Wasn't he rumored to be in series 6 at one time. I'll believe it when I see it.
Pretty much. I don't ever rely on casting rumours for Who, because it can be outlandish and outrageous, which isn't really out of the ballpark in Who standards. They could cast virtually anyone and it would work.
It's okay to feel conflicted about the Dalek bumps, my friend.So if anyone watched part 2, and is interested in finding that Red Nose Day "Comedy Relief" episode, just as I did: Don't. Just.. don't.
It's okay to feel conflicted about the Dalek bumps, my friend.
I would rather like for them to start filming goddamned 7th season. They've already split into two halfs [one in 2012 and one in 2013], i dont need now casting news for such distant projects...
To be honest, I really did like quite a few jokes, like the bumps, the trap door bit and the "I'll explain later" thingies. Maybe the regeneration madness, too. The rest wasn't really my cup of tea, but I really didn't intend to offend anyone in here![]()
The Doctor Who Facebook just posted a list of the Top 10 River Song moments from another site. http://www.cultbox.co.uk/features/countdowns/2965-doctor-who-top-10-river-songs
I look forward to the nerd rage of "RIVER SONG NEVER HAD GOOD MOMENTS ARRGH"
River Song felt to me like she was written for the kind of people who would make a list of the Top Ten River Song Moments
River Song felt to me like she was written for the kind of people who would make a list of the Top Ten River Song Moments
River Song felt to me like she was written for the kind of people who would make a list of the Top Ten River Song Moments
We wanted to give the look of the series a slightly more storybook, fairy-tale feel - within reason... It wasn't about suddenly becoming Tim Burton, but it was finding a pinch of that, a pinch of Twilight, a pinch of Harry Potter - but it's still absolutely, slap-bang, mainstream Doctor Who.
The reveal that Mels was River would have meant more if she had, y'know, actually showed up before that episode. That, as well as not really enjoying the whole "I'm so much more awesome than everyone else" thing made me not too fond of her.
I did really really like the idea that River Song and the Doctor were future lovers, as well as the implication that they'd end up married. I thought that it had the potential to be a really interesting turn of character development. I hoped that we'd see the development of their relationship, see him bonding to someone and opening up to someone in ways he hadn't before. But nope, the wedding was shoehorned in as a way to fix some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
Season 6 is up on Netflix.
I couldn't agree more. I certainly appreciated her character more after the finale, but she still felt like a series of flashy vignettes.
I did really really like the idea that River Song and the Doctor were future lovers, as well as the implication that they'd end up married. I thought that it had the potential to be a really interesting turn of character development. I hoped that we'd see the development of their relationship, see him bonding to someone and opening up to someone in ways he hadn't before. But nope, the wedding was shoehorned in as a way to fix some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
That was cool, especially for someone like me who hasn't seen much of the older stuff.
I think this is pretty great! I Can Do Anything Better Than You - Sherlock vs. The Doctor
Operation "rewatch the series 6 finale to see if it gets any better" has concluded. The results: nope
The biggest problem is that the episode is just a series of flashy moments. Pterodactyls attacking kids in the park. A train riding into the Great Pyramid. Amy mowing down an army of Silence with a machine gun. The wedding.
Second problem: all the other species showing him their support, accentuated by River's speech, feels like the same issue that ruined The Sound of Drums: "omg look how much everyone in the universe loves the awesome Doctor!"
Third reason: why is this wedding happening again?
Fourth reason: the overall plot feels like a really stupid way to write themselves out of the corner they forced themselves into.
I've been catching up to The Office. Catherine Tate has been brought back for a couple of episodes. Moe hilarious than ever and never looked better (lolrhyme). I haven't realized that she's been losing weight.
She looks (and acts) so differently on the Office. It throws me every time she has a scene.
Having grown up with Doctor Who and followed the modern series I'm a bit sad that anyone wants anything **but** a series of flashy bits from it. It's always been mad sf in the BBC tradition of quarry, bad effects, and enemies of doom, with no reality-checks, balances, or depth. The's the whole point. I had to suspend my belief whenever it got too heavy over the past six years, and concentrate really hard on the superficial madness that I watch it for.
Having grown up with Doctor Who and followed the modern series I'm a bit sad that anyone wants anything **but** a series of flashy bits from it. It's always been mad sf in the BBC tradition of quarry, bad effects, and enemies of doom, with no reality-checks, balances, or depth. The's the whole point. I had to suspend my belief whenever it got too heavy over the past six years, and concentrate really hard on the superficial madness that I watch it for.
River Song was fine in principal, she was set up an interesting drip-feed character and then last series *boom* Explained. Move on. Lame. I think River and how she was handled best shows the problems with Who Post revival. Lame. Over reaching and never fully making it on any promises. Up until the last series I watched it hoping it would eventually deliver. The idea for the show in general is limitless. A Man in a box that can go anywhere. The thing is that is never explored enough for my taste.
It is the lack of or shifting of rules that finally stopped me watching it. There are no rules or what rules there are are changeable to suit the emotion of the show.
The Doctor died in the first episode an interesting idea and full of promise but then you think about it, he cant die; the show is called Doctor Who. We all know that there wasnt even a chance he was going to really die. So there is no tension. Then next thing becomes Oh, how will he get out of this one? Fine, interesting but then you know he will - he always does. In fact they give us two ways to cheat death mid-season. And then its a coin flip which one to use, Oh the robot that tried to kill Hitler. Its cheap and it is insulting.
They must know this themselves because now they are making a threat they can deliver on, the departure of companions.
It so often goes for the whiz-bang over a competent plot that makes sense but it cant pull of big spectacle because it has a BBC budget, constantly over reaching. The only times it does work is when the writers give themselves boundaries but they so rarely do. If you cant deliver something well dont do it.
Rant over.