Valus Ta'aurc nightfall with no burn modifier is a great reason for me to not play tonight either.
Is that actually the weekly/nightfall this week
god no
Valus Ta'aurc nightfall with no burn modifier is a great reason for me to not play tonight either.
Hey guys we are attempting hard run now, we are all 29 experienced though.
Need 1 more.
You coming back?Sorry I got disconnected, I'm in Thailand now and the connection is spotty.
Sorry I got disconnected, I'm in Thailand now and the connection is spotty.
AH! np mate we thought you gave up o us
Are you joining back?
Yup I'm extremely tired of having the Atheon fight take an hour or possibly a lot more because (1) I go in with an inexperienced crew and someone who shouldn't have just grabs the relic and dies or (2) bugs or (3) you get Atheon down to the final round and then more bugs... and then (4) even more bugs.
And then once I beat him chatter white, shards, energy... I can't believe I wasted so much time playing this game.
Bungie has some pretty horrible game designers and QA testers that they rushed out a totally fake "bug fix" of an encounter that wasn't fundamentally broken to give a big "fuck you" to the community that is playing their game by making the encounter fundamentally broken.
Just to clarify, unless you are doing a flawless run, are you seeing bugs that you didn't see before the patch? I really do believe that the non random teleports was truly a bug, and people are just having more trouble now that random people are holding the relic and playing the whole encounter instead of cheesing.
Yep that was a bad spot, thought it might have been good. I heard universal remote is not good, looks cool but meh. I have a digital copy so might as well make the best of it..
Edit: be back in a few mins
112What's its base Discipline?
Just to clarify, unless you are doing a flawless run, are you seeing bugs that you didn't see before the patch? I really do believe that the non random teleports was truly a bug, and people are just having more trouble now that random people are holding the relic and playing the whole encounter instead of cheesing.
So hunter GAF I need help. I decided to level up gunslinger and I'm enjoying it but I completely suck at golden gun. I activate it and suddenly can't hit the broadside of a barn. I've even given this guy hawkmoon so I can get more handgun practice. So I'll take any tips and help I can get.
Also what's the typical load out for gunslinger in pvp? Seem like trip mine and triple jump are the two skills most builds have in common.
Btw getting a kill with throwing knife is almost as satisfying at shoulder charge. It's so good.
Didn't play Destiny at all last night for the first time since launch. I'm a free man.
Valus Ta'aurc nightfall with no burn modifier is a great reason for me to not play tonight either.
Just to clarify, unless you are doing a flawless run, are you seeing bugs that you didn't see before the patch? I really do believe that the non random teleports was truly a bug, and people are just having more trouble now that random people are holding the relic and playing the whole encounter instead of cheesing.
Nightfall wasn't too bad...
I did it solo with TDYK and my maxed Icebreaker. Hid under the ramp, no sweat.
Got Red Hand IX, which I dismantled and used the energies to upgrade TDYK.
So we still rolling with a hard mode raid this fri night or sat some time? You can't quit us!
So hunter GAF I need help. I decided to level up gunslinger and I'm enjoying it but I completely suck at golden gun. I activate it and suddenly can't hit the broadside of a barn. I've even given this guy hawkmoon so I can get more handgun practice. So I'll take any tips and help I can get.
Also what's the typical load out for gunslinger in pvp? Seem like trip mine and triple jump are the two skills most builds have in common.
Btw getting a kill with throwing knife is almost as satisfying at shoulder charge. It's so good.
Doesn't hiding under the ramp not work until he's low-ish on health? Every time I try that, he never stands in my line of sight until he's under something like 15% health.
Never heard of that before, works every time for me.
With golden gun it just comes down to practice... There is a perk somewhere in the talent tree that makes golden gun more accurate, but iirc that's not the best perk on that specific branch. Make sure you spec into exploding enemies with golden gun as well.
<3 throwing knife
Don't aim down sights, just hip aim, the generous aim assist will take care of the rest. Use the perk that increases accuracy for it too.
Huh, I'll have to try it again then.
About how long did it take you?
Oh also I got a green Suros MKB-33 as my reward for beating the gatekeepers last night! Another bug? Or an intended troll reward for beating the highest level content in the game?
Tip for this week's nightfall be a ninja. can snipe the boss with ice breaker, and when he shoots just back away a little bit if his shots even hit you. adds wont be a problem either.hide above the lighting fixture
Just trade it in.Cømet;137283745 said:My favourite bit's the endless imperial psions and phalanxs that spawn and sit right on top of us, occasionally glitching into the spot and one shotting 1/2 people a time.
Between this utter shit and the utter shit rewards (universal remote ain't even much better than the shards I got!), this game is losing me so fast. Time to start checking trade in value again.
There are like a zillion spots to hit him from the cheesy under the ramp "fort," it just takes forever. You can hit him basically every phase of the fight.Doesn't hiding under the ramp not work until he's low-ish on health? Every time I try that, he never stands in my line of sight until he's under something like 15% health.
For sure: Nightfall has Juggler, Epic, Angry, Heroic, and Lightswitch. Oof!No Burn on Nightfall?
Are we sure it's not just the Weekly Heroic
What's this now?Tip for this week's nightfall be a ninja. can snipe the boss with ice breaker, and when he shoots just back away a little bit if his shots even hit you. adds wont be a problem either.hide above the lighting fixture
Finally have an alt, and Bungie pulls this no Burn shit. No plans to run it twice.
Are they trying to sell CoD or something?
Thanks for the runs man. Was fun.
3 different classes, 2.5 hard mode raids complete this week. Probably 15 total....still no level 30s. I tell myself I do it for fun![]()
You sure you didn't walk over a green engram at the exact time the raid rewards appeared?
Welcome to the pack :>Gjallahorn from NF![]()
So we still rolling with a hard mode raid this fri night or sat some time? You can't quit us!
Damn, got killed in my interceptor while working on the Lieutenants. Probably should have switched out my broken one for a new one. Darn.
I believe a lot of the problems stem from the fact that sometimes 3 people don't get teleported. Then it becomes a LOT more difficult. If it was just 3 randoms, but always THREE, then it's manageable. But less makes the relic part a lot harder.
Even when not going flawless I've run into several bugs, like the Praetorians regenerating health, only 2 people being teleported, portals not working properly. Fully experienced groups on Atheon are having trouble from bugs, not the random ports.
Yes seeing lots of bugs that I never saw before the patch. I posted a list of new bugs that I noticed about a week ago. And I posted a few other bugs that I noticed in various other posts since then... Sorry no time to dig it up now.... going to work. Hard to believe that regularly non random teleporting of the three players furthest away was a bug when after the patch "bug fix" I am seeing twice as many bugs as before the patch.
Oh also I got a green Suros MKB-33 as my reward for beating the gatekeepers last night! Another bug? Or an intended troll reward for beating the highest level content in the game?
Funny reading through about the Illusionary Banner this morning.
Probably won't be tackling it tonight, but when I do, I'll be looking for people to do both of them legit. With no burn the cheesy methods will all take way too long for me to tolerate and they'll be pretty unnecessary too.
I've only seen less than three get teleported when someone died right before the teleport. If I had to take a stab at it, I'd say that three are "marked" for teleportation and if one of them dies between being marked, and teleported...they don't go. I'd love to see some video of it happening when the whole crew has been alive for a while.
Portals have always been a bit wonky if everyone runs through at the same time. Not new since the patch.
Yeah, the Praetorian is a new problem, but I'm having trouble connecting it to the patch. Feels like lag that could be closer related to the network patches and not the raid specific patch.
Well, I'll look for your list if I get a chance. I have some good reasons to believe it's true, I just don't know if I can share. Take it for what it's worth, I'm 99% sure it WAS a bug.
He's not quitting us. I'll only believe that when I start seeing him in the CoD OT. Until then, I don't want to hear any more BS about him being a free man.
Gjallahorn from NF![]()