I got Fatebringer yesterday, so I've exclusively been using it lolI'm at the point where i see no reason to use anything other than VoC.
i have a problem
I got Fatebringer yesterday, so I've exclusively been using it lolI'm at the point where i see no reason to use anything other than VoC.
i have a problem
Stares at Jay..
Not sure if I'm ready for hard yet
Not a killer by any means, but Destiny will be losing some of my attention (aside from raids/weeklies) to Halo MCC next week. But, that's only on Xbox. And from the look of it, I am the only GAFer who plays Destiny on the XBONE.
Granted, I own a PS4 and Destiny for it. But all my playtime has been on the Xbox since that's where my RL friends are.
YupUgh Xurs offerings are shit. Is this all for the entire weekend ?
One way to find out!
Anyone that calls Xur useless is just not thinking it through properly. He brings those useful telemetries. I spend my coins only on weapon telemetry
Happy xurdays!
Say when. Titan is 29 now
Say when. Titan is 29 now
Me too bigmanny287Anyone up for hard raid?
I'm down to join or start a group
well, just today and tomorrowUgh Xurs offerings are shit. Is this all for the entire weekend ?
I did the normal raid with you a couple nights ago. Judging by your ability, you'll be just fine. No RLs in the detainment bubble or in the relic bubble. Other than that, it's the same idea.
180 pages. Maybe if we do go for |OT10| THE PEOPLE DEMAND GJALLARHORN Bungie will step in and mess with his inventory for us
Why was i quoted? was it because its a good idea? because it is. make it happen Hollywood!This would be perfect. Or for like 5-10 motes
I almost typed the exact same thing to my friend who is on the fence.
Truth is THE PvP rocket launcher. I really only use it in big maps like Bastion and First Light to snipe snipers. Few things are more satisfying than peeking out, getting a quick lock on, fire a rocket, turn away and watch the +100 points pop up in the middle of your screen.
I got Fatebringer yesterday, so I've exclusively been using it lol
Buys Truth
Finds Truth in PvP literally the next match.
Now I finally know that feeling you all hate so much. Just Dismantle it then?
Anyone up for hard raid?
I'm down to join or start a group
Yes, dismantle that fucker.Buys Truth
Finds Truth in PvP literally the next match.
Now I finally know that feeling you all hate so much. Just Dismantle it then?
psn (keltin99)![]()
LOL ;DOh, that's you. Kept wondering who that was in my list.
Will never really understand the Xur complaints.
You do realize it is not his fault the game has a criminally small loot table right?
So, some friends and I did the raid last night on normal and noticed something.
At the spire, they were spawning two minotaurs per gate at once. If you killed one, another was spawned within 10 seconds and heading to you. We've never noticed that before. Also, those fuckers sprinted to the gates. Also, they were one shotting 29s like it was nothing.
Eventually we got past that, and found that when defending the confluxes spawned minotaurs could one shot us still.
We beat the raid, and after the Templar none of the minotaurs had that ability anymore.
Anyone else seen this?
Hah, yeah- MCC would be a great answer if it were on the platform that most people playing Destiny are playing it on. But even beyond that, looking longer term (and if you don't believe a single other word out of their mouths, believe that Bungie is doing this too), it's a pretty specific itch to scratch that a new game would have to hit.
Buys Truth
Finds Truth in PvP literally the next match.
Now I finally know that feeling you all hate so much. Just Dismantle it then?
I almost typed the exact same thing to my friend who is on the fence.
Truth is THE PvP rocket launcher. I really only use it in big maps like Bastion and First Light to snipe snipers. Few things are more satisfying than peeking out, getting a quick lock on, fire a rocket, turn away and watch the +100 points pop up in the middle of your screen.
It's been that way since the Atheon hotfix, the praetorians on the gate opening come at you much faster and more frequently than before.
It's been that way since the Atheon hotfix, the praetorians on the gate opening come at you much faster and more frequently than before.
Yep, or they teleport right up to your face. Everything seems harder after fix.
It's been that way since the Atheon hotfix, the praetorians on the gate opening come at you much faster and more frequently than before.
Yep, or they teleport right up to your face. Everything seems harder after fix.
Titan flashbang grenades makes the Praetorions much easier if you have a Striker Titan with you. Armamentarium works with that section also with the extra grenade.
I did the normal raid with you a couple nights ago. Judging by your ability, you'll be just fine. No RLs in the detainment bubble or in the relic bubble. Other than that, it's the same idea.
You really think so? Is the platforming section not in the Hard mode?
jk Corn
Will never really understand the Xur complaints.
You do realize it is not his fault the game has a criminally small loot table right?
Oh, I don't have any trouble with them. It's just something we noticed. It's especially shitty when they teleport behind you right up to the Confluxes during Templar fight.
Alright, my next four main goals for Destiny are:
1) Praedyth's Revenge. I am blessed by RNGesus, so I expect to get it in this week's raid.
2) Gjallarhorn. Just a matter of time until Xur stocks it.
3) One of the Dead Orbit shaders (I forgot the name)
4) The Calming (Legendary Arc Fusion Rifle From FWC)
I'm worried about the last two. Even as one of His chosen ones, the chances to get them are hopelessly low. And ranking up two factions several times will take an eternity.
Sorry you guys are getting screwed on the extra content/gear. I hate this platform exclusivity shit so much... offends me way more than any of the actual design decisions in the game :-/XBone Destiny population might dip slightly for a few weeks for MCC. Probably not much though, and not for long, and especially not once Dark Below hits.
Longer term, you are right. There's not a lot in the pipe to capture regular playtime from people.
And to everyone: My XBL Gamertag is justkelson
3400 hawkian points in your direction this time. the hawkian store will be open at a future date TBD.Bungie has a very different approach to loot than a lot of other loot games. 2 months in I hope this is becoming obvious.
For example, Diablo 3 has tons and tons of legendaries, but most are just glorified rares. There are only a few that are worth creating a build around. I sharded almost every legendary I got. Destiny has focused on making sure every exotic is unique and through (promised) buffs/balances are trying to make each one viable. No other loot game does this.
Most loot games, you're looking for that one piece of gear. Thunderfury for your Monk. Wand of Woh for your Wizard. Destiny isn't about optimal, it's about choices. That's why you're limited to one exotic. They're center-pieces that you build around. I have 4 titan exotics. Alpha Lupi is great for Nightfalls, Armamentarium for wreckin' shit, Inner Fire for Striker fun, Saint-14 for blinding fools. I want Skull Fort and No Back Up Plans. Each one lets you find another playstyle.
Bungie's openly stated they want us to collect them all. And here's the other advantage to having a smaller table. It let's you learn to synergize with and counter other players. Most loot games don't have PvP. There are 6 armors for each class I think. I can recognize each and know what they're doing. A smaller loot table maintains predicatibility that PvP requires.
Diablo 3 and most loot games are about BiS, Best in Slot. Destiny is about variety.
Finally, as an aside, I fully approve of the "one exotic at a time" design choice. It keeps people who play 200 hours a week on the same playing field as those who only play 10. After all, they each can only have one exotic equipped. The hardcore player doesn't get a power advantage like most games, they get a choice advantage. They can run any of 12 different styles, but they're all equal to the guy who only has one exotic. It was a brilliant decision.
Not a killer by any means, but Destiny will be losing some of my attention (aside from raids/weeklies) to Halo MCC next week. But, that's only on Xbox. And from the look of it, I am the only GAFer who plays Destiny on the XBONE.
Granted, I own a PS4 and Destiny for it. But all my playtime has been on the Xbox since that's where my RL friends are.
There's also speculation that Jaren eventually becomes Dredgen Yor, a shell of his former self, turned to darkness (from the Thorn grimoire):Loken's men found Jaren Ward in the courtyard where this had all began.
Nine guns trained on him. Nine cold hearts awaiting the order. Magistrate Loken, standing behind them, looked pleased with himself.
Jaren Ward stood in silence. His Ghost peeked out over his shoulder.
Loken took in the crowd before stepping forward, as if to claim the ground - his ground. "You question me?" There was venom in his words. "This is not your home."
I remember Loken's gestures here. Making a show of it all.
Everyone else was still. Quiet.
I tugged at my father's sleeve, but he just tightened his grip on my shoulder to the point pain. His way of letting me know that this was not the time.
I'd watched Jaren's every move over the past months, mapping his effortless gestures and slight, earned mannerisms. I'd never seen anything like him. He was something I couldn't comprehend, and yet I felt I understood all I needed the moment I'd seen him. He was more than us. Not better. Not superior. Just more.
I wanted father to stop what was happening. Looking back now, I realize that he didn't want to stop it. No one d id.
As Loken belittled Jaren Ward, taunted him, enumerated his crimes and sins, my eyes were stuck on Jaren's pistol, fixed to his hip. His steady hand resting calmly on his belt.
I remembered the pistol's weight. Effortless. And my concern faded. I understood.
"This is our town! My town!" Loken was shouting now. He was going to make a show of Jaren - teach the people of Palamon a lesson in obedience.
Jaren spoke: clear, calm. "Not anymore."
Loken laughed dismissively. He had nine guns on his side. "Those gonna be your last words then, boy?"
The movement was a flash: quick as chain lightning. Jaren Ward spoke as he moved. "Yours. Not mine."
Smoke trailed from Jaren's revolver.
Loken hit the ground. A dark hole in his forehead. Eyes staring into eternity.
Jaren stared down the nine guns trained on him. One by one, they lowered their aim. And the rest of my life began - where, in a few short years, so many others would be ended.
"In that cool evening air, as dusk was devoured by night, the noble man ceased to exist. In his place another stood.
Same meat. Same bone. But so very different.
The first and only of his family. The sole forbearer and last descendent of the name Yor."