Since we are talking about gaffers hopping in and out, personally I don't mind. However I will mention to anyone if I am waiting for a friend and politely ask them to leave. and I am also starting to get random fr since hitting lvl30 :/ please mention of you're from gaf if you want to add me.
I only jump into GAFfers games who have jumped into my games, no one yet has asked me to leave
I did have a GAFfer boot me out of Raid when I saw them 5/6 for like 10+ minutes, then when I joined, get instantly booted right when I was heading towards them
Not even a message of why or explain afterwards, I already had done the Raid on char, so no loot, just help, their loss
I even ask do you need help just as I come in, most are cool with it
Most of the time I see 2/3 on a Nightfall or Weekly, I jump in to help, I already do all that shit on reset anyway, it's not like I'm hoping they have boss @2% and net me goods
Hell I even show them a few cheese spots they don't know for future reference
Only time I get annoyed is the random Raid invites while I'm busy with something
I was really knocking out bounties that were piled up on all 3 of my chars, I respectfully declined saying, I'm busy doing something else, yet they sent 4 more invites afterwards!
I get PSN can be a bitch with the messaging, but seriously if I don't join in < 3 minutes, than grab someone else
Also 1 thing all you raid invitation people need to realize, don't send out 20+ different people invites, then when people start swapping gear/weapons to come in, it fills up and you say tough luck, it's fucking super rude
Whoever does the first come first serve method, I go out of my way not to help any more
Seriously pick 1-2 people at a time wait a minute or two, see how many join and repeat
Don't blitz have your FL and then when people stop their shit to join and get blocked out to not joining fast enough is frustrating
It takes me like at least a week to level An exotic or legendary with xp. Even then I usually neglect to do the needed farming because it's too tedious.
I personally am mostly happy when people jump into my games if I have a spot open. If I want to go solo I close my fireteam.
You need 150,000 XP Exotic, that's roughly 30 bounties with the +100rep/5000 XP
If no telemetries are involved
It takes a fucking while even if you do the 3 char bounty swap