Wow, that is crazy that DeeJ sent a guy Fate of Fools! The first true "exotic" in the game. Shame they will probably forget their good will next week and nerf it to nothingness. Either that or sell it at Xur this weekend. That would be hilarious.
What primary weapons would you guys recommend for the hard raid if you don't have any raid weapons?
fate of all fools: a flawless experience
by lik
lik's plams are sweaty
knees weak, arms are heavy
there's five sets of eyes on him already
thrust is ready
but he keeps on forgetting
when he jumps down
the whole party goes so loud
he's thrusting now but gravity keeps him down
hes choking, how, everybody's jokin now
the clocks run out, times up, guardian down
fate of all fools: a flawless experience
by lik
lik's plams are sweaty
knees weak, arms are heavy
there's five sets of eyes on him already
thrust is ready
but he keeps on forgetting
when he jumps down
the whole party goes so loud
he's thrusting now but gravity keeps him down
hes choking, how, everybody's jokin now
the clocks run out, times up, guardian down
If you like handcannons, The Devil You Know from vanguard vendor is great and worth maxing out for the hard raid. There's a lot of weapons that aren't raid weapons that do an excellent job in the raid. If you list the ones you own I could give you my preferences and why.
It's the little things.
Little things like getting 6x PvE and 6x PvP dailies / day, but being able only take 5 into your inventory.
DLC patch is giving everyone more bounty slots even if they don't buy the dlc.
Split will still be wonky. 10 slots for 12 dailies.
owner of LE, no regrets
Eh, blink ain't all that and Golden Gun is just as good as Bladedancer.
Also 4 Golden Gun shots means a lot of dead Sunsingers who think they're safe to revive.![]()
lol, wth? Gunslinger is better than bladedancer in a good players hands. You stay out of danger and get 4 one shot kills. Its probably the most consistent Super out of all 6. If two Gunslingers are working together, they can constantly chain GG to fill each others Super meters. My friend and I wreck games as slingers. Not to mention the reload perks that are handy for any gun.
What primary weapons would you guys recommend for the hard raid if you don't have any raid weapons?
Well I've been rocking a fully upgraded Shadow Price for a while now, which works great in the normal raid. However I feel like I could use something that packs more of a punch on HM. As far as what I have on hand, I have Lord High Fixer and Suros Regime. Is TDYK better than Lord High Fixer?
Bladedancer is great in the crucible, but gunslinger is only meh. Can someone explain to me what role gunslinger really fills?
Don't hear much about people upgrading their sparrow.
Not seeing a good legendary weapon to buy, I blew 175 marks on a rare sparrow, and now am considering upgrading the engine. Is this a total waste of coins?
If you like handcannons, The Devil You Know from vanguard vendor is great and worth maxing out for the hard raid. There's a lot of weapons that aren't raid weapons that do an excellent job in the raid. If you list the ones you own I could give you my preferences and why.
Did the normal raid on my alt last night. You'll be happy to know I got a second Universal Remote, energy and shards... oh, and Chatterwhite, can't forget about the C-Dub.
Don't hear much about people upgrading their sparrow.
Not seeing a good legendary weapon to buy, I blew 175 marks on a rare sparrow, and now am considering upgrading the engine. Is this a total waste of coins?
They fill the death dealer roll. I'm starting to really love playing gunslinger much more than my Titan main.
Incendiary and trip mine grenades are both really good. I love triple jump but it doesn't seem to get as much height as the Titan jump. Combustion is awesome seeing your enemy explode killing others and throwing knife is just to damn cool. What I really love is the scavenger and chain of woe perk. With scavenger I almost always have a grenade or throwing knife ready. Chain of woe is a godsend when it comes to reloading heavy weapons or getting into long firefights.
What I meant by out of danger was staying out of shotgun one shot range. Any other gun, even an LMG, will not be able to kill me as fast at range as my GG.What maps are you staying out of danger on? If that's the case, you're playing against terrible players.
I'm not saying I struggle as a gunslinger, I'm just pondering whether or not the utility is on par with other classes.
Your primary weapon choice isn't really important for hard mode - use whatever you've always used, just make sure it's max level. Having max rockets is far more important. Your player skill, i.e., your ability to not die and to kill bad guys, matters most of all.
Yeah, the raid sparrow is better anyway. Even if you haven't done the raid yet, when you do you will get a lot of Timebreakers.
What I meant by out of danger was staying out of shotgun one shot range. Any other gun, even an LMG, will not be able to kill me as fast at range as my GG.
The utility for me is the best PVP super and my favorite jump.
The answer is completely dependant on how many exotics / which ones you have already.
Those of us who have almost every exotic would give a thumbs up if you're in the same situation.
If you don't have Gjallahorn / Suros / Icebreaker, etc., or some others....might want to hold off.
Or you could just not care and go for looks over efficiency. No real answer for you.
Please do. It's probably the most useful gunplay perk for PVP.I've never used chain of woe. Maybe I'll give it a shot, too.
lol man, that universal remote can go shard itself
Chain of Woe is on the same tree as the range. I used to use the range perk, but after switching to CoW, I didn't notice any ranged GG shots not finding their mark .Ah, I see. Do you use the GG range perk?
I've received ONE timebreaker after more clears than I can count. I wouldn't rely on RNG, especially when vanguard marks/strange coins are so easy to accumulate.
Better invite me to be sure!
The range refers to damage fall off in PvE and effective range in PvP, but that would only matter on a map like Bastion or First Light.Chain of Woe is on the same tree as the range. I used to use the range perk, but after switching to CoW, I didn't notice any ranged GG shots not finding their mark .
Please do. It's probably the most useful gunplay perk for PVP.
Chain of Woe is on the same tree as the range. I used to use the range perk, but after switching to CoW, I didn't notice any ranged GG shots not finding their mark .
I have 5 Timebreakers and 1 upgraded rare sparrow. Not only is the rare sparrow faster (while TB is not boosting), it's much cooler looking and you don't have to deal with TB annoying overheating alarm sound constantly.I actually still need all three of those exotics (especially the Icebreaker), so I'll probably hold off on the upgrade. I thought I read somewhere that a manually upgraded sparrow is actually faster than the raid one, but is that difference noticeable?
At the boss on the weekly 28 with my alt if anyone wants to jump in for the rewards psn yorkie7480
The range refers to damage fall off in PvE and effective range in PvP, but that would only matter on a map like Bastion or First Light.
I'm of the opinion that gunslinger has the better super, but blink is just too damn good. I can't tell you how many times someone tried shooting me, where I blinked and their camera couldn't turn fast enough to acquire me again followed by me me killing them cowboy style with the last word or obliterating them vex-style.
Alright, it's up. Read it if you're super bored.
Cømet;137604850 said:I'm sparrow dancing but there's literally no one in my world instance to be in awe of it
Dat unparalleled next-gen experience.
Alright, it's up. Read it if you're super bored.
Great read man
I think I was about edging on 40 attempts before we downed it
I'm basically unkillable as of 20 attempts
It's all about trust and I became so fucking cynical at the end I would take anyone just so I could get some more runs in
Alright, it's up. Read it if you're super bored.
The last thing I did was run a Strike, the level 8 one on earth. I don't know if it was my gear or crappy teammates but goddamn that spider tank took a good 10 minutes of solid shooting to bring down - I was going for the legs and engine when I could but I was only doing 100 damage per hit (or 450-something with a sniper). The end boss wasn't as ridiculous but still a huge bullet sponge. I noticed the game has elemental weapons so maybe that was the issue? I don't really have much available to me atm.
Finally got to play a bit tonight, got to level 9 on a Warlock.
I reaaaally like handcannons. They feel great. The only console FPSes I've ever liked were (Bungie's) Halo games, and I was a bit concerned with Destiny since it added things like ADS and wacky space magic. But the feel of the guns and combat is just fine. Burning down a Fallen champion's shields with a fusion rifle then finishing with a handcannon headshot feels remarkably similar to the plasma pistol/headshot combo from Halo.
The last thing I did was run a Strike, the level 8 one on earth. I don't know if it was my gear or crappy teammates but goddamn that spider tank took a good 10 minutes of solid shooting to bring down - I was going for the legs and engine when I could but I was only doing 100 damage per hit (or 450-something with a sniper). The end boss wasn't as ridiculous but still a huge bullet sponge. I noticed the game has elemental weapons so maybe that was the issue? I don't really have much available to me atm.
Gonna play some more tonight but I'm hoping I just got unlucky with that strike. It did seem like I was the only one doing anything so maybe my teammates were shooting the wrong parts.