17 Seconds
Yep. You can carry over extra Weekly bounties as long as you want.
cool, thanks.
Yep. You can carry over extra Weekly bounties as long as you want.
I'm down and have another with me.
Me. I wanna do Golgy HM. add me plz PSN Godless_Pagan
FR sent. You still want to do this? Don't be shy.
I have MIDA. Whats good about the gun again?
Only one has dropped for me. The pinkest one.I think I got all the shaders from the racing now lol
Only one has dropped for me. The pinkest one.
Anyone wanna run nightfall?
Dat awkward moment when tripleWRECK messages you back >_>
what are the rewards from the record book?
Are they worth spending 1000 silver on?
What did he say?
Wants me to send the messages the guy sent me, and his PSN account.
Titan expanded meelee range feels gooooood
Chest galore. Got like five 320 chests. Did not want. I want shoes, shoes, shoes. Good runs though everyone.
Wants me to send the messages the guy sent me, and his PSN account.
Is this Sparrow RNG?
I believe so, from silver packages. Where did that image come from? Are there more?
Need 1 for nightfall Join on x_Magik_ox or sunvsthemoon
We talked about the guy, apparently it wasn't his first time doing this, he talks big he said, he's going to take care of it and he apologized to me about the situation.