3 hours and 10 minutes.
The current roster for this raid is:
1. patroclos
2. colonel
3. ocean
4. Dr_LawyerCop
5. Hoodbury
6. Hawkian
If any of you cannot make it, please contact me asap.
Please bring:
- A level 26 character at the least- if you have a higher-leveled character you'll be relieving some strain on those that don't!

- Your highest DPS/most upgraded weapons. Ice Breaker and Gjallarhorn are two weapons that are immeasurably useful in various spots if you happen to have either.
- Your best Void weapons. Descendant Minotaurs and Praetorians are the biggest threat inside and at the door, and they have nice shiny purple shields.
- Ammo Synthesis Packs. Pick some up from the gunsmith if you're low- Heavy most importantly!
- Patience. We will wipe, probably lotsa times. It's going to be a very lighthearted and informal atmosphere and we will laugh off our failures, rather than getting upset or pointing fingers. This is honestly the most important thing in your arsenal if you want to get through the raid successfully.
If you want to watch any videos or look up strategies online for anything beforehand you are welcome to, but I will not expect anyone to have done so and will explain things as though the party has little to no experience with each section.
Also, I didn't mention this before, but while I'm happy to have repeat attendees on this weekly intro raid, please keep track and try not to join up for this two weeks in a row- to maximize the number of legitimately new/learning players who get a chance to try it out. Should be fun, can't wait to see you guys in there!
I honestly....
seriously can't believe that's a 35 minute video.
He's not right that Destiny is bad, but he is exactly right that you should not buy either expansion if you believe that Destiny is bad. Going to put that point out again in bold:
if you are not enjoying Destiny or do not think it is a good game, do not buy either expansion.