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Death Stranding Review Thread


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Yeah I don’t get this game, even the good review say the game play is horrid. It’s like some 7hr art house movie of a candle in the wind. According to giantbomb it isn’t subtle about its messages. Who ever this is for its not me.


I‘ve seldomly seen a lead up to a game release that makes it more worth playing and finding out for myself if the detractors are just simple or the enamoured ones are just full of it.


I am still hopong this game makes its way to Xbox soon. Kojima is not for everyone but Ive alwqys enjoyed his creativity and quirky style.

I was not totally sold on the game till I saw the main character take a random piss in one of the trailers. If you were excited for this game do not let a few bad reviews ruin your excitement.
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I am still hopong this game makes its way to Xbox soon. Kojima is not for everyone but Ive alwqys enjoyed his creativity and quirky style.

I was not totally sold on the game till I saw the main character take a random piss in one of the trailers. If you were excited for this game do not let a few bad reviews ruin your excitement.
Even good reviews stated about bad and dull gameplay, how is that an enjoyment for you?


Even good reviews stated about bad and dull gameplay, how is that an enjoyment for you?
Because you can take a piss, didn‘t you read what he said? :D

in all honesty though... I‘ve seen a lot of reviews from people describing that exact same gameplay as quite involved, full of new systems and mechanics and the chance for emergent gameplay. I play No Man‘s Sky and like it, I have a high threshold for tedium and honestly I think constant planning and button inputs sounds anything but boring to me.


Gold Member
I'm so torn. i'm a huge Kojima fan, but it sounds like this isn't a game for someone with limited time in the day. Plus i hate item management. Pre ordered collectors edition too :( Why!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?


I dont get why people are so upset? It’s a game about delivering things. We knew this . I’m still super hyped!


Didn't RDR2 have dull gameplay too?

The game is boring for the first 1/3rd, and than dull after that. :messenger_tears_of_joy: Still a high quality game though. I would easily recommend Days Gone over RDR2, its not even close in my eyes.

RDR is just a better game and has the right mix, RDR2 although very high quality just can't hit the coolness and pacing of RDR, imo.
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Man, some of you must really be bored and not only does it show, but it's sad.

You can like and enjoy different things than other people, it's normal. Embrace opinions.

People saying "facts", lmao, what? The score? The only factual thing is that reviewers have played it and provided their own opinion. Everyone's number is different, and no one's number is the truth. It's an opinion.

It's hysterical seeing so many people talking like they've played it. They're just throwing shade at people that are looking forward to it. Y'all silly.


How dare that egotistical MANIAC make a game where walking takes more thought then pushing forward on the stick

One thing making it more thoughtful, another thing entirely to base your whole game off one of the most despised mechanics in gaming (incumberence).

It's hilarious. You can wrap this turd of a game in as many layers of Kojima, story, hollywood actors etc as you want, it's core mechanic and gameplay looks fucking terrible


Because these are entertainment products, they're video games, they're not real life. There's many aspect in life which we are trying to rid ourselves of via automation for the same reasons, they're tedious and in many ways annoyances.

Translating mundane real life annoyances to a video game is in my opinion nonsensical. Tedium for the sake of tedium in a video game is stupid, it's not fun, it doesn't better grasp this science fiction world in some kind of reality. It does nothing but to serve as an obtrusive mechanic which could otherwise be removed and still have the same end result. Picking up the case can have it held firmly without having to hold a button, the game can manage balance, gravity, velocity and momentum on its own without the player constantly having to interject.

It's nonsense.
Is this why simulation games are so popular in the indy scene?
Watched a few video reviews, and while I'm still curious enough to try it, I'll wait for a deep cut before I buy.
While I did find many aspects of it interesting, I couldn't force myself to slog through MGS5, and I have a feeling this is gonna be the same way, but for entirely different reasons.
Please watch the Yong Yea review - one of the best in-depth looks into the game that addresses all those things mentioned by IGN and comes to a totally different conclusion.
Because that's how subjective reviews work.

From the ingame statistics yongyea only travelled about 250kms. I have about 1.000. If you rush the game, it might be enjoyable but i fail to see how you can build a good idea of how it looks and mostly works.
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  • Thoughtful
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Watched a few video reviews, and while I'm still curious enough to try it, I'll wait for a deep cut before I buy.
While I did find many aspects of it interesting, I couldn't force myself to slog through MGS5, and I have a feeling this is gonna be the same way, but for entirely different reasons.
That's an entirely fair assumption. Not that I would find it impossible that people who disliked MGSV will like DS, but if it was the approach to open world design you disliked it's highly unlikely you'd enjoy DS from what is known about it.


Didn't RDR2 have dull gameplay too?
What RDR2 had was odd. Every section was new and different, and that made each section literally come across as a tutorial because each section WAS a tutorial, complete with on-screen instructions throughout its entirely


What I don’t understand is why people seem legitimately upset that this game was made.


Perfectly understandable if you’re not interested, but so many people in this thread being douches for no reason. Game is trying new, different things, and a lot of reviews I’ve seen have had tons of positive things to say about it.

I promise this game won’t interfere with your precious games that have none of that artsy fartsy mumbo jumbo to get in the way of muh pure gameplay experience. Plenty of those will still be made.
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great example of a straw man.
no one think this.

this game was from the beginning overhyped from the media plus Sony fanboys [fun fact: it's not a Sony exclusive] :
"it's Kojima it must be Masterpiec"

The reality is brutal hard: this man can't make good games.....
read the 5/5 or 10/10 reviews the consensus is that it's boring..... to give 10/10 only for the art and for the name Kojima is joke.... no chance to defend this..

It's as much a PS exclusive as Gears is an Xbox exclusive. But, what does that have to do with anything? Claiming it's getting good reviews simply because it isn't on Xbox or that the world feels compelled to give hood reviews to Kojima games is still absurd.

You. You are absurd.


What I don’t understand is why people seem legitimately upset that this game was made.


Perfectly understandable if you’re not interested, but so many people in this thread being douches for no reason. Game is trying new, different things, and a lot of reviews I’ve seen have had tons of positive things to say about it.

I promise this game won’t interfere with your precious games that have none of that artsy fartsy mumbo jumbo to get in the way of muh pure gameplay experience. Plenty of those will still be made.

OMG Look at this review! It clearly says it isn't a FPS then gives it a 9.5/10. Obviously, that's impossible, so there is a media conspiracy to give good reviews to PS console exclusives. I haven't played the game, but I know for a fact it is a 4.7/10 - max.


OMG Look at this review! It clearly says it isn't a FPS then gives it a 9.5/10. Obviously, that's impossible, so there is a media conspiracy to give good reviews to PS console exclusives. I haven't played the game, but I know for a fact it is a 4.7/10 - max.

It doesn’t have a combat arena every 10 steps! Ridiculous. Because obviously combat is the only form of gameplay. Anything else is a pretentious art house walking simulator.


This is the type of information that I've been looking for that has been impossible to find anywhere else.

All those fucking journos flexing their thesaurus without giving readers a clear breakdown of the mechanics and how the systems work, or what features the game does NOT have.

Thanks for posting that.

It isn't sounding that promising for me, knowing that the world is so static and lifeless. Coming off RDR2 my expectations on open worlds games has drastically increased.

Actually void outs seem to be in


According to some fanboys and retarded "journalists" if a third person game is not a shooter with an encounter every 5 seconds is a boring walking simulator.

Fuck new systems, fuck narrative, fuck contemplative gameplay.

I feel like Death Stranding is the Shenmue of this generation. Some of the arguments being made here by the people who apparently hate new concepts are almost exactly the same I've heard people say 20 years ago when they were talking about Shenmue.

"How can a chore like this be considered a good game?"
"There is no gameplay!"
"You have to work in the game? You need to go to sleep in the evening? How can this be fun? This is overrated!"

I guess that everyone needs to play this for themselves, reviews are pretty much pointless for games like this.
According to some fanboys and retarded "journalists" if a third person game is not a shooter with an encounter every 5 seconds is a boring walking simulator.

Fuck new systems, fuck narrative, fuck contemplative gameplay.

I’m all for narrative games, but what I’m reading is that it’s tedious rather than challenging. I prefer a challenge that involve puzzles or combat, but in this scenario it’s micromanagement l and that’s not always fun to people.


I’m all for narrative games, but what I’m reading is that it’s tedious rather than challenging. I prefer a challenge that involve puzzles or combat, but in this scenario it’s micromanagement l and that’s not always fun to people.
Well said. And it certainly hasn't to be fun for everyone or make those who dislike it stupid, nor those who like it, cause if we're honest we all know many more games that either are inherently or becoming tedious soon enough, it's in the nature of making a videogame. If one'll still play it is entirely up to that person. Shit, people not only play but spend a hundred dollars on Fallout 76.
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Gold Member
Man, some of you must really be bored and not only does it show, but it's sad.

You can like and enjoy different things than other people, it's normal. Embrace opinions.

People saying "facts", lmao, what? The score? The only factual thing is that reviewers have played it and provided their own opinion. Everyone's number is different, and no one's number is the truth. It's an opinion.

It's hysterical seeing so many people talking like they've played it. They're just throwing shade at people that are looking forward to it. Y'all silly.

Real talk, lol. The "facts" thing is cracking me up.

Just goes to show us that the ideological social manipulation of "feelings make things fact" is working on people.


I can see where you're coming from. But in this case, I think the aesthetic/design decision to overload a character to the point where he becomes a hard-to-control literal walking bundle of packages undermines both the serious and futuristic themes of the game. I mean you've got this futuristic world with holograms and high-powered exoskeletons, where terrain can be magically assembled via lasers, and despite all this tech, we're supposed to believe there's no elegant way to carry a lot of parcels.

Thematically it doesn't make sense, you're totally right.

I think I'll have to play the game before I can make further comments.
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Highly recommend the newest episode of GameSpot's After Dark podcast. The reviewer of DS was on, Lucy James and three other dudes.

All of them really liked the game and were able to explain why in a nice long spoiler free discussion.

One thing I love about the game so far is how much people are talking about it. We get a lot of great games these days but not many demand discussion.

It feels like a throwback to last gen when people really wanted to talk about games like Spec Ops: The Line, Modern Warfare 2 (no russian), Bioshock, The Last of Us, etc.
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Does anyone remember the initial response to Demon's Souls? A large amount of people didn't understand that frustrating gameplay, some would have said unfair gameplay at that time, was intentional to make the moments of triumph that much greater. Then it spawned what turned into many people's highest point in gaming. I'm not saying DS is destined for greatness or the delivery gameplay is as exciting as fighting enemies in Souls, but the stories of elation for being rewarded with those music, story or visual moments DS provides after having put in literal work, those stories remind me of first time Souls.


I feel like Death Stranding is the Shenmue of this generation. Some of the arguments being made here by the people who apparently hate new concepts are almost exactly the same I've heard people say 20 years ago when they were talking about Shenmue.

"How can a chore like this be considered a good game?"
"There is no gameplay!"
"You have to work in the game? You need to go to sleep in the evening? How can this be fun? This is overrated!"

I guess that everyone needs to play this for themselves, reviews are pretty much pointless for games like this.
The thing is with Shenmue there are no real micro-managing elements to Ryo that reflect real life. The only "monotony" comes from having to wait around for stuff and the job Ryo has. I think even Yu Suzuki knew that, for example, having to worry about balancing yourself with several buttons every time you decided to run would harm the gameplay experience.
In Death Stranding's case it seems Kojima has gone all in on reflecting the mundane self-care tasks that a real person in Sam Bridges' position would have to carry out. And he thinks modelling all of this and integrating into the gameplay will make the game more fun to play.

Whenever I see gameplay clips of all the packages toppling over and scattering - requiring Sam to collect them again, I can't help but think people are going to get really frustrated with that.


after reading and looking at several reviews, I think this game is a glorified inventory and Fallout incumbent esque management sim.
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Reactions: Isa


always chasing the next thrill
According to some fanboys and retarded "journalists" if a third person game is not a shooter with an encounter every 5 seconds is a boring walking simulator.

Fuck new systems, fuck narrative, fuck contemplative gameplay.

no it's just this game most of us honestly think this
That's an entirely fair assumption. Not that I would find it impossible that people who disliked MGSV will like DS, but if it was the approach to open world design you disliked it's highly unlikely you'd enjoy DS from what is known about it.

For me, and apparently many others, Kojima is his own worst enemy. He introduces new and interesting gameplay mechanics and approaches and fun sandboxes, but everything is tied together by his horribly overwrought narratives.
While I applaud him for putting forth his visions on his own terms, my personal opinion is that he needs an entire squad of editors trimming the fat.


after reading and looking at several reviews, I think this game is a glorified inventory and Fallout incumbent esque management sim.
After reading that post I think you have a hard time grasping new concepts without the filter of other games that sound like they vaguely have somewhat of the same mechanic, but fail at realising that mechanics that stack atop each other result in what is called gameplay. In shooters it's the weapons you have plus the cover in the level plus the enemies positioning. In Death Stranding it's the cargo you have, the character weight and balance as a result of that, the terrain to slow you down and the tools you have to make it easier. I don't know what makes the one more exciting gameplay than the other.


For me, and apparently many others, Kojima is his own worst enemy. He introduces new and interesting gameplay mechanics and approaches and fun sandboxes, but everything is tied together by his horribly overwrought narratives.
While I applaud him for putting forth his visions on his own terms, my personal opinion is that he needs an entire squad of editors trimming the fat.
If your argument is to make the experience as palatable to the widest range of people as possible you would be absolutely right. To me it sounds like my own personal hell of turning every piece of art into designed by commitee fluff.
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