Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Review Thread

What scores do you think Dragon Age: The Veilguard will get?

  • 60-64%

    Votes: 14 4.9%
  • 65-69%

    Votes: 14 4.9%
  • 70-74%

    Votes: 23 8.1%
  • 75-79%

    Votes: 59 20.8%
  • 80-84%

    Votes: 107 37.8%
  • 85-89%

    Votes: 53 18.7%
  • 90-94%

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
At least Andromeda had the bitch with the crazy tits...


Creepy. I have seen waterbeds that don't move around that much.


This must be where they got it from.

My backyard neighbors had this on a VHS. Quality flick. What happened to the people who were flexing on the chuds in this thread when early review scores came out? Before anyone actually read the text of a thorough one. Man they were really living it up.


I dont know if Im just getting older and more curmudgeonly or what, but my tolerance for dumb shit is taking a nose dive.

There might have been a time where if this was fun to play I could have turned my brain off and just enjoyed it... but this shit irks me to no end now.

That dialogue, my god. That is garbage. Thats beyond opinion, thats pure fact. It might be open for opinion how much it bothers you specifically or detracts from the over all experience, but that is poor writing.

I cant believe professional writers put that together. And then their bosses approved it.

This remind me of Kenobi and little 8 year old Leia leading a team of hardened mercs on a footchase through the woods with them tripping over themselves like its goddamn live action Scoobie Doo. All we needed was some "BONKS" and "ZWING!" sound effects. Maybe a clown horn here and there.

Ughhhhh crap shit and poop all around.

I fear for Mass Effect. Theyre going to find some way to inject this shit, I dont care what the game director said recently.
The older You get the less time for.crap You have, it's like your brain tells You , don't waste time disscussing You know the outcone, or maybe You brain tells You " hey You, You are gonna die sonner Than 10 years ago, don't waste time on crap , use it on better stuff.

So there are at least two better options , BG 3 and Dragons Dogma2 . Even DD2 has better narrative. Or if You like more serious stuff Kingdom Come is good.

Games whit deep narrative storytelling need well witers but it seems developers like Bioware and Bethesda hired students to write dialogs. Those games depend of good narrative to inmerse players on the lore and how your actions affect the story , allys, foes..etc. if the story and dialogs are weak the Game fails.
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Gold Member
Damn, SkillUp’s review has 1.2M views on YouTube, that really blew up. That’s like 2-3x what most of their other review videos get total.
IGN has 350k for comparison, along with 43k dislikes.

Skill Ups review is going to have a massive impact on the games' sales potential. His line about HR being in the room will live on forever.
A campaign will target him soon.


If you are thinking of buying this game, you owe it to yourself to check out the Skill Up review. I watched a part of it and it is clear Bioware has lost almost all talent. The characters do look awful and expressionless. To think some reviewers gave this a 10/10. That disqualifies them from being a reviewer. The more I look at this, the more it looks like a whole different game that was reskinned to be Dragon Age at the 11th hour.


Gold Member
If you are thinking of buying this game, you owe it to yourself to check out the Skill Up review. I watched a part of it and it is clear Bioware has lost almost all talent. The characters do look awful and expressionless. To think some reviewers gave this a 10/10. That disqualifies them from being a reviewer. The more I look at this, the more it looks like a whole different game that was reskinned to be Dragon Age at the 11th hour.
Looks like a retconned mobile game.


I was on the fence, kind of wanted to get it. Watched the SkillUp video, not getting it now. Putting it on easy mode just to fly by a boring story for 70 bucks….
I'm about 20 minutes into SkillUp's review. This will be a deep sale for me. It is sad how terrible Western devs are at making games these days. It's generational and societal at this point. The nuanced creatives are all gone from previous generations, and any young people who might want to make the same entertainment media as the lates and greats will sadly be stifled in pursuit of "modern audiences" that don't exist and chasing financial trends.


Damn, SkillUp’s review has 1.2M views on YouTube, that really blew up. That’s like 2-3x what most of their other review videos get total.
Probably because it is very rare that he absolutely tears a new asshole into a seemingly popular game/franchise like this. Which is what he did for this. It is also rare that his opinion is opposite to the majority of other review outlets, which has again happened here.

Also because his review stands as proof that you can criticize something for its genuine shortcomings without getting political. He never mentions DEI once. But he mentions how all the writing is so totally safe and non-offensive to the point of being completely boring, which is an absolutely fair thing to criticize. Now if the defenders of the game complain that those who did not like the game are racists/bigots/whatever, you can simply point to SkillUp's video.

I was particularly horrified by the awful facial animations and the non-existent lip sync. When SkillUp shows how Dragon Age Inquisition did it better 10 years ago, i laughed out loud.
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There is a lot of content in this thread and I have admittedly not read every single page and post. Are there any reviews that are appropriately critical but still like the game? SkillUp mentions seeking out positive reviews in contrast to the critical ones, but I want to see one without the sociopolitical agenda point of view. Is there a reasonable reviewer out there who acknowledges all of the game's shortcomings but still finds enough positives to enjoy the game? I'd like to watch that if it exists.
There is a lot of content in this thread and I have admittedly not read every single page and post. Are there any reviews that are appropriately critical but still like the game? SkillUp mentions seeking out positive reviews in contrast to the critical ones, but I want to see one without the sociopolitical agenda point of view. Is there a reasonable reviewer out there who acknowledges all of the game's shortcomings but still finds enough positives to enjoy the game? I'd like to watch that if it exists.
If Bloodworth or Damiani from Easy Allies manages to play this game, you will get your answer in a lengthy impressions video + podcast talk + short review.

Bloodworth might actually review it because he was the main one playing it at most preview events, and he normally doesn’t pull punches in what he doesn’t like because he is very direct and matter-of-fact about games.

Damiani can be harsh as well if anything annoys him. He usually points out issues pretty well with RPGs.


I cant understand that guy. 1 year ago he was bashing on Elon and left twitter.

It's horseshit. He's not a Trump supporter.

I don't know why, but some people feel the need to claim public figures as one of their own when they happen to agree on one topic. I remember when SkillUp was a scumbag around here for some people just because he didn't review Hogwarts.
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DA:I sold 12m copies so u can imagine how nasty this new one gonna flop soon :D
This sequel was also in development since 2015, at least according to some reports and started over from scratch multiple times. So yeah, I can't see it reaching the same level of success and recouping costs they pumped to it over years. It'll probably have moderate sales that will be well below EA's sales projections



I watched that video this morning, just digusting how EA & BioWare chose who to release a review copy to based on how the content creator covered the preview in an attempt to bump up review scores. The fact that over a day after embargo there is only 51 reviews on Metacritic shows how obvious scheme this was. Larger titles like FF7:Rebirth and Spider-man 2 had 100+ reviews within 24 hours of their embargos. Embarrassing, and I’m glad EA & BioWare are being called out on it by channels with bigger reach than most “game journalists”.
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I watched that video this morning, just digusting how EA & BioWare chose who to release a review copy to based on how the content creator covered the preview in an attempt to bump up review scores. The fact that over a day after embargo there is only 51 reviews on Metacritic shows how obvious scheme this was. Larger titles like FF7:Rebirth and Spider-man 2 had 100+ reviews within 24 hours of their embargos. Embarrassing, and I’m glad EA & BioWare are being called out on it by channels with bigger reach than most “game journalists”.
My theory was they did it to minimise the risk of potential shitstorm impacting their investor call which was yesterday. Wilson gloated over these reviews there. This is the perfect scheme tbh as outlets who were denied the key will be able to publish their reviews week later and people who are encouraged with glowing reviews will just buy it before Metascore will start changing. Some will definitely enjoy it, but I'm quite certain there will be also some who will be pissed they got duped like that
I was subscribed to Mortismal since he was only a few hundred or a thousand sub channel. I got way more value out of SkillUp's video. His went into things Mort's didn't even touch on and gave clear, concise examples of what he liked and didn't like. I don't even remember Mortismal going into anything even remotely detailed regarding dialogue.
Morts always been a mile wide and inch deep, largely driven by the pace of his output and 100% completion target. Downside is he never has time, or desire, to really drill down on any particular mechanic.
I was browsing resetera and came across their review thread. Apparently SkillUp is “banned” there. Not formally banned, just some sort of agreement that no one will post his content.

Is there something more to this, or is it just them not wanting to be exposed to differing opinions?


They said that a lot in the call of duty reviews as well.

“Return to form.”

The NPCs from corporate marketing departments fucking love pushing for the latest fashionable marketing buzzwords, I wouldn't be surprised if the reviewers were asked from EA and Activision to add certain phrases to their reviews, they're corrupt af anyway


I was browsing resetera and came across their review thread. Apparently SkillUp is “banned” there. Not formally banned, just some sort of agreement that no one will post his content.

Is there something more to this, or is it just them not wanting to be exposed to differing opinions?
Common practice there, you should have seen the list of banned users when hogwarts was out.

Zero freedom of speech there.


Identifies as young
lol.....I forgot this game was in my Gamefly queue....


Have to say.....usually I have to wait a while for new releases to get shipped because I don't pay extra to lock in these games so....a bit surprised.
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