Yeah, the mods should probably close the nightfall/raid thread since everyone just post in here looking for groups
Or just make a sticky thread at the top of the community section?
Yeah, the mods should probably close the nightfall/raid thread since everyone just post in here looking for groups
Hey looking to get a group together for a normal raid at about 8pm GMT on PS4, drop me a PM or message on PSN (Lalaland, just mention GAF not online just now). Myself (lvl 28 titan) and a mate (lvl28 hunter). We've no idea what we're doing so don't care if you don't either (I will check out YT guides before then). Of course if you know what you're doing we'd be delighted to have you too!
I really love the Crucible. I've had so many fun moments in there.
Was playing Control late last night and ran into a squad of dudes who were probably a full fireteam. I did okay but of course, they crushed my team and a few of them proceeded to teabag me after the match had just ended.
That kind of shit annoys me. We got matched up again, I switched to my most "comfortable" set up for PvP (Suros Regime, Found Verdict, Corrosive Measure) and went to work. Ended up with 30 kills and our team of randoms destroyed them 20,000 to 11,000. Felt so fucking good.
I'm available if you guys still need someone.
Yeah, the mods should probably close the nightfall/raid thread since everyone just post in here looking for groups
Have 3 Atheon Hard checkpoints, looking to form a team of level 30s with maxed Oracle killers.
whether you're right or wrong about his intention the thread is titled "Destiny Raid and Nightfall group/clan. Mission: Making it easier to make groups."Afro just started that thread to get the clan trophies, he didn't intend for it to be the go-to place to look for raid groups.
Hopefully this makes things a bit easier outside of posting in the OT and hoping folks read your post. The idea is you can look up people in the group or clan, send them a friend request, and have someone you can ask to do this content knowing you're playing with a GAFfer since most of us are friendly (I say most because I can get mad when I'm x420x-no-scoped by a Hobogoblin as folks witnessed last night in the raid).
I also figured I'd implement a Clan feature so folks can easily swap into the Clan from their original one, and easily get trophies requiring having a Fireteam composed of clan members.
Or the game just picked a different host that favored your team. That seems to be the deciding factor most of the time.
I'm down. I don't have a lot of time though
Edit: I have one gatekeeper and two atheon hard checkpoints. Lv 30 warlock with pretty much everything maxed out
whether you're right or wrong about his intention the thread is titled "Destiny Raid and Nightfall group/clan. Mission: Making it easier to make groups."
this is the premise of the op
Sure, but you're the only one so far so if you don't have much time I'm not sure how quick it will be as we will need 4 more
I use my clan to have DGAF next to my name in game. to the unitiated it appears to indicate that I don't give a fuck, which is true, so everybody wins
Hmmm... no... it's still pretty active in there. So far as I see it that is a more dedicated/serious resource and I know some static groups have formed in there.
I'll send a FR when I'm sure i can put in the time. If by then you still need someone then i'll join you guys
Sounds good. Hopefully the encounters will be on the quicker side with all 30's, but gathering the party may take a bit longer than usual.
It drops from RNGesus' grasp.So I've been missing one piece of raid gear for weeks, do gauntlets drop from any boss?
Dang. If it's faster than our run last night... remind me not to face you guys in the crucibleSounds good. Hopefully the encounters will be on the quicker side with all 30's, but gathering the party may take a bit longer than usual.
I have a friend who plays alot of cod and if someone teabags him he gets so ferociously pissed off its hilarious. Hes pretty damn good too. I call him teabag sometimes just to mess with him.I really love the Crucible. I've had so many fun moments in there.
Was playing Control late last night and ran into a squad of dudes who were probably a full fireteam. I did okay but of course, they crushed my team and a few of them proceeded to teabag me after the match had just ended.
That kind of shit annoys me. We got matched up again, I switched to my most "comfortable" set up for PvP (Suros Regime, Found Verdict, Corrosive Measure) and went to work. Ended up with 30 kills and our team of randoms destroyed them 20,000 to 11,000. Felt so fucking good.
So what is this vault glitch? Anything specific triggering it so I know what to avoid?
All reports seem to be in lines of "Put stuff into vault in order to pick it up with alt. Switched characters to only find whole vault being empty". In theory you could just avoid using your vault for anything, but I think this is purely random event and you can't prevent it from happening.
Woo, Level 25 thanks to getting Vanguard Rank 2 and being able to buy Legendaries!
You're super charged!Hilarious Raid was hilarious. Why take showers when Destiny bathes us all in Ass Energy?
Not a SINGLE shard.
Wow.Got Atheon's Epilogue from my 3rd raid this week. Still not 1 piece of raid gear on any of my characters -- amazing.
Gonna do that thing with the Titan at the jumping puzzle next time.You're super charged!
I just got it the other day. Is it worth using energy to upgrade it to 300? I have a VoC upgraded to 300 already. It seems the lack of impact makes it useless anywhere but in the raid.
Dang. If it's faster than our run last night... remind me not to face you guys in the crucible
Thanks again by the way!
Atheon appears to be amazing in Crucible. After I fully upgraded the thing its wrecking folks almost as hard as Suros (if not just as hard). I feel kind of bad using it so I try not to use it often unless my team is losing. I am not exaggerating it floors everyone on the map.
Apparently, impact, doesnt mean anything in Crucible or something.
Got Atheon's Epilogue from my 3rd raid this week. Still not 1 piece of raid gear on any of my characters -- amazing.
So it seems that losing ammo when you die is a bug according to this forum post. Equipping items that allow you to carry additional ammo also causes you to lose it when you die.
I'm 29, but I can push Atheon off.Looking for a lvl 30 to help finish off hard atheon
PSN CamoKid42
So it seems that losing ammo when you die is a bug according to this forum post. Equipping items that allow you to carry additional ammo also causes you to lose it when you die.
So it seems that losing ammo when you die is a bug according to this forum post. Equipping items that allow you to carry additional ammo also causes you to lose it when you die.
So it seems that losing ammo when you die is a bug according to this forum post. Equipping items that allow you to carry additional ammo also causes you to lose it when you die.
So it seems that losing ammo when you die is a bug according to this forum post. Equipping items that allow you to carry additional ammo also causes you to lose it when you die.
What? That's a bug? I just assumed that losing ammo on death was by design