You know, I really love this game, it's fun to play, addictive to continue for long sessions, but it's also one of those terrible examples of this:
Honestly, once you complete all the quests on Normal, finish almost all of them on Hard as well, Dragon Stone's become a very precious commodity. It takes five to summon and if you want Teen Gohan or something, you'll use them on that. Which means you wont have any to use for Stamina. And guess what, if you don't have Dragon Stones, that means you can't play the game for any extended amount of time, because at rank 32, you have 40 stamina. You run out within 3 or 4 quests on Hard. Replenishing Stamina at 1 per 5 minutes takes forever, so guess what player, fuck you. Buy more Dragon Stones.
Well I'm not doing that. You could, of course, play quests on Normal and get a few more out of them, but that means less experience and rank points, and once you're at that level, the game is way too easy on Normal, so it's not fun anymore. You could collect Dragon Balls, and once you get all seven you can get 10 Dragon Stones as a wish, but then that wish is gone so it's a one time deal.
So you can't get new (S)SR characters, if you keep your Dragon Stones to replenish Stamina, or you can get new characters, but also not play the game for any extended amount of time. Unless, of course, you buy Dragon Stones, but after buying a few because "hey, this game is pretty great, I'll support it by buying some Stones" it's really not an option anymore. I'm too old and smart to waste that much money.
Fucking Freemium model to perfection. I fucking hate it.
And the thing is, that I'd gladly pay 12 Euro to remove the Stamina bar from the game, or 4 to 6 Euro to greatly increase the Stamina replenishment., I get that a Free game gets more players and as such earns more money than a paid game for 6 to 12 Euro, but at the very least make one of the pay-options a pay-to-play instead of a pay-to-win option. Because ffs, once a game starts making you hate it for not letting you play it, you're losing out.
So yeah, end of rant, fuck you Namco Bandai.