyoto... yeah. No one cares.

The three things you brought up I wouldn't call 'big' issues. The Opposition might trump them up, but that's their job as opposition. I would look at the CPC's changes to pension and retirement age, F35, robocalls, all of the changes put through in the Omnibus bill we don't even know about yet, online surveillance/any bill Vic Toews touches, minimum sentences/prison closures, shuttering the round table on the environment and related enviro activities.

The attacks ads on pension/retirement write themselves really.


Subete no aware
Probably the big thing would be EI, but it only affects non-Conservative (mostly) seats anyway, so I don't know if that will change things up. We'll see how the CPP thing works out, but I don't remember how it played out in with the polls at the time.

Basically, they spent 7 years saying that given the full reigns of power they wouldn't go crazy and turn everything people care about around, and now one year in they're basically the LPC2.0, except out of tune with about 60% of the population (where 60% of the population at least didn't mind the LPC). It won't play well, imo. And then when Harper resigns, oh god the gong show that'll be. His front bench is so filled with scandal it'll make the Rae/Ignatieff/Martin/Chretien/Dion feud fest look like heaven.
I can see Harper bailing in three years and pulling a Mulroney. But then again, with a divided opposition, I feel like the worst that could happen to him is he loses his majority and then has to pull a Martin and leave while he still has some measure of face left.

I find it funny that yet again, the future of Canada all lies in the hands of Quebec. If they turn on the NDP, then basically the NDP collapses and I have no idea what happens then. A resurgent Bloc? Liberals reborn? Fun times.


Probably the big thing would be EI, but it only affects non-Conservative (mostly) seats anyway, so I don't know if that will change things up. We'll see how the CPP thing works out, but I don't remember how it played out in with the polls at the time.

How does EI affect mostly non-CPC seats, instead of all of them?
You can only blame farmers in the winter for so long.
Not that I want to offend anyone by saying this.

But when I moved to Ontario two years ago, from BC. I was shocked when my cousin was telling me he was conservative and loved Harper (hes a few years younger than me and a total douche, not because of his politics that just adds to it).

I had honest to god, NEVER in my life met a single young person who ever voted or supported that party in BC; or self-identified as conservative. And i didnt even live in Vancouver. I lived in rural BC, southern okanagan thats still a conservative hotbed (my MP for a decade was Stockwell Day!!)

Is that common in Ontario? I mean I guess living in BC and then shifting to Ontario I was surprised by a few things: conservative youth, milk in bags (seriously... the fuck), and catholic churchs everywhere.
He was an embarrassment.

A few years ago in late October there was a cold spike and we had a bit of snowfall and 0 degree weather.

So he wrote into our local newspaper and basically said: "Hah! See! Global Warming isnt real! We just had snow and its only late October. Things arent getting warmer, Al Gore is a complete fraud and an idiot!"

/face palm

Lets just say the response from the town was page after page of people calling him 'out of touch' and a complete moron for not really understanding climate "change".


Not that I want to offend anyone by saying this.

But when I moved to Ontario two years ago, from BC. I was shocked when my cousin was telling me he was conservative and loved Harper (hes a few years younger than me and a total douche, not because of his politics that just adds to it).

I had honest to god, NEVER in my life met a single young person who ever voted or supported that party in BC; or self-identified as conservative. And i didnt even live in Vancouver. I lived in rural BC, southern okanagan thats still a conservative hotbed (my MP for a decade was Stockwell Day!!)

Is that common in Ontario? I mean I guess living in BC and then shifting to Ontario I was surprised by a few things: conservative youth, milk in bags (seriously... the fuck), and catholic churchs everywhere.

People in the greater Toronto area voted in Rob Ford as mayor... So, yeah, I don't know what's going on in Ontario.


Subete no aware
How does EI affect mostly non-CPC seats, instead of all of them?
You can only blame farmers in the winter for so long.
Well, I mean, the immediate reaction was from a coalition of the Atlantic premiers so they're the ones who seem to be most impacted.

At least, I don't think McGuinty or the other premiers joined in with their condemnation of the changes.


Not that I want to offend anyone by saying this.

But when I moved to Ontario two years ago, from BC. I was shocked when my cousin was telling me he was conservative and loved Harper (hes a few years younger than me and a total douche, not because of his politics that just adds to it).

I had honest to god, NEVER in my life met a single young person who ever voted or supported that party in BC; or self-identified as conservative. And i didnt even live in Vancouver. I lived in rural BC, southern okanagan thats still a conservative hotbed (my MP for a decade was Stockwell Day!!)

Is that common in Ontario? I mean I guess living in BC and then shifting to Ontario I was surprised by a few things: conservative youth, milk in bags (seriously... the fuck), and catholic churchs everywhere.
In Ontario it was basically between Liberals and Conservatives for most people. When I was living there last year a co-worker was saying how the NDP was a joke party there which is very different from BC of course where the NDP are somewhat strong. This was actually during election time so it was kind of interesting to see. I was blown away that my riding there (Kitchener-Waterloo) went Conservative considering it's a university town.


Subete no aware
In Ontario it was basically between Liberals and Conservatives for most people. When I was living there last year a co-worker was saying how the NDP was a joke party there which is very different from BC of course where the NDP are somewhat strong. This was actually during election time so it was kind of interesting to see. I was blown away that my riding there (Kitchener-Waterloo) went Conservative considering it's a university town.
Federally, the NDP have been strong in the union towns here though.


In Ontario it was basically between Liberals and Conservatives for most people. When I was living there last year a co-worker was saying how the NDP was a joke party there which is very different from BC of course where the NDP are somewhat strong. This was actually during election time so it was kind of interesting to see. I was blown away that my riding there (Kitchener-Waterloo) went Conservative considering it's a university town.

It depends on what parts of Ontario you're in though. Different regions of the province tend to favour different parties. I'm still ashamed of my home town for voting out the Liberal Agriculture Minister (it's a farm community) in favour of Diane Finley.



Has anyone actually seen these on TV? When they dropped the Bob Rae attack ads, I couldn't turn the tv on without stumbling into those ads every five minutes, and yet here, haven't seen it outside of a clip on Power and Politics where they were discussing it.
Whats always disgusted me is that they do these attack ads when there is no election to begin with. Besides the fact that they are attack ads.

What a waste of money.


Should be illegal for the government to make attack ads outside of campaign. But then they'd just pay others to do it.
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