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Destiny |OT9| Suros Business

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it seems that the only viable hunter exotic armor comes from the helmets.

I have the raid helm and would love to wear it but the hunter exotic chest and gauntlets seem a little sub-par compared to the exotic helm.

Raspberry is pretty good for Heavy ammo. I think its ammo buff stacks with the raid legs. Fusion ammo buff is good too, I use them quite a bit.


Couple of quick questions -

1) Has the cheese spot behind the crates by Valus Ta'aurc been patched? Just ran a Tiger strike and there seems to be a new bit of geometry that was leaving me stuck in there. If I hadn't had Blink I don't think I would have got out.

2) I thought breaking down brand new legendary gear gave you 2 shards? I just bought a piece from the Vanguard specifically to breakdown and got 3 shards - did I just get lucky?

It's all RNG
This reminds me. Defender titans standing in their little bubbles is so cute, they think that they are so powerful and nothing can harm them.

Then they take nova lance to face and turn into, well, ash.

Even though I don't play Destiny anymore, this is true. Titans or other enemy players think they're safe in the bubble until they take a vortex nova bomb.

Combine it Vortex Mastery, vortex nova bombs eats titan bubbles for lunch. I watched countless times where a group of players thought they were safe in the bubble, while the vortex takes it down and eventually kills them.

Players stand there not knowing wtf happened and then they die because they forget the vortex is still there, continuously doing damage.


haha since cheese contain a high proportion of saturated fat, and eating alot of food with saturated fats such as cheese "can" help cause diabetes type 2. So in a confusing way, you can still cheese Valus Ta'aurc :p

I figured it couldn't have been a typo, trying to replace the word with anything else was confusing me. :p


I used to discount strength stats and thus broke down a raid chest that had all strength when I got an all discipline one. Biggest mistake ever. Now I have nearly 400 discipline on one of my armor sets for my warlock. And once I went sunsinger with the fire shield perk when meleeing enemies, strength is actually a very useful stat... sometimes more useful than INT considering Ghorn is like having 8 supers (nova bombs more or less) available when at full ammo.

I'm really missing that STR chest piece now, and INT has been very hard to come by for me. I keep getting discipline gear.

Hmm I think my stats are balanced, maybe 60% on the lowest stat and 90% on discipline


Even though I don't play Destiny anymore, this is true. Titans or other enemy players think they're safe in the bubble until they take a vortex nova bomb.

Without actually wanting to get in to a debate about who's dad is tougher, the amount of times I've back peddled out if my bubble as a charged warlock or striker runs at my bubble to waste their super on an empty ward is actually countless.


Without actually wanting to get in to a debate about who's dad is tougher, the amount of times I've back peddled out if my bubble as a charged warlock or striker runs at my bubble to waste their super on an empty ward is actually countless.

Because classes and sub-classes are so different PvP is inherently unbalanced and will never be balanced experience. Someones "daddy" will always be tougher, mix of opinion and facts.

That said if my presence can get defender titan out of his castle it's small win for me and my team as we approach him. Just like bladedancer spamming his basic attack and annihilating everything within 40 meters is huge win for his team.


You can still get diabetes from Valus Ta'aurc. But there are a few spots so I dont know which one you are talking about. I think it varies from 2-3 ass shards?

It's on the far front right of the room as you enter, under the ramp, so you are just to the right of Spongebob when he enters the room. There are a couple of crates with a gap behind and I've seen a few videos/comments saying you can't get hit there. I found the spot a few days ago by accident but today it seemed like I was being squeezed and stuck on the geometry so wondered if there might be a stealth patch to prevent people cheesing the weekly/Nightfall.


Someones "daddy" will always be tougher, mix of opinion and facts.

When it comes to min/maxing I agree, but a great player can dominate with a Khovostov.

I tend to gravitate toward the underdog anyway, I'm fully aware that Titans have less ease of flow in pvp. It's what makes playing them well so much more rewarding for me.
Hey guys quick question here. Sorry to sound like such a newbie but as someone who just started playing crucible, I noticed that I've run into a lot of players who run around with a white health bar almost like a shield above their red health bar. How do I get that? And what is the best way for me to knock their shield or force field down as fast as possible to get the kill? And just in case you wanted to know I'm a level 21 warlock. For me what I've noticed is because of this white Bar on top of my opponents health it's making the crucible experience almost no fun to play. Any input?
Without actually wanting to get in to a debate about who's dad is tougher, the amount of times I've back peddled out if my bubble as a charged warlock or striker runs at my bubble to waste their super on an empty ward is actually countless.

It's a good thing I always threw Axion grenades after I used my super for back-peddling Titans.

Titans are by far the worst class in pvp imo.


Going to attempt normal raid with my alt warlock for the first time. The thing is I never played with that character. My son was the one that got it up to lvl26, need to move my shards from my primary and I think I can get the level up to 28, should be interesting.

I am scheduled to do normal raid starting ~8:30am est if anyone is interested. I have two mid to high 29's that are suppose to join and will have three available slots if anyone interested. Add Bigmanny287 PS4.

Add v1br4t1ons should be online.


Hey guys quick question here. Sorry to sound like such a newbie but as someone who just started playing crucible, I noticed that I've run into a lot of players who run around with a white health bar almost like a shield above their red health bar. How do I get that? And what is the best way for me to knock their shield or force field down as fast as possible to get the kill? And just in case you wanted to know I'm a level 21 warlock. For me what I've noticed is because of this white Bar on top of my opponents health it's making the crucible experience almost no fun to play. Any input?

Certain classes have perks that add an overshield.

Titans have force barrier (kill with Melee activates it). They can spec it to constantly recharge which makes them very durable.

They also have Blessing of light which buffs any teammate passing through their ward with an overshield.

For example.

Ways to get rid of it? Headshots, heavy weapons, focused fire, grenades, tactical retreat, etc...

It's a good thing I always threw Axion grenades after I used my super for back-peddling Titans.

Titans are by far the worst class in pvp imo.

They may be the "worst" in a number of quantifiable min/max number crunching ways, but that doesn't mean they're bad.

We can rumble any time and I can make my point, especially interested if you're good at the mode. Playing against good players is the best and rumble is the best game mode in pvp. :)
It's on the far front right of the room as you enter, under the ramp, so you are just to the right of Spongebob when he enters the room. There are a couple of crates with a gap behind and I've seen a few videos/comments saying you can't get hit there. I found the spot a few days ago by accident but today it seemed like I was being squeezed and stuck on the geometry so wondered if there might be a stealth patch to prevent people cheesing the weekly/Nightfall.
From what I know the only cheese that was fix, was Atheon. Thats odd you were being squeezed and stuck on the geometry, maybe you jumped in a weird spot. Thats how I got my weekly diabetes from spongebob :p


I was about to disagree with a couple of your points, until I read you were talking about Crucible only. In which case I tend to agree with everything you said. Though I consider myself by no means a PvP expert, so don't attribute too much value to my endorsement ;-)

Tbh I find the Bladedancer rather lacklustre in PvE content, even with Twitch Blink Strike, Hungering Blade and super. Going into melee range for any prolonged time is often a death sentence, especially in lvl28+ content. Stealth rezzing redeems it somewhat, but I feel that turns me a bit in a one trick pony.

The longer I play Destiny, the more my appreciation grows for class design and loot. PvE is quite literally a different ball game and the subclasses reflect that, encouraging a player to upgrade both.

Gunslinger has Gunslingers Trance, Chain of Woe, triple jump and a knife. The Knife needs a PvE buff I think. If an enemy sways a little you miss. Its a bit useless but Knife juggler on dregs/thralls is fun.

GT and CoW are fucking incredible in both PvP and PvE. I get lightning fast reloads on the Patience and Time for example. Golden Gun is a weak super overall, but useful against groups of trash mobs, and also against Oracles. In PvP I usually get a kill or 2 but when they're grouped in Control sometimes much more due to combustion. But taking CoW, GT and movement into account, the general gunplay of a Gunslinger is excellent. And its what I do 90% of the time.

I agree, even though I probably haven't spent enough time using it to put forth much of a case. It's a matter of how much the super means to you. I mean, looking at The Golden gun, if you have a good primary and you're confident, chances are you're not looking to activate a super in a 2 on 1 preemptively(which is what needs to happen, reacting with a super seems to only work against other supers). And if we're talking about a congested area, other classes are better at dealing with those encounters. That leaves us in medium to long range against multiple enemies, in that case it absolutely is an overwhelming advantage, but how often does that case turn up? It's not useless by any means, just not a sure bet like some others. Again, in pvp.

I'm rooting for defenders. Squishy warlocks be squished.

From outside looking in(huh ho!), Titans have some lackluster supers when it comes to pvp. So you have your safe little bubble, that's great. I'll just head in a different direction, there are 5 other targets just around the corner. And the stomp thingy, it's fine, but the titan in question dies 4 times out of 5 after one of those impressive displays. It doesn't have the same area of attack as a magic missile and you're left disoriented(not that you have to be, being flanked in Destiny spells death in any case and you can only land facing in one direction).


Hey guys quick question here. Sorry to sound like such a newbie but as someone who just started playing crucible, I noticed that I've run into a lot of players who run around with a white health bar almost like a shield above their red health bar. How do I get that? And what is the best way for me to knock their shield or force field down as fast as possible to get the kill? And just in case you wanted to know I'm a level 21 warlock. For me what I've noticed is because of this white Bar on top of my opponents health it's making the crucible experience almost no fun to play. Any input?

Warlock Sun Singers have an ability that activates one of those upon landing the melee strike(I think it's called scorch, meaning the melee attack that refills, not meleing indiscriminately). So check it out for yourself. These things are generally well balanced, IMO. Not every subclass gets one, but the ones that do lack in other areas. In the case of the warlock, I think that's pretty obvious. All they seem to be good for is resurrecting themselves to promptly die for a second time, relegated to throwing grenades at people. *shakes head*



Was just standing in the tower afk, when I return another female Titan is standing in front of me with the exact same level 30 gear.

I didn't pay much attention to it, and I switched my loadout to level my mythoclast. The other Titan ran to the vault, came back, and equipped a mythoclast of her own.

Ha, I thought, let's see how this goes...

I equip my TLW
She runs to the vault, comes back with her own.
I equip my Suros Regime
She does the same.
Mida multi tool.
The same.
Hard light.
She sits down.

More than one pvp in this game.
I've gotten far enough with the Hunter class to come to a verdict. It's very good. Arc Blade(with Hungering Blade) makes for what is objectively the best super in the game. Throwing knife is a hell of a lot of fun and if it wasn't conjoined to the relatively underwhelming Golden Gun, it would probably tip the scales in the Hunter's favor.

As it stands, I still prefer Void Walker Warlocks, but I'll admit there's personal bias there. I like a ranged super, I stay relatively safe(although when I unlock Hungering Blade, that may very well become irrelevant) and don't feel like a blind dog in a meat market when I activate it. Axion Bolt along with the class perk and Voidfang is by far and away the best grenade of the bunch. But to crown it as that is selling it short, it's an altogether different advantage than any of the other 11 grenade types I've tried(between warlocks and hunters). Lastly, the warlock's recovery ability is so much more potent than a hunter's speed. Sprinting and jumping around is fun and also next to useless. Regaining shield/health quickly on the other hand, that allows a player to press the advantage a lot more aggressively when both parties are dinged up. The armor is a wash, obviously. Always switching weapons quickly and invisibility are cool as well, but not enough to turn the tide.

So there you have it. The slow, ponderous Voidwalker wins. Gunslinger has a fantastic melee and some fun abilities(I wonder how much difference gunslinger's trance makes), but The Golden Gun just isn't as formidable as some of the other supers. Arc Blade absolutely is, but it's ultimately the grenade selection and lack of recovery ability that leave it in second place. I still need to explore some invisibility stuff and it's a great change of pace, so I'll continue to enjoy using it.

PS: this is as it relates to the Crucible. In pve, Sunbros obviously rule due to that crazy phoenix down shit.

I leave you now with the only interesting bit of Destiny lore I've come across, it sums up this post: "He came at me with a knife. I put out my hand and - just so - made him into ash."

u wot m8



Was just standing in the tower afk, when I return another female Titan is standing in front of me with the exact same level 30 gear.

I didn't pay much attention to it, and I switched my loadout to level my mythoclast. The other Titan ran to the vault, came back, and equipped a mythoclast of her own.

Ha, I thought, let's see how this goes...

I equip my TLW
She runs to the vault, comes back with her own.
I equip my Suros Regime
She does the same.
Mida multi tool.
The same.
Hard light.
She sits down.

More than one pvp in this game.

Haha, that is great.
Speaking of Xur: I can't be the only one who prefers to actually look for him in the tower instead of reading about his location online. It's fun.

I do the same. It's become a friday morning tradition, turn on Destiny and find him before hopping on Neogaf or going to work.


So I finally got a legendary weapon last night. Steel Oracle rocket launcher. Thing is pretty beefy, I'm digging it.

Also realized that now that I'm using a proper, fully leveled weapon, I'm not terrible at PvP.

One thing I will say, is using the DoT void grenades for Warlock in PvP is hilarious. If I see a gang of dudes coming for the base I'm defending I just toss it at my feet and start unloading with my shotgun. I usually die, but they just rush the cap point and I've gotten a triple kill postmortem from the damage ticks a few times.
It's a good thing I always threw Axion grenades after I used my super for back-peddling Titans.

Titans are by far the worst class in pvp imo.
I have an average of 1.5 k/d with my titan, but cant even get 1.0 with my warlock. Idk what it is. Warlock doesn't gel with me the way titan does. Not to mention my titan has mostly str which I dont even want. My warlock has an almost perfect int/discipline combo. I've tried voidwalker and sunsinger. Axion bolts also never kill, just do small damage.


2 legendary engrams from the weekly strike:
My 2nd TDYK (which I'm ok with...awesome gun)
Icebreaker! wooooo I missed it when Xur sold it.
a group doing normal raid today and accepting a newbie?

Hey I would happy if you can raid with me later :) TBH I dont know when I will be running a normal raid. It will be sometimes later today or tomorrow at the latest. If you are unable to find a group to normal raid, you're more then welcome to do a normal raid with me and some other people. PS4: iRAWRasaurus


From what I know the only cheese that was fix, was Atheon. Thats odd you were being squeezed and stuck on the geometry, maybe you jumped in a weird spot. Thats how I got my weekly diabetes from spongebob :p

Haven't run Nightfall yet so was testing the spot out and not too confident now! It happened a few times as I was testing the spot out but maybe I was just unlucky.


damn, think i got every warlock exotic there is from nightfalls/engrams so far...except for the one every sunbro seems to want: heart of the praxic fire.
Oh yeah, I got Truth yesterday from the Nightfall via a legendary engram. I was so sure I'd get shards.

I'm glad I didn't buy it when Xur had it. Only exotics I'm missing now are Monte Carlo and Hawkmoon.


It's on the far front right of the room as you enter, under the ramp, so you are just to the right of Spongebob when he enters the room. There are a couple of crates with a gap behind and I've seen a few videos/comments saying you can't get hit there. I found the spot a few days ago by accident but today it seemed like I was being squeezed and stuck on the geometry so wondered if there might be a stealth patch to prevent people cheesing the weekly/Nightfall.

From what I know the only cheese that was fix, was Atheon. Thats odd you were being squeezed and stuck on the geometry, maybe you jumped in a weird spot. Thats how I got my weekly diabetes from spongebob :p

there's two ways to get in ther: jumping over the crates right next to the door "spongebob" (lol, thanks gaf) comes out of AND by falling/jumpng down the space between the ramp and the wall.
but mind you: he can hit you in there - not with rockets, but his machinegun definitely can get to you.
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