Need one more for normal raid.
Need four more for hard raid Gatekeepers or a group looking for two more at the same spot. PSN rNilla.
helping some friends out on atheon hard mode, i have to solo both portals![]()
Just #rektd some people in the Crucible with Invective. 31 and 4 with a 25 kill streak.
Shotguns are way to OP in multiplayer. I can't seem to find a use for my primary weapon.
Damn, what map?
Twilight Gap. Shotguns definitely shine there.
Finally got that salvage trophy, and I'm done with 3v3 for forever, I just need the flawless raider trophy then a platinum is just a matter of my brain not melting collecting dead ghosts.
Also started to love the thorn in PvP so something good came out of it at least.
Thorn is becoming my favorite weapon in Control right now. Sooooo good @_@
did they stealth buff it? cuz i thought it was supposed to be bad?
did they stealth buff it? cuz i thought it was supposed to be bad?
did they stealth buff it? cuz i thought it was supposed to be bad?
It still is, some people just like the feel I guess haha
Nah, it's a sit back, pop two shots and hide kind of gun. DoT will either get you a kill or an assist. It's damn good.
It's not bad at all, but we have to pretend it's bad so Bungie can go through with the buff.
dang, so i guess it's really not bad at all. the void kills part of the bounty still irritates me.
Er... The Vex Mythoclast got debuffed? Sure as hell didn't feel like it with this one guy wrecking everyone in the control match I just played.
Thorn is pretty underwhelming until it's upgraded but then it can wreck faces for sure. Bad Juju is, and probably forever will be, complete garbage.
Vex is still a good gun but it was just nuts before the nerf. Of course good players can dominate with basically any gun given how the attack normalization works.
that promised Bad Juju buff will probably save it.
btw, how was your Flawless run tonight?
Any flawless runs being organised? I will be available in 2 hours.
Don't think enough people are around now, but pretty sure people are getting together at 2pm EST. Of course if there are enough people soon I will be down. Otherwise I'll rest up for the later runs.
The sparrows are cake my friend :'(So does anyone know yet what to do with all of the Halloween themed items? I wore the Pumpkin Mask and bought the vials of stuff that changes your respawn for 24 hrs but I'm not sure what to do with that.
Does that item progress into getting one of the sparrows?
Anyone know how to get any of the sparrows?
The sparrows are cake my friend :'(
It is like the cake in Portal, "a lie."Cake means easy in my world. The sad face makes me think the time has passed.
The sparrows are cake my friend :'(
Cake means easy in my world. The sad face makes me think the time has passed.
It is like the cake in Portal, "a lie."
You were logged in during the reset. If you turn those bounties in, log out, and come back in, you can repeat the same bounties you just turned in.Bounty guy only has 7 available bounties after refresh, what gives.
did they stealth buff it? cuz i thought it was supposed to be bad?
You were logged in during the reset. If you turn those bounties in, log out, and come back in, you can repeat the same bounties you just turned in.
It happens sometimes - getting 7 instead of 10.I have none to hand in, I finished all of them yesterday, he seemed to only have renewed 7 instead of 10 on reset, logging out and back in he has 10 now, very odd.
It happens sometimes - getting 7 instead of 10.
And I meant the bounties available from the bounty guy, not the ones you were about to turn in. If you stayed on during the reset and accepted and turned in the new Vanguard bounties before logging out, you could have done the same ones again after logging back in later today.
It is worthless in pve, but PvP it is a bit better. Two shots to the head and the dot can finish ppl of sometimes. It's a troll weapon really, pop two shots then run and hide. Where it really shines is in kill stealing and assist bounties. Or if you like to test your skill because it's handling sucks ass, not that forgiving.
Fixer and TDYK are just better guns over all. I'm buying The Chance next. Just to have/collect. Curious to see how it handles with its near maxed stability. 6 rounds is scary though, unless it hits really-really hard, despite its low impact. Cause PvP normalization and that jazz.