Need 2 more for fresh Hard Mode.
Leveled up weapons 29+ PS4
whoa. neat.
whoa. neat.
30 hunter ill join psn musashi
You sound like some sort of Destiny hoarder, 173 energies, really?
whoa. neat.
Thanks man, I wish they dropped for everyone after so much persistence.Grats on the mythoclast. Much deserved
I love helium farming. Get some podcasts and it's not too bad.
Tried Fatebringer in PvP for awhile. Yup, still don't like handcannons...
Tried Fatebringer in PvP for awhile. Yup, still don't like handcannons...
It used to be my favorite material to farm but it has fallen quickly on my list. I think I keep getting bad servers with people who don't pay attention to how to farm. I even send messages to try and team up, but that usually doesn't help. It almost sometimes seems like people think its a competition to get materials/chests first or they don't get anything. I just server hop until I find one with no one in the area which can be time consuming.
Bungie has acknowledged that it's real issue and that they are looking into it. Nothing official outside of that.
Scary bug if you ask me.
I'm a bit of a hand cannon fanboy, so maybe I'm just madly in love, but I can't seem to get anything to outperform my TDYK in PvP. Hard Light is a close second, and my leg scout rifle (proxima something or other) isn't too bad, but I find the range on handcannons is just right for crucible. They CQC nicely and they can still take down a sniper midrange or so pretty effectively, especially if you get the drop on him. I suppose playstyle is a factor too.It's a good gun, everything about Handcannons just annoys me though.
Maybe I need to try it more another day. I love the Crucible but I need to be in a certain mood to play PvP.
The last word makes pvp fun for me
I want it
Is it a confirmed bug about not receiving upgrade materials sometimes after completing a public event? It's happened to me several times now and is really annoying.
I want it
Is it a confirmed bug about not receiving upgrade materials sometimes after completing a public event? It's happened to me several times now and is really annoying.
If you mean right after it ends, it's random.
Oh, I thought it was guaranteed to get at least one energy or shard. Sometimes I get one right after completing, sometimes I have to go back to the Tower, and sometimes I get nothing.
Oh, I thought it was guaranteed to get at least one energy or shard. Sometimes I get one right after completing, sometimes I have to go back to the Tower, and sometimes I get nothing.
Oh, I thought it was guaranteed to get at least one energy or shard. Sometimes I get one right after completing, sometimes I have to go back to the Tower, and sometimes I get nothing.
The ones that pop up immediately as you complete it are RNG. The one you get in the tower in the mail is a once per day guaranteed reward. Would be nice to see the RNG drop rate get buffed a smidge though, or at least hand out local mats like spinmetal on low rolls. Those eliminate the target ones feel like such a waste of time if you don't get a drop.Oh, I thought it was guaranteed to get at least one energy or shard. Sometimes I get one right after completing, sometimes I have to go back to the Tower, and sometimes I get nothing.
Oh, I thought it was guaranteed to get at least one energy or shard. Sometimes I get one right after completing, sometimes I have to go back to the Tower, and sometimes I get nothing.
Right after is random. You'll get a coin, mote, energy or shard for a gold event at the tower, once per day.Oh, I thought it was guaranteed to get at least one energy or shard. Sometimes I get one right after completing, sometimes I have to go back to the Tower, and sometimes I get nothing.
I thought they were supposed to once you levelled up some grimoire card?Patrol missions should award resources. Period.
Got room for one at the Templar on Hard.
29+ maxed out Raid weapons or sweet Gjallarhorn
I'm down.Got room for one at the Templar on Hard.
29+ maxed out Raid weapons or sweet Gjallarhorn
I thought they were supposed to once you levelled up some grimoire card?
Edit: guess not - I can't find one that would do that. Should though - would make sense. 10 rep is garbage, especially once you are past rank 3 and you're basically doing like 300 patrol missions for a chance at a legendary.
Use the fromage method, get a 5th chest
I'm down.
lvl 29 warlock sunsinger with maxed weapons.
PSN: MiidSoss
3 of us from the. Main team ready to go
I'm just hanging with the wife now, I'll jump on as soon as there is a team (hopefully).
Next run will be the run, guaranteed.
I'm on vita send invite when needed if not I can do 230 tommorow afternoon also but I'll be around for a few hours.