I lagged at platforms. Froze in midair during a jump. Yay.
So, in attempting to complete the Aetheon battle on hard today, here are just some of the issues that we ran into:
-Aetheon having absolutely zero problem shooting blasts directly through the Relic Shield
-Aetheon's blasts hitting the rocky outcrop on the left side of the middle platform, and the splash damage happily crossing through the relic shield barrier and killing people as far as the far-right side of the platform.
-Crossing through the gate, only to arrive back on the future/past area, probably close to blind
But THANK GAWD we can't assign teams to head into the portals anymore! That might really have ruined the experience, huh Bungie?
This might be the most successful $60 beta in history.
Looking for a few more for Normal Raid, doesn't matter if you are experienced or not. Just be at least 26 with some leveled weapons. No pressure Normal run.
Oh. I did.if you don't have a free space your in inventory under the consumable menu when you use it, it will glitch.
I don't know Hezen Vengeance but a raw comparison isn't super fair- "Is a Legendary" is a really good quality in any gun. From hearsay however, pure comparison, 8.5. No tracking is a major disadvantage, 3 rounds a major advantage. The rest of the mods/qualities are fairly similar, but Gjallarhorn's additional raw damage + the fact that both its main shots and WOLFPACK ROUNDS track for near-guaranteed damage make it objectively a better launcher.So if Gjallarhorn is a 10 in terms of overall rocket launcher strength/damage effectiveness, what would Hezen Vengeance be on the same scale?
lol! well done. I'm gonna be trying for the first time with my warlock very soon.Note to Hawkian: With the Hunter I made the jumping puzzle on the first go. I saved the video! Lol
if you don't have a free space your in inventory under the consumable menu when you use it, it will glitch.
So, in attempting to complete the Aetheon battle on hard today, here are just some of the issues that we ran into:
-Aetheon having absolutely zero problem shooting blasts directly through the Relic Shield
-Aetheon's blasts hitting the rocky outcrop on the left side of the middle platform, and the splash damage happily crossing through the relic shield barrier and killing people as far as the far-right side of the platform.
-Crossing through the gate, only to arrive back on the future/past area, probably close to blind
But THANK GAWD we can't assign teams to head into the portals anymore! That might really have ruined the experience, huh Bungie?
This might be the most successful $60 beta in history.
29 hunter looking for hard raid, psn squidyj
Say I found a legs legendary chest engram on my warlock and decrypt it on my Titan, will it give me a legendary Titan chest armor?
Sucks but it's not your fault this game has a lot of work to be done for the flawless run. Ran so many times after the patch and it's just a glitch fest.
8 or 8.5 maybe.So if Gjallarhorn is a 10 in terms of overall rocket launcher strength/damage effectiveness, what would Hezen Vengeance be on the same scale?
I don't know Hezen Vengeance but a raw comparison isn't super fair- "Is a Legendary" is a really good quality in any gun. From hearsay however, pure comparison, 8.5. No tracking is a major disadvantage, 3 rounds a major advantage. The rest of the mods/qualities are fairly similar, but Gjallarhorn's additional raw damage + the fact that both its main shots and WOLFPACK ROUNDS track for near-guaranteed damage make it objectively a better launcher.
lol! well done. I'm gonna be trying for the first with my warlock very soon.
Yea, was still fun and now I know your strategies for the Atheon glitch fight. But everyone was tired by that time. The lag was hilarious at the end.
Yea, was still fun and now I know your strategies for the Atheon glitch fight. But everyone was tired by that time. The lag was hilarious at the end.
Since the raid was made available i can happily say i have only done it 3 times, currently i am sitting on a Lvl 28 Hunter as my highest level character and it feels like i'm going no where, i've been at that level for almost a month now. Why you may ask .. well i know if i upgrade any of my gear i will easily get to level 29 BUT not 30 as i need to do the raid countless times in order to get the right gear.
I feel like i'm being punished for not choosing to raid. Its not that i hate doing the raid, i just dont see the point in it, I dont find it as much fun as other aspects of the game. Yet Bungie make it a mandatory feature of the game in order for you to get to level 30 and probably 32 when the expansion drops. AND IT PISSES ME RIGHT OFF!!
The game as it stands its broken beyond disbelief and with the random gear drops who knows how many hours i have to pump into this game to get any good gear. I work 9-6 5 days a week so in the evenings i tend to hop on for at least 2-3 hours of gaming ( i tend to mix it up between Diablo, Destiny and COD) and my days off are the only time i get to socialise with other people i.e the GF.
Heres my solutions to this dilemma that i know many people have with this game.. Instead of just having the raid to get good gear Bungie should also have Gear Bounties that are just as challenging to do and are guaranteed to take some time but the pay off is a piece of armour that will help you reach level 30 or 32. To help make sure that these do not get farmed Xur should be the one who gives them out as an item to buy for an amount of strange coin .. for example he will sell the bounty for a chest piece for x amount of strange coin and each week its a different piece of gear. This will allow players to mix up their style of play and not just restrict them to doing the raid. However the bounties are much harder than the Exotic weapon bounties and once you are done with it, you simply return to Xur for your new shiny piece of gear..
Just a thought i had while i'm eating some Chinese.. what do you guys think. Would this idea be viable in destiny
Went through normal Thursday after the patch and had issues with everything u listed above.
Come the F on Bungie, get it together.
I don't know Hezen Vengeance but a raw comparison isn't super fair- "Is a Legendary" is a really good quality in any gun. From hearsay however, pure comparison, 8.5. No tracking is a major disadvantage, 3 rounds a major advantage. The rest of the mods/qualities are fairly similar, but Gjallarhorn's additional raw damage + the fact that both its main shots and WOLFPACK ROUNDS track for near-guaranteed damage make it objectively a better launcher.
lol! well done. I'm gonna be trying for the first time with my warlock very soon.
8 or 8.5 maybe.
I have both maxed and Hezen hits hard but it's not as efficient due to the lack of homing on the cluster bombs.
It's definitely a worthy stopgap. Gjallahorn really is in it's own class though.
7.5 (but 10 during Void Burns)And what about Truth?
Maxed Sunsinger and hit 26 on my Warlock. Voidwalker time! Can any experts give me a rundown on the pros/cons of the voidwalker grenades?
And what about Truth?
And what about Truth?
Thanks to Agent/Phantom for the Hard raid group. We almost choked at the end but we pulled through. I can't tell you how happy I am that I finally have the helmet for my Hunter.![]()
Yeah I felt everyone was in zombine/auto pilot mode for that last Templar battle since it suddenly got all quiet after the chattersYeh, I was definitely feeling the fatigue at that point anyway. If we'd made it to Atheon a few tries before I think we'd have done really well.
We got very, very close on that last run with Matt. Closest we've been since the patch.
And now we know exactly what to do in that spot next time it's just about execution now. Just a matter of time.
in between on the "pure" comparison, but it DOES take your exotic slot which puts it below Hezen- of course Hezen and Gjallar are both Solar and Truth is Void so it's great to have regardless.Halfway in between. Doesn't have the mob clearing with the cluster bombs, but the tracking is very aggressive and great for pretorians and atheon. Feels like like rof and reload is really fast too, but I haven't compared stats.
I would say
Henzen 8.5
Truth 9
Godhorn 100
Truth gets that extra nudge from me is the lock on, Holy Shit, I just have to aim it stupidly, watch that rocket chase after someone is an amazing experience
watch this:
You lock on, shoot, and move away, let it do the work
Just unlocked another exotic bounty!
Should I go for the Pocket Infinity, Super Good Advice or Bad JuJu?
Pocket Infinity
You will love that FR even with the nerf, trust me
Bad Juju is a work in progress by bungie who keeps saying they'll buff it, but no clue when
SGA sucks major donkey dic
Like a goddamn earthquake going off on your screen while you are shooting it
There's a reason why there's a perk that all bullets missed return back, cause you will miss 90%
I grab SGA cause it can be done in < 1 hour if Xur is around (which he is for another 8 hours)
I dismantled them for the energy
3 energy for 1 Strange coin is a not a bad swap
Just unlocked another exotic bounty!
Should I go for the Pocket Infinity, Super Good Advice or Bad JuJu?
Yeah I felt everyone was in zombine/auto pilot mode for that last Templar battle since it suddenly got all quiet after the chatters. Defend, shoot, run to the cave and then repeat it again.
In the unlikely event that someone is running the hard raid from the gatekeepers onward, I'm available to join (30 titan on PSN, same as gaf name)
So, what should I do now that the raid/weekly/nightfall/daily have all been completed for this week? I'd like to find some exotics or legendaries so I assume Crucible? I've been a player since day one but after I do the weekly and daily missions I tend to feel like I should put the game down again until Tuesday.
in between on the "pure" comparison, but it DOES take your exotic slot which puts it below Hezen- of course Hezen and Gjallar are both Solar and Truth is Void so it's great to have regardless.
Ok Pocket Infinity it is then!
Just bought the $60 blacksmith shader hope it looks good on my Titan. Still downloading, this shader is 42gb
Just bought the $60 blacksmith shader hope it looks good on my Titan. Still downloading, this shader is 42gb
Start a new character and run through all of those again!
Effect on sanity TBD