I really want to play DS2. Any build recommendations?
Depends on the version you are playing, whether you mind killing NPCs, and whether DLC content/bonfire ascetics should go into the build. Easiest ones are (1) Grand Lance with greatshield, (2) *Bluemoon Greatsword with Raw affinity, (3) *Blue Knight Halberd with elemental affinity, (4) Red Iron Twinblade with enchantment, (5) Lost Sinner's Sword without sinning. My personal top 5 builds:
I. Majesic Greatsword (LH) and Chaos Blade (RH) power stanced [38 STR, 38 DEX, 30 FAI, 30 INT]. You can strike quickly with katana and run stab or do double greatsword swing and a cool jumping flip slash. It is really a NG+ build with the sword residing in Crown of the Old Iron King DLC and the Chaos Blade requiring a bonfire ascetic on the Lost Sinner boss.
II. Two Blue Flames powerstanced and each enchanted with Crystal Magic Weapon [20 STR, 23 DEX, 28 INT]. Since the swords can cast you cover each with crystals and then proceed to shred the enemy. Alternatively, you can just throw out spells at your leisure. It is a drop from spectres in the late game crypt.
III. Bone Fist two-handed and power-stanced [23 STR, 45 Dex]. You can smash your opponents two-handed or send them flying with power-stanced hadoken. It requires you to beat one of the most difficult bosses in the Ivory King DLC after beating four great ones to get there, but it is so worth it.
IV. Raw affinity Old Whip (LH) and Dark affinity Sanctum Repeating Crossbow with Dark Bolts (RH) [20 STR, 20 DEX, 10 FAI, 10 INT]. At long range you can shoot the crossbow, at mid-range you can whip it, and up close you can unleash the crossbow's dark magic to devastating effect. The whip requires a lucky exchange with the birds (possible at start of game with the right gift) and the crossbow a trip into the depths of Majula and some farming in the Sunken King DLC.
V. Drakewing Ultra Greatsword two-handed [14 STR, 18 DEX]. Ultra greatsword or rail gun? This one is both.

It is a late game boss weapon.
* Requires NPC killing.
Rapiers and poison are very effective in DS2, so the dex build is a popular choice.
Dex weapons are good, but status effects take too long to incur outside of AoE Pyromancies. Two-handing an enchanted rapier and doing quick pokes makes a lot of boss battles easy as recovery after attacking is minimal.