Golgoroth 3X done! Reset crew is too good.
the emotes would look so much better if our guardians had some facial expressions
I'm on my way home from watching the Pacers get stomped by Golden State (Jigga Pls). But I do have Totems I could load in maybe 20 min if you still need it.
the emotes would look so much better if our guardians had some facial expressions
Except the Pacers made it interesting in the last couple minutes and Klay got hurt. orz
So we have confirmation on exactly what is required to beat Challenge Mode Golgoroth?
I'm down if you still need one?Nightfall anytime soon?
I'm up to 21% in Jolly Holliday just by sparrow racing, lol!
What are the rewards for challenge mode golgy? 320 armor drops?
Racing is super trash tier.
Give me a mini raid instead.
Cool, I'll stay up for another hour or so before going to bed. Thanks!
In the meantime if anyone wants Golgoroth checkpoint send me a FR, no mic.
I can appreciate and respect all the time and work they spent creating SRL, it seems very polished... but it's nothing more than a gimmick for me. It's very meh.
Everything else is awesome in the new update, though. Had to buy a couple emotes. Hopefully they can give us more than one slot to use at a time, because using just one is a shame.
I can appreciate and respect all the time and work they spent creating SRL, it seems very polished... but it's nothing more than a gimmick for me. It's very meh.
Everything else is awesome in the new update, though. Had to buy a couple emotes. Hopefully they can give us more than one slot to use at a time, because using just one is a shame.
The racing controls just aren't tight enough. Let's mod our sparrows with tires for traction. Only 8000 silver.
Anyone doing Golgy CP now?
I got the helm and mark. So im done right. Becuase this is boring. Once your behind its impossible to catch up. One slip up at the beginning and your screwed. And when im in lead i have no idea how and what im doing any different.
Is it just me or is the sparrow racing thing getting old now?
Like a 5 minutes of fame thing.
How long did it take to get there?
Anybody looking to do Golg CM?
I've got a golgy CP and I'll probably do it once tonight if you want to get a clear in, mostly because I need to spend some time with my sweet sweet NLB in the crucible
Apple doesn't fall from the tree.![]()
One of tripleWRECK's little clans WRECKNation IV player said I was cheating while he was red barring. Typical.
Anybody looking to do Golg CM?
Me. I wanna do Golgy HM. add me plz PSN Godless_Pagan
I have MIDA. Whats good about the gun again?
if i have unfinished shaxx bounties from last week and i complete them now, will they count towards the main bounty (the one that gives you nightfall level rewards)?
I'm down and have another with me.
if i have unfinished shaxx bounties from last week and i complete them now, will they count towards the main bounty (the one that gives you nightfall level rewards)?