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CNN: US drops its largest conventional bomb (MOAB) on ISIS target in Afghanistan

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Neither will I, but do you actually think Clinton wouldn't have given the go-ahead here? If you have an opportunity to take out a bunch of ISIS tunnels out in the middle of nowhere, you take it. Any president would have okayed this.

How can it be called an irresponsible move when we don't even know where it was used?

I'm not saying it is or isn't. I don't think any of us have enough information to intelligently critique this.


I can't help but feel like this is meant to intimidste Iran, ahead if their elections no less. Never mind that Iran hates ISIS and has worked behind the scenes to bomb ISIS targets themselves.


Missiles fired at Syria. Largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan. And North Korea looks to be next.

His supporters must be freaking the hell out. Well, I guess we can welcome them to our reality since he took office.
Yeah that image posted earlier is not a MOAB. This is a MOAB test, but it's hard to appreciate the scale imho...


video (disclaimer: this is a military channel so expect the bomb to be presented with lots of wow-cool pizzazz)


tbh, I don't have anything against dropping something like MOAB in principle, though its use should definitely be limited to very specific situations.

I just don't like the idea of Trump escalating any kind of force. I don't trust the fucker at all.


If all it did was take out ISIS targets, I'm all for it. Why threaten our soldiers lives to try and take them out in an extended firefight, or risk many escaping from a conventional bombing where they could live to rape and murder another day? As long as the bomb is not nuclear and no innocents lives are lost, I don't have an issue.

Mile wide blast radiuses would take out civilians believe me. Bigly.
Based on Geneva convention treaties, bombs are legit to use so long as they are designed to kill immediately, and not cause long-term pain, suffering or death.

So, a bomb with a 1-mile radius is OK, so long as it's designed to kill in one blast, and doesn't have any lingering effects. No radiation, poison, biological or toxic chemicals allowed.

It's more "humane" warfare.


How is a bomb with a blast radius of a mile not considered a WMD?

I was tempted to make a thread the other day on MOAB and FOAB asking why we have yet to create something between those and conventional nukes. Basically, why don't we have non-nuclear WMDs? You'd think the tech would be there by now.

There isn't a good standard definition for WMD. Many go by the NBC categories (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical). The US Military definition is:

  • any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of:
  • toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors
  • a disease organism
  • radiation or radioactivity[33]

Others use a more broad definition. It would qualify under any of the broader non NBC definitions.

As to why we don't have bigger bombs.. they just aren't all that useful. Better to have more tactical, discriminate ordinances. Even with out nuclear array, we long ago shifted to more tactical nukes.
Launching missiles was the only action Trump made that got lavishing praise from the media. As Trump understands things now: bomb people, get popular.


I guess that is what he is doing to try and raise those pathetic approval rating numbers. That is why he also flip flopped on NATO and China all in one day. The man is a mess.


Missiles fired at Syria. Largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan. And North Korea looks to be next.

His supporters must be freaking the hell out. Well, I guess we can welcome them to our reality since he took office.

They don't want war

Voted for the Republican candidate.


Is this the same weapon that weapon the Russians have that isn't a Nuke but the second "best" thing?

Yeah, but the Russians have a larger one. But it is crazy that it is so devastating that it isn't nuclear but evaporates everything instantly. These thermobaric bombs are crazy and really highlight the first time it has been used in a war situation. The pressure cloud followed by the explosion would eradicate anything much like a nuclear weapon.


I'm not saying it is or isn't. I don't think any of us have enough information to intelligently critique this.
I agree. It's too early. Was there civilians in the area? What sort of damage was done to the surrounding land that could be important? Was the bombing effective?
They don't want war

Voted for the Republican candidate.
I mean, in principal yeah, but Hillary genuinely was more hawkish than the standard dem party line, unfortunately.

That said, her cabinet would inarguably have been better suited to and more experienced managing this kind of shit, so it's really just choosing between shitty conflicts (trump) or higher quality conflicts, which are still shit (Hillary).


Based on Geneva convention treaties, bombs are legit to use so long as they are designed to kill immediately, and not cause long-term pain, suffering or death.

So, a bomb with a 1-mile radius is OK, so long as it's designed to kill in one blast, and doesn't have any lingering effects. No radiation, poison, biological or toxic chemicals allowed.

It's more "humane" warfare.

Thats during a time of war, were not war. Its also a violation of international law to attack another country without provocation.


I think that a lot of people are hearing that 1-mile blast radius, and picturing total destruction within that circle.

Here's the blast radius for a 10kT nuclear explosion (1000x the energy of this bomb)


Given that this is a conventional bomb, and radiation isn't a factor, most of that 1-mile blast radius wouldn't be fatal. Especially in a remote area where you don't have to worry about a shower of glass.

I think that this was likely a bit of a publicity stunt considering how long these bombs have been shelved, and I'm not sure how effective the random bombing is in fighting terrorism, but that's a separate matter.
The bomb was used in a remote area and meant to take out ISIS hidden in caves with pressure waves. I sincerely doubt the US would have dropped it if they knew many civilians were within the area.
We just killed 18 allies. You think US gives a shit? If you're brown you're a terrorist. The term civilian doesn't apply to people of that skin color
I agree. It's too early. Was there civilians in the area? What sort of damage was done to the surrounding land that could be important? Was the bombing effective?

Additionally, what specifically was the target and how important is it to the operation of ISIS.

All factors to consider.


CBS is claiming, "The Afghanistan strike had been in the works for a number of months. The weapon was brought into Afghanistan specifically for this mission, Martin reports."

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump didn't even knew about this and people here are blaming him. People need to focus, the US does this with or without Trump in charge. After all, it was Obama that ordered a single strike with 108 bombs in Lybia just before leaving office (sent directly from the US by B-2 as a way of showing Russia their power).
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