Darth Ghandi
Need one more lvl30 for VoG hard. At templar now.
Not just Truth, but rockets in general are amazing. Dust Palace? Those flayers get knocked off the side of the building with a well timed rocket.
Nah, Thunderlord, Jolder's Hammer, Corrective Measure and Swarm are great machine guns. Rocket launchers are better for pve definitely, but machine guns are great for PvP and do have a place in some pve scenarios. Especially those ones. Shotguns are only good for PvP, but I've grown to like them a lot.
Am I seeing things or is trip mine grenade doing insane amounts of damage?
fuck this. was just in a strike in which my teammates were doing nothing at all. One asshole was just using his sparrow and trying to kill me, disrupt my aim etc.
This is even worse than having AFKers. Probably the last time I ever do strikes with randoms...ugh.
I wouldn't worry about it. It's not even that good. I got the Prefect Balance perk for it today and it's still average at best. Thorn is better for PvP and it doesn't justify its exotic slot for PvE imo.Day 60: Still no Last Word. The hunt continues.
Do you guys share your main's weapons with your alt through the vault, or do you keep duplicates? Having to frequently switch characters and load the tower to access the vault is inconvenient, and at least currently there's still the danger of losing the vault's content.
On the other hand, getting duplicates of the weapons and max them out might take weeks. I guess the best course of action would be to simply use other weapons with the alts, avoid using the vault, and wait for the bug to be fixed and also an update for the companion app to manage the vault/inventory to be released. At least that's what I'm going to do.
Anyone doing or want to do Atheon on hard mode on PS4? I have the checkpoint (Level 30 Warlock). Hoping I finally may get a raid helmet, but probably not since I'm already 0/5 lol.
PSN: phantom8324
Anyone doing or want to do Atheon on hard mode on PS4? I have the checkpoint (Level 30 Warlock). Hoping I finally may get a raid helmet, but probably not since I'm already 0/5 lol.
PSN: phantom8324
Wow thread is really slowing down. Only 2 pages since I got off last night
I still vote for OT 10: Lactose Intolerance!
No Cheesing yo
Need Atheon too.
Level 30 Titan. Taking a break for 15 minutes or so.
Psn: astropoff
Yeah I still need this. PSN Cyberpunk-PsychoAnyone doing or want to do Atheon on hard mode on PS4? I have the checkpoint (Level 30 Warlock). Hoping I finally may get a raid helmet, but probably not since I'm already 0/5 lol.
PSN: phantom8324
You can actually keep up with this thread now aha. Even in game, I see less and less people in the public areas and the Tower. Game has only got it's hooks on a few of us, most have moved on a long time ago. The cool kids are all on COD for PvP, I find the older folks, those are still around for what the Destiny experience is, a game in which you can shut your brain off, connect with your friends, and have satisfying gun mechanics. I still log on every day, something that other games can't really do for me. In that sense, Destiny succeeded for me. Now could it be better? Hell yeah it could. And it will be, it just needs time. Until then I will be farming mats, and hitting up atheon until I can get my Isabeau up from lvl 29 to 30.
Hey guys I managed to get my titan alt to 27 and was wondering if anyone is still considering doing the Normal raid today?
I have max raid weapons for him - AE, PR, HV
I will be free in about 1 hour if anyone still up for it
I have my level 29 alt warlock if you get desperate. I can hold the relic if you need.
You're welcome to join if you would like. You would be 4/6.
Anyone else for Atheon on hard mode?
Trying to figure the most efficient use of shards
My warlock is at 28,1 exotic and the rest legendary
My titan is 26,1 exotic and 1 legendary as I grind vanguard rep to buy the other 2 pieces
I'm assuming to hit 29 without raid gear it's to upgrade all armour pieces?
I'm thinking it is better to get my titan to 28 with shards and raid with both of them and how for gear?
So is midas multi tool any good? Running the TDYK atm and I am rather fond of it. But i do love me some scout rifles!
You're welcome to join if you would like. You would be 4/6.
Anyone else for Atheon on hard mode?
Ok finally I'm awake.... Leveling train!
About to start an Atheon run. Will join you as soon as we're done.
All this talk of people hitting 30 with their alts and whatnot, sheesh.
I finally hit 28 on my main sunlock this morning, and am ready to try the raid for the first time sooner or later.
You're welcome to join if you would like. You would be 4/6.
Anyone else for Atheon on hard mode?
I have 3 fully leveled Vision of Confluence (VoC) on each character and 2.95 fully leveled Ice Breakers on each character. I just bought a thorn, and will switch that between characters. I have a Hezen Vengence I keep on my main. Each character has a Preydeth's Revenge, but I'm leveling that on the side, and don't know which are maxed or not, but they're almost full level as well.Do you guys share your main's weapons with your alt through the vault, or do you keep duplicates? Having to frequently switch characters and load the tower to access the vault is inconvenient, and at least currently there's still the danger of losing the vault's content.
On the other hand, getting duplicates of the weapons and max them out might take weeks. I guess the best course of action would be to simply use other weapons with the alts, avoid using the vault, and wait for the bug to be fixed and also an update for the companion app to manage the vault/inventory to be released. At least that's what I'm going to do.
Holy shit just found the same ship blueprint again, I now have 3 Quite Content Damsels haha.
Dumb question, do you need any special edition of Destiny to be able to get this as a drop? I know it's PS$ only, but I might have heard you need a special edition to get it?400+ strikes and still no Hawkmoon![]()
Sent FR. My PSN is being shitty as usual with FR and messages
If anyone else is raidning and needs help hit me up
Warlock Voidwalker. Maxe Truth and close Epilogue. Also other weapons
Sent FR. My PSN is being shitty as usual with FR and messages
If anyone else is raidning and needs help hit me up
Warlock Voidwalker. Maxe Truth and close Epilogue. Also other weapons
Dumb question, do you need any special edition of Destiny to be able to get this as a drop? I know it's PS$ only, but I might have heard you need a special edition to get it?