Destiny isn't exactly what I imagined it'd be, namely due to how the story was handled and the overall lack of content, but I'm still having a lot of fun with it and play as much as I can.
There are some pangs of disappointment at times, because I don't think the execution at launch lives up to the game's potential, but I by no means regret my purchase. I'm eagerly anticipating that first expansion!
Yeah, this is roughly how I feel, although I legitimately didn't have any expectations outside of what I played in the beta.
The story is just the most hilariously awful misfire I've witnessed in gaming this side of Titanfall. It's almost completely inexplicable to me how threadbare and deemphasized it was. The Halo games were never narrative masterpieces, but they had memorable characters, hell
named characters, a compelling protagonist and deutoragonist, memorable plot twists and some interesting explorations of the game's lore. But the only one of those that even made it into this game in a half-assed way is the last one. All the really interesting aspects are confined to the external Grimoire, which literally everyone I have heard from agrees is a bad idea.
All that said.. the story
is deemphasized and honestly, the degree to which it sucked hasn't affected my enjoyment that much. Can anyone give me a rundown on what the plot was in Phantasy Star Online? Monster Hunter? Once you tell me, am I going to think "damn, I wish I'd paid more attention to that" or "haha yeah okay, not what I came for." Unfortunate a conclusion as it is to draw, Destiny isn't about its story.
There were maaaany features that could have helped it reach its full potential at launch that were cut or never implemented. One that constantly stands out to me is the lack of a grouping board in the Tower- exactly like in PSO or Monster Hunter- so that people who don't have easy access to friends who play or an online community like GAF would not have to rely on an external website/tool to find people to play with. This would be universally superior to blind matchmaking which I keep seeing people ask for. But it's just not there! There are of course many other things missing.
My thing is, Destiny at half potential is still one of the most compelling and addictive gaming experiences in recent memory, and it can only improve. The core is too strong for it to get measurably worse over time. And if you really get down to it a fuckton of you agree with me on this even if you don't realize it. we're on the 91st goddamn page of its ninth of and I bet a not-insignificant number of you are gonna buy the DLC right when it comes out too. this kind of shit just doesn't happen with bad games. it really doesn't. and before I get jumped all over about CoD or whatever multi-zillion dollar franchise is actually "shit," I will say that while those games are generally not my cup of tea. I understand that they have
generally good core gameplay and a high standard in terms of production values. and regardless, on GAF especially it's a totally different scale.
How is this worse than not selling an item at all? Sure it sucks if you miss an item because you went out of town that weekend but at least everyone had the opportunity. If the item is never sold at all, no one gets the opportunity. A rotation is far better than what we've experienced so far but I wouldn't mind if they occasionally repeated one of the more popular items, just don't spam them three times in short succession most especially when you haven't given the alternative armor piece the time of day. Also, I'm only talking armor pieces right now of which there are not very many and it would not take long to rotate through them all. Weapons are another beast because there are so many and they rate at different prices based on if they are a primary or not.
It's annoying but I can deal with him not selling what I want just yet, what annoys the crap out of me is that there is literally only one other option from the lock chest I want and it has been in the store 3 times and in close succession of each other while Praxic isn't going in at all. Then I see the same Titan chest in there for the third time in recent weeks. It's the principle of how terrible the supposed random generator is, spamming repeats and I have my doubts on how random it truly is when Bungie had a poll for what people wanted and then the top vote, Suros, immediately follows. If a lock helmet that had only been in the store once thus far was there today, I'd be disappointed because I don't want it and want Praxic, but I wouldn't get annoyed like I did with Voidfang.
Did you see my post about the odds per slot? It... kind of sounds like you actually want it to
not be a random/psuedorandom generator in favor of something that weights items which have not appeared recently, is that right?
Some items might not even be in the rotation.
Certainly true. I'm operating off of
this list, for the moment, which hasn't yet been contradicted, but of course that only means so much.