Rage is still simmering, but I'm glad to see quite a lot of you agree that the materials grind is ridiculous. It just seems so broken, conceptually. Why would you want to fill your overworld(what's the correct term for the planetary surface in destiny?) with people engaging in a super solitary grind for materials. There's not a single social hook, in fact the way it handles chest looting makes it even more anti social. There is no benefit to running chest/mat nodes in a fireteam since it simply serves to slow you down since node drops aren't shared and you need to call them over to every drop, it triples travel time for a full fireteam. Other players not in your fireteam are even worse since you're not even aware of the chest/nodes they find, and they despawn really quickly too. An other player doing a run in the same area you're running is an annoyance, and that feels wrong to me.
Furthermore the amount of materials required to upgrade even a single item can require a multiple hour time investment. I can probably gather the materials to upgrade 1 to 3 items in an hour of incredibly boring solo grinding, but I'm also really OCD, know all of the chest spawns and know a bunch of methods to increase my output. Someone playing this game casually stands no chance of gathering the required materials without looking up specific farming runs, and that feels wrong to me.
But yet it still compounds, because items require a variety of different mats in varying amounts. It's really hard to keep track of exactly how many of a specific item you need without resorting to writing it down, and writing it down just makes the grind stand out much more. It's no fun coming to the conclusion that in order to use the weapons you raided for, and spent several hours playing pve&pvp to level up are incapable of leveling up without a significant added time investment in content that is utterly unenjoyable, anti-social, and of dubious value, and that feels wrong to me.
Every item you acquire is worse than what you already have unless you spend a significant amount of time gathering the 4 required resources. There is no way to recoup those resources, no way to gather them more efficiently and they're all earned in a very specific fashion. You cannot choose which content you engage with, you're forced to engage with all of it. This would not be an issue if all of the content was enjoyable but the majority of the content isn't that great and forcing people to engage with it for several hours to make use of items they received feels wrong to me.
I feel like at it's core the end game is badly planned. You run the nightfall, the weekly, the raid on tuesday and you spend the rest of the week waking the hive and boosting around a planet staring at bushes. If you're short on ascended materials you may run a daily, but that's rare since you're raiding the vault of ass and you're probably swimming in them. That kind of feels wrong to me.
You should not make content valueless in a game that's short on it, yet that's what Bungie does time and time again. It stretches across so many things too. Bounties lose their value unless you're grinding rep or have a weapon/armour to level. Patrols are pointless if you're at rep lvl 3. The endgame content is only good once a week, the entire story is pointless except for the daily mission. Strikes serve no purpose once you've got a full set of legendaries and all the shards you could want. And the bushes aren't worth anything if you don't have an item that requires mats. (Never going to happen). Once the casual playerbase that has stopped making progress weeks ago drops off to COD you'll literally have nobody left playing anything besides the daily mission and pvp. And the people left are probably going to run everything on tuesday and shelve the game for a week until they get bored of even doing that. This feels super wrong to me.
Every single activity should offer up a goddamn smorgasbord of rewards. Mats/Engrams/Rep/Marks. All of them. Every single goddamn one. They should offer more if you do them in a fireteam, that'd be the goddamn strongest social hook you could possibly have. Shards and energy shouldn't be rewards. Just drop a weapon or an armour piece, it will get dismantled and the net result will be the same, just with slightly less dissapointment. It's not like fixing the endgame is some goddamn complicated feat of wizardry. Just increase the reward for engaging in your content Bungie. Picking up plants and opening chests should never be required, the fuck is this game? a chest opening simulator or a first person shooter? You should be flooded with mats so trading them in for rep seems like a sensible option and becomes a viable alternate means for rep progression. The loot system is robust enough that dropping more items is a logically sound idea. Increase the variety in stat distribution and perk assignment and you'll have a system where every weapon is a possible upgrade and there is no best in class. Combine that with a sensible grind to unlock a weapons potential and you have goddamn digital crack.
Right now though, Bungie has got nothing but digital asscrack. And I'm losing faith in their ability to rectify it. They haven't even identified the materials grind as being a problem and that is deeply disturbing to me personally. It seems like they're in way over their heads and are honestly clueless on how to fix this game. I wish they'd listen to me, just slightly, just enough to atleast evaluate what the hell they're doing.