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Days Gone Creative Director Blames Bugs, Reviewers Not Bothering to Play and "Woke" Reviewers For Lack of Better Reception


Got it at launch and played like eight hours max and it was just so... dull. The thing is, I don't think any part of the game was bad, it's just that nothing was good either. Probably the best definition I can think of a game which is average in every way possible.
That was my initial reaction to it. The characters, world, combat, etc. all felt like a been there done that kind of thing and nothing exciting. The zombie tech with all of them onscreen was the big ooo ahhh if anything.
Lost all reason when blamed it on the ā€œwokeā€. I canā€™t take these people seriously.
Look in this thread there are at least 20+ reviews where the reviewers were woke trash bashing the game for having a stright white hetero protagonist, and that he found his wife's ass sexy. Do you guys who deny woke reveiwers and twitter mobs exist closing your eyes or something? Proof is there and was posted in this thread. He is not wrong.


Gold Member
Meh. It's all about nuance.
I understand nuance, I also think it was artistic projection/expression as well in that scene. They knew what they were doing with the chosen looks and optics.

Not saying it was a bad game, it wasn't at all. The gameplay was great, the story set out what it was trying to do, dreadful with a depressing conclusion.
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Forgot to write my thoughts on it: The issue with Days Gone wasn't that it was a bad game - it was damn good. It offered a lot of variety and choice, with a good engaging story, memorable characters, and excellent aesthetics. It was just TOO DAMN LONG.

Which honestly is an issue for most of Sony's first-party line up. You could cut almost every "Cinematic Third Person Action/Adventure/Shooter" they release in half and they would all be better for it.
I finished Callisto Protocol in about 12 hours. Perfect length for that kind of game imo. I want more like that--but ship with NG+! Which Callisto didn't do


It's a really enjoyable 8-9/10 game in my book if you review the fully patched versions, and especially the PS5-patched 60-fps version. But even PS4 Pro version got patched with hugely improved loading times.

I would have tried to avoid upsetting people by calling the game got bad reviews from 'woke people'. However, it was really unfortunate and unfair that a highly broken first version of Days Gone got turned down when other broken on release games can get a free pass. I myself avoids games at launch and try to avoid the FOMO since I know the real version of a game I would like to play is available around 1-48 months from release depending on game. Of course reviewers can't wait that long and that makes reviews for new games kind of useless if people checking the review 2 years later don't know they have to add around 10 Metacritic points to a former bug-plagued game.

The characters in Days Gone are crazy and fun and not too serious like in other games. And I never care much for story anyway. Since we are talking about video games, it can never and shouldn't become too serious if it's not a cinematic masterpiece such as Detroit: Become Human.
This is not TLoU which is a game with great story but which has too much killing for my taste, when I just want to follow the story. I would honestly have enjoyed TLoU more if it had Telltale games/David Cage-style QTE-parts and conversation options.

Days Gone, in contrast, is a great, fun, enjoyable open world survival game where some good and some bad humor and therefore often misunderstood such as The Evil Within or Mad Max.

I have only finished three open world games: ACIV: Black Flag, Mad Max, Days Gone.
A good open world game should in my book have:
  • Not too large map: Check! ā€“ Perfect Size!
  • Gameplay/Fun Mechanics: Check! ā€“ Riding the bike, sneak kills, hunting prey, nice weapons, settings up bombs in enemy nests, molotovs and attractors, hoards (although introduced a bit late), creative kills by using the environment or enemy AI. Could perhaps have more boss fights and enemy variation.
  • An interesting story (but not too much if I'm ever going to finish the game): Ok! ā€“ Days Gone's story doesn't win any Oscar but I'm all in for the gameplay anyway. I enjoyed the sect-vibes from all the different factions and the lovely characters (main character talking to himself, Boozer, Jessie, Iron Mike).
  • Lots of side missions: Ok! ā€“ Although side missions were simple and a bit repetitive it didn't get too boring thanks to the games fun mechanics.
  • Suspense: Check! ā€“ Sneaking, crazy factions with humanoid enemies, zombies, bears, wolves, traps, limited gas so you need to look for gas)

BONUS points:
  • Nice soundtrack although not too many tracks.
  • One of the best ending songs ever heard in a video game and it sucks it is not available on Spotify. But that song mixed with the bike noise alone makes it worth to replay the whole damn game (or just check Youtube)
  • Creative use of the Touch Pad (Swiping in 4 directions for Map, Equipment, Journal/Quests, Skill Tree).
  • "Challenges" a very enjoyable arcade style mode where the prices you get transfers to the main game seamlessly!

Days Gone is my favorite open-world game and it has a similar kind of aura and misfortune that plagued Mad Max.
I couldn't enjoy Mad Max on PS4 because it only ran in 30 fps but when I tried it in 60 fps on PC I had a blast and played it through thanks to responsive driving, great physics and meaty combat - points which are similar in Days Gone. Mad Max also got 60 fps patches for Series S/X and people started rediscovering its magic, although I'm sure more people would have given it attention if there ever was a free PS5-patch too.

I bought Days Gone about six months after release for half-price (and on PSN which is rare these days) after it got many bugfixes, and I played it on PS4 Pro.
Then came the PS5 and the free PS5-patch and I replayed it again in 60 fps, from start to finish.

I think a sequel/Days Gone 2 would be nice if it could add significant new and enjoyable mechanics, some kind of story continuation and for the sake of reviewers and FOMO people ā€“ a less bug-ridden release.
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Put some glasses on next time:



What a wall of disgrace. Yet some of you still take "recommendations" (reviews) and advice from these absolute crazies on what constitutes a "good" video game. Video games do not fucking revolve around their personal worldview and they must learn to accept that. Deducting points for something as mundane as this should invalidate their reviews entirely.

They really have to get their heads pulled out of their asses instead off projecting what they deem "acceptable" for their readers. It conflicts with the interests of gamers who expect their verdicts to come from a neutral stance when they clearly don't.
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I finished the game up to close to 100% when it came out on the PS5's Plus Collection, and I watched a bunch of interviews on John Garvin.
Here's what I have to say about the subject:

- The game is pretty good all around, well deserving of a 80+ metascore in my opinion. Sam Witwer carries the thing on his back, but the end result is still pretty awesome IMO.

- I remember the game having a bunch of bugs on release, but those were ironed out by the time I picked it up.

- The game does take about 6 to 8 hours to become interesting and get players to feel immersed in the story. This is probably my biggest complaint in the game.

- John Garvin is right about game journos. They're still triggered today by the "ride me like you ride your bike" line from the MC's wife during their wedding, which does have an "inside joke" context and is well explained throughout the game. It's a joke between the couple. "Tell me you haven't played the game without telling me you haven't played the game" is a great fit for the morons complaining about that line. They've been trying to cancel the game for a joke they missed (despite getting the joke was their actual job).

- John Garvin should speak less in public forums. By his own admission he's not a great "people's person" and he gets needlessly defensive and inflexible when faced with constructive criticism.

- Those game journos saying the MC's scientist wife would never date or marry a biker mechanic are bigoted idiots. I personally know a woman with a PhD in Chemical Engineering married to a truck driver with whom they have 3 kids and they're happy. I know another woman with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering married to a guy who runs a small restaurant, they have a kid and they're happy.
Neither is a degree or occupation an IQ test, nor is love and attraction supposed to be dependent on academic success and intelligence. PhD holders in general aren't stupid enough to believe this, though I guess the same can't be said about game journalists.

- Also, the MC looks at his girlfriend's ass (once, in a >40h long game). Game journos' reaction: omg female body objectification reeeeee. Give me a break.
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The writing was uneven, voice acting sometimes below porn level, repetitive missions, and a bit long in the tooth towards endgame, yet it was a magical experience that surpassed all that. The world was beautiful and a joy being in with a fun loop of harvesting materials and killing zombies while treking around on the bike. It's nothing new, but what's there works perfectly warts and all.

I get why it didn't score high for some people, and that's fine, but it ranks up imo with some of Sony's best. I'd actually say that it offered more of what I wanted, story aside, from TLOU2 in it's broad open world.


Gold Member
Just a little reminder:

Ya know, I don't believe in arguing with people who say they didn't like something I did.
The way I feel about it is - I had my say. I made it, or I helped make it. Now the audience gets to have their say. They can say they liked it or they can critique it. It's all part of the job. I'm not the kinda guy who thinks I should go on Twitter to argue with someone's reaction.
Having said that, you're asking me about the review world. That's not quiiiite the audience.
You've asked me what i think.
Well, I read a review today from a website/publication that will remain nameless. In it, the horde mechanic, the show-stopping center piece of the game, it wasn't mentioned once. Not ONCE. There were other tells, but it was pretty clear that this reviewer played the game for several hours and then wrote his review. He did not complete it.
Days Gone was always meant to be a slow burn game and story. For better or for worse, it was designed for you to take your time. The best story beats and the best game play happen much later in the game, and it's clear that the nature of game reviews and this slow-burn philosophy of game development are not compatible.
These journalists, the ones that rush in, they do NOT take their time, they do NOT play the game on the terms the game presents, because it is their job to put out an article on a deadline.
I think that's not only too bad, but misleading to actual audience members who would like to read an actual review of what we actually did.
In any case, when I make something, I make something that hopefully is somewhat unique. Something I like. My record Revenge of the Crashtones -- I don't think it's for everyone. But if it hits with you, it may, in fact, hit you hard because I'm trying to speak through it with an honest, hopefully unique voice.
So that's all to say -
People that liked Days Gone seem to have LOVED Days Gone. That's what we set out to do, and that's gonna have to be good enough for me.
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I kinda agree. I gave 7 because of the bugs/performance, but reviewers are giving this game a low score for very differents reasons...
Some avenues, definitely. Some people still go to Kotaku which is completely baffling to me. Especially for games as its clear they choose to point out some of the most ridiculous things. It's just another reason why reviews should always be taken with a grain of salt. I can understand glancing at Metacritic to see the average of all the ratings to get an idea on the quality of the game. But other than that, I personally just don't get it. They're "professional" opinions. That's it.

It's wild to me that we've some some widely appreciated games get some extremely divisive review scores, lol.
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Agree. The IGN chick and "too much water" chick at Gamespot talked about their woke BS with this game on Twitter.
They even had an issue with all the freakers being white . . . which is explained in the game.
This game needed the Day 1 patch for reviewers, and was a victim of releasing at the height of wokeism.

This is fucking hilarious!!!

A) Goon squad makes fake complaints about the game not being woke enough in terms of representation
B) makes a complaint about no black zombies
C) All the while not at all realizing that by making this complaint, what they are really saying is "I want to blast black savages away with military-grade munitions"

I've said it all along... the real racists are the wokesters.


I really enjoyed it when I played the fully updated version on PS4 Pro but I can understand why some reviewers might have been down on it when they reviewed the pre-release version of the game. I think having to cram your playthrough in a few days for a review when the game was in that state would've magnified the flaws of the game too.

Taking on hordes was fantastic. Like something out of RE4 but better.


He saw what his peers were saying and felt pressured. This guy is as spineless of a snail trail pussy as they come.

One is a limited preview. The other is a full review after playing the game. How is this a 180?

Seen lots of games where the previews are greatā€¦then the full game disappoints. Hereā€™s Gameinformer gushing about Mass Effect Andromeda after a hands on preview

No no no. We're not doing this.
For one thing, it's worth understanding that Cory Barlog has made an effort to be on the good side of the leftist establishment in games media. For another, again, go look up the reviews and tweets for yourself. The number that refer to Deacon's race is higher than you think. It was damn near Iron Fist levels.
You're the one doing it. most people are just enjoying great games. Cory Barlog is left leaning, he is still one of the creators of god of war one of the most machismo series out there. If deacon was a well written character like Joel or Drake it wouldn't be a point of contention. But them mentioning him being white doesn't take away from the fact he would be a poor character no matter his race.


Top 5 game last gen for me. Loved everything from Pacific Northwest setting to the characters themselves. Hordes were amazing to fight.

Funny I owned it at launch and didn't play it because of lower scores. It's true it had bugs but got straightened out and I experienced it on PS5 for the first time.

Would love a DG2.

I agree with his statement to a point. There was a lot of bashing from woke bitches and reviewers don't get paid to finish games. It was actually the game that made me stop listening to reviews all together.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is fucking hilarious!!!

A) Goon squad makes fake complaints about the game not being woke enough in terms of representation
B) makes a complaint about no black zombies
C) All the while not at all realizing that by making this complaint, what they are really saying is "I want to blast black savages away with military-grade munitions"

I've said it all along... the real racists are the wokesters.
Not to mention the fact that the game explains why they are all white or rather pale skinned because of the mutation.

Also the game has several black characters. Including a black lesbian and an indian bi woman named PATEL. The final boss is literally a bible thumping nutjob. Its insane how they ignore all of that to focus on the fact that Deacon is a white biker.

I actually remember some criticism at Nicki Patel falling for Deacon. People were upset that they had a lesbian fall for a straight guy. Whatever happened to the B in LGBT?


Gold Member
Not to mention the fact that the game explains why they are all white or rather pale skinned because of the mutation.

Also the game has several black characters. Including a black lesbian and an indian bi woman named PATEL. The final boss is literally a bible thumping nutjob. Its insane how they ignore all of that to focus on the fact that Deacon is a white biker.

I actually remember some criticism at Nicki Patel falling for Deacon. People were upset that they had a lesbian fall for a straight guy. Whatever happened to the B in LGBT?
It's easy for them to not know.... most were exposed for never getting past 30% of the game before crying about the ass moment.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I kinda agree. I gave 7 because of the bugs/performance, but reviewers are giving this game a low score for very differents reasons...
Same. Id give it a 7.5 myself even though i loved my time with it and platinumed it. The story kinda crawls to the finish line though the post credits scene was an awesome ending that set up what couldve been a truly awesome sequel.

The thing is I also think Ratchet is a 7. HFW is a 7. I saw Halo 5 and Gears 5 had a 86 metacritic. I was like wtf. They overrate all these games so their 7 is not exactly the same as our 7. This game if it was reviewed on content alone wouldve around mid 80s like all those Ubisoft open world games. The horde battles, the combat, the world design and yes, even the story had some great moments.

I have no idea what Ratchet and HFW do better in 2022 than Days Gone did in 2019 aside from graphics of course. It's still a better designed game.
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I beat the game. Its the only 1st party AAA by Sony I have no interest in playing again.

Its like they had a fun cool idea for a game (zombie hordes) but couldnt really make it work. The end product is still OK but I think thats a result of Sony giving bend a lot of time and support.

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
He's probably right in some respects.
Understandable exasperation and frustration.
I loved it, a really pleasant surprise for me personally.


Every few months this guy crawls out the woodwork to have a pity party about why the game didn't do well.

You made a mid-tier game that was extremely busted on launch and didn't get the reception you wanted. Take the L and move the fuck on, jesus christ.
i bounced off of it because of the horrible directing or pacing or whatever the hell that was. Where the game who just cut to black randomly then u would walk from a cutscene and then another cutscene happens.

it was jarring
They were done dirty by their own staff. Not expecting much from their next game when all the worker ants want to be queens.

The creative director of the next game worked on the original siphon filter and has been at the company since the 90ā€™s. I think the studio is in good hands

Garvin was literally fired for anger issues that he even admitted himself
If it was without the things the woke crowd picked up on I still don't don't think it would've done any better. Had ~7 all over it from day one.

Games like Alan Wake, Quantum Break didn't land either and have a similar feel, if those games had something to attack it with the Remedy devs could blame that for poor scores. Really what we see is similar dull dry games that are not compelling to a large audience, wonky dialogue, dingy look and fall below other games quality, yes there's a fanbase for all these titles, they're just ok games and some very buggy at launch but if compelling enough bugs can be overlooked, QB,DG weren't, Oblivion was and that's how it is. Many years on Oblivion has shown it's a special game and didn't need to be knocked down far.
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Gold Member
The creative director of the next game worked on the original siphon filter and has been at the company since the 90ā€™s. I think the studio is in good hands

Garvin was literally fired for anger issues that he even admitted himself
I'd have anger issues too if I had to work with half the parrots in game development.

Kidding, sort of.


I played and completed the game at launch on my Pro. A few bugs aside, the first 2 hours I was like not sure about this, after that I didn't put it down. The graphics for the time were amazing and the gameplay is very good, story is decent. It's a long game so I can imagine you would need to be invested in the characters and story to keep going but there was a lot of depth to the game.

I wholeheartedly believe that some reviewers did not finish or play long enough because it is a slow burn. Still one of my fav Sony Exclusives, I def had more fun with it then a lot of other AAA's. Looking at you Callisto Protocol.
The gameplay is actually really good.

Some of the writing is pure cringe but I mean, this is from the writers of syphpn filter. We were hardly expecting an Oscar. I think it was launched early and suffered badly due to bugs. I played it at 60fps on PS5 and platinumed the game and enjoyed it. It dragged at the end a tad bit overall a solid 8/10.
I think playing it at 30 FPS wouldn't have done it justice, so the revamped 60 FPS offering on ps5 and unlocked on pc is how it should be played.

A bit like The Last of Us on ps3, which just about ran but really didn't do the game any justice.

Unfortunately, it took the ps4 remaster to provide the experience it, and the player, really deserved.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

lol Future is so bright that ever since they forced out their directors, they have spent the last 3.5 years working on fuck all. To the point that they have only been able to reveal a logo. A fucking logo in nearly 4 years. What a talented studio!



lol Future is so bright that ever since they forced out their directors, they have spent the last 3.5 years working on fuck all. To the point that they have only been able to reveal a logo. A fucking logo in nearly 4 years. What a talented studio!

Workplace culture > workplace output. You can't pay the bills with output.


Gold Member

lol Future is so bright that ever since they forced out their directors, they have spent the last 3.5 years working on fuck all. To the point that they have only been able to reveal a logo. A fucking logo in nearly 4 years. What a talented studio!

is the culture weā€™ve created
a new and exciting era
These always read the same. Explains a lot, really.


If you like The Last of Us or RDR 2 for it's gameplay, definitely check this out. It has a beautiful open world that works. They say the story is ridiculous especially towards the end. They also mention that the game is too long(36 hours according to HowLongToBeat). I don't think it will get bad enough to deserve these points(72 metacritic) though. For now, I'm playing with pleasure. I haven't even stumbled upon the hordes.
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