Has Bungie finally figured out that burn modifiers make nightfalls too easy?
you can easily protect yourself up there. he has an easier time hitting you when he's further away though. you just don't have to worry about adds.
Ah ok, I would prefer playing with people but solo seems doable if I can't get any help.
I wasn't moving... and that green shotgun popped up on the RHS of the screen along with my shards reward... and it wasn't an engram it was the exact shotgun that I mentioned... no need to decrypt it... So I don't think I walked over it no...
You're under the assumption that the entire destiny user base is aware of arc, void and solar damage concepts and are forgetting that it a two-edged sword mechanic in these strikes.
You work for bungie don't you?
Seems like someone is asking for more ascendant materials to upgrade another exotic armor piece...![]()
PrivateWHudson: Here you go my list of bugs: Every single one of these happened to my team from last night on Normal (except for the hard mode only phenomenon like detaining). After about an hour of trying, and being thwarted by wipe forcing bugs on the times when we didn't mess up ourselves, at some point several people were leaving and I just left too without beating Atheon.
And BTW the team from last night wasn't a bunch of bad players... we got to the final Atheon battle in slightly over 30 minutes I think.
another bug: during the Templar fight two Warlocks were losing their yellow super charge bar (one of them was me).
another bug: my exotic helmet is supposed to allow me to regenerate health during my super but when battling the templar it didn't happen.
also (4) above can be caused by lag or the relic holder moving or getting bumped... maybe not a bug.
EDIT: another bug that I forgot to mention: that several other people have mentioned. Random number of people being teleported in addition to random selection of players being teleported. One person teleported, two people teleported, four people teleported...
I might do it again later with my alts.
Hard to reply to the quote in the quote, but I'll try to address what I can. I think (not sure thought) 3 people get teleported, and 3 people get detained. Were you down a man when you got detained in the portal? If you only have 5, then there would be overlap, portal and detained.
So many things can go wrong during a fight that may leave you marked. Not sure if I could tell without a video.
Portals were wonky before the patch.
Relic would allow splash damage if not used correctly before the patch.
I'm not sure about the Templar fight. I don't know how that could be related to the Atheon patch.
I don't know how four could get teleported, that could truly be a new bug.
Bottom line, I think we were inadvertently cheesing Atheon before we even started cheesing him, and now that it's been patched, we have to rethink what the actual mechanics are of the fight.
I was with an experienced crew, but some of the guys used to always be outside guys and didn't have a clue that the oracles needed to be killed in order. Small stuff like that is all throughout the fight and can cause the encounter to feel buggy.
corrective measure is the best legendary mg in the game imo
godly gun, armor piercing rounds and so stable, melts oracles like butter
Hard to reply to the quote in the quote, but I'll try to address what I can. I think (not sure thought) 3 people get teleported, and 3 people get detained. Were you down a man when you got detained in the portal? If you only have 5, then there would be overlap, portal and detained.
So many things can go wrong during a fight that may leave you marked. Not sure if I could tell without a video.
Portals were wonky before the patch.
Relic would allow splash damage if not used correctly before the patch.
I'm not sure about the Templar fight. I don't know how that could be related to the Atheon patch.
I don't know how four could get teleported, that could truly be a new bug.
Bottom line, I think we were inadvertently cheesing Atheon before we even started cheesing him, and now that it's been patched, we have to rethink what the actual mechanics are of the fight.
I was with an experienced crew, but some of the guys used to always be outside guys and didn't have a clue that the oracles needed to be killed in order. Small stuff like that is all throughout the fight and can cause the encounter to feel buggy.
Please tell me why you'd believe this.Oh, and I don't believe for a second that the nightfall and XUR are run by RNG.
I was with an experienced crew, but some of the guys used to always be outside guys and didn't have a clue that the oracles needed to be killed in order. Small stuff like that is all throughout the fight and can cause the encounter to feel buggy.
I've never heard of forcing everyone to be a jack of all trades in a raid. In fact it sounds stupid as hell.
Got thunder lord, PVE opinions?
Rockets > MGs in PvE is my opinion.
It's a great MG, though, and you have the option between more bullets and stability. Great gun.
No but even if we were not sure why you should get detained in the portal.
Bottom line: the ultimate encounter in Destiny contains numerous game breaking bugs... And many more post-patch than there were pre-patch.
I've never heard of forcing everyone to be a jack of all trades in a raid. In fact it sounds stupid as hell.
My other heavys are shit
I'm not sure they ever explain the elemental damages and shields directly in game. I can easily see players not picking it up and it's not super important until you get to the end-game.I actually found out today a guy i have been playing with for weeks didn't know about elemental damage, or he forgot
Please tell me why you'd believe this.
Honestly, guys, it's usually incompetence before malevolence. Same here, it's probably just RNG.
I pretty much always grab the relic nowadays, but when I didn't we'd mow the oracles down quick enough where the order isn't a problem.
Is this true, though? If so it would explain an issue I saw last night.
Wait, so what strike is the Nightfall this week? Please don't say the Moon.
I have a hunch that "Anyone at the Boss" nightfall posts will be abundant this week. I think I just may skip it this week. No burn is one thing, but angry shield turtles is a whole different level of shit. My least favorite enemy normally, this doesn't make that better. I'll just do the weekly for the coins and be done with it.
So, no reports from here on GAF of the Vault just sucking people's gear into the abyss? People have been switching stuff between their characters just fine? I'm still terrified to try...
The tank and the sponge on mars
Please tell me why you'd believe this.
Honestly, guys, it's usually incompetence before malevolence. Same here, it's probably just RNG.
I'll solo it for you, give me 20 minutes of y'o time and some sexy lovin' talk to keep me entertained
God damnit...
Pretty sure it is. Anytime someone would pop in through the portal to help and they shot the wrong oracle everything would go to shit. This "bug" is more apparent on hard since the oracles have a better chance of piling up and it's hard to keep the order.
No burns in the Nightfall?????
Oh those Angry Epic Phalanxes must be a thrill to deal with... D:
Totally. When there's a solar burn on this one it's gonna be crazy, everything will hit like a truck but so will We (the GjallarForce)The burn last time it was Valus made the Nightfall easier than the Weekly. Although solar burn would have made it a bit more difficult this time around. Still, wasn't actually that hard to solo with no burns.
I can't not use my vault, scary as that concept is, I just have to go about my business.So, no reports from here on GAF of the Vault just sucking people's gear into the abyss? People have been switching stuff between their characters just fine? I'm still terrified to try...
Best machine gun in the game; it is God during Arc Burns. Not worth the Exotic slot other than that, typically.Got thunder lord, PVE opinions?
Why don't you believe that? I've seen basically no evidence to suggest it's anything but completely random, of course with the Weekly Nightfall and Heroic being set to always go to the same strike.Destiny needs more missions with burn, not less.
Not surprised, though. It was too fun.
Oh, and I don't believe for a second that the nightfall and XUR are run by RNG.
yeah. grumble on this one, though it's sort of a good opportunity for me to try my hand at soloing it.No burn is kind of lame. I just enjoy having to come up with a loadout based on the type of burn each week.
...no, there just doesn't happen to be one this week, and no they don't. Content with Burns is my favorite because you have to plan your loadout as well as know which of your enemies will benefit from it. Depending on the particular burn and strike in question it can get either easier or harder and its difficulty to the individual trying it really all depends on what weaponry you have. there's nothing at all wrong with the Nightfall difficulty, or even the HP values of bosses where there's a burn active. It's basic content without burns that's not tuned well re: all the bullet sponge complaintsHas Bungie finally figured out that burn modifiers make nightfalls too easy?
What is your loadout on a solo run?
Comedian vs. Found Verdict
Honestly, I can't decide, one has higher impact, the other higher RoF. Decisions decisions!
Bungie is constantly tweaking the game, and being extremely reactive to what the player base is doing and how the game is progressing. This is why I think the changes are deliberate.
And the changes wouldn't be out of malevolence, but perhaps a poor way to try to make the game harder and slow down progression.
It could also be RNG.![]()
I don't know, Hudson. I swear I've seen people kill them out of order. I wouldn't stand by the thought with a gun to my head, but I'd love for someone to intentionally try it and verify.
It just doesn't seem right. Reason why is I usually try and leapfrog with the relic and use the super on the oracles my team hasn't gotten to, yet, since 5k+ damage helps them along....and I've seen damage numbers every time except once.
Could they have killed the last one just before my blast hit? Sure, definitely, but it doesn't seem intuitive.
Nah, it's all RNG.Destiny needs more missions with burn, not less.
Not surprised, though. It was too fun.
Oh, and I don't believe for a second that the nightfall and XUR are run by RNG.
What is your loadout on a solo run?