I, for one, would willingly volunteer for a transfer to man the local Turks and Caicos RCMP Detachment... ;P
It was a good debate by Horwath. I don't think it changes much since NDP already dominates the North, but hopefully she can take the momentum in to the June 3rd province-wide debate. Feeling hopeful.
If EKOS is on point she's gonna need a big shift.
If EKOS is on point she's gonna need a big shift.
That's neat. I wonder how many municipalities would take them up on it. Would there have to be a referendum in each municipality?
Let's empire?
I just came across that article. How can we annex a British overseas territory? I know it's a pipe dream at the moment. But seriously, why?
So seriously, if the political will could be mustered, what what would stop us from annexing them?
edit 2: What's interesting about the Abacus poll is that 23% of people who say they're going to vote Liberal are saying it's "time for a change in government," another 23% say they're unsure, only 53% of Liberals think that the Liberals deserve to be re-elected. I think this says that most OLP voters are anti-Hudak rather than pro-Liberal. June 3 will be interesting.
If the Liberals win, will the opposition try to work with them or still harp on the gas plants?
I guess we'll find out in a few weeks
The HSR is real dumb. It won't reduce congestion, there are far more higher priority transit files that badly need funding and... seriously, why Kitchener? The built up area that needs the help is either around the Horseshoe towards Bufflao or towards Detroit.
The HSR is real dumb. It won't reduce congestion, there are far more higher priority transit files that badly need funding and... seriously, why Kitchener? The built up area that needs the help is either around the Horseshoe towards Bufflao or towards Detroit.
Krae_man is hating the hell out of us right now.
What is it with TV Ontario and putting on interesting debates during a Habs game? First healthcare, then transit and now the NDP budget/platform.
For anyone who's interested:
Andrea Horwath budget interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh544DkTzyw
Increasing voter turnout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu5FihU2RAM
Tim Hudak interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5PxatbM2J4
Mike Schrenier interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5nemVbzkXw
Hudak's Million Jobs Plan (+Transit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldx_6yth_o4
Healthcare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXQHuGus7ZU
Energy (politics): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRSnqyyVrDQ
Transportation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPFZnwCvs0M
McMaster University economist Michael Veall, who reviewed Mr. Hudaks math at The Globes request, said Mr. Hudak appears to have conflated person years of employment how many people would be employed for a single year with permanent jobs. As a result, he counted many projected jobs multiple times.
A Tory party source confirmed that the party had indeed treated person years of employment and permanent jobs as the same.
In the case of other policies, Mr. Hudak appears to have counted the same jobs eight times, Mr. Veall said. Mr. Zychers report, for instance, estimates the jobs created by cutting regulations on business at 10,600, but Mr. Hudak multiplied the figure by eight. He did the same to the 5,048 one-time jobs Mr. Zycher said ending green energy subsidies would produce.
So, according to Hudak's own plan, he would be creating fewer new jobs than he plans to fire from the public service. Lol
Romeo Dallaire to retire from the senate
IMO, he should wait after the 2015 election.
Retiring during a Conservative government is still in power will just free up a space for a new Conservative Senator
Or give Harper yet another inch of rope to hang himself, given his latest track record.Retiring during a Conservative government is still in power will just free up a space for a new Conservative Senator
Breaking news:
Conservative fails at math, and the sky is blue.
I think what it mean is:
A company hire 1000 people. In the second year, none of those 1000 are fired, but no one new is hired. The same process repeat for 8 years.
How many job does the company create? According to Tim Hudek, it is 8000.
So now we have two parties with voodoo math. Conservatives and their billion jobs plan and Liberals eliminating $15 billion deficit in 3 years without hiking taxes and paying for HSRs.
Has he even tried to appoint a new Justice after the fiasco from last month? He already pissed off the entire Quebec legal community.
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne isn't ruling out teaming up with the New Democrats to form a government if the Progressive Conservatives win the most seats on June 12, but fall short of a majority. The Liberal leader said her main focus now is working hard for the remainder of the campaign to ensure her party wins the election. Once the voters decide, her party will "make that determination," she said Wednesday after visiting an elementary school in Markham, north of Toronto.
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, who has called the Liberals corrupt, was tight-lipped on the subject. "I'm going to wait until June 12, until the people of this province make a decision about what kind of government they want and regardless of what decision they make it'll be the right decision... and we'll deal with that outcome once it's upon us," she said.
In 1985, the provincial Liberals and NDP teamed up to replace the newly elected minority Tory government under then-leader Frank Miller. The New Democrats agreed to prop them up on the condition that the Liberals implemented some of their policies. But two years later, the Liberals won by a landslide and the NDP lost seats.
The Progressive Conservatives say voters deserve to know if Wynne intends to form a coalition government if she loses the election. "What is clear is that Kathleen Wynne is so desperate to cling to power that she will do absolutely anything to keep her job," they said in a news release. Tory Leader Tim Hudak issued similar warnings in the 2011 election, saying the province could end up with a Liberal-NDP coalition government that would raise taxes.
I'm sure this has happened before, but what if there's a tie on some ruling in the court?Nope. He's either bidding his time to toss it off on someone else or hoping shit will blow over enough for him to try again.
I'm sure this has happened before, but what if there's a tie on some ruling in the court?
Or have they basically stopped taking cases until Harper can stop being a dick and appoint someone qualified instead of partisan?
I'm sure this has happened before, but what if there's a tie on some ruling in the court?
Or have they basically stopped taking cases until Harper can stop being a dick and appoint someone qualified instead of partisan?
Ah, that makes sense.The Justice that is set to be replaced has not retired yet so they can still bid their time in selecting a new appointee.
Isn't that a problem though? Like, if there is a tie and they're waiting for a new Justice, then basically the PM has the power to decide the outcome of the case by appointing someone who they know will vote their way...Split votes in the Canadian supreme court seem kind of rare. And if a decision were hung on a split vote I imagine it would just sit until that changed or someone was appointed and broke the tie. Afaik the court sets its own deadlines.