Thanks! Maybe sometimes next week since you all are busy this weekend. Did you guys change anything from the runs we did?
Exact same just the reg team so we all know what to do and when.
Thanks! Maybe sometimes next week since you all are busy this weekend. Did you guys change anything from the runs we did?
Red Death had been for sale twice.
Handing out grenades like Nino Brown. It's solar powered Oprah. "You get a 'nade. You get a 'nade. Everyone gets a free grenade!" PEACE.Buy and enjoy! They look cool, and this is what you can do with them:
Friggin Truth AGAIN!?!?!?!
How friggin lame!!!!!
You called it.
However, I would honestly have taken just about anything he hadn't sold yet.
Hell, I would settled for Red Death.
what time you on for our noob party?
!!!!!There's also evidence that suggests otherwise. Thorn was once called Rose (, whereas The Last Word has always been a gun held by Jaren Ward ( - this card is also where Shin Malphur encounters TLW for the first time as a child) . Shin Malphur speaks of two men - one a light, one the darkest shadow [he] would ever know ( Then, there is one last card that suggests Thorn was used to kill Jaren Ward by Dredgen Yor, because at least three men were killed and both Ward and Yor are listed in the subjects ( Finally, we know that Shin Malphur kills Dredgen Yor at Dwindler's Ridge with The Last Word (, but in my opinion, the whole thing seems to be skewed towards the idea that Shin Malphur is avenging his mentor, Jaren Ward, with the gun that he probably took from Ward's corpse.
Malphur saying that we assume. Apparently Ward was a mentor and father figure to Malphur. Bear with me for a second, accept the premise that the two men refers to the "before" and "after" of Jared Ward/Dredgen Yor.Two men entered my world. One a light. The other the darkest shadow I would ever know.
This man was dangerous, but there was a light about him - a pureness to his weight - that seemed to hint that his ire was something earned, not carelessly given.
I turned back to the man I would come to know as Jaren Ward, the finest Hunter this system may ever know and one of the greatest Guardians to ever defend the Traveler's Light.
The noble man stood. And the people looked to him. For he was a beacon - hope given form, yet still only a man. And within that truth there was great promise. If one man could stand against the night, then so too could anyone - everyone.
In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright.
When the man journeyed on, the people remembered. In his wake hope spread. But the man had a secret fear. His thoughts were dark. A sadness crept from the depths of his being. He had been a hero for so long, but pride had led him down sorrow's road.
Slowly the shadows' whisper became a voice, a dark call, offering glories enough to make even the brightest Light wander. He knew he was fading, yet he still yearned.
Why unfortunately? Because of what it was used for the last time it was held...That was the first time I held "Last Word," but, unfortunately, not the last.
On his last day he sat and watched the sun fall. His final thoughts, pure of mind, if not body, held to a fleeting hope- though they would suffer for the man he would become, the people would remember him as he had been.
And so the noble man hid himself beneath a darkness no flesh should touch, and gave up his mortal self to claim a new birthright. Whether this was choice, or destiny, is a truth known only to fate.
In that cool evening air, as dusk was devoured by night, the noble man ceased to exist. In his place another stood.
In his first moments as a new being, he looked down at his Rose and realized for the first time that it held no petals: only the jagged purpose of angry thorns.
That's what's left of Jaren Ward talking. His light and his Rose corrupted by anger.[u.1:3.4]'re're one of them...A Guardian, right?
[u.1:3.5] You're supposed t'be one'a the good ones.
[u.2:3.5] "Supposed to be?" Maybe I am. Maybe this is what "good" looks like.
[u.2:3.6] Anymore, who can tell?
[u.1:3.6] I...
[u.2:3.7] You wanted to see my prize.
[u.1:3.7] No...I...
[u.2:3.8] Look at it.
[u.1:3.8] I...
[audible sobbing]
[u.2:3.9] Whimpering won't stop what comes next.
[u.2:4.0] Look... [audible sobbing]
[u.2:4.1] Look at it.
[u.2:4.2] Open your eyes.
[audible sobbing]
[u.2:4.3] Not many get such a clean view.
[u.2:4.4] The bone...You see it. Jagged, like thorns.
[u.2:4.5] I used to think of it as a rose...
[u.2:4.6] Focusing on its bloom.
[u.2:4.7] But the bloom is just a byproduct of its anger.
Dredgen Yor killed Jaren Ward with Thorn, in exactly the same way Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker.Same meat. Same bone. But so very different.
The first and only of his family. The sole forbearer and last descendent of the name Yor.
Bungie has a very different approach to loot than a lot of other loot games. 2 months in I hope this is becoming obvious.
For example, Diablo 3 has tons and tons of legendaries, but most are just glorified rares. There are only a few that are worth creating a build around. I sharded almost every legendary I got. Destiny has focused on making sure every exotic is unique and through (promised) buffs/balances are trying to make each one viable. No other loot game does this.
Most loot games, you're looking for that one piece of gear. Thunderfury for your Monk. Wand of Woh for your Wizard. Destiny isn't about optimal, it's about choices. That's why you're limited to one exotic. They're center-pieces that you build around. I have 4 titan exotics. Alpha Lupi is great for Nightfalls, Armamentarium for wreckin' shit, Inner Fire for Striker fun, Saint-14 for blinding fools. I want Skull Fort and No Back Up Plans. Each one lets you find another playstyle.
Bungie's openly stated they want us to collect them all. And here's the other advantage to having a smaller table. It let's you learn to synergize with and counter other players. Most loot games don't have PvP. There are 6 armors for each class I think. I can recognize each and know what they're doing. A smaller loot table maintains predicatibility that PvP requires.
Diablo 3 and most loot games are about BiS, Best in Slot. Destiny is about variety.
Finally, as an aside, I fully approve of the "one exotic at a time" design choice. It keeps people who play 200 hours a week on the same playing field as those who only play 10. After all, they each can only have one exotic equipped. The hardcore player doesn't get a power advantage like most games, they get a choice advantage. They can run any of 12 different styles, but they're all equal to the guy who only has one exotic. It was a brilliant decision.
However, there's one problem with Destiny giving you 'choices' with the loot system. You can't upgrade your vault. Diablo III gives you the option to upgrade your stash into the hundreds. In Destiny, once you run out of room in your vault you've got to start storing items on alts. I'm just waiting for the update where Bungie says 'more vault space is coming' and then the inevitable next update when it's listed as a feature with one of the expansions.
Where is Xur?
The hunt for The Last Word resumes.
Xur, you have failed me. You have failed this city!
need more space for sure.Absolutely.
However, there's one problem with Destiny giving you 'choices' with the loot system. You can't upgrade your vault. Diablo III gives you the option to upgrade your stash into the hundreds. In Destiny, once you run out of room in your vault you've got to start storing items on alts. I'm just waiting for the update where Bungie says 'more vault space is coming' and then the inevitable next update when it's listed as a feature with one of the expansions.
Anyone doing Raid tonight, on XB1?
need more space for sure.
gonna be on around 11 best I'm on right now but we were just finishing up a flawless and i have to leave at 7
actually will be back by like 1030
I am reading this lore in awe, (fuck the grimoire) and weep for what could have been.
I think all of this actually supports the idea that Ward became Yor ever more!
Malphur saying that we assume. Apparently Ward was a mentor and father figure to Malphur. Bear with me for a second, accept the premise that the two men refers to the "before" and "after" of Jared Ward/Dredgen Yor.
About Ward:
This on the the first Thorn ghost fragment card:
Right right okay now stick with me here
Ward gives The Last Word to Malphur seemingly as a child
Why unfortunately? Because of what it was used for the last time it was held...
Back to the Rose card:
At this point, between all the Thorn and The Last Word cards, there has actually been no mention whatsoever of Jaren Ward in connection with Rose/Thorn. But then there's the final card about Thorn ("The Bloom") you mentioned which is raw transcript, with no names attatched to each line, just "unidentified 1, 2, and 3" and timestamps, of an interrogation. It's worth reading for sure, but here's what stood out to me. Based on the context, it seems like Unidentified 2 is obviously the wielder of Thorn. Unidentified 1 is doing the interrogation, and 3 just has a single line, supporting 1. It's all about u.1 questioning u.2.
Check this shit out:
That's what's left of Jaren Ward talking. His light and his Rose corrupted by anger.
Ward gave The Last Word, after it was granted its name, to Malphur, and then got himself a new weapon, Rose- one maybe even more powerful, this one with magic to it, and Darkness, from the Hive. He wielded it with honor, but the anger was too much and his light began to fade. As he gave in to the Darkness, he gave one last thought to how people would remember him as Jaren Ward- a beacon of hope. And then.
Dredgen Yor killed Jaren Ward with Thorn, in exactly the same way Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker.
Whatever path it was that led them to Dwindler's Ridge, Shin Malphur confronted his former mentor, what was left of his "third father," Dredgen Yor.
He held the gun he had once given him steady in his hands and repeated back the words that had made it famous throughout the solar system decades before.
That was the last, unfortunate time Malphur held The Last Word. And Thorn was lost to the man, "once a hero," that had seen it, in now-distant memory, as a Rose.
That's how we got them.
Twice huh?I've gotten Two Last Words from raids. I swear. All I want is an Atheon's Epilogue. Players need to be able to trade gear, freakin A.
I am reading this lore in awe, (fuck the grimoire) and weep for what could have been.
For real
im stunned. I started reading the links exYle posted (don't have that many ghosts myself) and getting fucking goosebumps.Damn. Chills, dude.
I got two unfinished onerous exotic bounties... But I got no place to put the weapons of I ever get them anyway... My vault is full of exotics and a few legendaries (mostly raid weapons), and I am keeping some less used guns permanently on my alts. I'm even thinking about deleting a few exotics like red death and bad juju. But they might get a buff so...
Everyone will have access to the items. Just new strikes, maps, raid and (maybe stories) are locked.
Day 58: Still no Last Word.
oof, i need to wake up early tomorrow so i may not see you. guess i'll just grind a lil bit then
I've gotten Two Last Words from raids. I swear. All I want is an Atheon's Epilogue. Players need to be able to trade gear, freakin A.
Get used to it with this craps loot system.
I didn't log in and see what Xur sold but gauged that it was another repeat item. Sure enough it's the same stupid launcher he sold just before. So stupid. Rng or not tied to his loot, this needs to be patched and addressed.
No TLW, no reason for me to log in this week again. Such a frustrating experience.
This loot and item system is worse, more frustrating than Diablo 3 ever was. And bungie don't care to fix it.
these are the only exotic weapons in the game that i dont currently have, and 3 or 4 of them are insanely good:
- hawkmoon *
- plan c *
- gjallarhorn *
- thunderlord *
- hard light
Super Good Advice or Juju?
I have 4/5 of those.
I think all of this actually supports the idea that Ward became Yor ever more!
Malphur saying that we assume. Apparently Ward was a mentor and father figure to Malphur. Bear with me for a second, accept the premise that the two men refers to the "before" and "after" of Jared Ward/Dredgen Yor.
About Ward:
This on the the first Thorn ghost fragment card:
Right right okay now stick with me here
Ward gives The Last Word to Malphur seemingly as a child
Why unfortunately? Because of what it was used for the last time it was held...
Back to the Rose card:
At this point, between all the Thorn and The Last Word cards, there has actually been no mention whatsoever of Jaren Ward in connection with Rose/Thorn. But then there's the final card about Thorn ("The Bloom") you mentioned which is raw transcript, with no names attatched to each line, just "unidentified 1, 2, and 3" and timestamps, of an interrogation. It's worth reading for sure, but here's what stood out to me. Based on the context, it seems like Unidentified 2 is obviously the wielder of Thorn. Unidentified 1 is doing the interrogation, and 3 just has a single line, supporting 1. It's all about u.1 questioning u.2.
Check this shit out:
That's what's left of Jaren Ward talking. His light and his Rose corrupted by anger.
Ward gave The Last Word, after it was granted its name, to Malphur, and then got himself a new weapon, Rose- one maybe even more powerful, this one with magic to it, and Darkness, from the Hive. He wielded it with honor, but the anger was too much and his light began to fade. As he gave in to the Darkness, he gave one last thought to how people would remember him as Jaren Ward- a beacon of hope. And then.
Dredgen Yor killed Jaren Ward with Thorn, in exactly the same way Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker.
Whatever path it was that led them to Dwindler's Ridge, Shin Malphur confronted his former mentor, what was left of his "third father," Dredgen Yor.
He held the gun he had once given him steady in his hands and repeated back the words that had made it famous throughout the solar system decades before.
That was the last, unfortunate time Malphur held The Last Word. And Thorn was lost to the man, "once a hero," that had seen it, in now-distant memory, as a Rose.
That's how we got them.
Same. I'm missing Hard Light from that list.I have 4/5 of those.
Same. I'm missing Hard Light from that list.
So you don't play this game, and complain that a vendor doesn't sell a certain gun. What happens when/if he does? Will you all of a sudden play again? Is that what you get your fun from in this game? If so, you might consider just stepping away until the dlc is released.Get used to it with this craps loot system.
I didn't log in and see what Xur sold but gauged that it was another repeat item. Sure enough it's the same stupid launcher he sold just before. So stupid. Rng or not tied to his loot, this needs to be patched and addressed.
No TLW, no reason for me to log in this week again. Such a frustrating experience.
This loot and item system is worse, more frustrating than Diablo 3 ever was. And bungie don't care to fix it.