Thanks for the link, subscribed.
Damn, it's been a week since he sold it. Hope I can get to it during the next window.
finally 29! Will have to try and run hard raid for the first time this weekend
Hey you do know you can buy all ten at once right? Just asking cuz it took me a minute to figure that out
I don't know what happens with me but I die a lot more with my Titan 30 than my Warlock 30.woof, got my warlock to 21 in two nights. they really need to let you skip those boring cutscenes. hopefully i'll get him to raid levels soon, i think it could be fun to try one not being a titan for once. gave him some items i don't really use with my titan to start him off for now. i like it.
I am the complete opposite, haven't played in 2 weeks now and I am seriously super close on trading it in.Destiny is a waking nightmare and I can't get out. Put the game down for a few weeks, come back and lose another Friday night to farming materials and doing strikes. This game is so good :,(
what level is your alt![]()
Just got an ice breaker from a tiger strike.
Oh RNGesus, why are you teasing me? Just give me a gjallarhorn.
I am the complete opposite, haven't played in 2 weeks now and I am seriously super close on trading it in.
Sure. I'll keep you in mind.If you guys ever need someone to tag in, let me know. Ran a few attempts within the last week. And one of the few remaining person of my group without the trophy yet.
If you do Hard first you get the rolls from Normal and Hard. Theres no point in doing Normal if you can run Hard.Man, I wished I would have known that if you get all the loot drops in hard first. You don't get them in normal. One less chance to get raid boots. #Forever29
We're all searching for ballerhorn. Maybe the last nightfall rewards me with it![]()
11, almost at 12.
I'm taking a break now, will be back in 3 hours.
Thanks Kinezo you were a big help!I'm free - PSN is kinezo
Not searching is amazing
PS4?Can some kind soul help me through the nightfall? I'm too impatient for my own good and have been mauled to death multiple times as a consequence.
PSN: kopyasu
I can in about 20-30 minutes...just shoot me a msg if you still need me.
Can some kind soul help me through the nightfall? I'm too impatient for my own good and have been mauled to death multiple times as a consequence.
Have a catch-phrase ready for atheon and crota :-D
Can some kind soul help me through the nightfall? I'm too impatient for my own good and have been mauled to death multiple times as a consequence.
Have a catch-phrase ready for atheon and crota :-D
You're missing the Timepiece but it sucks so bad I'm not sure if it's worth counting, lol. I have the same list except for CM.I think I might have every raid weapon except two.
Found Verdict
Praedyth R
Corrective M
Hezen R
P Foil
...while discussing all the fine community service Beavis and Butthead performed, especially involving one Mr. Anderson... now that was fun, even if it was the third time in a row running it. Legit jump puzzle for the first time in three tries (one I missed the first platform like a dummy) with my hunter... niceBummed I didn't get any new clothes but not enough to tarnish the experience. The thrill of " What did you get?!" Dying stoopid deaths and annihilating a Gorgon in a couple of seconds... or last night, getting into the cave and watching everyone run by on the radar "It's right over here... " "Where'd you guys go?!" Harlan pulling off the clutch three pointer at the buzzer, with three of us lost in time... now that's what I call legend!
So I'm in for the expansion pass. But only if Xür sells HoPF before then. If he doesn't, I'm out ;P
Whenever I die at the end of a nightfall, I feel so fucking empty inside.
I've had that happen, but fortunately the mission completed before the timer after death finished counting down.One time I was killed by an add while the boss was already crumbling into dust.
Level 27 solo Nightfall, done. About 120 of those 135 kills must have been Ice Breaker.
7 strange coins
Whenever I die at the end of a nightfall, I feel so fucking empty inside.
I am stuck in a perpetual loop of doing Tiger strikes now.
I figure it is the best way to hunt for legendary engrams and potentially stumble onto actual exotic weapons I want (e.g. The Baller Horn).
It at least gives me something to do because I enjoy playing the game but want to work towards *something* after I clear the weekly raiding and nightfalls and waiting on Xur.
My best course of action currently is getting my Hunter and Warlock to level 29 to be able to do the hard raid to get more chances at loot.
The problem there is I don't want to spend the resources upgrading non-raid gear to hit 29 and instead waiting on the hopes of getting raid gear so I don't have wasted Ass Shards, essentially. I probably should just deal with it and hit 29 so I can get more chances at the hard raid. My 30 Titan has found huge success and I've helped multiple groups run the hard raid so far. It just gets weary and tiresome when I get nothing tangible out of it in successive runs. A few ass shards/energy would be appreciated.
Do I have to do the weekly with a premade fireteam? I can't join a random group?
Do I have to do the weekly with a premade fireteam? I can't join a random group?
Yup, nope
boggles the mind
If you don't have a group, use the area where you spawn as a sort of vestibule to join up with people. Load it up solo and you're likely going to see a bunch of people doing the same mission(at least, if you do them within the first couple of days).
I first started doing this with campaign missions, it's literally the best thing the over worlds provide.
Got a MIDA Multi-Tool in nightfall...
Is that any good or trash material?