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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Youtube automatic captioning strikes again.

PKP not used to not being the boss.
Marois doesn't want to stay in the shadows


Pundits are already saying that she will get replaced if she doesn't win a majority,
Now that the campaign has been more polarized with talks of country, independence, borders and shit. The Federalist vote is returning home to the Liberals and forcing the outcome into another minority government.


That push was... man that was pretty humiliating. I don't think a guy like PKP would stand for too much more of that.

Seems like so far the more the issue becomes a referendum the worse the PQ does? How would Marois even change the channel since she's built her image as a super nationalist.
The PQ are strange during campaign mode.

To their base, they will yell loud and clear they want a country.
But then on the campaign trail, they don't want to commit or announce their intentions about a Referendum to the public at large. (because they don't want their opponents to know their intentions on dates and questions).

PKP last week said that he wants to make Quebec a country for his children but then today refused to answer any questions about independence and ONLY wanted to talk about the economy.

They campaign and govern on the basis of opinion polls.
That PQ candidate was a lamp post candidate. Lafontataine has been a Liberal riding for over 30 years.

Islamaphobia is big among rednecks in rural areas who vote PQ
How did the CAQ go from the high 20s to polling at sub-10 levels? I feel sorry for Legault lol, seems like a much more likable guy than KPK/Marois royal family.
PKP and Marois have turned this campaign into a pre-referendum campaign.

Nationalist CAQ supporters are going PQ.
Federalist CAQ supporters are going Liberal.

CAQ is bleeding support from both ends


How did the CAQ go from the high 20s to polling at sub-10 levels? I feel sorry for Legault lol, seems like a much more likable guy than KPK/Marois royal family.

They could share the same fate as the ADQ. Legault isn't much more likable, he's from the same mold as Marois, heck he was in the PQ before.

PQ's campaign is really something. They're trying to juggle between the fact they would like to have a referendum but not in the near future, yet they want to get all voters for QC's independence both left and right wing to unite and give Marois a majority so that she can hold a referendum.

It's probably one of the most depressing election campaign in the province if only you consider the high number of opportunistic candidates and cheap 180. Barette tried to run for the CAQ in the previous election and kept bashing the liberals only to join them for this campaign. Martine Desjardins was ready to have the student movement fight against Marois last year over the tuition fees indexation only to now run for the PQ this election. Simon Prévost was openly and fervently against Bill 14 the PQ wanted to past and his now running for the PQ in Montarville. Bernard Landry resigned during the JDM lock-out blaming strongly PKP and his now seeing PKP as his new God.

This is a great read on Marois current all or nothing game she's currently playing.

Justin Trudeau joining the fray might actually help her cause a lot, especially with older voters. My dad would say all the time he hated PET with a passion and when I talked to him recently he pretty much hated Justin since he's carrying his legacy.
It's probably one of the most depressing election campaign in the province if only you consider the high number of opportunistic candidates and cheap 180. Barette tried to run for the CAQ in the previous election and kept bashing the liberals only to join them for this campaign. Martine Desjardins was ready to have the student movement fight against Marois last year over the tuition fees indexation only to now run for the PQ this election. Simon Prévost was openly and fervently against Bill 14 the PQ wanted to past and his now running for the PQ in Montarville. Bernard Landry resigned during the JDM lock-out blaming strongly PKP and his now seeing PKP as his new God.

This is a great read on Marois current all or nothing game she's currently playing...

isn't insane that we spent a whole year with student protests in 2012 from leftist students who were against tuition hikes. Then having two representatives of student unions join the PQ then having the PQ recruit one the most Right Wing billionaires in the nation?

le PQ c'est n'importe quoi
Azih, the PQ is the most monolithic political party that is the most homogeneous with the fewest minorities in its party.
Most of the minorities in the PQ come from former French colonies not much else.

Heck, even Stephen Harper's Conservatives is more diverse with Sikhs, Jews, Asians in his party


Azih, the PQ is the most monolithic political party that is the most homogeneous with the fewest minorities in its party.
Most of the minorities in the PQ come from former French colonies not much else.

Heck, even Stephen Harper's Conservatives is more diverse with Sikhs, Jews, Asians in his party

Yeah but running dull candidates in ridings she has no hope winning would be a smarter move than people like these two clowns right?


The bigot philosophy teacher for the PQ and the naked douchebag for the CAQ. So many quality candidates it hurts. By the time we reach the election, the 3 big parties and QS will be on fire already.
Yeah but running dull candidates in ridings she has no hope winning would be a smarter move than people like these two clowns right?

parties tend not to vet their candidates for ridings they know have no chance. So it opens the doors to loonies slipping in without detection until they open their mouths or do something on social media.
Latest polls are in and they are confirming the PKP effect but having a polarizing affect that is actually hurting the PQ the most.
The Center-Right nationalist party ;the CAQ is losing their Federalist voters towards the Liberals.
The PQ base is solid but it cannot gain any support from other party supporters while the Liberals are capitilizng on the ''Anything but PQ''' Federalist vote.
The Lefty-Left souvernist party QS has jumped up 2 more points and nibbles away a few votes from the PQ on the Island (because PKP is a right wing union buster)

Sondage: les libéraux passent devant les péquistes

Liberals gaining ground in latest polls

here is detailed analysiss from Too Close To Call blog:

threehundreeight blog has not updated their site yet.


Subete no aware
Yeah, everyone was saying how this was a "legacy budget". This just makes the Conservatives seem so much weaker, with Baird seemingly now the next in line almost by default.


Yeah, her English is not good at all. Her command of the English language is embarrassing to say the least. At least this one is quite tame. I'm laughing at the irony of some posted on twitter. Some are labeling her as a Nazi and racist and when you check the accounts they are mostly from anglophones that hate francophones which is a form of racism too.

I would be happy if she loses big time. The party needs to crash and burn to make a good clean comeback. Under Marois the party took a dark turn with a "keep the power at all cost approach". I hope the party kicks Lisée and Drainville out too. Getting rid of them would help cleanse the nauseating stench of discrimination, lies and cheap populism that seems to be floating around the party. Lisée has been fairly pathetic today on his blog. Blaming QS for diluting his precious votes. This is coming from a guy who wrote a book about how knocking the right wing in minutes and that is now clamoring for PKP.

I still don't see how Marois supposedly extremely smart as stated before in this thread. She seems to have read poorly the political situation by taking in PKP. It's now backfiring in her face. Supporting the crazy philosophy teacher's theories might not have been the best idea ever. Columnists are already starting to name Péladeau her successor, that can't be good for her.

François Legault is about to get wiped out ADQ style. He's basically trapped in a corner he created himself. By adopting an in-between positions on whole referendum and charter stuff he's bleeding voters to PLQ and PQ. Legault had mostly a bunch of awful ideas but the ones that didn't suck were stolen by the PLQ and PQ.

If we are lucky Couillard will implode eventually too because of the whole Porter mess that came back to haunt him today. In the long term I wonder if we will learn everything behind the whole CUSM fiasco. Apparently the Comission Charbonneau will target influent members of the PLQ once their audiences reconvene so that should be interesting too.


Finance Minister Jim Flaherty resigns from cabinet more...

This is huge. Guess he didn't get what he wanted on income splitting. Not often you get public dissension from the Conservatives and only a year away from election.

Or: http://www.greaterfool.ca/2014/03/18/f/

I mention this in the spirit of full disclosure. Jim Flaherty and I have had our moments. Today, after eight years, he quit. Why would he do that?

One answer might have come during a speech two hours earlier by Stephen Poloz, the boss of the Bank of Canada. It was dismal enough to send the dollar careening lower to the 89-cent level, and flash an alert to trading desks across the nation. “The possibility of secular stagnation needs to be taken seriously,” he said. Stagnation? When the US economy is weeding higher?

And then this report: “Poloz said a combination of low demand and investment, and high savings that have been directed to less productive uses such as housing, may keep growth well below normal levels over a long period and mean low interest rates could prove to be less stimulative than in the past.”

So, six years into ‘Canada’s Economic Action Plan’ we have the possibility of deflation, a dollar which has plunged, no new net job creation for six months, record household debt, economic stagnation and a housing market which cheap rates have turned into an income-sucking gasbag.


Today the federal debt is $685 billion. It was $549 billion when Jim and I we ate eggs. He says the budget will be balanced soon, but years of fat deficits have taken a toll. Now, if the Bank of Canada’s right, we may need more stimulus to get out of a new screwup.

Without a doubt, the prime minister knows he needs a reboot. Twenty months remain before the next federal election, and it’s time to bury a strategy that cost the country $140 billion yet no longer works. If the deflation monster isn’t offed soon, there’ll be one mess of angry homeowners in the autumn of 2015. Then again, it’s probably too late.

Joe Oliver is the new MF btw.

Yeah, her English is not good at all. Her command of the English language is embarrassing to say the least.

Why is it a big deal? She's not Ontarian. Have you heard the French of Alberta's PM? Is this a hidden way of saying "speak white"? I find it far more embarrassing for anglophones who have lived here for thirty or forty years or who were born here and still haven't and don't want to learn French, yet many others who have been here for a short time just for a job have (I work with many), and will likely stay here for good, and they'll never regret having learned the language.
Why is it a big deal? She's not Ontarian. Have you heard the French of Alberta's PM? Is this a hidden way of saying "speak white"? I find it far more embarrassing for anglophones who have lived here for thirty or forty years or who were born here and still haven't and don't want to learn French, yet many others who have been here for a short time just for a job have (I work with many), and will likely stay here for good, and they'll never regret having learned the language.
McGuinty spoke good French, so did Bob Rae (former Ontario Premiers)

Why go Alberta? it's the most alien province in Canada.

In Quebec: Charest, Landry, Bouchard and Parizeau all spoke good English. Levesque spoke good English and could go toe to toe against the toughest journalists.
Marois is an embarrassent.

Parizeau studied in Oxford, England. Your beloved Jean-Martin Aussant ditched political life and went back to work as an economist in London, England

But but but your beloved Jean-Martin Aussant (who went to work in England) wanted to prohibit Non-Anglophones from attending English CEGEPs.. eeeehhh it's okay for him to get educated but not your kids?


Why is it a big deal? She's not Ontarian. Have you heard the French of Alberta's PM? Is this a hidden way of saying "speak white"? I find it far more embarrassing for anglophones who have lived here for thirty or forty years or who were born here and still haven't and don't want to learn French, yet many others who have been here for a short time just for a job have (I work with many), and will likely stay here for good, and they'll never regret having learned the language.

I think it is important. Some people living in the province (8-10%) understand English better than French. She's still the PM of those people. I'm 100% behind la loi 101 and la protection du Français but everyone living here deserves respect. Her mastery or lack thereof often leads to awkward situations. When she tried to answer a question about religious minorities from an English reporter (I think it was CJAD) this week she goofed badly, saying she loved and respected everyone EVEN Jews and Muslims. She's the one representing our country abroad when she attends economics conferences and other important meetings. She's the image of a province she wants to turn into a country she has to do better. All of the recent former PM had a good command of the language and she should too.

I agree fully on the point about anglophones living here for years and yet can't speak or read french properly. You are voluntarily excluding yourself from the rest of the province by doing so and it shows a lack of respect for the people living here.

Alberta might be a more extreme example but I don't see why we should do the same. If she really wants to make a country she should be more welcoming to everyone instead of not trying because X province is doing the same not so good thing or is worse at it.


McGuinty spoke good French, so did Bob Rae (former Ontario Premiers)

Why go Alberta? it's the most alien province in Canada.

In Quebec: Charest, Landry, Bouchard and Parizeau all spoke good English. Levesque spoke good English and could go toe to toe against the toughest journalists.
Marois is an embarrassent.

Parizeau studied in Oxford, England. Your beloved Jean-Martin Aussant ditched political life and went back to work as an economist in London, England

But but but your beloved Jean-Martin Aussant (who went to work in England) wanted to prohibit Non-Anglophones from attending English CEGEPs.. eeeehhh it's okay for him to get educated but not your kids?

Aussant didn't graduate from English universities or colleges, he gratuated from Laval, Montreal, and Barcelona universities. It just proves you don't need to go to some English college to learn English, we start learning it at like 8 years old in all French schools. Is this not enough Lord Gutter? Must we bow lower?

And none of this explains why she has to speak good English enough for the anglophone Montrealers who have been here for years if not generations and who already understand French to be satisfied.

I think it is important. Some people living in the province (8-10%) understand English better than French.

Can they not learn French? She's also the PM of Chinese people who don't speak French or English. And the twats at CJAD know French, they can ask their questions in French and translate. Why be more welcoming to anglophones than Italians or Russians? Should she learn Chinese in order to be more welcoming to Chinese people? Why not the Chinese? Because English is more "useful"? It's getting pretty close to "Speak white". It's engrained colonist mentality.
Nice maps showing the difference of opinions between Quebecers and the rest of Canada: http://www.lactualite.com/blogue-de-jean-francois-lisee/la-fin-des-deux-solitudes-voir-cest-savoir/

It's black and white. It makes no sense to not take entirely our own decisions.




you quoted Jean-Francois Lisee!!!! hahahahahah you quoted jean-Francois Lisee. He was Parizeau head speech writer and he is now chief propagandist for the PQ in Rosemont La Petite Patrie

Dude! you are a pequiste
You can go to Vote Compass and get the real data without all the inflammatory separatist stuff, and have Toronto and Vancouver come up in colours other than white. Also it's a relative scale, so if 95% of RoC wants the troops back but 99% of Quebec wants them back, then RoC will be white and Quebec will be black.


You can go to Vote Compass and get the real data without all the inflammatory separatist stuff, and have Toronto and Vancouver come up in colours other than white. Also it's a relative scale, so if 95% of RoC wants the troops back but 99% of Quebec wants them back, then RoC will be white and Quebec will be black.

Can you post the Vote Compass links Viewtiful?
Jean-Francois Lisée is an expert of inventing ''fake'' statistics and ''fake'' polls to fruther is PQ agenda. He is notoriously talented speaking and strategizing.

Nothing that J-F Lisee says can be taken seriously
Are Wildrose number actually going up while the PC's are going down or was this more Redford tanking and the party is fine?

Wildrose has gone up a bit, but yeah more than anything I think people are tired of the House of Cardsian antics that is the PC party. Stelmach and Redford were largely hated by factions within the party and there was plenty of backstabbing to and from them.

Fortunately as of right now Wildrose support basically dies once you hit Calgary, but I can see them getting more seats if there is a shift in either direction from the Tories.


Wildrose has gone up a bit, but yeah more than anything I think people are tired of the House of Cardsian antics that is the PC party. Stelmach and Redford were largely hated by factions within the party and there was plenty of backstabbing to and from them.

Fortunately as of right now Wildrose support basically dies once you hit Calgary, but I can see them getting more seats if there is a shift in either direction from the Tories.

Do you think the PC's in Alberta could split, as happened federally?
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