They didn't? Did they almost go bankrupt?
They didn't? Did they almost go bankrupt?
They didn't? Did they almost go bankrupt?
So Harper and Co. backed off and won't get involved in reviewing history classes after all.
They will instead focus on federal programs, publicity, and museums. Whatever that means.
So Harper and Co. backed off and won't get involved in reviewing history classes after all.
They will instead focus on federal programs, publicity, and museums. Whatever that means.
Remember all those commercials for the 1812 anniversary? lol
CBC said:Funding ended for research into how to exploit world's largest fossil energy resource
Canada is abandoning a 15-year program that was researching ways to tap a potentially revolutionary energy source, just as Japan is starting to use the results to exploit the new fossil-fuel frontier: methane hydrates.
Methane hydrates are crystals full of methane gas found both offshore and under the permafrost. Low temperatures and high pressure cause methane and water to crystallize into ice-like deposits.
They represent an unexploited source of energy estimated to be larger than all the world's known coal, oil and gas reserves combined.
Methane is considered to be cleaner than other fossil fuels, and if methane is used instead of oil and coal, significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions could be achieved.
While Canada has decided it isn't feasible to make further investments in the field, methane hydrate research is strategic for Japan. Exploiting the abundant methane hydrate deposits near its coast would allow Japan to end its foreign energy dependency, with enough recoverable gas to meet its power demands for 100 years.
Japanese researchers are working toward establishing commercial extraction operations for some of these deposits by 2019.
So the news today is that the census results are broken because this is the first one to come after it was made voluntary. I really don't get why they even do it at all? I know in the US it's part of the Constitution, but if Harper's Patriotic Conservative Government of Canada isn't interested, why even keep up the facade of doing it? It's a waste of money AND the results are meaningless.
Yet another thing people will forget in the next few days I guess. I hope the Liberals or the NDP are remembering this shit, because someone needs to remind the amorphous blob that is the Canadian voting public that this government is broken.
It's funny, the CBC ran a story that basically said that Asians are probably underrepresented in the census and that there might be more Asians in Canada than the census would lead us to believe.It's interesting that the census results show an upswing in aboriginals and foreign-born residents. I wonder if it's just because minorities are hoping to be better represented, so they fill out the voluntary census. Lulz.
You know, I actually don't know the Liberal or NDP position on this issue. But I can't imagine it being sexy enough for anyone except nerds and social scientists to make an issue out of though.Long story short: I hope the decision to run an NHS over a proper Long-Form is reversed next time around. But I won't be surprised if it isn't.
It's funny, the CBC ran a story that basically said that Asians are probably underrepresented in the census and that there might be more Asians in Canada than the census would lead us to believe.
You know, I actually don't know the Liberal or NDP position on this issue. But I can't imagine it being sexy enough for anyone except nerds and social scientists to make an issue out of though.![]()
Pretty sure the Liberals and the NDP are both vocally opposed to the end of the mandatory census. The social programs both of them believe in depend heavily on accurate census data, so it's definitely not just a policy wonk thing.
the same commie leftists socialists who brought down Paul Martin in a vote of no confidence and propped up Stephen Harper to power?Considering it was the commie leftist socialists who forced the government to actually do anything in 2008, if that narrative were going to be busted it'd have been busted a long time ago.
That said, I think the real dissonance in the message is that CPC policies aren't bad for the economy, but neither do they really encourage the improvement in the economy to affect all strata positively. Our GDP can go up and we can get poorer at the median at the same time.
the same commie leftists socialists who brought down Paul Martin in a vote of no confidence and propped up Stephen Harper to power?
It's interesting that the census results show an upswing in aboriginals
Could just be a sarcastic reference to Dion.
More of a reference to people of the conservative persuasion believing anyone left of them is a commie.
I support the Long form Census.
accuracy is a pro not a con.
One doesn't need accuracy if they're going to ignore the results anyway.
municipalities make good use of it
I was speaking more to the current party in power at the Federal level.
It's funny, the CBC ran a story that basically said that Asians are probably underrepresented in the census and that there might be more Asians in Canada than the census would lead us to believe.
You know, I actually don't know the Liberal or NDP position on this issue. But I can't imagine it being sexy enough for anyone except nerds and social scientists to make an issue out of though.![]()
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau told reporters after his party's caucus meeting that he "absolutely" would reinstate the long-form census.
"It boggles my mind a little bit that in the data-driven 21st century, we would have a government that would choose to know less about its citizens, and about the needs and about getting good data on what people are struggling with," he said. "We have a government that has decided that it doesn't want to know what Canadians are facing."
Opposition NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair also criticized the NHS, saying after his party's caucus meeting that the survey provides "a much lower rate of return, less information which to base government programs on, and taxpayer dollars are not going to be spent as efficiently as possible.NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair reacted to Wednesday's Statistics Canada population survey by saying taxpayer dollars won't be spent as efficiently as possible.
they will use to pander for votes
Made this for the YorkU grit page a while back:
Who does this pander to, the extreme libertarian wing of their party?
I guess the funny thing is that if either party does reinstate it, the Conservative opposition position would be as predictable as "Here come the socialists wasting your tax dollars by invading your privacy".![]()
and allowing for the random and arbitrary surveillance and recording of private conversations just in case law-abiding people might commit a crime sometime in the future,
Might be referring to the "you're with us or the child pornographers" thing.
Canada's Greatest Human Being and MP in the history of Responsible Government, Mr. Penashue, seems to have lost his riding. How will Canada go on without the great leadership and political acuity of such a great man? Harper might as well just declare his government defunct and call it a day.
Why stop there? Next Governor General!Senate.
Which party is the "I voted for a strong economy" stuff from?Any BC folks vote in advance?
Which party is the "I voted for a strong economy" stuff from?
(I'm not from BC, but I've seen it a couple times)