Rikyfree said:Those new aliens are EXTREMELY scary. Angels, you have been replaced.
But what would happen if you put a Silent in the same room as an Angel. Think about it...
Rikyfree said:Those new aliens are EXTREMELY scary. Angels, you have been replaced.
OMG Aero said:Someone on Something Awful posted this image which pretty much sums up River and the Doctor's timelines http://imgur.com/xiXVA
Mr. Sam said:
This. I can only imagine she doesn't recognise him in TBB because of the cracks?Subliminal said:the big bang is after what's going on now for river. ("next time we meet everything changes"..)
Raydeen said:But what would happen if you put a Silent in the same room as an Angel. Think about it...
tuffy said:Not necessarily. It may simply mean that Rory is going to encounter River again at some point in his future. So in some future episode (from our perspective) when River needs to be introduced to Rory will be the last time he meets her.
Myzer said:Not really. It is clear the River didn't know Rory in Pandoria/Big Bang, but that she knows him in Astronaut, so that can be read that these events take place after TBB as that is when River meets Rory for the first time.
Myzer said:Not really. It is clear the River didn't know Rory in Pandoria/Big Bang, but that she knows him in Astronaut, so that can be read that these events take place after TBB as that is when River meets Rory for the first time.
Tizoc said:Hey there, gents (and ladies), I've been wanting to watch the series but I don't know where to start from. I wouldn't mind starting from the very first 60s series but if I should start from a later series, then that's OK too.
Ah, I also asked elsewhere for additional info and they also recommended starting from the 2005 series (The 9th Doc). Thanks, but reading your 2nd paragraph.Galvanise_ said:If you are interested in Who because of the Buzz around New Who, then it would probably be wise to start at the 2005 series. However, the first episode in that series (Rose) is actually rather crap. Stick with it. The reason I say this is because modern Who has a more modern writing approach with themes running throughout a series. Old Who was more episodic based stuff.
OK, so that would be...The 4th , 3rd & 5th Doctors. What about the 6th-8th Doctors? Should I skip them or are they worth watching?After that, going back and watching Baker, Pertwee, Davison etc is advisable.
JonathanEx said:Confidential - If you want to go behind the scenes of the show. You must really like the show as you get to watch clips of what you just saw 10 times to tangentally related musical montages. Tis interesting though.
Tizoc said:OK, so that would be...The 4th , 3rd & 5th Doctors. What about the 6th-8th Doctors? Should I skip them or are they worth watching?
Sorry if I misunderstood some of what you posted ^_^;
Tizoc said:OK, so that would be...The 4th , 3rd & 5th Doctors. What about the 6th-8th Doctors? Should I skip them or are they worth watching?
Sorry if I misunderstood some of what you posted ^_^;
How is that movie was it good/lives up to the series presentation?Regulus Tera said:There's only one movie with the eighth Doctor.
I personally think the sixth Doctor era was horrendous, but I've heard good impressions about his audio stuff. The seventh Doctor years start a bit dull, but they get really good by the second season.
wind_steaker said:if you want to get into the current Who watch series 5 (2010) and you'll be all set up to watch the new episodes, then go back and watch from the 2005 series. Series 5 was verging on a reboot for the show and a really good jumping on point, though there are a few episodes like Blink and The Silence of the Library that are relevant too.
That way you can go back and watch earlier episodes to make the pain of waiting for new episodes easier. There is a fantastic list of key episodes in the OT as well which I'd recommend as series 2-4 were very inconsistent.
Tizoc said:How is that movie was it good/lives up to the series presentation?
What was the problem with the 6th Doctor's era?
Do you happen to know where I can find these audio dramas? Or at least recommend the best ones?Galvanise_ said:The idea behind the doctor was fine (more grumpy, darker, arrogant etc) but Colin Baker's portrayal left a lot to be desired for. Regulus Tera is correct in saying that the audio adventures he was involved in are much, much better. I just couldn't take him seriously at all in the show, and I need that in a Doctor. Whatever he is doing, whether it be being arrogant, brilliant, whimsical etc, I need to feel that he's doing it for a believable reason and that the Doctor himself (or the actor) plays whatever that role is with conviction. Colin Baker just didn't do that for me.
Yeah...Oh, and he has the worst outfit of the bunch. There he was walking around being all darker. . .while his costume was like diving face first into a pack of Rowntree's fruit pastilles. This is the reason that he is often pictured, or presented in his alternate Blue outfit.
Tizoc said:Do you happen to know where I can find these audio dramas? Or at least recommend the best ones?
I am at a loss of words on how you can have someone be grumpy, dark, etc. and wear such cheerful clothes XD.
Tizoc said:I am at a loss of words on how you can have someone be grumpy, dark, etc. and wear such cheerful clothes XD.
UPDATED Doctor Who Mystery - ''All the Secrets You Seek Can Be Found Here on the Webb''
Here is something very interesting, go to the BBC Doctor Who site, here, and click on The Fourth Dimension (its written going down the page on the right), you will see a few links etc., but look at the italic words, when put together they read All the secrets you seek can be found here on the webb.
Now the web is a large place (assuming they mean the internet (less of a needle in a haystack and more of a needle somewhere on planet earth), or perhaps the WEBB (deliberate misspelling) its something else?
Karen Gillan says Everythings so important and precise in Steven Moffats scripts. There are a couple of throwaway lines in the opening two-parter, which I thought were just a couple of funny gags but turn out to be one of the most important things that Amys ever said. And I didnt know that at the time!
So from the script, when Rory was reading form the history book; At the personal intervention of the king, the unnamed doctor was incarcerated without trial in the Tower of London. According to contemporary accounts, two nights later a magical sphere some twenty feet across was seen floating away from the tower bearing the mysterious doctor aloft - is this one of them?
There are other observations too, here - whatever is is, its something to think about!
EDIT: Webb is a small lunar impact crater that is located near the eastern edge of the Mare Fecunditatis, in the eastern part of the Moon near the equator. It is to the north of the prominent crater Langrenus, and west of Maclaurin, more about it here - this may be it, its on the the moon of course - Thanx Grayhound!
Tizoc said:Do you happen to know where I can find these audio dramas? Or at least recommend the best ones?
Tizoc said:Heh I'm watching the very very first episode of the 1st Doctor's series and...I like it. I like the Doctor's personality, andThanks a lot for the info fellas, so I start with the 9th Doctor, then after I've caught up I go and watch the older series from the 1st til 5th.the time jump to the past and how the two teachers reacted to it was...well it just felt 'real' to me; their reactions that is.
That reminds me; I've read that some of the series were made in the US but they weren't that good; which ones were they?
brianjones said:uh.. i have no idea what i just watched
the aliens were cool i guess?
Discotheque said:River also lost me when she spoke to Rory. I'll probably rewatch the episode before next week, and I'll probably need a pen and paper to draw a timeline or some shit while she speaks
lolthat's so dorky
Discotheque said:River also lost me when she spoke to Rory. I'll probably rewatch the episode before next week, and I'll probably need a pen and paper to draw a timeline or some shit while she speaks
lolthat's so dorky
GameplayWhore said:So I'm wondering ... the evil-sounding voice from last season prophesizes that "Silence will fall". The Silence seem to be not hurting our heroes when they have plenty of opportunity to do so. One Silent, at least, seemed to be helping the good guys (the one who told Amy to tell the Doctor stuff).
Is it possible that the Silence are not villains? I mean, they killed one person who seemed to be an innocent, but we don't know the motivation behind that, as they didn't really go around mass murdering anybody else that I can recall. Could they have had a really good reason for that one kill? It almost seems like these beings could be enemies of this season's actual baddy (that voice). And, well, the astronaut who murders the Doctor (not a sign of beneficence) also seems to be kind of down on them.
Just throwing it out there to drum up some chatter.![]()
Incendiary said:Okay so I've been trying to parse this and my head hurts so much that I'm just gonna go ahead and blatantly ask.
In Big Bang, River tells the Doctor "the next time we meet is when everything changes." So is The Impossible Astronaut that next time? Because with all the warped timey-wimey stuff I can't figure it out.
GameplayWhore said:I mean, they killed one person who seemed to be an innocent, but we don't know the motivation behind that, as they didn't really go around mass murdering anybody else that I can recall.
Monkeylord said:I seem to remember Amy asking why it killed the woman immediately afer it happened, and the Silent simply stated "joy".
Monkeylord said:I seem to remember Amy asking why it killed the woman immediately afer it happened, and the Silent simply stated "joy".