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Days Gone Creative Director Blames Bugs, Reviewers Not Bothering to Play and "Woke" Reviewers For Lack of Better Reception


Highly disappointed that nobody has posted a screenshot yet. The tweet is long gone. I can't believe an industry dev dared to use the term woke. Need to see it to believe it.


Awkward Kenan Thompson GIF by Saturday Night Live
You would have to be legally blind or mentally challenged to think otherwise. I'm on the last 2 hours of the game, I think second to last chapter, the game is craaap! You must only see pretty graphics I guess. Because there is nothing good about a shimmy, crawl, climb, crouch fest. As a gamer of 30+ years, it's not designed well at all, it's uninspiring and has some seriously flawed gameplay and I like most things to a degree so that's saying something.

I'm a horror fan, love franchises like Resident Evil and Dead Space and this is a massive disappointment. Where is the suspenseful atmosphere? You even know an enemy is coming when it either saves another checkpoint or it stutters, C'mon man.
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Gold Member
You would have to be legally blind or mentally challenged to think otherwise. I'm on the last 2 hours of the game, I think second to last chapter, the game is craaap! You must only see pretty graphics I guess. Because there is nothing good about a shimmy, crawl, climb, crouch fest. As a gamer of 30+ years, it's not designed well at all, it's uninspiring and has some seriously flawed gameplay and I like most things to a degree so that's saying something.
I literally don't give a shit. I haven't played Days Gone yet. Not sure what your problem is.

Kindly fuck off for calling me mentally challenged by the way.
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He's not wrong on the woke reviewers, but the reality is the game is a 7.5 at best. And yes i played it, liked parts of it, thought its about 15 hours too long and liked the secret ending.. too bad there's no sequel after that


I literally don't give a shit. I haven't played Days Gone yet. Not sure what your problem is.

Kindly fuck off for calling me mentally challenged by the way.
So if you haven't played Days Gone, how can you respond with such a shitty 'Okay' Gif at me? Is that not insulting my opinion? So you can insult me when you haven't even played Days Gone but when I defend my opinion from your reaction response to my post, you get upset? Weird.

Awkward Kenan Thompson GIF by Saturday Night Live
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Hope you're ready for their next live service game they chose as the culture shifted in the studio and they pushed the single player adventure designers out.
Those single player adventure designers delivered the lowest MC scored game from Son 1st party studios since The Order 1886, a game that also didnt have a sequel greenlit by Sony. After 7 years in production.

Sure, it sold a lot. But how many of it was due to hype/marketing? I bought the game and I hated it.

From Sony's perspective, it makes a lot of sense to give this team a smaller budget to make a live service game, leaving the AAA productions to ND, SSM, Sucker Punch and other studios that delivered good critical reception + sales
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Never had as much fun as taking down hordes in this game.

What the fuck? The entire open world, every inch of it, is completely unpredictable, randomized and hostile.

It's good from the get go, meaning it controls splendidly, looks stunning, and introduces you to the world.
It's just a slow burn, getting better, and better, and better till the end. Structure is perfect.

And people saying it's too long.. be grateful it is, it's all we are ever going to get.

My review:

1) World design is good
2) Visual is good

1) Boring quest, only a few were interesting
2) Awful pacing
3) Dumb AI (horde walking through human enemies and they ignore each other)
4) Awful random encounters, especially the hostage rescue (hostage has the same NPC model)
5) Protag mumbling way too much
6) Buildings seems to be empty all the time without human or zombie enemies in it, i find it very weird.
7) Fuck the wolves and bears chases. Chase, pew pew pew, chase ,pew pew pew repeat. Very annoying as well.
8) Lack of enemy variety

I completed the main except the post game quest, game its on my shelf quite sometime now, maybe i will go back to complete it in the future.


Gold Member
Those single player adventure designers delivered the lowest MC scored game from Son 1st party studios since The Order 1886, a game that also didnt have a sequel greenlit by Sony. After 7 years in production.

Sure, it sold a lot. But how many of it was due to hype/marketing? I bought the game and I hated it.

From Sony's perspective, it makes a lot of sense to give this team a smaller budget to make a live service game, leaving the AAA productions to ND, SSM, Sucker Punch and other studios that delivered good critical reception + sales
It sold over 9 million copies for a new IP and Sony offered to greenlight a sequel. They pushed out the main proponents and are now probably going to make another Bleeding Edge.

I hope not.

Most games wish they can do 9 million selling new IP with a meta like that. A meta the gaming community has a full point higher. You can’t buy that success.



I've never seen this level of appreciation for a non-multiplatform game on GAF, ever.

Oh, God forbid having survival, meaningful and unpredictable elements in a survival open world..

The thing about this newfound appreciate for Days Gone you're referring too is after over a year of patching and reworking major elements of the game. Are you going to seriously forget that for months that the entire portion of the game that people were talking about (The Horde), was barely there before they fixed it? And the many of the glowing "retrospectives" of the game would say ridiculous shit like "after 30 hours, Day Gone turns into an entirely new experience!" Yeah, no shit, but the average person shouldn't expect 2 games worth of content before it becomes "good" and not middling. Even RPGs I love I give them 10 hrs before I give up, I know often you're supposed to be waiting hours for them but Dragon Quest is a different game than Days Gone, I'm going to be playing it for 70-100 hours, of course it has to ease me in.

The game sucked lol

Its the biomutant of playstations library

Lmfao this guy right here.
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Every few months this guy crawls out the woodwork to have a pity party about why the game didn't do well.

You made a mid-tier game that was extremely busted on launch and didn't get the reception you wanted. Take the L and move the fuck on, jesus christ.
But, there was no L.

It was commercially successful, and has/had generally positive feedback, so I'd call that a success.

The fact Sony weren't brave or smart enough to see its potential isn't his fault.
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It sold over 9 million copies for a new IP and Sony offered to greenlight a sequel. They pushed out the main proponents and are now probably going to make another Bleeding Edge.

I hope not.

Most games wish they can do 9 million selling new IP with a meta like that. A meta the gaming community has a full point higher. You can’t buy that success.
Put "Sony" in your title, good graphics, zombies, open world, and you'll sell 10M on the first month.

Sony goes hard on marketing, and since the PS3 era, Sony's 1st party titles have been growing and growing in the public's eyes. Every new IP was awesome from them.

I speak from experience: I bought it on launch day because of that "Sony 1st party polish". Every new release was a banger. But despite being part of the 10M copies sold, I hated it.

The E3 demo was also neat. Could tell from it that it wasnt Naughty Dog's level of polish, but looked awesome.

Wasnt expecting to start playing and waiting 10h for the game to start being fun


Gold Member
Put "Sony" in your title, good graphics, zombies, open world, and you'll sell 10M on the first month.

Sony goes hard on marketing, and since the PS3 era, Sony's 1st party titles have been growing and growing in the public's eyes. Every new IP was awesome from them.

I speak from experience: I bought it on launch day because of that "Sony 1st party polish". Every new release was a banger. But despite being part of the 10M copies sold, I hated it.

The E3 demo was also neat. Could tell from it that it wasnt Naughty Dog's level of polish, but looked awesome.

Wasnt expecting to start playing and waiting 10h for the game to start being fun
They barely marketed this game compared to others.

It was still a success no matter the mental gymnastics. So much so that Sony offered them to greenlight a sequel.

But there was a culture shakeup in the studio.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
My first ten or so hours with the game were very enjoyable. The world is, at first, a joy to explore and discover things within in. Upgrading your gear and bike feels rewarding for the effort.

Unfortunately, the game then enters a long listless phase, where it feels rote, your actions without purpose aside to check off lists. The characters begin acting and behaving in completely unnatural feeling ways.

It picks back up towards the end (and come to think of it, some good stuff pops up in the middle on several occasions), but by then I had lost interest. I don't even remember if I finished the story, would have to double check my trophies. That's how much I checked out by the end.
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Those single player adventure designers delivered the lowest MC scored game from Son 1st party studios since The Order 1886, a game that also didnt have a sequel greenlit by Sony. After 7 years in production.

Sure, it sold a lot. But how many of it was due to hype/marketing? I bought the game and I hated it.

From Sony's perspective, it makes a lot of sense to give this team a smaller budget to make a live service game, leaving the AAA productions to ND, SSM, Sucker Punch and other studios that delivered good critical reception + sales
It's fine you hated it.. That's all good, it's not everyone's cup of tea.

But the MC score of 71 contains some pretty biased reviews and weird opinions.

I put more weight on any good scores under User reviews, if majority score is high and positive then it generally means majority of people believe it's a good game whether you may have liked it or not. Currently Days Gone has a User Score of 8.4 from over 10K users on MC. You can't ignore that statistic. That tells me the game is not a flop. Unfortunately, the Critic score being low has impacted initial sales making Sony believe the reception wasn't positive. It's very skewed either way.

A lot of people put too much weight into a Critic score for good or bad and then situations like this happens. I believe had Bend had their time over for a sequel, they would have improved on an already decent game and delivered a banger. Their first opportunity to make a AAA game imo was successful. Sony just wants a higher reputation.
Nope, sat through it for an hour. It's everything wrong with current Sony games rolled up in one really shit package. I wouldn't buy it for a dollar. Just a shit game.



All from the same year days gone released. All got similar if not much better reception than days gone. This isnr even all of them.

GameSpot gave that last one a perfect score.
What's your point? In Days Gone the protagonist's skin colour was cited as a negative. That did happen. You can pretend it didn't if that helps.


Critics at major gaming sites lost their shit over that one line about him riding his girlfriend like a bike. lol

This 180 by Greg Miller still cracks me up

Goddamn he is such an insufferable fucking hack man. Why does anyone give a shit about this moron's opinion on anything when it's so clear he lacks the ability to dissent.


Highly disappointed that nobody has posted a screenshot yet. The tweet is long gone. I can't believe an industry dev dared to use the term woke. Need to see it to believe it.
Took this from an article that copied the contents, hence the terrible format, but this is what he said, he answered someone who asked why it was reviewed poorly:

"Three reasons: 1. it had tech issues like bugs, streaming and frame rate; 2. it had reviewers who couldn’t be bothered to actually play the game 3. And three, it had woke reviewers who couldn’t handle a gruff white biker looking at his date’s ass https://t.co/ihgm19C3gh — John Garvin (@John_Garvin) December 7, 2022"


Wait for image to load.
Ah yes, Kallie's infamous 5/10 review was horrendous.

One of her complaints out of her review was that all the freakers were white! LMAO.. But if they were all black, I'm sure it would not be a problem, say the same thing and instead of it sounding like you are calling for diversity, you'd be labelled a racist.
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Wait for image to load.

This is all that needs to be said.

Outside of God of War and GT Sport it was my favourite Sony 1st party game of last gen. Loved every second of it on the hardest difficulty, so much so that I platimumed it (which I never do).

Going to buy it again on PC to show support (and because I have a new GPU on the way), absolutely love that he's called out the woke gaming press hacks.


Gold Member
Wait for image to load.

Also funny why people want to ignore all those information before post.

His game is far from masterpiece, but as far as fanboys say, 7 is a totally fine score, but somehow in this case this game is bad, even ignoring the sales.


It didn't do anything new but it was a very good game.

As much as I love TLOU series DG actually treated it's black characters better and the woke crowd had nothing to say about that.


His response is totally valid.

He was asked why he thought the game didn't get more praise and he straight up says that bugs and tech issues were reason #1.

That's the truth; the dominant issue at launch was that the game was buggy. I clearly remember that was the central negative being levelled against the game at launch.

He then lists reviewers not completing the game and woke outlets having a problem with Deacon looking at his wife's ass as reasons 2 & 3. The evidence for both of those having happened is plain.

We can all have our opinion on whether we liked the game or not, but he answered the question put to him as he saw it. He's not wrong.


I agree that the bugs lowered the score. The "woke" reviews didn't help.

Here is what I think really hurt the game, though: it was "another zombie game." I distinctly recall that most gamers were very lukewarm about the game on seeing it at first. Their reaction was basically, "Ho hum, another zombie game. Do we really need another zombie game?"

I think that sentiment, more than anything, sunk it. First impressions really stick, and for a lot of people, their first impression was not all that great. It seemed like "just another zombie game." It came at a time when there had been an overload of zombie games and zombie TV shows. People were tired of the theme, and Days Gone seemed like it had the same unoriginal, boring premise.

I played it, and I enjoyed it. But there was truth in that first impression. It didn't exactly break new ground. It was an open-world game about killing zombies. And riding a motorcycle, then killing more zombies.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I love all the people pointing to an 8.4 user review score on metacritic knowing full way this game has received the opposite of a review bomb, where people have gone and scored it a 8-10 citing just the reviewers and that there is a segment of the population driven by an agenda to promote this game.


I was hesitant about getting the game on sale after I saw some of the reviews but the user score seemed to be much better so I got it. Nowhere near as bad as the media made it out to be, it was a good game & the horde mechanic was great too. It was a typical open-world otherwise but no where near other FP games like Tsushima, TLOU2 or GoW for me, but doesn't make it a bad game at all.

Still wanna see a sequel because of how it ended & I hope it gets made in the future.
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Gold Member
Great potential, nice but slow gameloop. Terrible writing and cringe biker culture. The forced waliking and the flashback sequences was beyond painful.. Good "first game" attempt, I enjoyed it. But sadly it stopped there. I'd be so nice to se a v2.x of this game.

And yeah, I think it got slapped by the wokes.
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This is the zombie game, right? After we had over a decade of zombie games? It didn't look good, it didn't look interesting, but go ahead and blame it on whatever "woke" comments it received. FIts in right with the narratives in over half of the threads here.


Days gone and the order are 2 underrated sony gems. I dont really remember any woke stuff and i beat the game. I think the gasoline refill mechanic for your bike turned people off it was annoying at 1st but after a couple of upgrades gas wasnt a problem.
I agree that woke reviewers are definitely a thing. It's in all elements of American culture at this point.

I also think that 99.999999% of reviewers are complete hacks who ride the coattails of people who actually create things and work for a living. We know how easy it easy for influencers to just ride a wave of hate for clicks. It's really messed up.

That being said, this guy needs to let it go. Maybe that XBOX/Calm App campaign will help him out, lol.
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He is right on all three accounts. I remember the director on Jaffe's show saying that they had data on what reviewers played and some didnt even play through 30% of the game.

The gamespot reviewer was absolutely awful. She spent almost the entire review talking about the story instead of the gameplay.

And yes, Sony shipped the game too early. I hated how ND, GG, PD and SSM are allowed to delay the game over and over again but a 100 team studio like Bend wasnt afforded a short delay.
Most games aren't reviews to the end. Reviews only have a short window to actually play the game. They've admitted this multiple times so they play a bit and then base their review on that. Once the game is fully out alot of reviewers to back and update their reviews, some done. Either way the game is an average game. It's not great and it's not bad. There's nothing wrong with being an average game


Gold Member
I agree that the bugs lowered the score. The "woke" reviews didn't help.

Here is what I think really hurt the game, though: it was "another zombie game." I distinctly recall that most gamers were very lukewarm about the game on seeing it at first. Their reaction was basically, "Ho hum, another zombie game. Do we really need another zombie game?"

I think that sentiment, more than anything, sunk it. First impressions really stick, and for a lot of people, their first impression was not all that great. It seemed like "just another zombie game." It came at a time when there had been an overload of zombie games and zombie TV shows. People were tired of the theme, and Days Gone seemed like it had the same unoriginal, boring premise.

I played it, and I enjoyed it. But there was truth in that first impression. It didn't exactly break new ground. It was an open-world game about killing zombies. And riding a motorcycle, then killing more zombies.
Being the millionth zombie game didn't help right off the bat. If the games came out closer to PS4's launch it would had been a much better draw.

I remember seeing preview videos and trailers of the game. The only thing going for it was that it had those giant swarms of zombies chasing the character. That's the hook. If any gamers didn't care about being chased and activating obvious traps to slow them down, there was nothing left to show.

And then watching real gameplay of it from gamers, all those massive mob attacks are actually super rare. Most of the footage is really Deacon riding his motorcycle or walking around an open world searching for supplies and popping occasionally zombies.
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You can hear this guy sputtering through his words 20 or 30 years from now, still trying to find someone to blame for this game not doing as well as he hoped it would.

Grampa Simpson Meme GIF by MOODMAN

I've played a bit of the beginning, seems solid. Though the constant fade to black transitions are jarring, a bit to much transitioning between cut scene and gameplay at the start (should have been more real-time to blend things together a bit better, even if the iq suffered a bit).
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
He is right on all three accounts. I remember the director on Jaffe's show saying that they had data on what reviewers played and some didnt even play through 30% of the game.

The gamespot reviewer was absolutely awful. She spent almost the entire review talking about the story instead of the gameplay.

And yes, Sony shipped the game too early. I hated how ND, GG, PD and SSM are allowed to delay the game over and over again but a 100 team studio like Bend wasnt afforded a short delay.

Imagine saying things that just aren't true.

The game got multiple delays...


Gold Member
He is right on all three accounts. I remember the director on Jaffe's show saying that they had data on what reviewers played and some didnt even play through 30% of the game.

The gamespot reviewer was absolutely awful. She spent almost the entire review talking about the story instead of the gameplay.

And yes, Sony shipped the game too early. I hated how ND, GG, PD and SSM are allowed to delay the game over and over again but a 100 team studio like Bend wasnt afforded a short delay.
That's the drawback of making too much plot and cut scenes. It turns any game into a SP narrative, which some people will skew to (like those point and click Walking Dead games).

On the other hand, if a studio makes their zombie game more about constant action (DayZ, COD zombie mode, or the million indie zombie games focusing on reflexes) there's no focus to analyze plots. It's pure twitchy gaming where it's reviews based on gameplay. It's like someone trying to analyze Diablo for it's demon and hell plotline. There's a story. But it's so shallow and thrown in for the sake of it, nobody cares how good or bad it is.

DG tried to blend one part zombies, one part open world, one part SP narrative. For many gamers, I dont think they care about too much plot and cutscenes in zombie games.
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Being the millionth zombie game didn't help right off the bat. If the games came out closer to PS4's launch it would had been a much better draw.

I remember seeing preview videos and trailers of the game. The only thing going for it was that it had those giant swarms of zombies chasing the character. That's the hook. If any gamers didn't care about being chased and activating obvious traps to slow them down, there was nothing left to show.

And then watching real gameplay of it from gamers, all those massive mob attacks are actually super rare. Most of the footage is really Deacon riding his motorcycle or walking around an open world searching for supplies and popping occasionally zombies.
Also I'm going to say it again, the entire swarm gimmick was barely there in the stock version. It took over a year of updates, rebalancing and fixes for it to hit this stride the the current Days Gone lovers are gushing over.

The fact he couldn't stand in his own shit and locked his Twitter down speaks volumes. I may not have agreed with the guy who directed Kingdom Come but he didn't back down or go into hiding, this guy said a cringe response and locked it the fuck down when there's WAY more to why Days Gone got it's initial reception than just some "woke reviewers"
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Seriously...? Did God of War Ragnarok not come out literally a month ago? Did Death Stranding not just recently come out? Final Fantasy VII Remake? Uncharted 4? Spider-Man and it's upcoming sequel?
It's the most obvious form of trolling, don't be fooled.


This is all that needs to be said.

Outside of God of War and GT Sport it was my favourite Sony 1st party game of last gen. Loved every second of it on the hardest difficulty, so much so that I platimumed it (which I never do).

Going to buy it again on PC to show support (and because I have a new GPU on the way), absolutely love that he's called out the woke gaming press hacks.
Same here. I never platinum games. I got a platinum on Days Gone. I couldn't put the game down. It's in my top 3 of favorite PS4 games. I will probably get the PC version eventually as well. The game deserves a sequel, especially with that cliffhanger ending.
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