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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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Iamthegamer said:
I can understand if you didn't care for the characters but....that was a perfectly normal party...

There was nothing wrong with the party itself. I'm referring to the length of the scene and the fact that it had no real bearing on the plot. I honestly think the monster was added in as an afterthought and it was painfully obvious that the party scene was designed to add precious minutes to an already short film.
Absinthe said:
It doesn't help that the party scene was insufferable.

My favorite part was when the squid monster broke in and started laying down mad hip-hop beats and everybody break-danced on his back. I don't know what you're talking about with this "insufferable".


Fry Daddy
Absinthe said:
I honestly think the monster was added in as an afterthought and it was painfully obvious that the party scene was designed to add precious minutes to an already short film.
...those are two diametrically opposed concepts.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Absinthe said:
There was nothing wrong with the party itself. I'm referring to the length of the scene and the fact that it had no real bearing on the plot. I honestly think the monster was added in as an afterthought and it was painfully obvious that the party scene was designed to add precious minutes to an already short film.
Ah, that's what I was hopnig you would say. Otherwise, it would've been kinda awkward...
Absinthe said:
There was nothing wrong with the party itself. I'm referring to the length of the scene and the fact that it had no real bearing on the plot. I honestly think the monster was added in as an afterthought and it was painfully obvious that the party scene was designed to add precious minutes to an already short film.


ckohler said:
I can't find it anywhere. It's called 'ROAR! (Cloverfield Overture)" by Michael Giacchino if that helps.
The Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Incredibles, Ratatouille composer?!
Koojay said:
Yeah... on page 18 or so....

It's still alive


i didn't feel like sifting through but yea that shit is crazy.

Also, I enjoyed this movie greatly. Ever since I saw the trailer at transformers I've been hyped and it has paid off.


Firestorm said:
I want that camcorder with its amazing battery life.

Is the ending on YouTube or something? I want to see this
falling into the water thing
. I told my friend he was seeing things but apparently he wasn't!

Considering that we saw everything that happened to the characters, if your can't do that amount of time - maybe you need to buy a new battery... or perhaps even a new camera.


Firestorm said:
I want that camcorder with its amazing battery life.

Is the ending on YouTube or something? I want to see this
falling into the water thing
. I told my friend he was seeing things but apparently he wasn't!
It's only 70 minutes... You say 7 hours acting like it was on the entire time. What we saw is what it recorded.(aka, on)

Anyways, movie was fucking awesome.


Absinthe said:
There was nothing wrong with the party itself. I'm referring to the length of the scene and the fact that it had no real bearing on the plot. I honestly think the monster was added in as an afterthought and it was painfully obvious that the party scene was designed to add precious minutes to an already short film.

It had *everything* to do with the plot. The plot being that some people going through their absolutely normal routine are thrown into n extreme situation out of the blue. Without the party scene the film would not have worked properly.
Firestorm said:
I want that camcorder with its amazing battery life.

Is the ending on YouTube or something? I want to see this
falling into the water thing
. I told my friend he was seeing things but apparently he wasn't!

i need to see it again too
Absinthe said:
It is a self-indulgent, shallow piece of filmmaking. I also think Abrams has been exposed as an even bigger tool. Showing the audience something novel or weird (like a polar bear on an island or giant alien destroying the city), giving them vague details, and then leaving the audience with more questions is his method. He does that shit intentionally and the audience often searches high and low for a meaning and answers that just aren't there.

My main problem with the movie is I didn't give a shit about any of the characters. A bunch of loud yuppies screaming at the top of their lungs really didn't compel me to give a shit. It doesn't help that the party scene was insufferable.

you already decided you didn't like it before you even saw it (as is evident pages ago), so yeah... congratulations.

I was really fucking impressed. Still thinking about it, as a matter of fact.
TheJollyCorner said:
you already decided you didn't like it before you even saw it (as is evident pages ago), so yeah... congratulations.

I was really fucking impressed. Still thinking about it, as a matter of fact.

That's fine. I'm just glad I didn't pay to see the piece of shit.
The movie was very engaging....... until the last 5 minutes. The last 5 minutes seemed to undo the whole movie. There really wasn't an ending.

I wish they cut out a lot of the first part of the movie, though.
Just got back from a 9:30 show and boy did this movie suck. I have never felt like such a tool after a movie. The marketing for this movie was terrific and I was completely excited to get some answers to all the questions I had been forming.

Well, what did I get? Nothing. Not a single piece of satisfaction from the second half of the movie. I feel like I got robbed after that show. I mean seriously, at this point I'm thinking Lost is going to end up like this. No answers at the end. Just a big fuck you, thanks for watching, let me cash your check.


So just got back from watching it. I went in well aware of the style of the movie. The small length of the film. I really started to get the "Blair Witch" impression from the get go. But I started to see where it was different overall. I think Rob is really the only character that I could connect to. The other characters were just fillers of the sort to support Rob. The sound was amazing. The visuals very well done. I really enjoyed this film. I'm curious to see if this gets a second movie or not. And the theory of two monsters is interesting. But when you see it straight on, you couldn't be able to see the beak form mouth. Honestly though that'd be pretty bad ass if there is more than one. Overall great great movie. Short but sweet. It certainly was a well worth $5 ride here at the theater. I do hope there is another in the horizon.


Fry Daddy
striKeVillain! said:
Just got back from a 9:30 show and boy did this movie suck. I have never felt like such a tool after a movie. The marketing for this movie was terrific and I was completely excited to get some answers to all the questions I had been forming.

Well, what did I get? Nothing. Not a single piece of satisfaction from the second half of the movie. I feel like I got robbed after that show. I mean seriously, at this point I'm thinking Lost is going to end up like this. No answers at the end. Just a big fuck you, thanks for watching, let me cash your check.
They told everybody this well before the movie came out: that the movie itself was an experience, a thrill ride. It's not supposed to be some mystery that you solve by looking at website HTML or questions answered.

You wasted your money by not knowing anything about the movie you bought a ticket for. Thank you for being an ignorant consumer.


The Abominable Snowman said:
The movie was very engaging....... until the last 5 minutes. The last 5 minutes seemed to undo the whole movie. There really wasn't an ending.

I wish they cut out a lot of the first part of the movie, though.

The part where Hud dies towards the end really got me to think that it was going to the end of the movie right there.
Crushed said:
They told everybody this well before the movie came out: that the movie itself was an experience, a thrill ride. It's not supposed to be some mystery that you solve by looking at website HTML or questions answered.

You wasted your money by not knowing anything about the movie you bought a ticket for. Thank you for being an ignorant consumer.
So let me get this straight, I am supposed to research a movie before going to view it? Seriously? The film was well made and had some good scenes but provided no substance beyond: Omg, it's alive!!! Shoot it!!!


Fry Daddy
striKeVillain! said:
So let me get this straight, I am supposed to research a movie before going to view it? Seriously?
Uh, yes. Read an article or two about it first if you're planning on seeing it.

Oh, and I'd like to hear what Shakespearian dialog YOU'D be saying during a fucking monster attack.


Crushed said:
Uh, yes. Read an article or two about it first if you're planning on seeing it.

Oh, and I'd like to hear what Shakespearian dialog YOU'D be saying during a fucking monster attack.

I will smite thee down foul creature of the earth! Have at thee!
Crushed said:
Uh, yes. Read an article or two about it first if you're planning on seeing it.
Ok, Crush. Can you then explain to me where the monster came from? What is it? What happened to
the girl behind the curtain (exploded).
I'm not trying to be a dick, I would just like some answers.
Crushed said:
Uh, yes. Read an article or two about it first if you're planning on seeing it.

Oh, and I'd like to hear what Shakespearian dialog YOU'D be saying during a fucking monster attack.
But really, is any good movie supposed to raise more questions (That go unanswered) than the ones already raised by the teasers (That also go unanswered)?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I dunno how these questions were supposed to be answered without seeming too contrived. Plus, it would leave less room for a even better sequel.


striKeVillain! said:
Ok, Crush. Can you then explain to me where the monster came from? What is it? What happened to
the girl behind the curtain (exploded).
I'm not trying to be a dick, I would just like some answers.

Well for the girl, it was obviously from the bite. Anyone could assume that something got into her bloodstream from the bite, etc. I don't see any reasoning why people think it was an "Alien" effect from a chest burster. That's just stupid. We clearly saw a solider that had "exploded" being wheeled off. I believe it was the same effect. As far as where the monster comes from, that's the mystery. I think it's fun to not where it comes from exactly from the start. That's why maybe a second movie would give us clear answers.


I wonder if I was the only one who thought the party scene was well done. I was enjoying the movie so much during that scene I honestly wouldn't have cared if the monster ever showed up. The comments were fun and the way everyone's stories interplayed in the background of this guy walking around felt very fresh and fun.

Like I said a page or two back, I thought the movie was enjoyable for every minute of its running time.

Also stop saying "second movie" please people. A sequel would be TERRIBLY UNWANTED


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Bebpo said:
Also stop saying "second movie" please people. A sequel would be TERRIBLY UNWANTED
Why? It seems to perfectly set up a series of these films (a short films collection would be excellent).


I just got back from Cloverfield and man, I enjoyed the hell out of that movie. Though some people in the theater seemed to be bummed. By the way did anyone stay for all the credits to roll? I couldn't make out what that person was saying. What did he say?
You know, when Transformers focused on the humans you all called it shit but when Cloverfield does it...
Optimus Prime could TOTALLY kick the monster's ass
I liked the party scene because I knew some serious shit was coming, so I was kinda tensed up despite the humor and the drama going on because I was always wondering, at what point, the shit would hit the fan. And I still thought that when it did it was pretty unexpected. I was also listening for outside noises during the party and when a movie can make me do THAT it must've been doing something properly.

edit: focusing on characters is a good thing when done right and Transformers didn't do it right. Cloverfield didn't have deep characters and it wasn't meant to, but at least most of the dialogue and acting came off pretty naturally.


Fry Daddy
striKeVillain! said:
Ok, Crush. Can you then explain to me where the monster came from? What is it? What happened to
the girl behind the curtain (exploded).
I'm not trying to be a dick, I would just like some answers.

So, it's not that you didn't read about the movie, you just can't read.

The movie is not supposed to provide answers. It never was.


Seeing this for free on sunday, hopefully it doesn't blow. Even though nearly everything JJ Abrams touches is shit, I cant argue with a free movie. :D


One of the best films I have seen in along time.

1) People stop bitching about the ending, its not a typical hero saves the day bullshit film. Go cry about it. Seriously..cant you try something new?

2) People who didnt like the way it was filmed- YOU knew how it was filmed before you walked into the theater.

3) The action scenes were amazing, cgi looked beautiful. I knew the first attack was coming, and even when it did i had goosebumps. I was holding onto my seat at multiple times in the movie.

4- where the monster came from
it came from the ocean, look at the movie poster, also JJ said himself it was not an alien, it had been living in the ocean for a very long time and just popped up, i think this is even said in the movie

5) never have i seen a movie theatre in such silence. Everyone was in shock. it was amazing. Then we all were like "wow..incredible"


Iamthegamer said:
Why? It seems to perfectly set up a series of these films (a short films collection would be excellent).

Because it was a one idea movie and it worked. Another "people with cameras filming a city being destroyed by a giant monster" would be silly. I mean c'mon it'd become like the SAW series or something.

Movies aren't like videogames, I don't know why people always want sequels when they see a good film. I'd rather have the same staff make another new and original film.


I was pretty floored by the whole experience -- more disturbed and creeped out than I've been in any R-rated monster movie in years. The whole thing is just excellent - a perfect horror flick for the post-9/11 era. I actually saw Fox News doing a "Is Cloverfield exploiting 9/11?" talking point on one of their shows when I went out to a bar for wings afterward. There was no audio, but the title graphics kept referring to the film as "controversial" -- are people really that up-in-arms about it?

Also, making a sequel to this movie would be as stupid as making a sequel to The Blair With Project.

striKeVillain! said:
Ok, Crush. Can you then explain to me where the monster came from? What is it? What happened to
the girl behind the curtain (exploded).
I'm not trying to be a dick, I would just like some answers.
The movie is supposed to replicate the experience of being a helpless bystander to a massive tragedy/emergency. It isn't supposed to have some scientist explaining everything. The tension comes from not knowing.
Only one word can really sum up this movie....

and that word is


seriously...anyone that thought this movie sucked...YOU SUCK.

or at least your tastes and likes/dislikes. :lol
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