Yeah, I farmed relic iron for an hour earlier. I only got 108 of them in that timeframe because a bunch of dudes kept ruining my farm. I upgraded my light/beware one pip to 300, my atheons epilogue 4 pips to 300 and my armour one pip. I'm already out of relic iron again. I have like 15 more pips on assorted gear ready to go just waiting on relic iron. Your advice is kind of moot man. What I can gather in 22 minutes isn't even going to make a fucking dent in the stuff I'm trying to level up. It's beyond terrible and there is no excuse.
Right, yeah, that's 5 upgrades' worth, I could never do that all in one sitting. sorry that there were dudes ruining your farm. my advice was not intended for you (or, I guess, wasn't really advice at all- just saying how I play personally), I apologize for giving that impression.
Yep. Mats were only an issue for me once while trying to get helium for a chest and gun. I was being very conservative with my estimates so as not to get anyone's ire up, it really is easy. Mats should be fun to get is the real point. If it starts to fell like a grind then stop, do something else for a bit or play another game for a while. Your stuff will still be there waiting to be leveled when you come back. I feel like too many people are starting to treat the game like a job in many ways, thats always a recipe for a buzzkill.
Essentially, while
obviously I can understand how gathering 100+ mats in one sitting is absolutely mind-numbing tedium, I merely elect not to do that and so far it suits me just fine. A 20-40 mat session is really quick- and I pick up "kill stuff," "get drops," and "assassination" missions, and do any public events that pop in the area too. I've never continued doing it long enough to get bored. I like that there are a range of "intensity levels" for progression activities in this game, and mat/patrol stuff is perfect for when I can squeeze in some remote play on Vita, watching something on my other screen, half-asleep-no-reflexes-phase before crashing, etc.- times when I do still feel like playing but without the adrenaline rush and concentration required of Crucible or a Nightfall, or the coordination of a Raid.
Gotta clarify here: please don't think I'm saying it's an illegimate complaint to say the material farming is horrible/tedious/boring/unacceptable or that there should be no other routes of material acquisition (I
really like the idea of mats having a chance to drop from dismantling greens found on that planet, or as extra Crucible match rewards from the planet the map is on). That's perfectly valid and if it has substantively affected your experience it's something I want fixed regardless of how much it affects me. Again, just stipulating how I play personally.
I do also understand the compulsion some have though. There's always that itch. I think my worst game moments so far came from forcing myself to do strike after strike until I had the 5 coins I needed for the Suros last weekend. I can see how if you were in that mindset that the game becomes work. That work was worth it for the Suros though. I can tell you I will never do it again, well, unless Xur has Ballerhorn this weekend. Lol.
Other than "play," I try to be very cognizant of any gaming-related compulsions and avoid them at all costs. I've seen what they can do to people's free time habits and even their entire lives.
When I sit down to play a videogame, I've already elected to do something I'm going to enjoy with that time period. If I'm not having fun or getting bored, or upset (outside of the moment frustration of failing my role in a raid, losing a Crucible match, etc. of course), for any amount of time, then I remind myself I should be spending my time doing something else. I keep my expectations measured and also try not to burn out from pure overexposure. Put a fuckton of time into this game guys, but it's not the only thing I'm playing either XD