Don't let me down DC. Make him happen.
Ah, they finally have.an actual plan
Just like Zoom.
Ah, they finally have.an actual plan
Just like Zoom.
Legends gets a fair share of criticism from people who are like, “Wow, they’re really fast and loose with the time travel rules.” To that I say, “Yeah, guilty as charged.”
Without spoiling what I think is actually a really cool, fun moment, I will say that Patrick’s appearance serves to plant a flag for next year. We have a very definitive endpoint to the Vandal Savage story, and Patrick’s role really serves to give you a very good sense as to where we’re headed next year.
They need to fight a team or something next season. Or a powerful villain with nearly as powerful underlings so we don't see a bunch of fucking up all the time to let the target get away. Gives them something to take out every few episodes.
Season was six episodes too long. Hopefully the finale is satisfying and they actually do something worth a good God damn...
Incompetent little shits.
I highly doubt Thanagar is a possibilityWhat if they were to fight... an entire planet?
I highly doubt Thanagar is a possibility
What could possibly be that big to crossover like thatLegends is back in October and not waiting until midseason. I'd say an extended episode order is likely, quite possibly the full 23.
Also a four show crossover is confirmed.
Legends is back in October and not waiting until midseason. I'd say an extended episode order is likely, quite possibly the full 23.
Also a four show crossover is confirmed.
When heroes alone are not enough… the world needs legends. Time-traveling rogue Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) assembled a disparate group of both heroes and villains – including Firestorm (Victor Garber and Franz Drameh), Atom (Brandon Routh), White Canary (Caity Lotz), Hawkgirl (Ciarra Reneé), Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), and Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) – to confront an unstoppable threat.After saving the world, the Legends of Tomorrow now are charged with protecting time — the past, present, and future — itself. This responsibility will take them across history, bringing them up against a threat unlike humanity has ever known.
Is the season finale tonight?
Silly me for not scrolling to the top of the page.Possibly.
God damn it. The 23 episodes is far too much for these shows. Hell 16 was too much for this season when they were still figuring out how they were approaching the show.
They're adding experienced staff, they're looking at more cross-overs. They are clearly preparing to handle the transistion.
Flash and Arrow have both of those things and are far too long at 23 episodes.
Can't say I agree with that sentiment. They need that much time to show Oliver, Barry and Kara are making a difference in their struggle. Batman, Iron Man, Daredevil, ... who take down one villain every couple of years aren't good crime fighters.
Can't say I agree with that sentiment. They need that much time to show Oliver, Barry and Kara are making a difference in their struggle. Batman, Iron Man, Daredevil, ... who take down one villain every couple of years aren't good crime fighters.
You know perfectly well that Batman has a substantial rogue's gallery. And taking down one villain every couple of years is absurd. They're bound to be limited in what they can do in the span of one movie.
The budgets are too spread out, and the episodes start to get very repetitive, especially Arrow, which has really fallen into an episode pattern. Their main plots are also too thin to fill the 23 episodes. If they were cut down to 16 episodes the pacing would be vastly improved and the budget issues could be partially mitigated.
The Flash I can see a mild argument for in that they at least try to greatly mine the comics for the filler episodes, but Arrow really doesn't do much with its extra time.
At the same time, the show came into its own those last six episodes.
You're not wrong. Some insane decision making aside, it has been pretty great the last few episodes.
Now imagine if they had cut out the filler and we just this level of quality throughout the entire season.
come on Adam strange.According to Guggy, the mystery man in the finale tonight is notAlan Scott
come on Adam strange.
According to Guggy, the mystery man in the finale tonight is notAlan Scott
Very interesting. I met Andy Poon recently who does character design for The Flash/Legends and he wouldn't say or didn't know ifwas going to be in Legends but did say he has done that design. ¯_(ツAlan Scott_/¯
Martian Manhunter is joining the team.
Full on Justice League Detroit.
They can add one. Still, the answer is almost here.I'd love that, but didn't they say it was someone who wore a cape? Adam doesn't wear a cape for obvious reasons.
A void opens in front of our heroes.
Adam West Batman emerges.
Your world is in danger, friends.
I was thinkingmyself. Only a few hours left to see who it is.Doctor Fate
Bring in Zed from Constantine. Just because.
its bart allen
Guggenheim pretty emphatically says it's not him (spoiler tags added just to play it safe)
Some fans believe Patrick isEarth-2's Green Lantern, Alan Scott.
I'll tell you right now, because I never want anyone to be disappointed, he's not. I loveAlan Scott. I've writtenAlan Scottin the comics. In the poll of "who it's going to be," you can cross offAlan Scott.Alan Scott