Need people for the atheon heroic cheese add me on PSN or join my fire team.
PSN: joshcbrugy
Got the checkpoint just need to finish off atheon
What cheese? That ship has sailed
Need people for the atheon heroic cheese add me on PSN or join my fire team.
PSN: joshcbrugy
Got the checkpoint just need to finish off atheon
What cheese? That ship has sailed
The atheon boss cheese. Knocking him off the front center
So should I just reroll 2 more identical hunters to make it three so I don't need to worry about gearing up another class with different armor? Seems most efficient right?
Tell Bungie. They're breaking more shit than they're fixing at this point.Just did Flawless Raider, except Atheon decided to teleport 0 people for two phases and on the third phase he teleported me by myself. Killed 2 Oracles before going blind.
Fuck this patch. Atheon is bugged if you don't wipe once. In my mind, that was a clear easily.
Senseless hyperbole like this is a bit overreaching. I literally just got my mythoclast and am putting kids in dumpsters in pvp. It's by no means unusable.You do realize that it's a gun so shitty it's borderline unusable in any mode, right?
12 hard Atheon kills later, still no Mythoclast.
I'm missing 3 to complete my VoG kit: Mythoclast, Timepiece and Foil.
Didn't they patch that
Why would anyone refuse advertising dollars?LMFAO @ the Xbox One ad for COD AW that just played on Live From Playstation. Does Sony know about that?
done. I've gotten like 6 of each and foil is the only thing I need now.I'll trade you my Timepiece and Foil for Fatebringer and VoC.
You got fatebringer like a month ago. You can't complain.
I'll trade you my Timepiece and Foil for Fatebringer and VoC.
Regretting not getting in on some Atheon cheese while I could to get a helmet for my Titan.
No not the cheese. You can still knock him off the front of the area.
Add me on PSN and we can do it.
I cheesed Atheon *once* on my Titan.
It dropped the helmet.
10 minutes later I scrapped it because I felt bad and wanted to "earn" it.
Did you see it in this video?
Cause it is a week old and AFAIK he just respawns if you try making him fall down.
I somehow got 3 helmets one kill. I'll give you all my spares. Come do an atheon some time with me and you'll get every drop ever while o get to complain about my 13th ship.Earn in a loot game lol
I ended up getting the one for my Warlock a few weeks ago. Since then between 2 characters Atheon has been a ship salesman. Not even the sparrow. I did get the Vex Mythoclast yesterday though which is nice.
We're fighting for scraps out here man
They really haven't said anything about Ahteon breaking through the Relic Shield and players getting turned around coming out of the portals?I really wish they at least acknowledge the bugs in the vault of glass.
12 hard Atheon kills later, still no Mythoclast.
Sent a request to join, need flawless and clan strike and clan raid trophy.
Psn dante316
bungie dante316
Man... These afkers and leavers in these tiger strikes are really getting on my nerves.
They really haven't said anything about Ahteon breaking through the Relic Shield and players getting turned around coming out of the portals?
Man... These afkers and leavers in these tiger strikes are really getting on my nerves.
Im sure someone pointed this out already but is that a flag in the back?
I hate that shit.
Im sure someone pointed this out already but is that a flag in the back?
Im sure someone pointed this out already but is that a flag in the back?
That flag spawns when you capture a point
Guess i should play more pvp.....
Marvel we tried the flawless run today. It was going superbly till we reached atheon and he prompty made babybel out of us and there was nothing we could do.
It was so agonizing (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Earn in a loot game lol
It feels so good knowing you look more badass than anyone else on the server. Especially this cloak since it's so damn flashy and everyone else can only get those bungee cord disasters and cute little emblems. When you get a Warlock one you have to go big and gaudy otherwise you can't really see it. I was going to start saving for a Titan but then I realize how bad Titan sashes are. They really got screwed over there, it's barely noticeable. I'll probably just dump the last ones into getting a different Warlock Bond or another Hunter Cloak so I can have different outfits. Maybe one exclusively for Raiding and another for everything else.That is a definite upgrade. I'm probably gonna sit on my Motes from here on out since I blew a few of them on two Exotic Engrams, with only one of them being something that I wanted. Think I'll splurge on the legendary shit the Speaker has once my characters are all 30 or something.
While we know the number of story missions, we don't know the length or actual story potential they contain so far. There's a eurogamer article claiming they have something to prove with these missions, and to be fair, they do, but I'll at least go in with an open mind and everyone else that's already purchased a season pass should too.I'm debating on whether I will be picking up the DLC after the reveal of the contents. It's only 20 bucks I know but I thought it would include a little more on the Story side.
The glowy purple Warlock Band plus Jester Apogee on my Voidfang Vestments makes me look like fucking Space Prince.It feels so good knowing you look more badass than anyone else on the server. Especially this cloak since it's so damn flashy and everyone else can only get those bungee cord disasters and cute little emblems. When you get a Warlock one you have to go big and gaudy otherwise you can't really see it. I was going to start saving for a Titan but then I realize how bad Titan sashes are. They really got screwed over there, it's barely noticeable. I'll probably just dump the last ones into getting a different Warlock Bond or another Hunter Cloak so I can have different outfits. Maybe one exclusively for Raiding and another for everything else.
Chatterwhite + Strength of the Pack, maybe for Raid? Anyone have any screen caps of that one? I'm only so many motes away from another one. Much better than throwing dice at a wall and dismantling it for shards because it's not what you wanted.
Sorry to hear that, I know you're all trying very hard.
This patch seems to have ruined most peoples chances at doing it clean.
We aren't going to bother again until they fix it. Way too much of a pain right now.
Between two groups I ran with today we had 5 consecutive flawless runs to Atheon that were completely fubar'ed by glitches. Every time the glitches would go away after we wiped once and we would immediately kill Atheon w/o dying. Good times.
The "good news" is that I have 47 raid clears, only 3 more to max the grimoire card! We aren't going to bother again until they fix it. Way too much of a pain right now.
Between two groups I ran with today we had 5 consecutive flawless runs to Atheon that were completely fubar'ed by glitches. Every time the glitches would go away after we wiped once and we would immediately kill Atheon w/o dying. Good times.
The "good news" is that I have 47 raid clears, only 3 more to max the grimoire card! We aren't going to bother again until they fix it. Way too much of a pain right now.
What's the best way to level up Exotics? Ice breaker is taking forever. I heard bounties help I think.
While we know the number of story missions, we don't know the length or actual story potential they contain so far. There's a eurogamer article claiming they have something to prove with these missions, and to be fair, they do, but I'll at least go in with an open mind and everyone else that's already purchased a season pass should too.
When its fixed I want in...We made a decent team and made it to close to finish with no deaths and we weren't really trying.
Good call.
The worst part is wiping on Atheon PRE patch