Cømet;137783455 said:I forgot killing the House of Winter's Kell gave you a strange coin. Useful. Just three to go- so really just need to finish levelling this hunter to 20 so I can run the weekly.
Will have to wait til later on. Off to see Interstellar!
*shrug* I don't know if you want a rebuttal to all this- this stuff has very little to do with what Xur offers for sale, and Xur is basically the answer to what you're complaining about. Buy the things you need rather than relying on RNG.This game absolutely needs more loot along with a revised loot system. I've run the raids and the Nighfall for weeks and only received one or two actually useful items. It's just a terrible system that doesn't reliably reward playing through the hardest content. Plus, if you do get some lucky drops then you really notice the lack of loot as there is almost no incentive to keep grinding (aside from the obvious joys of shooting things in the face).
That's cool. They haven't updated it to mark of Patience and Time, so thus far Xur has sold half the weapons he can sell.. hmm.Edit: FYI here's the table that people found by changing the date on their console: http://planetdestiny.com/xurs-entire-loot-table/
Keep jump smashing! Just a tinyhop and smash. You can also use the Super shot on him if your aim is good.
Nuke them down with RPG's [Truth / Ghorn] before lag / bugs kick in causing them to "regen" HP back.
I use the magnetic grenade and when I switched to that at first it was treating me well, but lately it doesn't seem as magnetic as it use to be and just flies right past the person and does nothing. As a defender I don't have the lightning grenade but I'll try the spike one, I think it's similar to the lightning.
Control is about all I play. 426 games of it. I'll play the others if I have a bounty and am up for a different mode but like in CoD, I prefer objective modes to just TDM's or free for all. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm a flag capper, I see those things and can't help myself, I just have to get in on the caps so I know I'm going to die a lot going for them. And ever since I found out about Destiny Tracker and noticed I'm in the top 1 percentile for caps I just use that as fuel to cap even more, heh. Maybe that's why my KDR went down, I just suicide for caps too much now even more than I did before.
I really am pleased with the number of very close matches I wind up in, especially in Rumble.It does... and it is working in some way.
I hardly get a match where the guys are not in the same level than me... like I said before most my matches are closes like 20000 vs 18000 for example.
I literally, absolutely no exaggeration, never use the basic attack as an actual attack. R1 might as well be the "air dash" button when I'm holding the relic. If you get a chance to tune in to the next raid I stream you can check out how I use it.If only the super builds up that quick(for the first run as this is where usually we lose someone). At least I can help out with oracles with the super at least.
But I'm gonna try more ground pounds rather than heavy melee next time.
Minotaur teleports will never not be infuriating lolTried that. Only works like half the time as the bugger keeps teleporting through the bloody rockets![]()
It's easier if a 4th guy enters the portal and shoots the oracles. Always do that when it's Venus, less chances of getting screwed.Tried that. Only works like half the time as the bugger keeps teleporting through the bloody rockets
The lack of cheese is hurting hahah. Ah well. Just need more 30s and it makes it so much easier.
If only the super builds up that quick(for the first run as this is where usually we lose someone). At least I can help out with oracles with the super at least.
But I'm gonna try more ground pounds rather than heavy melee next time.
Tried that. Only works like half the time as the bugger keeps teleporting through the bloody rockets
The lack of cheese is hurting hahah. Ah well. Just need more 30s and it makes it so much easier.
But I'm gonna try more ground pounds rather than heavy melee next time.
Tried that. Only works like half the time as the bugger keeps teleporting through the bloody rockets![]()
I can't imagine why you would possibly be assigned a combat rating if not to use it for matchmaking alone. I've definitely noticed an anecdotal climb in the toughness of my competition over time but I'm sure it's not perfect either.
Maybe it is 23, oops. Truth is a great launcher, and you definitely want a good heavy void of some kind.
You know what though, if you really really want Alpha Lupi in particular then I actually kinda say screw all the other advice. Do what's the most fun for you. It is a badass-looking chestpiece.
Are there any other weeklies you can run this week? Getting to 30 from 17 isn't out of the question if so.
180 pages. Maybe if we do go for |OT10| THE PEOPLE DEMAND GJALLARHORN Bungie will step in and mess with his inventory for usDestiny |OT10| G-unit
Well, I have 41 coins, 17 motes. So I could afford Truth AND Lupi, and still have 11 left over. Getting 6 motes to buy the helmet engram is possible too, I suppose.
Hell, I don't know. Maybe I SHOULD buy Lupi. I mean I was looking forward to it since the game came out. Plus I can wear it with the blue Double Banshee shader so I can rep my KC Royals in blue and white... screw it, now I almost have myself talked into dropping 30 coins today! Lol.
Well, I have 41 coins, 17 motes. So I could afford Truth AND Lupi, and still have 11 left over. Getting 6 motes to buy the helmet engram is possible too, I suppose.
Hell, I don't know. Maybe I SHOULD buy Lupi. I mean I was looking forward to it since the game came out. Plus I can wear it with the blue Double Banshee shader so I can rep my KC Royals in blue and white... screw it, now I almost have myself talked into dropping 30 coins today! Lol.
*shrug* I don't know if you want a rebuttal to all this- this stuff has very little to do with what Xur offers for sale, and Xur is basically the answer to what you're complaining about. Buy the things you need rather than relying on RNG.
I agree more loot sounds good (and it's what I'm most looking to besides the raid in the DLC), but I was commenting on where or not more should be added to Xur's table. Since he can only sell 1 weapon per week, every item increases the odds that "something other than The Last Word," for example, will be sold.
180 pages. Maybe if we do go for |OT10| THE PEOPLE DEMAND GJALLARHORN Bungie will step in and mess with his inventory for us
you aren't preparing for an exam here man it's a game. Buy the stuff you want. I really want it on my Hunter too, lol
Coins are for teh spendingz
Cømet;137784514 said:It's an awesome looking chestpiece. The perks aren't particularly useful to me, but I pimp it 24/7 cos it looks awesome.
180 pages. Maybe if we do go for |OT10| THE PEOPLE DEMAND GJALLARHORN Bungie will step in and mess with his inventory for us
Alright, thanks for the help guys. Will take the advice on board.
P.s both times this week, a fourth person always came into the portal. It is a massive help, but they are usually too late to help with the adds anyway. I guess oracle guys can spend a tad more time on adds if a fourth is promised though
since everyone seems to want this thing so bad, I'd say it's more likely that they'll just nerf it. That'll solve the problem
Yeah... I hear you, but I dunno. You're just asking for the game's design to be fundamentally changed and while you'd like it better, I wouldn't like the game nearly as much if they did that. You're actually asking for more randomness even if you don't realize it. I've also received multiple Legendaries I really like from the Nightfall, and you need Legendaries, so turning it into an "all-exotic buffet" wouldn't necessarily be an improvement. I guess it starts to look differently once Exotics start piling up for you.Yeah, regarding Xur, in my opinion if they added loot and fixed the loot system then the game wouldn't need an exotic vendor at all. I mean, maybe something as simple as a guarantee of an exotic engram for completing a raid or Nightfall would be better.
Nah, they only nerf taking pvp into account.since everyone seems to want this thing so bad, I'd say it's more likely that they'll just nerf it. That'll solve the problem
I'm interested. 29 Hunter with maxed weapons.Any hard raids forming up later tonight?
Lv. 30 sunbro with max weapons.
I could probably start around 9PM eastern.
PSN: DefinityXMG
I also think people are learning (finally haha) to just run away from Defender bubbles. It's just not worth the effort unless you have a super up to take them out. Thus, less kills by you just punching idiots who run into the bubble or tiptoeing out and hitting someone who's not paying attention with a magnetic grenade.
Striker is probably best for PvP. If you like to protect your teammates, justify Striker by saving Fist of Havoc to pulverize bladedancers. That and you get the godly Lightning grenade, which people have not adjusted to yet.
what's the most reliable event-timer out there?
so, also in need of some advice.
my main-hunter (almost maxed out including exotic armor) doesnt have an exotic helmet. If I understand correctly; raid-helmets are hard to come by. So if I want to get to level 30, I can do a few things:
- buy a helmet-engram from Xur and wish for luck
- buy Mask of the Third Man from Xur (I guess it's pretty neat since I mostly play as bladedancer in PvE)
- just wait for a exotic Hunter helmet drop.
what to do what to do.
what's the most reliable event-timer out there?
So I bought Truth over Mask of the Third Man, and then while leveling I realized that I had just enough motes of light to buy an engram if I combined them.
The engram gave me Mask of the Third Man, so win/win I guess :/ ?
So, bought helmet engram. Rahool made it Mask of the Third Man. Score! ^_^
So I bought Truth over Mask of the Third Man, and then while leveling I realized that I had just enough motes of light to buy an engram if I combined them.
The engram gave me Mask of the Third Man, so win/win I guess :/ ?
If you are going to buy an item and he is selling an engram, ALWAYS buy the engram first.
Having said that and knowing that you already have both. Does the dropped version have a higher stat roll?
If Xur is truly random, someone should run the odds on how likely it is for him to have sold Sunbreakers this many times already. It's likely similar to being struck by lightning three times while holding a winning scratcher ticket.
Buy helmet engram first and try your luck. Motes are right now only useful for this, or a class item from the speaker.
Mask of the Third man looks cool, but it mostly affects arc blade which is completely useless in high level PvE content. But, level 30 is a huge leap over level 29. My level 29 buddies cap at 9k crit against Atheon, while I do 13k for example.
Wow, what an odd coincidence
Really wish Xur had the ghorn, but I don't have a strong Void heavy, so I'll pick up Truth to tide me over.
Still really only want the Icebreaker and horn and I'm happy. My normal group I play with have been blessed with multiple exotic drops, but the only exotics I've got are from completing bounties.
Does anyone need help with the weekly heroic? I need to do it again for a bounty.
I would LOVE to hear from Bungie if Crucible is P2P or dedicated server gametype.
If dedicated then if there is regional servers to minimize latency caused issues.
If P2P then how matchmaking it done to guarantee that people got low latency lobbies for best possible experience.