I despise the ones where only two people are teleported, or even better, people who are teleported get detained. - This is a bad one. Does anyone have a video of less than three getting teleported? How about a video of a teleported person being detained?
Or splash damage through the shield. - This sucks, but I'd have reservations about submitting this since it seems like a lot of the time it's user error (moving around/getting bumped) and to be honest, I feel like it's intended purpose is to be used as a safe place to get cleansed, not a place for the whole team to hide and shoot Atheon with immunity. It's like saying that we're trying to cheese it and it doesn't work right.
Or the effect of the -ammo bug every time we spawn. - They have said that they're aware, but definitely something to press. Video evidence just to show that we're serious?
In short, it feels like Bungie got away with a lot of bugs when we could (easily) push Atheon off. People should've been raising hell a month ago instead of "Omg best experience ever in FPS".
Especially the WoW vets.
It's easily the best mode. Of course we can't play it all the time.
If I was DeeJ, to be a dick, my next Legend player spotlight would be the dude who has the most Atheon kills game wide.