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Days Gone Creative Director Blames Bugs, Reviewers Not Bothering to Play and "Woke" Reviewers For Lack of Better Reception

It was a middle road post apocalyptic zombie game in a saturated genre. When it was free on ps plus I tried to like it, punched through about half way. But it never grabbed me. Something about the mechanics and tedium of it all didn’t inspire me to keep going.


It honestly seems like your standard AAA game, my conspiracy theory is that sony didn't pay journalists for this one. Horizon, GoW, Uncharted they should all be rated closer to how Days Gone did, not that they are bad, it just seems like they all get rated higher than they should. The woke bashing just seemed like a convenient excuse for journalists to rate this game lower, without having to explain why Days Gone was any different than the regular AAA stuff they rate so highly.
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Got it at launch and played like eight hours max and it was just so... dull. The thing is, I don't think any part of the game was bad, it's just that nothing was good either. Probably the best definition I can think of a game which is average in every way possible.
yeah, with days gone, there's lots to like, & lots to dislike. i over-all enjoyed the game, tho it never really made it easy to do so. my advice: hang in there til you've hit iron mike's camp. once you get there, this's the point in the game, imo, where it's firing on all cylinders. peak days gone...

until you eventually make your way to the next camp, at which point the game's all over the place once again...
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The game was a piece of shit at launch and yikes at that tweet what a 🤡.

Bend better off without that dude.
Game was amazing. Did you even play it? I played it at launch on ps4 and it was fine. Playing it again on PS5 and its glorious.

No other game has bikers , let alone hoards and grounded complex characters that aren't cartoon cutouts all in one game. Shit I don't recall a game with bikers ever, where you can run out of gas.

As for the tweet, its 100% true. Just look at the group think twitter mob attacking him for an opinion. There are 20+ reviewers and proof in the twitter and review captures of people bitching about "bland white guy protagonist" or mad about a biker talking dirty to his "ol'lady" . Sorry but knowing many bikers the character was highly relatable. They just don't know bikers, or they don't relate to normal people, as most of them work in San fran or nyc , eat avacado toast sipping latte in their 4k overpriced box apartment, spilling vitirol and calling everything "problematic". The twitter new church ladies didn't exist much prior to 2014.


Weeb Underling

lol Future is so bright that ever since they forced out their directors, they have spent the last 3.5 years working on fuck all. To the point that they have only been able to reveal a logo. A fucking logo in nearly 4 years. What a talented studio!

Their future couldn't be any dimmer in my books. They're making a live service.

They can keep that shit to themselves. Something tells me that their technical and creative prowess will only degrade with that project, as most studios experience when jumping on the low rent Destiny/Division bandwagon.
It honestly seems like your standard AAA game, my conspiracy theory is that sony didn't pay journalists for this one. Horizon, GoW, Uncharted they should all be rated closer to how Days Gone did, not that they are bad, it just seems like they all get rated higher than they should. The woke bashing just seemed like a convenient excuse for journalists to rate this game lower, without having to explain why Days Gone was any different than the regular AAA stuff they rate so highly.
Just... no. Lol

Two things can be true at once. Garvin can be correct about everything he's saying, and Days Gone can still not be as good as any of those games.

It's probably the least technically polished 1st party PlayStation game released throughout all of last gen.
It's zombies without the same level of storytelling as Last of Us.
It's open world without the same visual splendor, mechanical tightness or conceptual uniqueness of Horizon. Uncharted can't really be compared to it in any way, but I don't think anyone who's played these games is going to argue that practically all the Uncharted games are better executed than Days Gone.

That's what this post stinks of: Someone who hasn't played any of the named games.


Weeb Underling
I understand nuance, I also think it was artistic projection/expression as well in that scene. They knew what they were doing with the chosen looks and optics.
I can't deny this. Although I really, really hope Druckmann didn't intend Manny to be a visual self-insert. Lmao

Not saying it was a bad game, it wasn't at all. The gameplay was great, the story set out what it was trying to do, dreadful with a depressing conclusion.
The story being what it is is a shame. I've seen worse, but it's very very flawed. But there's elements of good in the performances, and the visuals (next gen notwithstanding), animations, gameplay and level design are practically unmatched IMO.


Gold Member

lol Future is so bright that ever since they forced out their directors, they have spent the last 3.5 years working on fuck all. To the point that they have only been able to reveal a logo. A fucking logo in nearly 4 years. What a talented studio!

Who would have guessed that the Bend Studios Community Manager on Twitter would say positive stuff on the same day to counter whatever negative tweets were done today (which I dont know what they are as they are deleted now).

Give the guy credit. He's watching twitter 24/7 ready to respond to anything.

I thought I worked at a great company. My last company was pretty good too. But nobody in my HR department has ever tweeted anything about how it's such a great cozy place to work at. Going by the Bend Community Manager maybe Im missing out. Going by his tweet, it sounds like the awesomest place to to work. lol
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It honestly seems like your standard AAA game, my conspiracy theory is that sony didn't pay journalists for this one. Horizon, GoW, Uncharted they should all be rated closer to how Days Gone did, not that they are bad, it just seems like they all get rated higher than they should. The woke bashing just seemed like a convenient excuse for journalists to rate this game lower, without having to explain why Days Gone was any different than the regular AAA stuff they rate so highly.
Maybe horizon and GOT. But GOW and uncharted are pretty great. Uncharted 4 not so much as I feel I was in control of the character 20% of the game. Still a great experience if your into a cinematic game


The nicest person on this forum
Dont let "score" determine if you should like the game or not but majority people, including GAF put lot of weight to "scores".


i dont know about the games initial release but I got the game a few months ago for my PS5 ($15!) and its absolutely phenomenal.

however i know im benefiting from a bunch of patches and the added power of PS5. maybe the game needed more time to cook.

anyway I got the platinum and im sad we almost certainly wont get a sequel.

edit - i especially loved the setting, they made colorado look stunning
I thought it was set in Oregon…


As for the bugs and poor performance, the game should've definitely been released in better state. You can only do a good first impression once and not many people cared that the state of the game has greatly improved (on the PS4).
Funny to me how we have MANY games come out in a poor state and not 1 reviewer will mention the bugs UNTIL they have a game they can pick on for these woke points, and all of a sudden the bugs get mentioned non stop.

lol Future is so bright that ever since they forced out their directors, they have spent the last 3.5 years working on fuck all. To the point that they have only been able to reveal a logo. A fucking logo in nearly 4 years. What a talented studio!

Seems like they’re in a much better place now. People also forget Days Gone took like 7 years to make. A lot of sony studios are getting more resources and funding to be bettter managed.


Dude sounds insecure af.

Game wasn't even panned or anything but hes crying like this and blaming reviews were not absolutely fellating his game?

Trying to attach race or politics to it when it got reviewed as a decent game by most outlets just screams of wanting clicks rather than a genuine sentiment. Itd be one thing if its something reviewers hated but most players absolutely loved.

Video game discourse is in the toilet as is because of this nonsense. We never recovered from that stupid gamergate thing apparently.

EDIT: Dude deleted the tweet. He def got what he wanted lol. Hope it was worth it.
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Gold Member
Same. Id give it a 7.5 myself even though i loved my time with it and platinumed it. The story kinda crawls to the finish line though the post credits scene was an awesome ending that set up what couldve been a truly awesome sequel.

The thing is I also think Ratchet is a 7. HFW is a 7. I saw Halo 5 and Gears 5 had a 86 metacritic. I was like wtf. They overrate all these games so their 7 is not exactly the same as our 7. This game if it was reviewed on content alone wouldve around mid 80s like all those Ubisoft open world games. The horde battles, the combat, the world design and yes, even the story had some great moments.

I have no idea what Ratchet and HFW do better in 2022 than Days Gone did in 2019 aside from graphics of course. It's still a better designed game.

I gave 8, but I decrease to 7 after Deacon last camp. I guess everyone who played DG agree that the last camp about militia was mix bag.

But the game still have a huge base, they could easily reuse most of what is inside there to make a great game.

Most of Sony first party game started in little steps, improving every aspect after sequel. So, my point in this regard is that Sony division read a lot of unecessary hate about this game on social media, with was already proved never the target from this sorts of game.

Just an example, this new Need for Speed. Twitter loved this game, but even with tweeets been pushed, can't saved from a terrible market from EAs part.
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Agree / disagree ?

I think all of those are a playe a part but the fact the hordes were just unfun to fight was my bigger issue. Overall, I think it's an interesting game but I got gatekept by a horde in an underground section and I just said 'eff it' and watched the rest of the game on youtube.


Haven't played it but from my understanding it takes like 10-15 hours to get good?

That's a massive flaw


So he's right, those three issues all affected the reception.

But there’s a fourth reason too, the pacing of the first 10 or so hours of the game is too slow, it doesn’t really get going until you get to the second area. They undoubtedly lost reviewers and players alike due to that. Hordes are the best feature of the game and should have been introduced much earlier.

Overall it’s a really good game though.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
thank god this fellow left bend

but then the game isnt....great,its passable.
There is some serious pacing issue in the game.

And random encounter in the open world is almost non-existent.
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Blaming the games poor reception because of other people is a horrible take and he should just man up and agree it was boring as fuck.


He's not completely wrong, but there are more factors, such as:

  • The Game was so slow to start, the story really dones't get going until 10-15 hours in, even Assassins Creed games arn't this slow and I'm including the Glacial pace of Valhalla here
  • It was too long but about 10 hours, there is a part where the game reaches a natural conclusion and even a tease for a second game ... oh wait nevermind, Deacons wife is alive and there is a whole new large second map to explore!
    • This second map is awful and hard to navigate around the central part
  • The Zombie genre was played out and oversaturated when it was released
  • Open world games were outstaying their welcome around this time as well, RDR2 was out and burnt a lot of people out on Open Worlds
  • It was a buggy mess on release
  • it wasn't that fun to play

The best part about the game were the Hordes, and they were great spectacles but poor mechanics to handle them


Gold Member
I think all of those are a playe a part but the fact the hordes were just unfun to fight was my bigger issue. Overall, I think it's an interesting game but I got gatekept by a horde in an underground section and I just said 'eff it' and watched the rest of the game on youtube.
Never had as much fun as taking down hordes in this game.

And random encounter in the open world is almost non-existent.
What the fuck? The entire open world, every inch of it, is completely unpredictable, randomized and hostile.

Haven't played it but from my understanding it takes like 10-15 hours to get good?

That's a massive flaw
It's good from the get go, meaning it controls splendidly, looks stunning, and introduces you to the world.
It's just a slow burn, getting better, and better, and better till the end. Structure is perfect.

And people saying it's too long.. be grateful it is, it's all we are ever going to get.


It was too long but about 10 hours, there is a part where the game reaches a natural conclusion and even a tease for a second game ... oh wait nevermind, Deacons wife is alive and there is a whole new large second map to explore!
That was my issue, too. The game came to a natural end when Deacon was preparing to head south ... but then we went south, and the game basically repeated itself. Shame. I still very much enjoyed playing it.


I did, can you not read? it seems you're projecting.
THe very fact that you would say woke in quotes shows where your allegiances lie. And yes, any untrained man can easily go up against a trained female ufc fighter, let alone a combat expert like nathan drake.


Protagonist's skin colour.
nathan fillion castle GIF


THe very fact that you would say woke in quotes shows where your allegiances lie. And yes, any untrained man can easily go up against a trained female ufc fighter, let alone a combat expert like nathan drake.
Nathan is not a combat expert. They even show this in the combat where its messy (the prison fight is a good example), he gets hit often and he is wonky in his movement - he brutes everything. Also, show me a video of a normie fighting a trained fighter, even if they're female.

Remember, it's a video game so your skills don't directly reflect a real life Nathan (he needs to fight something and they cant be civilians) and the trained ops he fights are poor reflections of anything realistic. They're only there for game purposes, where main characters are greater reflections of real life. But remember, it's a game, stop making it more than what it is - you're fishing for some woke agenda at this point, you can make a better case using LoU2, not uncharted.
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