Everything they said about IB is not happening on this one.I thought they said your Iron Banner rank doesn't reset or was I imagining that?
Not seeing a patch here? Go check Saladin and see if he carries IB bounties. If so it might be the IB patch. Or have you not turned on Destiny for a week?In that case it's the Atheon patch.
In that case, I'm relieve. The Titan boots and helmet suck ass and if they don't go to 30, then I have no reason to do the event with my Hunter since that one needs boots and helm for 30.Everything they said about IB is not happening on this one.
They most probably fucked up something.![]()
It's ok guys, this is what's going to happen: Bungie realizes their faux pa, then scrambles to stock up Xur with all the Last Words he can carry.
I thought they said your Iron Banner rank doesn't reset or was I imagining that?
Also, I take it the gear available goes up to 30 now?
I just woke up and don't feel like going back a few pages. Might want to take that in to consideration next time.Why not read the thread a bit. Yes IB rank is reset and no the gear only goes to light 27.
It's not the Atheon patch, because I played yesterday.
fatebringer atheons epilogue and praedyths in one run
They took IB offline guys. Section is closed off in the tower, can't select it from planet view. It definitely was a fuck-up.
So it was an error after all.
Now let's all laugh when they announce the ranks got reset forever because of this mistake!
What horrible shitty fucking modifiers this week for NF
Jesus no elemental burn at all....
Angry + Juggler + Lightswitch, FML
Got fatebringer and preadyths from 1 Templar killllllll wooooo
My mortal enemy you are after this post!
Haha yeah. I can already taste the salt and outrage. We probably lost all of our ranks though, atleast the people that logged in.
That's gonna be a pain in the assHa, fuck you Bungie! I got 3 completed Iron Banner bounties in my inventory still and I'm not getting rid of em.
Turned in 3 bounties this AM and got the Shattered Memory Fragment bounty.
Pocket Infinity time!
(Never received an exotic bounty before)
And there was Camus, telling us to find joy in the toil...
Anything specific go wrong this time? Anything we need to add to the list of things we need to learn?
I have some time tonight at 7pm gmt to try again, btw.
yikes get ready to love the gun merchant
Goddamn... Solo'd 2 nightfalls and got a legendary Fusion and Pulse Rifle.
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
Anyone running hard raid for PS4?
lvl 30 Hunter PSN: Outlaw_Omega
Well, go check Saladin then
Edit: it seems they took IB offline. The icon is not there anymore on planet view.
how often does he sell the rare fusion rifle?
Anyone on PS4 want to team up on Nightfall?
Let me know.
Not often at all.how often does he sell the rare fusion rifle?
Same as GAF = IkkarusWhat's your PSNid?
How the hell did you solo this nightfall? It's fucking insane.