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Divekick |OT| My sneakers are ready

The lobbies are 1vs1 sadly :(. I'm up to play a few matches.

PSN: Valkyria61

Trying to join your room. It is not happening.

Also, all rooms are ping 999. I'm not in my house, staying at a friends tonight. I don't have control over the router.

Am I screwed? I was able to play KZ here over the net with no issue .
Trying to join your room. It is not happening.

Also, all rooms are ping 999. I'm not in my house, staying at a friends tonight. I don't have control over the router.

Am I screwed? I was able to play KZ here over the net with no issue .

Try making the lobby on your end. I saw the one you had up before but when I tried to join it failed. Your ping showed up correctly though.
I'm not sure what's going on. I hit to enter your lobby and it just goes to a black screen with the bubbles rotating then takes me back to the lobby menu. It doesn't say it failed or anything. Your ping is showing up as 28 too so I'm not sure why it's having trouble.
Was it just a happy coincidence against AI S-Kill or does inmediately flight cancelling a parried footdive with Shoals fuck up the parry and makes him miss the attack?
I'm not sure what's going on. I hit to enter your lobby and it just goes to a black screen with the bubbles rotating then takes me back to the lobby menu. It doesn't say it failed or anything. Your ping is showing up as 28 too so I'm not sure why it's having trouble.

Same thing happens to me.

Created public lobby to see what's up.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Right, I accidentally enter versus or story or something when I meant to go to online. How the fuck do I get out from character select?


Hit me up on steam for some games, I'd love some people to just play cash with and practice/
Got kinda carried away making a Shoals thread on the shoryuken forums. Here's a writeup on Dr. Shoals, hope it helps anyone.

Summary of Dr. Shoals' moveset;

A good normal jump. It has no special properties, but it takes Shoals pretty far up. For reference, her jump height is close to Mr. N's, and slightly higher than Dive's.

Unlike most characters, Shoal's kickback resembles a backdash as seen in other fighting games. It has a great range, and does not move her upwards. This is very useful when the opponent divekicks at her from above; a diagonal-upwards kickback would still get her hit in the feet, but Shoals' kickback gets her out of the way without exposing herself. The downside of the kickback's horizontal movement is that she gains no height to divekick from. This makes Shoals' kickback unfit for punishing whiffs, or building meter.

Shoals has two divekicks, both a bit on the slow side. She starts out with a shallow one, and this divekick can be canceled into a steeper one mid-flight. The shallow divekick is useful for covering ground or hitting characters that position themselves in the air a lot (like Stream, or Shoals herself). It runs out after about 1.5 seconds, leaving her falling towards the ground and unable to do further divekicks or air specials. Her steep divekick is useful for coming down on enemies after she's positioned herself above them using her shallow divekick and air special. It's also her fastest way to the ground, should something dangerous come in from overhead. It's good to note that both divekicks generate meter, though this is somewhat canceled out by the fact she can't simply kickback -> divekick to build meter due to the nature of her kickback

Ground Special - Brilliant Escape (Fly Away)
Activating Shoals' air special will send her flying diagonally backwards, not unlike a normal kickback. The longer you hold the buttons, the further and higher she'll fly, but beware that her meter is drained continually. The ability needs about 20% meter to activate, but will not immediately cost meter; the only cost in the gradual meter drain from using it.

Air Special - Death From Above (Hover)
Shoals can activate this after jumping, or cancel into it from either divekick. She will enter a hover mode, which will keep her in place in the air and will gradually burn meter while doing so. Like her ground special, the ability needs about 20% meter to activate, but will not immediately cost meter. You can press dive or kick to slowly glide backward or forward, respectively. To exit the the hover mode, press both buttons again and Shoals will start falling. From this state, she can still perform her divekicks, even if she has done them before entering the hover mode.

Some thoughts on Dr. Shoals;

- The core of Shoals' gameplan is to position her above the enemy using her shallow divekick and hover, and then come crashing down with the steep divekick for the KO. This is very predictable though, and opponents will try to either do a quick kickback, or a short divekick 'hop' forward, to dodge your divekick and punish it. To counteract this, try to be unpredictable with your attacks; cancel your steep divekick with hover to delay or abort your divekick, or don't switch to the steep divekick at all. Keep them guessing!

- Shoals is probably the character with the most control on the Divekick roster. While some characters can move only in 3 directions (straight up, diagonal backwards and diagonal forwards), Shoals can move in 7! She can go backwards (kickback), diagonal backwards (ground special), straight up (dive), shallow diagonal forwards (divekick), steep diagonal forwards (divekick), stay in place in the air (air special), backwards in the air (air special) and forwards in the air (air special). Plus, were most character have to commit to a move, almost all of Shoals' movements can be cancelled into other moves. Make use of this! Adjust your movement after the opponent has already commited to a divekick to get the jump on them.

- Shoals' weakness is that she can't quickly punish whiffed divekick attempts. The normal kickback -> divekick approach does not work, because her horizontal kickback cannot be divekicked from. Her best option is to use her ground special, but it needs to be used for a second before it can be divekicked from.

- Shoals' has multiple options for meter building. I have not deeply looked into how fast (or viable) each option is.
1. Dive, kick, kick, kickback. Move up, perform two divekicks for meter, return to position. This option is the easiest and may be the fastest, but it does extend you forward quite a lot so it can be unsafe.
2. Ground special (hold for a brief moment), kick, kick. Move diagonally backwards, perform two divekicks for meter. This option may be slower (the cycle is faster, but also costs meter to perform), but it doesn't move you forward.

If you're good, you can also try to cancel your second divekick into hovering, then cancel hover and do another two divekicks for double the meter. I don't know if this is significantly quicker or even viable, as I have trouble doing it consistently myself.


Just wanted to say I HATE S-KILL :)

Is there any pattern in his teleports?

Yeah one goes up one goes back and he can cancel them at any time into kicks also if he does a back or up teleport before the first one ends it extends the duration.

so no there is no pattern to his teleports Kappa


Showing the favorite character is probably a bad thing.

I get more leaves than I do matches now because they see me Bazzin.
So I somehow managed to do a backwards divekick with Redacted without having anyone cross under me and I have no idea how the hell it happened.

Also, god damn, ranking score drops like a fucking rock ._o


Showing the favorite character is probably a bad thing.

I get more leaves than I do matches now because they see me Bazzin.

Blind pick for ranked matches would have been essential, in my opinion. Especially when I suspect a player might select The Baz, I wait it out to confirm and then I pick a character. There are some hard counter picks in this game, so it's pretty silly.

Also, god damn, ranking score drops like a fucking rock ._o

I love it. It makes for a more accurate display of skill level than ranking systems in some other fighting games that have a player get a bunch of points when they win, but lose very little when they lose a match.


Keits, were there any significant changes made to Stream between CEO and the final build? My memory might be failing me, but I don't remember having to press kick twice in the air to initiate his kick at CEO. I also seem to remember his kick traveling farther across the screen before.

He seems so weak now. From my experience, he's far and away the worse character in the game in his current state.

We fixed a critical bug where his flame hitboxes were in the wrong place, but he plays exactly the same. I actually think he is very very strong, perhaps top 5. I'm not sure you know real terror until you've been headshot chained by a good Stream.

Hmm. Is it possible there are different version of Vita out in the wild and that's the problem? I have no other ideas. Hopefully it's resolved soon so everyone can enjoy online. I'm impressed by how smooth it runs on PC. Sakurai take note.

Haha I second this.

We were testing on our retail Vitas with the same version of the everyone downloaded from PSN. While these problems seem isolated, we do want to get to the bottom of them and solve it if possible.

What does the CR number under my character's portrait mean?

Edit: And the #1 player on PC is a Kenny? What has the world come to.

CR is Character Rating, PR is Player Rating. Its your score.

The Kenny player on PC is very dedicated to this game and very good. He got top 8 at NCR and did very well at EVO.

Just tried lobby but everyone has a 999ms ping according to the overview. :p

Some users have fixed this by setting their Vita to DMZ in their router, but the ping showing 999 in the lobby is because Sony's matchmaking server can't ping that person for whatever reason. That isn't the actual ping you'll have when you connect to that player P2P.

I'm not sure what's going on. I hit to enter your lobby and it just goes to a black screen with the bubbles rotating then takes me back to the lobby menu. It doesn't say it failed or anything. Your ping is showing up as 28 too so I'm not sure why it's having trouble.

The internet sucks sometimes. I wish these problems were easier to solve.
So I somehow managed to do a backwards divekick with Redacted without having anyone cross under me and I have no idea how the hell it happened.

Also, god damn, ranking score drops like a fucking rock ._o

I had something similar happen too. I got kickfactor as Redacted, mashed a couple of buttons, and did a kickback while I was airborne. I was away from the wall too, so no weird walljump glitch.

On that note, is it me or is Redacted's walljump pretty bad? It hardly moves him forward (something he could really use) and seems somewhat inconsistent, thought that may just be me sucking.


How does Seth's parry work? Only work on the first few frames? Because I had, what I thought was a successful parry where the kick was in the hand area while the parry was out.


The only scary thing about The Baz is his kick factor.

Yeah I just got frauded by king of bums. That dude is scary.


And just what is the Baz counter-strategy, because fuck that guy.

Jefailey. Baz can't headshot (except for swinging), the "wall" that Jefailey creates with his kicks counters Baz's lightning and he has his "Disqualified" special that removes all meter from The Baz. If The Baz gets Kick Factor, depending on Jefailey's head size, Jefailey can jump over The Baz and avoid him for the three seconds he needs to.
On that note, is it me or is Redacted's walljump pretty bad? It hardly moves him forward (something he could really use) and seems somewhat inconsistent, thought that may just be me sucking.

It's great for escaping corners and if used right it could give you just the angle you need. Not to mention that it makes you fall faster (I think at least)

How does Seth's parry work? Only work on the first few frames? Because I had, what I thought was a successful parry where the kick was in the hand area while the parry was out.

Yeah something like that, just because the arm is still out it doesn't mean it will parry. The move has recovery.

The only scary thing about The Baz is his kick factor.

And his ground special.


The definition of front-butt.
Just fought the king of bums in a close set, he has a good Jefailey counter for it.
Aw man, I should have went with the PSN version. Seems like all of the well known players are on there. Is king of bums the top rated jefailey right now?

And just what is the Baz counter-strategy, because fuck that guy.
There was a discussion a few pages back about it. Just charge him, he can't hurt you. :p


Was queueing for ranked and I got a person who was talking to somebody else and said "don't want much, just want first place" and then promptly left the lobby.

I lold

haha got him again.

Left again.

Whew, finally broke 300 in ranked. More scared of losing than ever before.

Which characters do you folks find worry you the least/most? As Dive, I can usually handle anything a Dr. Shoals throws my way, but I hate seeing Redacted pop up. I've also faced quite a few Markman players, which is always a fun match.


Just pick Shoals or Kung Pao on Kick gem to counter pick him. Mr.N, Dive and Kick work too as well as Jefailey if you know how to play that character (use Meter build gem on him). Sensei works well if you have him in foot dive stance.

The idea is to rush him down and when he aligns himself straight forward intercept him with your dive kick. Horizontal dive kicks own him. As Jefailey you just have to worry about his ground special and his Kick Factor, deny him meter with Disqualify if you can.


Yea Redacted too just don't get over spammy with his dive kick, that's an easy lightning snipe. Crawl is your friend as his super high jump for avoiding lightning. Rush him down.
Whew, finally broke 300 in ranked. More scared of losing than ever before.

Which characters do you folks find worry you the least/most? As Dive, I can usually handle anything a Dr. Shoals throws my way, but I hate seeing Redacted pop up. I've also faced quite a few Markman players, which is always a fun match.

Dive/Kick, funny you mention Redacted, because as a main of her, Dive and Kick are always the two I worry about facing the most.


Setec Astronomer
Yea Redacted too just don't get over spammy with his dive kick, that's an easy lightning snipe. Crawl is your friend as his super high jump for avoiding lightning. Rush him down.
Haha, don't duck. If Baz strikes at an angle ducking won't save you and if Baz strikes forward you should be kicking him on reaction.

That's really what you do against the Baz. Don't evade, counterhit.
Haha, don't duck. If Baz strikes at an angles ducking won't save you and if Baz strikes forward you should be kicking him on reaction.

Hey, free meter and it's not like you can't react to it *shrug*

Anyways, seriously, Baz is quite a scrub killer, but he's easily bottom 3 if not THE bottom.
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