I think I've reached the point of boredom. I still had the weekly heroic to run on one of my characters, got done and I thought, "that wasn't enjoyable at all." The routine of this game will break you eventually. I can't say I didn't get my money's worth and progression wise I've done better than most. All 3 classes, 2 30s and 1 29. I have the slight urge to hit 30 with all of them but I don't care all that much. Might do Nightfalls and run 1 raid on the 29. While it was fun playing with the folks here I think I could have had just as much fun if not more if we were playing something else.
I dunno. This game needs a fuck of a lot more activities. If I turn this on on a Thursday, let's say I've done the raid and my Nightfalls on the Tuesday. What do I do? Run bounties in the same content I've done 100 times? Do strikes that I've done 100 times? If I really think about how many times I've run through the same story missions, dailies or otherwise I shake my head at myself. I get in a trance of sorts when it comes to games with a heavy RNG emphasis and when it comes to the point where I've had enough it's a resolute, "fuck this." I don't quite have that feeling but I felt it coming on pretty strong. Hopefully the expansion (lol) is good. They've already got my fucking money.