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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

I'm assuming you've already read all of Criminal. If not, that's the best place to start. Sleeper is also a really good series, and I'd also suggest The Last Days of American Crime.
Still working through my wishlist. Only really getting into comics last year and only part-time job tier money means there's a lot to catch up on, at a slow pace. So unfortunately haven't gotten to Criminal yet
Still working through my wishlist. Only really getting into comics last year and only part-time job tier money means there's a lot to catch up on. So unfortunately haven't gotten to Criminal yet

That would definitely be the place to start, then. Brubaker and Philips are probably THE best creative team out there when it comes to crime comics.
Are there any threads or good articles like this (Comic recommendations for you fine folk here! Sci-Fi, horror, fantasy and more.) but for noir/crime series?

I got Southern Bastards and Scalped in my Comixology cart at the moment

(Yes, I know about Stray Bullets. No, I haven't gotten to it yet)

Don't know of any articles or threads here but Brubaker's stuff is really popular and it's usually in that general genre.

When we tried to do Reading Clubs, we had one for Stray Bullets. While I've only read the first volume myself, it was very good and definitely falls under what you're looking for. They have the Stray Bullets Uber Alles Edition which collects all 41 issues of the original series so it's easy to get into.


Man, I feel like I wasted my day off. More than half my day was spent reading comics. I read like 600 pages worth. I need to take a break tomorrow.


Not for me. The first issue felt like a chore to get through.

The epilogue story in the back was my favorite part cuz the back up artist drew it. Has Bachalo left the book yet?

Doubt bachalo is gonna leave. He loves drawing that stuff and he stayed on uncanny for 90% of the run.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Love that art. Hey Messi, see that art? Thats the art Squirrel Girl should have.

Or the Silk artist (the original disney-like one, not the current). Man that would be dope.


Lol. Brubaker is noir. The guy can't write anything else. He could write a story about pizza delivery and it would end up being noir. <3 Brubaker.
Doubt bachalo is gonna leave. He loves drawing that stuff and he stayed on uncanny for 90% of the run.

Bachalo was on X-Men titles for years. I have the Hecatomb arc in single issues. That was back in the early-/mid-00's. Not to mention he had a run in Morrison's New X-Men. That man is easily one of the most iconic X-Men artists.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Bachalo was on X-Men titles for years. I have the Hecatomb arc in single issues. That was back in the early-/mid-00's. Not to mention he had a run in Morrison's New X-Men. That man is easily one of the most iconic X-Men artists.

I just read his AoA Generation Next a few weeks ago too.

Colossus sure was a dick in that :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Can we please get Brian under control? This Bachalo bashing is borderline illegal. The fuck are our mods doing?


Miracleman - Red King Syndrome (#5-#10): That was pretty good. Didn't enjoy it as much as the first vol, but good nevertheless. Some great art even if the six issues seemed to have four different artists.

A few questions

1) The chapters always seem small. Was this originally serialized in a magazine or something?

2) I see that the writer's name isn't listed anywhere on the cover and is only mentioned as "The Original Writer" inside the book. (Including in a speech bubble in supplemental material at the end of the book). Was this a requirement of the new rights deal?

3) Why can't Alan Moore write a series without rape in it?

Onto the third volume now.

quoting this again because it had me thinking about Miracleman again

a) Chuck Beckum is clearly the worst artist of the series but there's something about his figurework and Miracleman as this violent god that's very in line with what Fletcher Hanks (also not the best artist in the world) was doing in Stardust the Super Wizard. Like, compare this sequence in Miracleman (1) and (2) with this somewhat famous page from Stardust (1)

b) One of the interesting about MM is that by the end of the Moore-written stuff, Eclipse starts hiring his Swamp Thing collaborators to draw the thing (Rick Vietch and John Totleben). The Totleben-drawn string of issues that constitutes the last third of the run is probably the strongest stuff in Miracleman, it's the part that actually has a consistent artist (arguably the strongest overall) and isn't on the verge of cancellation. It's also the part where Moore is thinking about the arc, and the entire run, as a whole thing.

c) Book 3 is actually really transcendent superhero comics, it's famous for a really violent extended sequence but the actual ending of it is what's really fascinating to me and I don't think any other comic since has really gone there in quite the same way.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I'm all caught up on ANAD now.

Deadpool and Cable was fun until Cable showed up cuz Cable ruins everything.

So the score board looks like this.....

Titles I'll keep reading for now.......

Invincible Iron Man
Amazing Spider-Man
New Avengers
Uncanny Avengers
Spider-Man 2099
Deadpool & Cable Split Second

Titles I'm done with.....

Doctor Strange
Everything else I didn't read


Unconfirmed Member
Did people see the cover for Doctor Strange 8? It may be the worst I've ever seen.

Even if he actually bothered to draw the ice cliff, the logo is so low rez you can almost count the pixels.

Edit: oh god, I just noticed the fire.
Decided to go with the first volume of Stray Bullets, and the Prophet series. After being disappointed story-wise by Nameless, neeeded a new sci-fi series to balance it out. After just a few pages, I know I'm going to really enjoy it. Nameless was inscrutably surreal, while Prophet is wonderfully, almost matter-of-factly...alien.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I bet Brian Fellows doesn't like Silver Surfer either, heartless bastard
Did people see the cover for Doctor Strange 8? It may be the worst I've ever seen.

Even if he actually bothered to draw the ice cliff, the logo is so low rez you can almost count the pixels.

Edit: oh god, I just noticed the fire.

I refuse to believe that this is how the final cover will look. Surely those jpg artifacts will not be present when it releases.
Decided to go with the first volume of Stray Bullets, and the Prophet series. After being disappointed story-wise by Nameless, neeeded a new sci-fi series to balance it out. After just a few pages, I know I'm going to really enjoy it. Nameless was inscrutably surreal, while Prophet is wonderfully, almost matter-of-factly...alien.
Haven't read Prophet but I've heard it's cool!

Let us know what you think of Stray Bullets too. I liked the first volume when I read it and I know it warms JC's heart to see people trying it. edit: wow I completely missed your edit in your last post LOL. Well I still stand by my suggestion for it!


Man, Avengers Standoff is a fun event. I liked it.
Kraven wearing a party hat? Sure! Baron Zemo was pretty funny in a weird way too.

Spider-Man #11 is fun too. Pretty much the most fun I've had reading the series since... uh... a while now. And jeez Bobbi be thirsty for Pete. But he still was yoinked though.

Ms. Marvel #6 was sweet and Old Man Logan continues to be enjoying.
Decided to go with the first volume of Stray Bullets, and the Prophet series. After being disappointed story-wise by Nameless, neeeded a new sci-fi series to balance it out. After just a few pages, I know I'm going to really enjoy it. Nameless was inscrutably surreal, while Prophet is wonderfully, almost matter-of-factly...alien.

Prophet is exactly that, yes indeed. Like nothing else in the game.
Grayson 19

Am I going crazy or was there an issue of a book where Dick himself went to checkmate to get them involved in something? This issue was so damn confusing because Dick acted shocked when Checkmate showed up.

Helena as Daedelus is pretty cool though.

Darkseid War

Death Flash is awesome, this arc is awesome, I'm already really interested in getting this in a collection and going through it all again.


This is gonna go in heavy spoiler territory for both BvS and CW but fuck I gotta say it

If you think the "Martha" thing is tenuous and contrived, you should blow a goddamn gasket when you find out that SOMEHOW the guy driving the car with five pouches of Winter Soldier Baby Blue Party Punch; who then gets punched to death by Bucky is HOWARD GODDAMN STARK (John Slattery, in a super inspired bit of casting, but, let's go back to my point) and SOMEHOW Steve doesn't think it's important enough to tell Tony, who SOMEHOW has not been looking through the declassified S.H.I.E.L.D. files Widow leaked (it's a thing), while, SOMEHOW, rando mc Daniel Brühl (who's also pretty great, but still) can just find that shit out and set THE WHOLE GODDAMN MOVIE in motion.


Only got the first volume of Prophet intitially, but after about 20 pages, I bought all the volumes

Prophet is amazing.

If there's one thing I love most about comics (and games too, they're good at this) is the sense of discovery they can inspire. The best books are great at this, movies too, but without the constraints of budget and limits of reality, comics and games can really bring a world to life on such an epic scale and scope due to their art. Prophet is an absolute masterclass in worldbuilding. There's an overarching story, but it's almost irrelevant. This is perhaps one of the best examples of "It's about the journey, not the destination" since perhaps Inkle's 80 Days

Prophet brings these weird alien civilizations to life, giving them culture and history and personality in a few concise lines, a matter-of-fact tone, and such wonderful art. A fungal caste race in a mold city grown from a living space ship that's planted roots into the earth. A caravan of organic farmers working on the backs of massive beasts traveling through a wasteland of long-abandoned machines.

It's great stuff.


People will tell you that Civil War does what BvS tried to do, but better, and those people will be lying to you and to themselves. I can tell you exactly what BvS is about, the point that it's trying to make, the story it's trying to tell. I can't tell you shit about what Civil War is going for. Not even on a "oh, so it makes two points that are equally valid" kinda way. In a "this is stupid and everyone is wrong" kinda way.

e: okay, as far as I can tell, the movie's final thesis is
"Eh, shit happens, deal with it, Cap was right, lying by omission is no biggie, civilian casualties are whatever, scool, Avengers 3 out soon"


Are there any threads or good articles like this (Comic recommendations for you fine folk here! Sci-Fi, horror, fantasy and more.) but for noir/crime series?

I got Southern Bastards and Scalped in my Comixology cart at the moment

(Yes, I know about Stray Bullets. No, I haven't gotten to it yet)
Stray Bullets is the best thing you can ever read/crime and sometimes noir.
Blacksad/noir and crime
The Fade out-crime
Richard Stark's Parker-noir and crime
sin city

east by west
black science
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