I agree that Warlocks are indeed the most versatile for all situations. Hunters are the best for PvP though. I still can't figure out what Titans are good for.
Bungie, if you ever patch this, I swear to God...
You should be able to check on your Bungie.net profile.Is there any way to know which one of your characters completed the raid? I did it in one of them but can't remember which one :O
got this at the HM gatekeepers today. was beginning to think it didn't exist.
Hunters are definitely the best PvP class yeah. I suck as a Titan in PvP, but when I got my Hunter alt levelled my KD went from barely a 1.0 (more like 0.8) to a nice fat 1.5, so a change in class basicly doubled that number. Way less matches played but I couldn't believe myself when I killed like 4-5 guys with my Golden Gun super in the span of 5 seconds. Penetration & Explosive rounds with Achlyophage Symbiote = sogood.gif. Guess their supers sucking for PvE is a fair trade-off.
I usually play as a defender titan on control and mostly get a K/D > 1. Once I leveled VOC and Invective it became higher.
People just can't stay out of my bubble :-D
It would be better if it didn't. Doesn't deserve being called a raid gun :/
The whole advantage Warlocks have is that you don't have to play right.
Lol Titan best PvE class? In your dreams mate, in your dreams. Warlocks destroy in PvE if they're played right. But it's all a matter of preference, so if Titan works for you then rock on mate, rock on.
Umm... ok. Apparently you missed the "imo" part. I like Warlocks (I have a Lv29) but they don't have a team-wide 35% damage buff that also gives defensive protection. Self-res is great but useless for flawless runs which is all I care about nowadays. Titan bubble is much more useful for hard/flawless raids since it can save both yourself and your teammates from dying. I run a weekly hard raid with each class just fine but titan has the highest ceiling for a well coordinated team due to Illuminted WoL.
Umm... ok. Apparently you missed the "imo" part. I like Warlocks (I have a Lv29) but they don't have a team-wide 35% damage buff that also gives defensive protection. Self-res is great but useless for flawless runs which is all I care about nowadays. Titan bubble is much more useful for hard/flawless raids since it can save both yourself and your teammates from dying. I run a weekly hard raid with each class just fine but titan has the highest ceiling for a well coordinated team due to Illuminted WoL.
got this at the HM gatekeepers today. was beginning to think it didn't exist.
I still don't believe you! On other note, I dont think I have ever seem this gun dropped before...![]()
got this at the HM gatekeepers today. was beginning to think it didn't exist.
Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong then. I usually go for Striker. Got Armamentarium fully leveled and I imagine double lightning grenades are really good though. Haven't played much PvP lately.
Wii U is taking up all my Destiny time.
Man I was just razzing you, as mentioned in my subsequent posts. Everyone has their preference/opinion. I think I mentioned subsequently that Titans are probably better for group support but warlocks are better for being a weapon of mass destruction (which is my preferred playstyle)..
Yes, I burnt out on games and am taking a 2 week break.
I usually play as a defender titan on control and mostly get a K/D > 1. Once I leveled VOC and Invective it became higher.
People just can't stay out of my bubble :-D
I'd love to get that just so I could have a primary of all three damage types, to go alongside my VoC and Epilogue. Is that one only on Hard mode? If so it'd give me a reason to start playing hard mode again, since I bailed on it after no longer needing the raid helm on any class.
I called it so hard yesterday that I'd get another Fatebringer after crying for one for weeks and finally getting one last week and fully upgraded it. I had it equipped when it dropped too.
RNG my butt
I have an agonizingly close flawless run video I'm trying to upload. New guy in our team choked when trying to run a 2 man Atheon portal with me. If only you had been there...
warlocks self-res though. The forgiveness that gives to a hard raid, it's hugely valuable. ....and they can infinitely self-res if you can be quick on the respec
That sucks. I don't get why/how raiders can choke on normal.
Wait, there are people who dislike ADS? u wot m8? I don't even. etc.
It's not comical because that is how shooting a projectile weapon works. It's just that simple. Shooting from the hip or while moving is never going to be accurate, no matter what John Woo would have you believe.
Trust me, I love my infinite self-res glitching Warlock. There's virtually no difficulty difference for me running hard raid with my 30 Defender or 29 Sunsinger. It's completely dependent on the strength of the team. There's just no substitute for 35% damage increase.
It keeps me up at night, lol. Dude had a maxed Corrective Measure but was shooting oracles with his Atheon's Epilogue (maxed, but still...). Obviously a maxed AE is more than enough to solo the oracles but he just skipped the 3rd one and started shooting the 4th and 5th. I noticed the 3rd was still up, dropped the relic, and killed it at the exact moment that oracles wiped us. Brutal.
I usually play as a defender titan on control and mostly get a K/D > 1. Once I leveled VOC and Invective it became higher.
People just can't stay out of my bubble :-D
We miss you Dhruv![]()
I have an agonizingly close flawless run video I'm trying to upload. New guy in our team choked when trying to run a 2 man Atheon portal with me. If only you had been there...
What if I Bladedance into your bubble? Even if I'm blinded the auto-targeting will get you.
I am humbled by being wanted but I'm sorry Dr.D. Running all those runs took it's toll on me. I was looking at my performance and it dropped on consecutive runs and the jumping puzzle induced more stress than I would like from a game.
I went ahead and deleted the game after failing that day.
I will be back tough, fresh and better on sat evening. It's fun playing with you guys and yeah I'll be back for that.
People choke on flawless because of the pressure.
And obtaining flawless pre-patch was much easier for a good team. Random teleporting is nothing to worry about, the problem is that
post patch it's a glitch filled nightmare. It adds to the pressure because you're guaranteed a random set of glitches each time, you have no way of knowing how the game will behave.
Yes it's technically easy in terms of the mechanics (up to Atheon at least) but that's not everything to consider.
#1: Void Unfriendly GiantNightfall haul:
#1: Universal Remote
#2: 9 Strange Coins
What happens if you win a weapon or a piece of armor in the raid despite having a full inventory? I assume it just goes to the postmaster?
Postmaster, yep.
If postmaster fills up though you start losing items apparently.
Yes there are plenty of people that hates forced iron sights, including me. This is a videogame, logic doesn't matter, mechanics do. Halo game had great crosshair aiming for consoles. Destiny has terrible iron sights with it's stupid ass auto sticky aim.
I don't know how to play Titans effectively in PvP, do you have any tips?
My Striker is maxed. I can't guess-timate shoulder charge distances and even when I do, sometimes the lag robs me of a kill. Fist of Havoc is really a close ranged super, and while I like Death from Above, it only makes the super marginally better. Also for a close ranged character, they have the worst melee attack.
I do know how to deal with the Defender's super though. Walk away, or counter super into it. I love it when three dudes are inside the bubble and I throw my Nova Bomb right in.
Please don't nerf the Thorn =X
We are arguing about Destiny's shooting mechanics, now?
Damn, that is something I though we would never get into, seeing as it's one of the only thing the game gets some damn right. ^^
On that subject, I prefer Destiny to Halo so. damn. much.
I like iron sights, I like its auto aim, and I *love* the recoil.
It makes me feel like I am actually shooting something with impact, compared to Halo which always gave me the impression of doing a war with a pea shooter.
Of course, to each its own, but I wouldn't have spent so many hours on Destiny without all these. Not one bit.
Isn't it due for a buff soon?
I'm just in the process of leveling mine up. One more upgrade to unlock Mark Of The Devourer then I'll give it a whirl in PVP.
TBH I think the only buff I'd give it is a larger mag. 6 shots and a slow ass reload time really kill the gun, in PVE anyway.
Ideally, after beating the Raid (or, more specifically, beating all the glitches impeding me) on Hard last week, I'd just as soon stay the hell away from that difficulty for awhile, at least until I hit level 30.
Normal is fun though. At 29, the boss encounters are still challenging, while the rather mindless waves of AI-devoid enemies are pretty easily dispatched.
MotD perk is seriously one of the best perks you can have for Crucible. Unsung Hero medals galore! 6-round clip isn't too bad, I'd rather have increased fire rate and/or stability for the gun. Reload speed is fine if you've got gauntlets that improve reload speed with HCs. Can't wait for that Thron buff, hopefully Bungie hasn't forgotten about it.