This game has something that I think is both a success and a failure,
Playing it for the first time, having gone through a media and info blackout, exploring the world for the first time feels surprising in its own right. Things feel vaguely familiar, yet unknown. Discovering the difference between this and CivV along the world is a success, But at the same time, I feel somehow lost. The game does a very poor job at explaining any backstory, or even giving the sense that you're advancing through the years. Missions give this storytelling background, to some extent, but it's not enough to substitute all the lore and knowledge and understanding we have about our own history. So, even though growing follows old civ style of emergent gameplay, I feel the mission system falls short to fill the history element.
I know what you mean. There's a surprising lack of feedback or something. I had that same "lost" feeling even though I know what I'm doing.
It just doesn't feel as tight as Civ 5 to me. Still having fun though.