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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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Getting upset over the rating of this movie is like people getting upset over the rating of ET before they'd seen it.


Then Bitch.


Buttonbasher said:
But if she's traveling with all of the other people, why's she the only one affected? She looks like she's been hurt on her side, possibly by a smaller monster?

Or, it's something connected with the ARG connected to Cloverfield, for which I plan on doing a huge write up on before the movie comes out as it explains the backstory of everything.
I'm just wondering why this movie got a January release date.

I guess it's better than February, but it doesn't show much faith on the part of the studio if they're going to release it in January. Now, I hope I'm wrong, and this is a sign of changes to come, and the whole retarded "seasonal movie schedule" gets thrown into the lake of fire where it belongs, but it isn't the most reassuring thing ever.


i'm currently watching godzilla (the emmerich version) on german televison. hopefully cloverfield is going to be more serious and dramatic than this movie.
Buttonbasher said:
Whoa! 5 minute Clip!

This IS the monster after all: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=8763974&postcount=132

(Animated gif from the trailer).


Even more hyped!

you know whats hilarious about "Cloverfield Clues"?

they've been "on the case" so to speak for months, judging by the "older posts" link on the website. yet, despite all their work, they still dont know what the secret is. and they probably wont until the 18th. isnt that sad / tragic / ironic imo?
Barkley's Justice said:
"hi i'm jj abrams, producer of felicity"

The Director of Cloverfield Matt Reeves, also worked on Felicity.

Embrace it.

Barkley's Justice said:
you know whats hilarious about "Cloverfield Clues"?

they've been "on the case" so to speak for months, judging by the "older posts" link on the website. yet, despite all their work, they still dont know what the secret is. and they probably wont until the 18th. isnt that sad / tragic / ironic imo?
Yeah. Cloverfield Clues won't know the secret: http://cloverfieldclues.blogspot.com/2007/12/spoiler-free-zone.html

Although with Public screenings happening before hand, I have no idea how something WON'T leak.



Scopebob Sniperpants said:


What spoiler review are you talking about. There are a dozen floating around all of which have been deemed fake. PM me a link.

An ARG (Alternate Reality Game) is a type of interactive game that is used to further or create an interesting universe. It's a big mystery, that takes the player to different locations either online or off, in order to solve the puzzle or mystery. The game takes the player into an "Alternate Reality" of sorts, which is to say takes you out of the normal path.

The Cloverfield ARG is revealing an interesting look at the events leading up to the events in the film.

It all started in July with the release of the teaser trailer to a movie with no name.


2 things of note (in relation to the ARG) came from this. First was the date at the end of the teaser. 1-18-08. Having no official title to the movie, people searched for any info about it by googling 1-18-08.

This leads you to 1-18-08.com. At the beginning of the site, there was one image.


Soon it would be joined by another

The Second item of note is on the shirt of a character (Hawk) in the teaser.

When Googled you find a website for a fictional Slushee drink creatively called "Slusho!"


More on that later.

The next thing to happen was 3 new pictures to be added to 1-18-08.com



At this point it was discovered that the images could be flipped over. The last one had a message that led to the next step.


Knowing the girls name was Jamie Lascano, it didn't take to long to find the characters Myspace (Which led to all of the characters MySpaces).


During that time, Slusho opened a store where you could purchase hats, and shirts.

Late August, 1-18-08.com went offline for a considerable amount of time. When it returned seemingly unchanged, people got upset. After 6 minutes of leaving the page open, you were rewarded with a chilling sound. An isolated sound of the monsters roar.


If you followed Jamie's MySpace, you found that she was dating another character from the film, by the name of Teddy Hanson.

http://jamieandteddy.com/ was found shortly after. The Password is JLLovesTH, but things would make much more sense if you watch them in the order I'll post them in.

Jamie makes videos for her boyfriend Teddy, who is not around.


The video reveals that her and Marlena are room-mates.

"Wow Buttonbasher" You're probably saying right now. "What does ANY of this have to do with The Movie? Seems like useless facts." Well, here's where dots start connecting.

1-18-08.com picture 6:

and the back:

Translation said:
Thank you for checking us out! We are Introducing this week's tasty one dish. Make sure you eat it cold!

* Skinless chicken breast - 2, cut in halves
* Sōmen noodles - 10 oz.
* Watercress - 1/2 cup cut into small strips
* Turnip - 1/2 cup, thinly sliced
* Shiitake Mushrooms - 1/2 cup
* Chicken stock - 1/3 cup
* Sake - 2 tbsp.
* Sugar - 1/2 tsp.
* Deep Sea Nectar - 1 pinch

In a small saucepan, stir together 1/3 cup water, chicken stock, sake, and sugar. Chill it until it becomes cold. Grill the chicken breast on both sides for about 8 minutes, and then chill. Boil the noodles for about 3 minutes, and then run under cold water until chilled. Mix the watercress, radish, and mushrooms into the sōmen. Slice the chicken thinly and arrange on top of the sōmen mix. Just before you serve, put the deep sea nectar in the sauce and pour over the noodles generously.

Go Go Delicious Chef!


Deep Sea Nectar is mentioned as the secret ingredient in Slusho!

Doing a search for said "Deep Sea Nectar" yielded this page: http://www.menuism.com/reviews/59200-something-new-where-its-least-expected
a review of a restaurant.

Portion of review said:
The recipe, he blabbered, was sent to him by his brother, a fellow chef working in Tokyo, where it had been gaining favor in some of Japan’s most well-renowned restaurants. It contained the finest ingredients money can buy, from fresh bay leaves imported by a company called Fotopoulos Herb Gardens in Crete, to something the Japanese call “kaitei no mitsu”, or “Seabed’s Nectar”, shipped in dry ice by a company out of Honshu called Tagruato.

Searching "Tagruato" leads you to http://tagruato.jp/

On the site you find that Tagruato is a Deep Sea Drilling company. They have stations all around the world. The newest one (and one closest to New York) is the Chuai station.

Tagruato's Subsidiaries include Slusho!, ParaFUN! Wax Distributors, a Medical Research place, and a company called Bold Futura.

You can contact Tagruato by Phone (Prerecorded Message), or by Email.

Slusho.jp updated to show they were hiring. Tagruato's logo was in the background.

Jamie posted her 2nd video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhvSdQJQSng
The video mentions a gift that Teddy has sent her, but she can't open it until December 9th.

Quickly followed by Video 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0A9jxiuSh0
and 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o4UgyQo8b4

After that the Real trailer hit http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/cloverfield/large.html

We see that Marlena is in rough shape. She looks ill. At the same time as the new trailer, a batch of production stills were released.
Besides getting a better look at Hawk's Slusho shirt:

We also get to see Marlena being handled by 2 guys in Hazmat Suits.


It's safe to say she's the girl who's exploding in the trailer.

Here's Kristen Bell with Slusho:

Tagruato posted a news story:

To Investors: Concerning the RRC Article said:
Tagruato is aware that many of you are shocked and angered over the recent article by the Ravaille Research Center. The Slusho! Board of Directors would like to assure you that the article's claims are completely false and that there is no Seabed's Nectar available outside their contained factories. The author of the article, Dr. Abe, is known for his suspicious research methods. In 1994 he was brought before his university's academic board in regards to his genetic manipulation of Australian Aphynos. We have dealt with similar predators before. The article has been stripped from all subsequent issues and our legal department is currently looking into further retaliation methods. Please contact a Tagruato representative for more information on this matter.

Googling Ravaille Research Center takes you to a thread on the original Science forums (link's dead now). But the post by poster 5pancakes read as follows:

Ravaille Research Center? said:
Hi! I’m new to the boards. You all seem very well read so I hope someone nows what I’m talking about.

I'm attaching a article I found about the Slusho! drinks and the weird affect it's having on people. I'm worried because my 2 boys drink it everyday.

Does anyone have info on the Ravaille Research Center? Are they legitimate? Does anyone have any other research on Slusho! drinks?

Attached to the post, was the "nectar" document above. The document addresses health concerns about Slusho's secret ingredient:
Attached is an scan from a book:

Transcription is here

Shortly after that post went up Tagruato.jp was "Hacked"

The front page displayed this Image:

The hacker messed with the image of Tagruato CEO Ganu Yoshida, and had the page named TAGRUATO IS DESTROYING OUR OCEANS

Each animal has a roman numeral on it if you treat this as an order of a list, and you plug in the animals name you get:

1 Tanner Crab
2 Irukandji Jellyfish
3 Dumbo Octopus
4 Ogre fish
5 The Wave (painting)

While the ARG players were busy figuring that out, Tagruato posted some news stories about Slusho being fed to animals, and Bold Futura launching a satellite.

During this time, those who ordered something from the Slusho store had been receiving their orders. It didn't seem that significant. Until people started getting distress messages with their orders. It was written on the back of a torn Tagruato memo. Each person got one of the halves.



American, The Chuai station hides a dark secret. Good people are going missing. Expect further communication in the near future. - the Whistle Blower

The clues from the hacked site finally led us to T.I.D.O. Wave (First letter in each animal name, and name of painting).


This is the site of the Tagruato opposition force. Nothing of importance really to report now.

Slusho added a commercial contest, where they want the fans to make a Slusho commercial. They gave an example:


It seems Slusho makes that dude strong. Maybe our monster had some slusho...

Here's where Jamie's Tapes get interesting:

Jamie video 5:

She opens the gift from Teddy! The contents are a Slusho hat (possibly indicating he is the Whistleblower), a package marked "Primary Evidence, Freeze immediately, Jamie DON'T EAT THIS" (most likely a Deep Sea Nectar Sample), and a cassette tape which says as follows:

Teddy said:
Jamie, listen to me, alright this is not a joke. If you're hearing this before we've spoken, then it means that I've been captured by the company called Tagruato. Ok, TAG-RU-ATO. Now listen. You, this is important. Don't call the authorities. It'll screw everything up. Just sit tight and wait to hear from Randy. He knows to call you. We're on their station ok, and it's like they've found something, or they're making something, but the point is, I can't, I'm not going to be calling you again. You're not gonna hear from me again. I just want you to wait for Randy.. he will explain [Jamie stops tape]

Jamie thinks he's cheating on her, and stops the tape. What they've found/ or are making is most likely the monster.

Also in the 5 minute clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOnoTb_RTbs) They mention an oil tanker by the Statue of Liberty. This is most likely the Chuai Station. The monster probably brought it with him. It can be seen on fire in the new commercial.

Randy is the one running TIDOWave.com (or so says the RSS feed).

TIDOWave mentions an "event" that will go down, on their site. A follow up post reveals that the event was a failure, and the person posting doesn't know much. They were instructed to type that. ARG players think the event was an attack on the Chuai station, and this is when Teddy was captured.

Certain folks who had emailed Tagruato received the following in their email.

Titled:pseunmoisuf.pdf This is the second Whistleblower message.


Transcript said:
Americans, No Oil Here! They must have known before they built! - The Whistle Blower

Jamie released video 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkPYGNi1wWQ

She's still upset, and she calls Tagruato. The front desk obviously doesn't know about a captive on one of the stations. But maybe the higher ups were monitoring the call, because she gets a call back almost immediately, from Tagruato (although since they aren't speaking "American" she hangs up).

Those who emailed Tagruato got an email back containing 1 of 2 images. They were sonar images showing something. No one's sure what it is.

Here's both, overlapping and animated:


The most recent bit of information we have is a comment Beth (Rob's love interest, and the girl he's going back into the city to save) on Rob's MySpace:

Beth said:
Hey Rob. Good luck this afternoon at the interview! I'm sure they'll love you.

Most likely he's getting an interview with Slusho, or Tagruato, which would explain why he's going away to Japan.

That's really all that's happened so far (Since July). Nothing big.:lol


Can I get a simple clift notes translation of that ButtonBasher? I skimmed over and it and the only thing that sticks out in my mind is some strange drink and Kristen Bell. :lol
JdFoX187 said:
Can I get a simple clift notes translation of that ButtonBasher? I skimmed over and it and the only thing that sticks out in my mind is some strange drink and Kristen Bell. :lol
* Random myspace blogs of characters featured in Cloverfield
* Vague hints that the monster is from the sea, and is angry because people have been
messing with its ocean.
JdFoX187 said:
Can I get a simple clift notes translation of that ButtonBasher? I skimmed over and it and the only thing that sticks out in my mind is some strange drink and Kristen Bell. :lol
:lol Okay.

Dude in the teaser had a shirt which led to a mysterious drink's website. The drink is owned by a company who does deep sea drilling. They're disliked by an opposition group. The opposition group attacks the drilling station nearest New York. They're captured. One member sends a package with a sample of the slusho Secret ingredient, to his girlfriend. Her friend eats it (even though it says not to). She blows up in the trailer.

Drilling station nearest new York makes its way to new york with the monster, and it blows up (explosion in the teaser).

So the monster has been found by the deep sea drilling company. Or they made it. They have some hand in why it attacks New York.

That's a quick rundown I guess.

I can't believe I spent all afternoon compiling all of that:lol :lol
Iamthegamer said:
jeez man, what the fuck is this, the Da Vinci code?
Nah, just a relatively weak ARG. It's when I tell you the stories of Year Zero, and Perplex City, that your statement would make sense. But alas, that's another story for another afternoon.


Buttonbasher said:
:lol Okay.

Dude in the teaser had a shirt which led to a mysterious drink's website. The drink is owned by a company who does deep sea drilling. They're disliked by an opposition group. The opposition group attacks the drilling station nearest New York. They're captured. One member sends a package with a sample of the slusho Secret ingredient, to his girlfriend. Her friend eats it (even though it says not to). She blows up in the trailer.

Drilling station nearest new York makes its way to new york with the monster, and it blows up (explosion in the teaser).

So the monster has been found by the deep sea drilling company. Or they made it. They have some hand in why it attacks New York.

That's a quick rundown I guess.

I can't believe I spent all afternoon compiling all of that:lol :lol

Pissed off Slush Puppy, eh? Thanks for the breakdown.
JdFoX187 said:
Pissed off Slush Puppy, eh? Thanks for the breakdown.
Theory is that the monster is something from the deep sea, thats been mutated by Deep Sea Nectar.

By the sound of the roar, I think it's a whale. But Tagruato, is an anagram of Tortuga (Spanish for Turtle), So there's really no way to tell.

Until the monster leaks of course


I've never see anything JJ Abrams has been involved in before, so what's the deal with Slusho? Can we expect to see a starship painted up as a Slusho cup in Star Trek?
B.K. said:
Yeah. A Slusho starship would be a bit out of place. Instead, maybe Spock will walk around Starfleet Academy drinking Slusho all day.
Depending on the role it actually plays in the movie, it might make a small cameo in the film. Although if Rob is going to Japan to work for Slusho, I doubt the cameo would happen.
Wait a second. The spoiler review that I read detailed the ENTIRE movie, but it was apparently written by someone with the pen name "The Whistle Blower"

IE: That name appears on the piece of paper above.

WTF. Maybe that review I read was just a fake spoiler review? But it was sooo authentic and believable. It even referenced every part of the trailers.

Alas, the new trailer is out. There's a line that says "Who would you go back for?"
So apparently the group are heading back into the city to find someone. Wonder who.


Wow, the ARG looks more intriguing than the movie.

Movie will probably suck though. Just another U.S.A. stroke off fest. Ending scene will be tragic/hopeful/proud with the American flag flying over the silhouette of the statue of liberty after Joe American kills the evil aliens and rescues his family.


Gold Member
Thanks for compiling that information. I'll be honest with you, all that stuff is sort of lame and makes me want to see the movie even less, especially if it plays a significant role.


venison crêpe
speedpop said:
It's from the Sunshine soundtrack. There's a few tracks that use the theme throughout the movie, but the main one is called The Surface of the Sun.

Awesome cheers!


Mamesj said:
:lol only missed the tragedy part--there has to be a 9/11-esque tragedy these days. Like Cloverfield's poster clearly shouts "You remember 9/11? WELL IMAGINE IF IT HAPPENED TO THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. BY ALIENS. WOAH."
You're taking this thing way too seriously.


Nice job Buttonbasher.

I'll be watching this movie, thanks to you.

My interest level was at 4/10, but is now at around 8.5/10


Maybe it's deep see nectar that Barry Bonds was taking?
wow......my interest after reading Buttonbasher post has gone from not following one bit...to WTF and why isn't there more info now!!!! well I await the leaks and spoilers :D
What if it isn't even a sea monster? What if he just wants us to think it's a sea monster, and it's really some Lovecraftian ancient evil? Or some crap from the sky?

Yeah, not gonna happen.


JzeroT1437 said:
What if it isn't even a sea monster? What if he just wants us to think it's a sea monster, and it's really some Lovecraftian ancient evil? Or some crap from the sky?

Yeah, not gonna happen.
might as well make it cthulthu

and have new york go insane at the sight of him

fuck i want a cthulthu monster movie


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, not going to happen. Would be kinda cool, but I figure it's a horrible mutated reaction cause by some evil human chemical or something, and poor Deformed Moby Dick has decided to go looking for Skany Uptown Girls.


Lonestar said:
Yeah, not going to happen. Would be kinda cool, but I figure it's a horrible mutated reaction cause by some evil human chemical or something, and poor Deformed Moby Dick has decided to go looking for Skany Uptown Girls.
I honestly had to stop everything I was doing because I was laughing too hard.
Scopebob Sniperpants said:
Wait a second. The spoiler review that I read detailed the ENTIRE movie, but it was apparently written by someone with the pen name "The Whistle Blower"

IE: That name appears on the piece of paper above.

WTF. Maybe that review I read was just a fake spoiler review? But it was sooo authentic and believable. It even referenced every part of the trailers.

Alas, the new trailer is out. There's a line that says "Who would you go back for?"
So apparently the group are heading back into the city to find someone. Wonder who.
They're most likely going back for the girl Rob has always loved, Beth. Everytime he's single, she's dating, and when she's single he's dating. Either way, I believe in that same commercial Rob says they're going back for her. She's trapped in her apartment. There's promotional images showing she has something going through her right shoulder. Shrapnel probably.

Also for those following the ARG I notice some HUGE things appear to have happened today :D

First of which being a new post at TIDO Wave.


January 01, 2008

As many of you know, we returned from our journey late last night. There are already more rumors going around than I’d like, so I want to set the record a little straighter before all of us go crazy. Yes, we had the coordinates correct. There’s no possibility that we weren’t in the right spot. But there was simply nothing there. No debri, no clues, no anything. Just ocean. And calls to our comrades got nothing but static. This doesn’t mean that we’re giving up - exactly the opposite. Something went on out there. A mess too big for Tagruato to wipe up with their handfuls of money. People are going to want to know what happened to that station. And we’re going to find out.

My speculation was right. The event was a journey to the Chuai station, but apparently things have already set into motion. The Station is not there. My guess is something is taking it to New York.

Also Jamie made a new video. It's in no way informative, but she's drunk

Then theres a plethora of new Tagruato posts.

Smilers at the Fish Market

Company Picnic Packs them in

ParaFUN! Wax Museum Unveiled

Suinin Station Wins Green Award
^Interesting how this one seems to go against what TIDO Wave is saying.

So there's the happenings of the day.



Is the little ship icon the right of any given scale? I cant see anything beyond the 100,1000 numbers and no scale mentioned...

Feet? Meters?
pxleyes said:
Is the little ship icon the right of any given scale? I cant see anything beyond the 100,1000 numbers and no scale mentioned...

Feet? Meters?
Good Question. At first all the emails got the darker image (Sonar1.jpg) an hour or so later a brighter one (Sonar2.jpg) was sent out. Maybe we aren't getting the clues right...

EDIT: Watching the Jamie and Teddy video 7, I just noticed her door gets bumped (as she says "Awesomeist"). Could it be that Tagruato has tracked her down? And they just didn't want to get caught on tape?
I'm kind of wondering why the two sonar pictures don't have the same coordinates. Were they meant to be overlayed like that if they weren't taken in the same spot?
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